
By mitruworld

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Take a military father and a carefree mother...you get Zena Weston; a beautiful, don't back down, around the... More



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By mitruworld

Zena pulled up to her house, sitting in her car. She was trying to be optimistic about talking to her father and hoped he understood she was just protecting her sister.

Let's get this over with.

She walked into the house where her father, Bryant and her stepmother Sheila sat on the couch with a bruise under her left eye and swollen lip.


"Have you lost your damn mind?"

Zena took a hard swallow, trying not to panic.

"She was attacking..."

"Look at her face! Are you insane?!"

The anger in his eyes broke Zena's heart. She felt like she was losing her father too. Soon there were knocks on the door, Sheila answered and two police officers came inside.

"Hello, officers...This is Zena Weston. She assaulted my wife."

She looked at her father in shock.


"How old?" The officer asked.

"She's over eighteen."

Zena was frozen, her words were stuck in her throat as her mind tried to make sense of what was happening.

"Do you want to press charges?"

"Absolutely," Bryant spoke while Sheila remained silent.

Tears fell down her face at her father's words.

"Put your hands behind your back."

Zena felt the cold metal squeeze both her wrist. Her father stared as if she was a stranger.

"You have a right to remain silent. Anything you say, can and will be used against you in a court of law..."

After the officer read her rights, as he walked her out she saw Kizzy standing at the top of the stairs shaking. Her face was wet with tears.

"Zee! I'm sorry...I'm so sorry."

Zena gave her a soft smile. "It's not your fault, it's okay...I'll be okay."

Neighbors stood in front of their homes watching her be escorted to the patrol car.

"I was just protecting my sister..."

The officer ignored her, putting her into the backseat.


Three days went by before I was released on bail. When I walked out I was surprised to see my Dad standing in the precinct waiting for me.

"Thank you." That's all I could say, then we walked out.

On the car ride home, my father was silent for the first few minutes. Then he suddenly started talking.

"I know why you attacked Sheila."

"Kizzy told you?"

"Yes...but Jordan confirmed it."

I thought of my little brother seeing me hitting his mother and I prayed he wouldn't hate me for it.

We pulled up to the house then walked inside, everyone was gone.

When I went into my room there were two suitcases and a bag sitting on my bare mattress. All of my pictures on the wall were gone, my dresser was empty and the flat screen was removed.

"We dropped the charges but on one condition...you can't stay here."

"Where am I gonna go?"

He handed me some money. "You're an adult now, Zena. You have to figure that out."

"B-But Dad..."

"Everyone is at your grandmother's for the weekend. That should give you a little time to make arrangements for yourself."

My heart was breaking with every word he said...he was being so cold towards me and I felt like my life was over.

"Dad, I'm sorry...I'm sorry. I don't have anywhere to stay."

He looked down for a few seconds then looked me in my eyes.

"Zena, you have two days...be gone before we come back."

After those words, he walked out of the room and I fell to the floor with a pain in my chest. I've lost my mother and now my father...it hurts like hell.


Once I got myself together, I took a shower and changed my clothes. I slicked my hair into a low afro puff of curls, I felt a little better then ate some fruit. I put the $500 dollars that my Dad gave me in my bag.

There's $800 in my savings and $328 in my checking.

I had only been working part time for a little while and I know I'm fired since I missed a few days being arrested. I put my suitcases and bag in my car and called my friend Mya.

"Zena! Girl where have you been?"

"It's a long story...can I come to your place?"

"Yeah, of course. I'll make some tacos!"

I smiled. "Okay, see you soon."

Driving into the city in the misty rain, I thought about everything that happened in such a short time....motherless, arrested, homeless, jobless now fatherless.

"My life is so pathetic..."

I realized I was zoned out as a car was stopped at the red light ahead. I slammed on my breaks but couldn't stop completely, I slid into the back of the car in front of me.

"Oh no!...this cannot be happening." My voice trembled, my eyes began to water.

I put my hazards on then got out of the car. There was no real damage done to my car but some scuff marks..the one I hit showed a dent, scratched paint and a cracked bumper.

The man got out of the car while on the phone.

Fuck! He's already calling the police.

"Stanley, I don't care. Fix it or I'll fix you." His voice was deep.

He has an accent...

He hung up, then walked directly to the rear of his car. He was very tall, with long hair and wore a three piece suit. His leather shoes were spotless along with his skin.

"Are you intoxicated?" He asked, looking at the damage.

"N-No Sir.."

I noticed his car was an Audi...it still looked brand new even though I messed it up.

I went to my car, grabbing my insurance, he was still looking at his bumper.

"Here you go..."

He grabbed the card out of my hand, still not looking at me.

"Are you calling the police?" I asked.

He finally looked my way then smiled. "No, that won't be necessary."

My heart dropped...His eyes were a beautiful light blue and he was very handsome.

"Mr. Laurent, come on. We're going to be late." A man with glasses got out the passenger side.

"Then walk..." He said, reading my insurance card.

I looked at the man who remained quiet getting back in the car.

"Zena..." He said my name then his eyes met mine.

A driver started blowing their horn behind me, breaking our eye contact. He went to his car, opened the backdoor while he put my insurance card in the inside pocket of his suit jacket. Then pulled a metal bat from the backseat.

The loud horn was followed by disgruntled yells telling us to move when the driver could easily go around us. My eyes followed him as he began to smash the man's front window.

"Oh!" I jumped at the impact.

"Is there a problem, Sir?" He asked with his head tilted to the side.

The man shook his head with his hands up. He walked back towards me.

"Can I have my insurance card back?"

"No...I'm Julien by the way."

He tossed the bat back in his car, got in and sped off, ignoring the light turning red again. I stood frozen in disbelief.

"I can't believe this is my life."

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