Someone Else's Not So Good Fa...

By KayleighMayBieb

7.5K 128 42

This is just another story that is about a beautiful teenager girl called Fatime Orbán that falls in love wit... More

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty - One.
Chapter Twenty - Two
Chapter Twenty - Three.
Chapter Twenty - Four.
Chapter Twenty - Five.
Chapter Twenty - Six

Chapter Nine.

190 3 0
By KayleighMayBieb

Re - cap:

After a few minutes of all of us standing there in silence, Fatime decided to take Jazzy and Jaxon to go and get something to eat, as she said;

"I think it's better, if I leave you too alone..."

She walked away with Jaxon and Jazzy in her hands. We thought it was really sweet, but I bet there is a different reason behind the fact that she didn’t want to be standing and talking with Selena and I. I needed to find out.

Back to the story;

Justin's Pov.

After Fatime, Jazzy and Jaxon walked away to grabbed something to eat as Selena and I wanted to catch - up. We walked around the park and found a small coffee shop, where it was quiet and there wasn't many people in the cafe. We was able to talk about all the topics that we needed to speak about, such as, how everything with each other and about our relationship. We talked for a while, which was really nice and I was glad that i was able to have a catch up with Selena. I looked outside to see that it was starting to get dark, so we said our goodbyes and I gave her a hug. I opened the door of the coffee shop, and walked towards our villa, where as Selena walked back to the castle. As I arrived at the villa I opened the front door to the our villa and could see that Fatime was in the living room watching the television. I walked into the living and said "Hey", but I didn't get a reply.

I walked to where Fatime was sitting on the sofa, and took a seat next to Fatime and I was about to stat to try and speak to her, but she just stood up and said that she was going to take a walk. I didn’t think anything of it, but then I realised after a while, Fatime had gone on her walk that, she had been really quite ever since Selena was with us. I thought for a while, but I still couldn't think of why Fatime was acting this way. I looked at the clock to see it was starting to get really late, I'm starting to get worried. I got my iphone, out of my jacket pocket and decided to ring Fatime, to see where she was. I pressed the call button, and let it ring, but there was no answer. It went to voicemail. It never gets to voicemail. Now, I am worried.

I got up , quickly and went into Jazzy and Jaxon's room. They were a sound asleep. But when I was about to leave the room, I heard a little voice, it was Jazzy. She started talking by saying;

"Bieber" I turned around and said " yes, princess?"

" Today I saw that scary man who was the park back then. He looked at Fatime the whole time. She okay ?"

At first I just hurt because I was a little jealous that someone is staring at My girl , but I realised what Jazzy was trying to explain to me. Daniel! Then I remember that she didn’t Pick up and answer her phone. I told and explained to jazzy that a really have to go but I will be back soon. I ran out of the villa's front door after I locked the door. It can't happening again . No! Please let my Princess be okay?...

I ran and ran, until I was unable to breath properly, I looked everywhere, but there was a few main places, that I haven't been to yet. It was the gardens and the castle. I ran to the gardens as quickly as my feet and body would take me, I needed Fatime to be okay. If Daniel has her in any way I will kill him. I got to the gardens. I stooped to catch up with my breathing. I started to just walk about the garden to see if I could see a glimpse of her, but it was just lit up with lots of lights to make it look really pretty. I walked around all of the gardens twice, but then I remember that, earlier today, Jaxon and Jazzy found a small little garden that was secret to most of the people that came to Disneyland. I ran as fast as I could, as I got there, I could see Fatime, there but no Daniel, where was he. Jazzy would never lie, but before I could finished about the ending to that sentence, I was seeing the unthinkable! He was touching her, trying to kiss my girl. Is he just twisted in the heat or something.


I could see that Daniel, what standing behind Fatime, so he was unable to see me. I ran over to where they were and I just went for Daniel, I wasn't going to fold back, one tiny bit. Nobody hurt my girlfriend! and get away that bloody easily. I smashed my fist into the back of his headband he falls to the ground. After a few seconds, he smiles and Daniel gets back up. I wasn't going to get scared from his douche. Who does he think he is. He just a stupid horrible piece of rubbish that deserve nothing. He tried to punch me in the stomach, but fails by missing by like 2 inches. Well we know he has a crap aim. This is going to really easy. He went back over to Fatime, and we getting really close to her, well he is so dead now. I walk towards Fatime, looking like I have finished with Daniel. Well that we he thinks he got another thing coming ;)

I couldn't hold all this anger and frustration in anymore. He started to touch her waist and trying to go lower. Daniel, I just wanted to say "Hey!" Before I had finished saying "Hey!" I had thrown a massive punch with had made just the most contact I wanted and intended on doing to Daniel face. With that, Daniel, was completely knocked out cold, and I grabbed Fatime, spun her around with me and I carried her bridal style towards the villa, I decided to make a quick stop at the castle for a little surprise. But just before, I made my ay with Fatime to the castle, I went to see Daniel to say, a last few words;


After, I said that I carried, Fatime bridal style, towards the castle, for the surprise. As we were walking, I heard Fatime, ask me to stop, so I did immediately and, placed her down on the grass. I sat down, each to her and then saw that she was shaking, was she cold. I took of my jacket and placed around her small cold body and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. She gave me a small smile, but it was normal like a normal beautiful one I get to see, most of the time. Where has my girl gone? I brought her closer to me, so that she was able to get a little warmer and let her feel more safer. The next words, broke me and my heart into millions of little tiny pieces;

"Justin. I'm so scared..."

