My bossy CEO, please Divorce...

By swatisingh28

16.9K 219 20

This is a very intriguing story as it includes all sorts of sauces of life, it has drama, love, hatred, sacri... More

A hot and passionate night
I have one request
Finally, Divorced
Reached Finland
The clauses of the divorce papers
I am pregnant
Accompany me to an interview
All prepared
The white rose
The eye contact
No longer at your beck and call
An awaiting storm
An indigestable dinner
A final goodbye
His guilt
Katherine knows
Grandma knows and supports Abel
Its all meaningless now
Katherine was kidnapped
She felt she should die
I will definitely leave
The Same House
He Came Drunk
You Were Never The Other Woman
The Night Is Long 1
The Long Night 2
She was determined
Just a title
She couldn't leave
Please Me
Let's Sleep
His Considerate Side
A New Prison For Her
Her Heart
Took The Bait
Old Enemies
Once And For All
His Anxiousness
His Considerate Side
The Chance She Wanted To Give Him
His Confession
She Is Just A Pawn
Utterly Defeated
Do You Know?
Their End
No Signs Of Her
Scores To Settle
One Method
His Nightmare
Ceciliy and Elli
We Need To Talk
Yes To Luke
Will It Ease My Pain
We Know
His Grandma
Back In The City
Take Things Slow
Butterfly- Something Good Is Going To Happen
Apple Doesn't Fall Far From The Tree
A Perfect Family
Shaman's Confidence
Couldn't Find A Thing
Who's The Man
Are You Our Dad?
Shaman's Misery
Luke's Apology
The Director Is Here
Too Much Of a Coincidence
His Little Tiger
The Power Cut
Her Guilt

His grandparents

264 5 0
By swatisingh28

Shaman immediately caught the running Katherine in his arms and scolded her for running recklessly, in his eyes she was still a child whom he cared for the most. Although, they are married he never had any intimate moment with her except for that night when he was drunk. The only feeling he had towards her was of responsibility as he was responsible for her state and in the mean time he was aware of the times when Katherine tried to be close to him but he dismissed her making excuses. He wanted to fulfill her desires but his conscience didn't permit him to do anything and he wasn't attracted to her in that way and after seeing his ex-wife today, his guilt only intensified. It felt like he had made lives of two people hell whether intentionally or unintentionally. After washing up he went to his study, he had build a house in this place, it was his private place and no one was allowed inside it except from him. 

On the other side, Abel was going through her grandma's will, the only reason she came back was to sort out the things her grandma left for her, she had already contacted a property dealer to sell her house. She was going through some clients profile that the dealer had sent her earlier when her phone indicated of an incoming call, she glanced at it and found it was an unknown number. 

She frowned but still received the call, "Hello" she spoke.

"How have you been dear? the other person spoke and Abel froze in her place, she gulped before asking, "How are you grandpa? It was Shaman's grandpa who called and he was the man who requested her to marry Shaman. 

She felt tears prick at the corner of her eyes but held it and spoke, "I am doing fine grandpa. How is your health? Are you taking your medicines on time and what about granny? She spoke all these in one breathe but choked on her last words afraid he would worry about her she covered her mouth with her hands. Her grandpa spoke, "We are also doing good dear, here talk to your granny she is dying to talk to you". 

"Did you never missed me Abbie? Her granny spoke and the only string keeping her from breaking loosened and she broke in sobs, she was weeping her heart out and on the other side her granny was also sobbing. They both continued when her grandpa took the phone and spoke, "Let's meet tomorrow dear, seeing you both like this no conversation is possible so come to the old house tomorrow". Abel paused and spoke, "But grandpa..." she was interrupted by her grandpa, "No buts and don't you worry no one will say anything about you and this is my promise to you" Abel replied with a short yes and hung up, she was still sobbing when she thought about the time she was married, although no body disliked her but it was also evident as no body liked her only his grandparents cared about her truly. Without them, she wouldn't have survived in that place especially when her husband didn't care for her.

She wiped her tears and slipped on her bed, closing her eyes she turned to one side and after sometime exhaustion hit her and she drift off to sleep.

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