Auror's Son | Book 4 Harry Po...

Bởi Mordecur

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Raven puts the vision he had last year in the back of his mind, hopeful towards the future. The Quidditch Wor... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1: The Burrow
Chapter 2: Portkey's and Tents
Chapter 3: Veela and Death Eaters
Chapter 4: Winky
Chapter 5: Godfather
Chapter 6: Ferret
Chapter 7: Discomfort and Flashbacks
Chapter 9: The Champions
Chapter 10: Support
Chapter 11: Rita Skeeter
Chapter 12: Norberta
Chapter 13: Getting Dates
Chapter 14: The Yule Ball
Chapter 15: Hogsmeade with Mum
Chapter 16: Mermaid's Lament
Chapter 17: Suspicions
Chapter 18: Daphne's Birthday
Chapter 19: Pensieve
Chapter 20: The Calm Before the Storm.
Chapter 21: Agony
Chapter 22: Grief
Chapter 23: Hope
Chapter 24: Raven
Chapter 25: Memories

Chapter 8: The Goblet of Fire

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Bởi Mordecur

3rd Person POV

A couple of weeks went by and Moody had announced that he would be putting the Imperius Curse on each of them, to demonstrate its power and to see whether they could resist its effects.

"But-but you said it's illegal, Professor." Hermione said uncertainly. "You said-to use it against another human was-"

"Dumbledore wants you taught what it feels like." Moody said. "If you'd rather learn the hard way-when someone's putting it on you so they can control you completely-fine by me. You're excused. Off you go." He pointed a finger to the door. Hermione went pink and stayed quiet.

Moody began to beckon students forward in turn and put the Imperius Curse upon them. One by one, each student did the most extraordinary things under its influence. Dean Thomas hopped three times around the room, singing the national anthem. Lavender Brown imitated a squirrel. Neville performed a series of quite astonishing gymnastics he would certainly not have been able to fight off the curse, and each of them recovered only when Moody had removed it.

"Raven." Moody said. "You're next."

Raven stepped forward into the space that Moody had cleared. Moody raised his wand, pointed it at Raven, and said, "Imperio!"

Raven felt the most wonderful feeling ever. Every worry in his mind was wiped gently away. He felt nothing but pure happiness. He then heard Moody's voice in his head: Give your godfather a hug...

Raven seeing absolutely nothing wrong with this, walked forward and gave Moody a hug. Raven felt the empty, echoing feeling in his head disappear. "C'mon, Raven, I know you can do better than that." Moody said.

Raven let go of his godfather. "I see nothing wrong with hugging my godfather." He stated.

"Well, let's try something different." Moody said. Raven stepped back into the center of the class. "Imperio!"

Raven felt his worries fade again. Do a handstand... He heard Moody's voice in his head say. Raven started to bend downward, but a part of him fought it back a little. Raven struggled, both from trying to do a handstand due to the curse, and trying to resist. He was starting to sweat a little. He eventually placed his hands on the ground and sprung himself into a handstand.

"See that everyone!" Moody said. "Raven almost had it!" Raven felt himself again, and almost fell from his handstand, but he managed to flip himself on his feet. "Not a bad attempt at fighting it, Raven." Moody said to him. "You've still got a long ways to go though."

Moody then beckoned for Harry to come forward. Harry ended up slamming his head into the desk. "Now that's more like it!" Moody growled. "Look at that, you lot...Potter fought! He fought it, and he damn near beat it! We'll try again, Potter, and the rest of you, pay attention-watch his eyes, that's where you see it-very good, Potter, very good indeed! They'll have trouble controlling you!"

"The way he talks." Harry muttered as they left Moody's class. "You'd think we were all going to be attacked any second."

"You'll have to forgive him." Raven said. "The war wasn't very kind to him...or to others." Raven was meaning his mother, as she lost her husband, who was also his father, to the war. "So he can be a bit...cautious about things."

