Spideypool Oneshots

By KingCremation

19.4K 297 42

Oneshots I wrote for Spideypool. Cover art by me More

A Slice Of Happiness
High Up Places
Your My Bestfriend Part 1
Your My Best Friend Part 2
Your My Best Friend Part 3
Your My Best Friend Part 4
Oh My Deer Part 1
Oh My Deer Part 2
Oh My Deer Part 4
Oh My Deer Part 5
I'm Your Biggest Fan Part 1
I'm Your Biggest Fan Part 2
I'm Your Biggest Fan Part 3
I'm Your Biggest Fan Part 4
Denial Part 1 (Tasm Peter)
Denial Part 2 (Tasm Peter)
Denail Part 3 (TASM Peter)
Pride Parade

Oh My Deer Part 3

335 7 0
By KingCremation

Warnings: brief violence non descriptive

It had been a week since Wade had met Peter. Peter decided they must start moving. Peter was wanted by every criminal in the entire forest. Wade also wasn't well liked so Peter made Wade start traveling.

It would be suspicious that they were together since they did totally different things. Wade was a mercenary who took hybrids out for money. Peter was some sort of vigilante hero saving hybrids if they were in trouble.

Wade was warned by Peter to be quiet and keep his head down. Unluckily for Peter Wade knew he'd probably mess up at some point. They called him the merc with the mouth for a reason. Peter had to release his hands since it would attract more attention if he didn't.

Peter kept a close eyes on Wade. He had a knife and all Wade had was nothing. Peter had proven that he could beat Wade in a fight. The deer hybrid was surprisingly strong and he had a powerful punch. So Wade obeyed him for now...

Wade was startled out of his thought by Peter shaking him. They had just woken up Wade stretched with his arms over his head. He heard a satisfying pop as his back cracked. Peter on the other hand looked like he was halfway in pain from sleeping on the ground.

"Nothing." Peter said he tried to walk straighter and didn't wince trying not to show Wade his pain. Seemed like the deer hybrid had back issues.

The days passed much the same. They woke up early avoided the populated hybrid towns, ate food at noon and at night, then settled down to sleep. Wade wondered where Peter was taking him. He guess it didn't matter as long as he escaped soon.

Wade was being complaint right now but soon he was going to overwhelm Peter and escape. Wade was awoken from his sleeping one night by a startled cry and a loud thud. He blinked his eyes his vision was blurry still trying to focus on his surroundings.

Wade's eyes finally cleared his eyes widened in shock at what he saw. Peter was on the ground he had a fox hybrid and a badger hybrid pinning him to the ground. He was trying his best to fight back aiming punches at the air wildly with his hand trying to escape.

The badger had his hands held together so Peter was only punching at air. They laughed Wade felt a wave of terror go threw him he recognized those hybrids. The were definitely Norman Osborn's goons.

Wade had seen them before at a meeting with Norman. They had been discussing taking out Peter. Norman choose Wade since he had the best killing record and knew the local areas the best. Plus he could move almost silently across the forest no one able to detect his presence except Peter of course.

Wade watched as Peter let out a pained grunt as the fox kicked him hard in the ribs knocking the air out of him. Wade growled Norman had sent these troops to do the job that Wade hadn't been able to do yet. He took one more look at Peter's helpless situation before he leaped inot action.

Peter was beginning to grow weaker as punch after punch was aimed at his stomach now. Wade must have run away by now or he was waiting for his buddies to be done so he could finish Peter off and get the reward money from Norman.

Wade told himself that he didn't want them to cash in on the reward that was rightfully his. He had learned to tolerate Peter over the last week and he would rather have him alive than taken out by some random Osborn goon. Besides, it'd be embarrassing if these low life's took his kill.

Wade picked up the fox hybrid right off the ground. He growled at the hybrid which only made him laugh. "What are you gonna do Wade? If you hurt me I'll-" The fox began before he was thrown hard against a tree. He was knocked unconscious his body slumping to the ground.

Wade ran up to the badger he pulled a knife out and held it at Peter's throat. He seemed hesitant of Wade but he still wasn't going to run. Wade stopped if he moved any further Peter was done for. "Alright you can have him." Wade said shocking both Peter and the badger hybrid both their eyes widened.

Peter looked defeated the badger hybrid grinned. He pulled the knife away from Peter's throat but still kept it raised just in case. Wade waited untill he started dragging Peter away to act. He found a big stick it wasn't the best weapon but when did that ever stop him?

Wade ran after the badger he hadn't gotten far. Peter struggled against his captor the badger laughed mocking him. "Awww look at the poor little deer. Your pathetic it didn't even take much for me and my friend to capture you." The badger bragged.

Peter knew it was a risky move but he wasn't going to allow himself to be captured. Peter bit down on the badger hybrids hand. The badger let out a loud yelp he let go of Peter. It was enough time for Peter to jump back a few feet to put some distance between him and the badger.

A few seconds later Wade burst thew the bushes stick raised. The badger was still distracted by his hand so he didn't notice Wade untill it was to late. Wade hit him upside the head with the stick knocking him off balance. Wade quickly grabbed the knife he had dropped.

Wade didn't waste any time to plunge it into the Badger's head. He gasped as he fell to the ground. He said his last words, "Norman's going to kill you." The badger said before he died. Wade felt a shiver go down his spine but he ignored it.

He turned around to see Peter's horrified face. The deer hybrid was staring at the dead body of the badger. Wade sighed he had probably just scared Peter. He had threatened to kill him that one time but now Wade knew he had been bluffing. He seemed terrified of death.

Wade walked over to Peter he raised a hand to his shoulder. Peter flinched he leaned backwards. Wade had blood across his clothes little droplets stained them. Peter looked like he had seen a ghost. "Are you okay?" Wade asked concerned. Peter shook his head he still couldn't do no more than stare at Wade.

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