The Mobster's Daughter

By Katrena-Faddis

30.7K 1.4K 225

Nikki is a mobster's daughter and that was never a problem until she turns 4 and her father is killed. Now sh... More

Chapter One-
Chapter Two-
Chapter Three-
Chapter Four-
Authors note:
Chapter Five-
Chapter Six-
Chapter Seven-
Chapter Eight-
Chapter Nine-
Chapter Ten-
Chapter Eleven-
Chapter Twelve-
Author's note-
Chapter Thrirteen-
Chapter Fourteen-
Chapter Sixteen-
Chapter Seventeen-
Chapter Eighteen-
Chapter Nineteen-
Changer Twenty-
Chapter Twenty One-
Chapter Twenty Two-
Chapter Twenty Three-
Chapter Twenty Four-
Chapter Twenty Five-
Chapter Twenty Six-
Chapter Twenty Seven-
Chapter Twenty Eight-
Chapter Twenty Nine-
Chapter Thirty-
Chapter Thirty One-
Chapter Thirty Two-
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty Four-
Chapter Thirty Five-
Chapter Thirty Six-
Chapter Thirty Seven-
Chapter Thirty Eight-
Chapter Thirty Nine -
Epilogue -
The Mobster's Wife-
Last update for this story!

Chapter Fifteen-

701 35 7
By Katrena-Faddis

Hey guys! Sorry for the slow updates, one of my hands is in a cast so it takes me extra long to write.
Guys! Friday morning my story had 2.4k and 125 votes, Saturday morning I had 4.3k and 242 votes, on Sunday it had 4.83k views and 279 votes!!! If that can't put you in a good mood than nothing can. Thank you all so much for the support, I greatly appreciate it! I am 100% open to suggestions so if you have any write them in the comments section below.
Theo's P.O.V.-

"So you guys hung out in a backseat and talked?" Lane asked. "Wow, you are so far past lame."

It's about midnight so his insults have taken a turn for the worst.

I slapped the back of his head. "First of all it wasn't my idea, and secondly shut up!"

Lane glared at me, but stayed silent.

Amelia walked in and sat down beside me. "Your fiancée wishes to see you. She says that it's really important."

I stand up and start to walk over to Nikki's room when Lane shouts out behind me. "Nikki and Theo sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g, first comes love, then comes marriage, next comes the baby in a baby carriage."

I walk into Nikki's room and quickly shut the door behind me. "What do you need?"

I watched her play with her hands so that she didn't have to look at me. "I... Well I... I need you to sleep with me." Nikki quickly shook her head. "It wasn't supposed to come out like that. I have been in here for hours and can't sleep. I was hoping that if you were here with me then I might be able to sleep."

I could see that she was nervous, this is actually a pretty strange request.

I nodded so she crawled over to make room for me, I took off my shirt and pants so that I was only left in my boxers.

I figure that if she is going to wear a tank top and shorts then this is more than acceptable.

I crawled in beside her and she curled up to me. "I don't know what I would do if I lost you, Theo." She whispered then kissed my cheek. She quickly fell asleep after that.

Nikki's P.O.V-

I woke up to the sound of someone speaking fast in Italian. I lifted my head off of Theo's chest and saw him on the phone looking like a J.Crew model. "And same to you." He shouted into his phone before hanging up quickly.

"Is everything okay?" I ask than sit up so we are shoulder to shoulder.

"Just a small problem that is an easy fix." He lightly kissed my forehead. "Good morning."

"Good morning to you too." I said and leaned my head on his shoulder. "What time is it."

"Seven, you can sleep for a little while longer if you want." He pulled the blankets to the side and stood up. "I'm going to have to go to the headquarters for a few hours, but I will be back soon." Theo pulled on his pants and t-shirt that he had taken off the night before.

"Be safe, please. I don't want to be a widow before I'm even married." I said, in response Theo leaned down and kissed me softly.

"Trust me, I will be here tonight in this very bed to help you sleep."

With one more kiss to my head he left. I crawled back into bed over to the side he always sleeps on and fell back asleep.

Theo's P.O.V.-

I am whipped. I just promised her that I would sleep with her again and she didn't even do anything.

"Theo." Someone shouted as soon as I walked into headquarters. "You're going to want to see this."

I turned the corner and saw a huge wall full of pictures of Nikki, they started from the time she was young until one that showed her with Kayla and Amelia at the mall.

"Who did this!" I screamed in frustration.

Tom walked over and handed me pictures from the security tapes. "All we got was a mask. He did leave a note though." Tom handed me a piece of paper.

I hope you like the wall decorations. A lot of time and effort was put into each one. What a beautiful fiancée you have, it would be a shame if something happened to her.

I threw the note down on the table. "Someone needs to run that through the scanner for finger prints." I sat down and placed my head in my hands. "Somebody get Lane and my father over here now!"


"I need you to go home." Dad ordered me.

I was shocked. "I need to be here, this is going to be mine in a short time. I can't just leave." I argued.

Dad shot me a look that showed power. "You will get nothing done if you stay, you will be to worried about Nikki." He handed me my jacket and a gun. "Go be with Nikki, I will call you and make sure you know what's going on."

I knew he was right. I would be worried about Nikki the entire time if I stayed.

I got down to my car and found a picture of Nikki on my windshield, she was holding up a shirt and was laughing, it was probably from when she went shopping with my family. On the back it said, I bet you would miss her when she's gone.

I got into my car and raced back to the house.

As soon as I was in the house I started shouting her name. "Nikki? Nikki where are you?" I raced up the stairs and into her bedroom to find her asleep, exactly where I left her except she had a note laying beside her.
Her time is running out.
Hey guys! I just love all the support and comments everyone of you is leaving. Thank you for the votes! The Mobster's Daughter is #756 in teen fiction!!! I was asked if there is going to be a sequel, there is and it's going to be called The Mobster's Wife. I hope you all will read it and show you're support to it as well.

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