Raven POV

Us fourth years were given a definite increase in the amount of work required to do this term, and Professor McGonagall explained why. "You are now entering the most important phase of your magical education!" She told us. "Your Ordinary Wizarding Levels are drawing closer-"

"We don't take O.W.L.s till fifth year." Dean Thomas said indignantly.

"Maybe not, Thomas, but believe me, you need all the preparation you can get! Ms. Granger remains the only person in this class who has managed to turn a hedgehog into a satisfactory pincushion. I might remind you that your pincushion, Thomas still curls up in fright if anyone approaches it with a pin!"

Harry, Ron and I received top marks from our homework in Divination. Ron and Harry were deeply amused, while I was quite surprised she bought their predictions. She read out large portions of their predictions, commending them for their unflinching acceptance of the horrors in store for them-but they were less amused when she asked them to do the same thing for the month after next. Luckily she only asked them two, as I was scot free.

Professor Binns, who taught History of Magic, had us writing weekly essays on the goblin rebellions of the eighteenth century. Professor Snape was forcing us to research antidotes. He hinted that he might be poisoning one of us before Christmas to see if our antidote worked.

I'll have a bezoar on hand, just in case.

Professor Flitwick had asked us to read three extra books in preparation for their lesson on the Summoning Charm. I luckily had already mastered the Charm over the summer, thanks to Mum.

Hagrid was also adding to our workload. As part of our project, he suggested we come down to his hut on alternate evenings to observe the Skrewts and make notes on their extraordinary behavior. Daphne was thankful she was working with me, as it made the lesson easier on her.

"I will not." Draco said flatly, when Hagrid had proposed this with the air of Father Christmas pulling an extra-large toy out of his sack. "I see enough of these foul things during lessons, thanks."

"You'll do what you're told." Hagrid growled. "Or I'll be taking a leaf outta Professor Moody's book...I hear you made a good ferret, Malfoy." Everyone except a few Slytherins roared with laughter.

We returned to the castle at the end of the lesson in high spirits after seeing Hagrid put down Draco. When we arrived at the entrance hall, there was a large crowd standing there. We walked up to the sign everyone was reading and read it.


The delegations form Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will be arriving at 6 o'clock on Friday the 30th of October. Lessons will end half an hour early. Students will return their bags and books to their dormitories and assemble in front of the castle to greet our guests before the welcoming feast.

"Brilliant!" Harry said. "It's potions last thing on Friday! Snape won't have time to poison us all!

"Well darn, I was hoping to poison him instead." I said, in a sardonic tone.

"Only a week away!" Ernie said, emerging from the crowd. "I wonder if Cedric knows? Think I'll go and tell him..."

"Cedric?" Ron questioned blankly as Ernie hurried off.

"Diggory." Harry said. "He must be entering the tournament."

"That idiot, Hogwarts champion?" Ron said, as we made our way to the staircase.

"Hey, don't disrespect Cedric like that." I said. "He's a pretty cool guy."

"He's not an idiot, Ron. You just don't like him because he beat Gryffindor at Quidditch." Hermione said. "I've heard he's a really good student-and he's a prefect."

"You only like him because he's handsome." Ron said scathingly.

"Excuse me, I don't like people just because they're handsome!" Hermione said indignantly.

Ron gave a loud false cough, which sounded oddly like "Lockhart!" Harry and I snorted.

I wonder if Jasper's aware?

I made my way back to the Ravenclaw common room, and saw Jasper. "Hey Jasper, did you see the sign at the entrance hall?" I asked walking up to him

"Yeah, I was trying to figure out who this impartial judge will be." Jasper said.

"You'll know soon enough." I said. "Get a win for Ravenclaw, will ya."

6'o clock had arrived on the thirtieth of October, and I left my potions lesson early to put my bags back in my dorm. I met up with Luna and Jasper on my way to the Great Hall. Professor Flitwick was ordering our house into lines.