"Shhh, baby, everything is gonna be alright.... I won't let anyone touch you or hurt you okay, that’s a promise."

Fatime, looked into my eyes and you could see all the pain and hurt in her eyes. After a few seconds, it was too much, for Fatime to take. She just burst into tears. I hated the fact that Fatime was feeling like this. It is heart breaking, not just me and for her as well. I wish, I could make all of this good away for good. I slowly calmed Fatime down a little by singing some lyrics from "Fall." That song is her favourite. After I had finished singing "Fall," I picked Fatime, up and carried her back to the villa, I decided not to go to the castle, as it was really late and we were both getting really tired. When we both got back to the villa, I opened the front door, to see Jazzy and Jaxon running towards us.

Jazzy, start screaming and asking to see if Fatime, was okay. Fatime, just started laughing and said yeaah she was. I am glad to see that she was smiling again. But I knew, inside, that she was hurting. I walked into the bedroom with Fatime and placed her on the bed. As I was, Jazzy and Jaxon came running in. Jaxon started to jump on the bed and Jazzy started a little while. I tried to calm them down, but they kept jumping and asking, if they could sleep all together. I looked at Fatime, to see if she like and was okay, with the idea of having the two munchkins in the bed with us. She just smiled and nodded her head to agree with the idea. I turned to look at the little munchkins and said "Yes, you may!"

"ok, thanks."

Jazzy and Jaxon climbed into the bed whilst I removed my shirt. Everyone got comfortable, As I was next to Fatime, one side and Jazzy was on the other side of Fatime, cuddling her whilst they both sleeping. Jaxon was laying next to me. Jazzy and Jaxon, fell asleep quiet quickly as they have been up most of the day out in Disneyland, and it was really late as well. I turned to look at Fatime, to said goodnight, but she was fast asleep, so I kissed her on her forehead an whispered "Good Night Beautiful!"

I had been laying next to Fatime, for a while just thinking, I couldn't sleep. There was just too much on my mind. I kept replaying the events that has happened earlier. Arch! why can't Daniel just leave Fatime alone. I needed to do something to make him stop for good. As I was thinking about that, I could that the bed was moving so I looked over to see that Fatime was awake.

"Hey, are you okay my sleeping beauty?"

"No, but I will be, just things on my mind that’s all."

"Awe babe, Come here."

But before I was able to finish, speaking to her, she was out of bed and walking out of the room, I did the same. I had to find out what was bothering her. I had a small guess of what it might be but, I still wasn’t a 100% sure on that. As I was getting out of the bedroom, I could see that she was about to open the front door to the villa. There was no way, that she was going to go outside, let alone just on her own with this night's events happening. I was able to get hold of the back of the door, so Fatime was unable to open the door.

"Justin, What are you doing?" I just chuckled, it was quite funny that she couldn't see what I was trying to do. "Where is no way in hell that, I am letting you walk out the door!" I didn't want her, to walk out that door, so i quickly put my arms around the small body and didn't let go. But I knew, she couldn't resist my hugs. They are just too good, not to hug back ;)

"Justin, I just need to think, okay? Please let me out?" I decided to make my amazing puppies eyes at him, he is a sucker for them ;)


Fatime, was about to start speaking again, but I was able to stop her from talking by sealing her lips with a soft kiss."

"I can't let you out. I just can't..." I kissed her again but this time, it was a long but passionate kiss. Fatime kissed me Back. After we pulled away I looked straight into her beautiful brown eyes. "Look... Come with me." I pulled her to the couch and we both sat down. I pulled her into my lap.

"It tears me apart when I think about you being mad at me, it really does. When you stepped back or away from my hugs, when you don't talk to me, then you didn’t pick - up your phone when I called you. Then when I was able to finally find you, Daniel was touching you and when he was trying to kiss you. I just don't wanna know or even think about the fact, the he did that to you, I just can't and won't imagine it..."

"Justin I am,"

"I know babe, but can you just promise me that you will let me protect you, never leave my side. Babe, you know you don't have to be jealous." I smiled at her. I am all yours and you are all mine. Fatime, smiled back.

"Justin, do you know how good you are at cheering people up?" She asked, after Fatime gave me a small kiss on my lips.