"Follow me, everyone." Flitwick said. "First years in front." He probably wanted to keep each year together, but Luna, Jasper and I decided to stick together. We filed down the steps and line up in front of the castle.

"Nearly six." Jasper said, checking his watch. "I'm curious as to how they're going to arrive."

"They'll probably have a fancy entrance." I said. "Might want to show off."

"I don't doubt that." Luna said.

"Aha!" Dumbledore called out. "Unless I am very much mistaken, the delegation from Beauxbatons approaches!"

"Where?" Many students questioned eagerly, all looking in different directions.

"There!" Jasper yelled, pointing over the forest.

"It's a dragon!" Shrieked a first year.

Bloody hell, I wish.

"Don't be's a flying house!" Another student shouted. He was closer, as I could see that it was a large carriage, being flown by a dozen palomino Abraxan winged horses. They were beautiful. The carriage soared down with tremendous speed and landed, the carriage bouncing upon its vast wheels, while the golden horses tossed their enormous heads and rolled, large, fiery red eyes. They each turned their heads toward my direction.

"Why are they looking at us?" Jasper asked a little worried. "They're not gonna charge at us are they?"

"Relax, It's because of me you'll be fine." I assured him. "Besides, Abraxan aren't hostile creatures."

"Oh, right, forgot about your creature thing." Jasper said.

The door to the carriage opened and a boy in pale blue robes jumped down from the carriage, fumbled for a moment with something on the carriage floor, and unfolded a set of golden steps. Then the largest woman anyone had probably seen stepped out. She was as tall as the carriage. She seemed a few inches larger than Hagrid.

Dumbledore started to clap, and we all followed his lead. Her face relaxed into a gracious smile and she walked toward Dumbledore, extending a glittering hand. Dumbledore though tall himself, had to barely bend to kiss it.

"My dear Madame Maxime." Dumbledore said. "Welcome to Hogwarts."

"Dumbly-dorr." Madame Maxime said in a deep voice. "I'ope I find you well?"

"In excellent form, I thank you." Dumbledore said.

"My pupils." Madam Maxime said, waving her hands behind her. A dozen boys and girls in their late teens had emerged from the carriage. They were shivering, which was no surprise given their robes were made of silk.

"'As Karkaroff arrived yet?" Madame Maxime asked.

"He should be here any moment." Dumbledore said. "Would you like to wait here and greet him or would you prefer to step inside and warm up a trifle?"

"Warm up, I think." Madam Maxime said. "But ze 'orses-"

"Our Care of Magical Creatures teacher will be delighted to take care of them." Dumbledore said. "The moment he has returned from dealing with a slight situation that has arisen with some of his other-er-charges." Dumbledore was obviously talking about the Skrewts.

"My steeds require-er-forceful 'andling." Madam Maxime said. "Zey are very strong..."

"I assure you that Hagrid will be well pu to the job." Dumbledore assured her, smiling.

"Very well." Madam Maxime said. "Will you please inform zis 'Agrid zat ze 'orses drink only single-malt whiskey?"

"It will be attented to." Dumbledore said bowing. Madam Maxime and her students entered the castle.

"I hope I can interact with those horses during Care of Magical Creatures lessons." I whispered excitedly.

"Knowing you, you'll find a way." Luna chuckled.

We waited for a bit until we heard a noise. "The lake!" Lee Jordan yelled, pointing down at it. "Look at the lake!" Everyone looked toward the lake, and saw a ship emerge from it's waters. Silhouettes emerged from the ship's portholes. The figures walked up the lawns and each student were wearing large cloaks of some kind of shaggy, matted fur. But the man who was leading them up to the castle was wearing furs of a different sort: sleek and silver, like his hair.

"Dumbledore!" He called heartily as he walked up to the slope. "How are you, my dear fellow, how are you?"

"Blooming, thank you, Professor Karkaroff!" Dumbledore replied. I recognized this man from one of the old new articles I found in Mum's room. Igor Karkaroff was a Death Eater who betrayed other Death Eaters. I didn't exactly trust him.