"Haha, I know right. But hey, please just tell me... Where did Daniel touch you?"

"Justin, I think it's a bad idea talking about it."

"I know, it's hard to talk about it but, I have to know. I need to know, where he touched you." I looked deeply into her stunning brown eyes. She has to answer."

"Just my waist...." Fatime answered, I knew when my girl wasn't telling me the full truth. I know her too well for that."

"I know your, not telling me the truth, babe? Please tell me?"

"Maybe, and my ass..."

"What? Are you kidding me right now? How the fuck dare he...

"Justin, please calm down. It's fine. okay. he didn’t hurt me okay. Please can we just back to bed and cuddle until we both fall sleep?"

"Of course, my sweetheart!"

"Thanks. I gave Justin, a quick peck on the cheek, just to tell him that I loved him.

We both walked back into the bedroom to see that Jazzy and Jaxon had moved across the bed so that they were cuddling each other in the bed. They looks so cute. I got my iphone from my nightstand and opened up the camera and snapped a quick picture of them and then got into bed with Fatime. I pulled her towards me so that we were closer to each other. Fatime turned around so that she was facing me and said;

"What do you want to do tomorrow, do we have anything planned Justin?"

"Umm... I don't think so, Why? Did you want to do something?"

"Well, maybe, I could spend some time with Jazzy, just me and her?"

"Yeah, that sounds like a great idea, I can do the same with Jaxon?"

After, we had finished the conversation, about Jazzy and Jaxon, I felt like Justin was still a little frustrated, so I told to calm down, and that everything is okay. I love you Justin, okay - that’s all that matters! When I said that, I moved my forehead onto Justin bare toned chest and, slowly closed my eyes, so that I was able to fall into a deep and peaceful sleep in the arms of my perfect boyfriend - Justin.

"Goodnight, my beautiful sleeping beauty." I made a quick peck on Fatime's forehead, before, closing my eyes and falling asleep.

The Next Day - Morning.

Justin's Pov.

I was waking up from my deep sleep, as Jazzy and Jaxon were jumping on the bed again. I just laughed. I looked over to where Fatime, was laying last night but she wasn't this morning. Then I heard, Jaxon speaking and he tried to say this;

"Shee, is making breeakfastt."

I got out of the bed, kissed Jazzy and Jaxon and then walked into the kitchen, to see that Fatime, was making breakfast. I was walking behind her, so she was unable to see me. I could see that Fatime, had her headphones in while she was making the breakfast, so I walked up behind and placed my hand near her left ear, so I was able to remove the earphone from her ear. but before I did that I wrapped my arms around her small body from behind and hugged her, then slowly started kissing Fatime's neck. I looked towards her face to see that she was smiling, really big. I pulled her headphone out and she was able to turn around. She placed her arms around my neck.

"Good Morning Beautiful!"

"Morning Bieber!"

"You really, do like my clothes don't you ;) ?"

"Maybe ;) ?"

Fatime, finished making the breakfast for all of us and we all helped her to get everything else ready, like the places and things like that. As, I was putting the last glass on the table, Fatime called out saying that breakfast was ready. I helped, Jaxon, into he's baby-seat, while Jazzy, was able to get up into her seat by herself. When we all seating and the food was placed on the table. we all held each other's hands and I prayed. After I had done praying, we all was able to start eating our breakfast.

Fatime and everyone else, including me, has finished our breakfast, I spoke to Jazzy and explained to her that it was just a girlie day. Just me and her. She got really excited and smiled really big, just like Justin does when he is really happy. Jazzy got hold of one of my hands and pulled me into her bedroom, where is opened her small wardrobe. I was able to look at all the clothes that Erin had packed for her, for the holiday I saw a cute little t- shirt and a pair of little demin shorts, and Jazzy smiled when I picked them out, so I guess that what she wanted to wear. When, Jazzy was finished changing into the clothes that we had chosen, Justin and Jaxon came into the bedroom. Justin helps Jaxon with his clothes. After we had done and helped the two little munchkins I went into mine and Justin's bedroom and I started to get ready. I went to the wardrobe to see what I wanted to wear today. I looked through all the clothes that I had brought with me on the trip, but i still couldn't decide, so I looked at Justin, as he had just walked into the bedroom too. He came over to the wardrobe to look for his clothes that he was wearing today.

"Justin, could you help me please, I can't choose what to wear today?"

"Sure." He just smiled and then started to look through my clothes. After Justin had looked through all of my clothes, I could see that he had picked out my favourite black jumper and my galaxy leggings.