"Dear old Hogwarts." Karkaroff said, looking up at the castle and smiling. I saw that his teeth were yellow. "How good it is to be here, how good...Viktor, come along, into the don't mind, Dumbledore? Viktor has a slight head cold..."

Karkaroff beckoned forward one of his students. I immediately noticed that it was Viktor Krum. I looked over to where Ron was and saw him with his jaw dropped.

3rd Person POV

Everyone had made their way into the entrance hall, and the Hogwarts students took their seats. The Beauxbatons had chosen seats and the Ravenclaw table, and the Durmstrangs had settled themselves at the Slytherin table. Madam Maxime and Igor Karkaroff sat with the staff.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, ghosts and-most particularly-guests." Dumbledore said, beaming around at the foreign students. "I have great pleasure in welcoming you all to Hogwarts. I hope and trust that your stay here will be both comfortable and enjoyable. The tournament will be officially opened at the end of the feast. I now invite you all to eat, drink, and make yourselves at home!"

The plates in front of them filled with food as usual. The house-elves in the kitchen seemed to have pulled out all the stops; there was a greater variety of dish in front of them, including several foreign dishes.

"I wonder what this is?" Raven questioned pointing to a shellfish stew.

"I'm not too sure." Jasper replied.

"It'z called Bouillabaisse." A boy from Beauxbatons told them. "It'z from my country."

"Ah, I see, thank you." Raven said, smiling at him. "I'll give it a try." Raven put some on his plate and began to gather other types of food.

"Bottoms up, Raven." Jasper said, holding a spoon full of Bouillabaisse. Raven grabbed a spoon full as well, and they both put it in their mouths.

"How is it?" Luna asked.

"It's blood amazing!" Raven said after swallowing. "Try some."

"It's very good." Jasper said, as Luna took a bite.

"Wow, I've never tasted anything quite like it." Luna said. "I'll have to see if my Dad will let us visit France to try more foods sometime."

Raven noticed that his Quidditch teammate Roger Davies was not eating very much. Instead he had his hand rested on his chin and was staring at one of the Beauxbaton girls. Raven looked into the direction Roger was and realized why he was completely hypnotized.

"Roger, you're drooling." Raven teased.

"Huh?" Roger said, snapping out of his trance and wiping his mouth, though he found that their was no drool.

"Like what you see, bud?" Raven joked.

"Don't know what you mean." Roger said, going back to his food completely red.

"Relax, you were only staring because she's part Veela." Raven stated.

"How do you know?" Roger asked.

"I can sense the Veela energy around her, though it's not as strong as an actual Veela, so I assume her grandmother or great grandmother is a Veela." Raven explained.

Roger looked back over at the girl and said, "They don't make them like that at Hogwarts."

"They make them pretty good at Hogwarts." Raven mumbled, looking over at Daphne who was talking to her sister Astoria. She noticed Raven looking in her direction so she smiled at waved at him. Raven smiled and waved back. Astoria nudged her sister playfully and raised her eyebrows twice at her. Daphne went red and playfully pushed her sister. She looked back towards Raven and was thankful he didn't see any of that, as he had gone back to his food.

"Hey, Raven, isn't that-" Jasper began, pointing at the staff table as two people had walked in.

"Ugh." Raven groaned. "Barty Crouch." He said icily. "Winky's old master." Ludo Bagman was also there.

"I guess they're here to host the Triwizard Tournament." Luna said.

"I'd be fine if it was just Bagman, but I'm not fond of Crouch at all." Raven stated.

Once everyone had finished their food, Dumbledore stood up again, and the Hall fell silent. "The moment has come." Dumbledore said. "The Triwizard Tournament is about to start. I would like to say a few words of explanation before we bring in the casket, just to clarify the procedure that we will be following this year. But first, let me introduce, for those who do not know them, Mr. Bartemius Crouch, Head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation." Few people clapped, and Raven was not among them. "And Mr. Ludo Bagman, Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports." Now, everyone clapped at Bagman.

"Mr. Bagman and Mr. Crouch have worked tirelessly over the last few months on the arrangements for the Triwizard Tournament." Dumbledore continued. "And they will be joining myself, Professor Karkaroff, and Madam Maxime on the panel that will judge the champions' efforts. The casket then, if you please, Mr. Filch."

Filch approached Dumbledore carrying a great wooden chest encrusted with jewels. A murmur of excited interest rose from the students. "The instructions for the tasks the champions will face this year have already been examined by Mr. Crouch and Mr. Bagman." Dumbledore said, as Filch placed the chest carefully on the table before him. "And they have made the necessary arrangements for each challenge. There will be three tasks, spaced throughout the school year, and they will test the champions in many different ways...their magical prowess-their daring-their powers of deduction-and, of course, their ability to cope with danger."

"You might have one of two of those, Jasper." Raven whispered sarcastically. Jasper snorted and nudged Raven.

"As you know, three champions compete in the tournament." Dumbledore continued. "One from each of the participating schools. They will be marked on how well they perform each of the tournament tasks and the champion with the highest total after task three will win the Triwizard Cup. The champions will be chosen by an impartial selector: The Goblet of Fire."

Dumbledore now took out his wand and tapped three times upon the top of the casket. The lid slowly opened, and Dumbledore pulled out a large cup full of blue-white flames.

"There's your impartial judge." Raven said to Jasper. "Feel intimidated yet?"

"Just a little." Jasper said. "But therein lies the fun of it all." Raven chuckled softly.

"Anybody wishing to submit themselves as champion must write their name and school clearly upon a slip of parchment and drop it into the goblet." Dumbledore said. "Aspiring champions have twenty-four hours in which to put their names forward. Tomorrow night, Halloween, the goblet will return the names of the three it has judged most worthy to represent their schools. The goblet will be placed in the Entrance Hall tonight, where it will be freely accessible to all wishing to compete."

"To ensure that no underage student yields to temptation." Dumbledore continued. "I will be drawing an Age Line around the Goblet of Fire once it has been placed in the Entrance Hall. Nobody under the age of seventeen will be able to cross the line."

"Finally, I wish to impress upon any of you wishing to compete that this tournament is not to be entered into lightly. Once a champion has been selected by the Goblet of Fire, he or she is obliged to see the tournament through to the end. The placing of your name in the goblet constitutes a binding, magical contract. There can be no change of heart once you have become champion. Please be very sure, therefore, that you are wholeheartedly prepared to play before you drop your name into the goblet. Now, I think it is time for bed. Good night to you all."

"Well, Jasper." Raven said, as they got up to leave the Hall. "Think you can write your name and school in time before tomorrow?" Jasper rolled and eyes and snorted.

"I don't know, might be part of the challenge." Jasper joked, causing Raven and Luna to laugh. As they made it to the entrance, Karkaroff was blocking the way, staring at Harry.

"Yeah, that's Harry Potter." Moody said as he was standing there, leaning on his staff. Raven walked up next to him.

"You!" Karkaroff said, his face in complete fear. Raven knew why too. Moody had been the one to capture Karkaroff when he was a Death Eater.

"Me." Moody said grimly. Karkaroff looked down to Raven and widened his eyes as he noticed the color of Raven's eyes. "And unless you've got anything to say to Potter...or Raven here," Moody rested his hand on Raven's shoulder, "you might want to move. You're blocking the doorway." Karkaroff swept his students away with him. Moody watched him until he was out of sight, and Raven didn't leave Moody's side.

"Do you think he wet himself?" Raven joked to Moody.

"He sure looked like he was about to." Moody chuckled. "Goodnight, Raven."

"Goodnight, Moody." Raven said. He left the Great Hall with Luna and Jasper and they made their way back to their dorms and fell asleep.

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