"Thanks Justin." I got out my studded black combat boots out of my bag and then said to my self, need to do hair and make - up. After, I had gone into the bathroom to do my hair and make - up, I walked out of the bedroom into the living room to see that Jazzy was waiting for me, just by sitting on the sofa, with Justin and Jaxon. Jazzy placed her small hand in mine. it fits like a small glove. Justin gave me a quick peck on the lips and Jazzy on the cheek. I quickly kissed Jaxon too when opened the front door of the villa and walked out with Jazzy. Jazzy smiles and then I said to her;

"It's girly time!"

"Yay!" Jazzy, screamed.

I asked Jazzy what she was thinking or wanting to do today.

Jazzy's Pov.

I ran to the ice cream place and starting jumping up and down, " ICE-CREAM, ICE- CREAM!" Fatime started laughing and I just stared at her - "ice - creeamm plewaseee." She picked me up into her arms and put me in front of the different colours of the ice cream that was available so I could choose which one I would like. My favourite "Chocolate." Clapping my hands, they gave me the ice and started to lick it. "Yummmmy! :) When I was done with my ice - cream, I started to run around as I was feeling really giggly. "ridee rid rideee." I found Fatime and try and jump on her back, but it doesn’t work so she just picked me up and I point at the ride I want to go on. It was the tea - cups. Fatime and I got into the tea - cups and I started to jump around in Fatime arms again. "Gooo Gooo!" The ride was going faster and faster, I started to stop jumping around because I was feeling sick. I jumped into Fatime arms and put my head into her neck. I really didn't like this ride. I started to say " Me, not likely, please get me off please." She cuddled be really close until the ride was able to stop, and she placed me on a bench that was near to the ride, and then she was able to see if i was okay, and said; yeaah.

Fatime, asked me if you wanted to go to the gift shop, to see all of the pretty little dresses and things. I said, yeaah, I really wanted a little purple sparkly dress. "Pleasssee."

"Okay, Jazzy. Come on then :)"

Fatime's Pov.

We walked around until we was able to find the gift shop, it was huge. As soon as Jazzy saw her face lit up like a glittery Christmas tree. I don't think i have ever seen

Jazzy or anyone except from smile that much before.

Jazzy, quickly let go of my hand and started running around the whole shop. Jazzy stopped at the section of where all the pretty dresses and the tiaras, she looked at all of them and then saw a really pretty and sparkly one that she really wants. She turned to look at me and smiled. I knew what she was trying to do as Justin can do it very well, she learns very well of her big brother. :)

"Pleaseee,can we get it plewaseee?"

"Of course, sweetie. Isn't that we are here for :)"

"Yay!" She dropped the tiara, and gives me a massive hug, i think it was her way of saying thanks. I liked it, its cute, just like Jazzy. After, a while we looked around the store, there was some more things that Jazzy wanted, so I got a basket so I was able to put all of the things she wanted in there. About 45 minutes later, Jazzy had seen all of the store and was ready to go to the till to pay for anything. We paid at the counter and collected the two bags full of shopping that Jazzy, had got from the shop. When we had finished that we decided to go and see that movie that Jazzy wanted to see. We watched the movie and then I decided that it was time to see the princesses at the castle as, it was starting to getting late.

I carried Jazzy upto the castle and then when she saw the princesses, she jumped out my arms and ran to the princesses. I got, out my camera, from my bag and turned it on as Jazzy was placing her herself with the princesses. The smile of her facewas so cute and sweet. Jazzy looks adorable. We took some more photos with them and I was even able to be in some of them which was nice. As we took the last few pictures, I could see that it was getting late and I could see that she was getting sleepy. I said thanks to everyone and then decided to take Jazzy back to the villa, I carried, Jazzy back to the villa with her sleeping and the bags in my hand. As I was about to open the front door, it was opened for me. Justin had seen me through the window I think and could see that I needed some help. I went and placed Jazzy, in her bed and covered her up with bed covers and then kissed her on the forehead and said "Goodnight".

When I had done that I when back into the living room to see Justin sitting on the sofa watching some television programme.

"Hey! How was your day with Jaxon then?

"Yeaah it was really good, I am glad with was have some bro time together."


"How was your day with Jazzy? I can see that she has an amazing time ;) "

"Yeaah we both really enjoyed it. - we took some many pictures. :)"

Justin's Pov.

As soon as I had opened the door for Fatime, whilst Jazzy was asleep in her arms, I went to take a seat back on the sofa, as I was watching a programme on the television after I had just put Jaxon to bed. After Fatime, had placed Jazzy into bed just like Jaxon, She came back into the living room and sat next to me on the sofa. We started talking, about how each other's day went. Then during the converation with Fatime, she said about some photos, that her and Jazzy had taken during there day out. I really wanted to see them.

"Babe, could I see the photos that you took today?"

"Yeaah sure, there on my phone."

Fatime, opened up one of her coat pockets to find her iphone, in the pocket. She unlocked her iphone and then opened up the photos, so I was able to see them. There was quite a few so, it took me a while to look through all of them, but no matter what, I had a smile on my face looking at all of the photos.

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