Rescued to be Boundβœ”

By That_Night_Owl

55K 2.3K 80

[OT7] [omegaverse] πŸ’œ Jimin always wants to find a home and wants to be loved. But he doesn't know how to be... More

πŸ‚πŸChapter 1πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚πŸChapter 2πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚πŸChapter 3πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚πŸChapter 4πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚πŸChapter 5πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚πŸChapter 6πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚πŸChapter 7πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚πŸChapter 8πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚πŸChapter 9πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚πŸChapter 10πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚πŸChapter 11πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚πŸChapter 12πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚πŸChapter 13πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚πŸChapter 14πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚πŸChapter 15πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚πŸChapter 16πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚πŸChapter 17πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚πŸChapter 18πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚πŸChapter 19πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚πŸChapter 20πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚πŸChapter 21πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚πŸChapter 22πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚πŸChapter 23πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚πŸChapter 24πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚πŸChapter 25πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚πŸchapter 26πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚πŸChapter 27πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚πŸChapter 28πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚πŸChapter 29πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚πŸChapter 30πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚πŸChapter 31πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚πŸChapter 32πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚πŸChapter 33πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚πŸChapter 34πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚πŸChapter 35πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚πŸChapter 36πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚πŸChapter 37πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚πŸChapter 38πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚πŸChapter 39πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚πŸChapter 40πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚πŸChapter 41πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚πŸChapter 42πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚πŸChapter 43πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚πŸChapter 44πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚πŸChapter 45πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚πŸChapter 46πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚πŸChapter 48πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚πŸChapter 49πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚πŸChapter 50πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚πŸChapter 51πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚πŸChapter 52πŸπŸ‚
πŸ‚Two New BooksπŸ‚

πŸ‚πŸChapter 47πŸπŸ‚

356 19 2
By That_Night_Owl

Coffee couldn't chase away the wariness that dragged on the Yoongi. He'd slept three hours, and he'd tossed for most of those.

They'd rotated turns watching over Jimin, in case he woke and wanted any of them, not that they kidded themselves into thinking so. Still, the way he'd cried in the bed, the way his shoulders had shaken, it had torn their hearts.

After all the shit he'd been through, he hadn't fallen apart. A few tears here and there, sure, but the heartbroken sobs? No. His father hadn't been able to broken him. running and surviving on his own hadn't broken him too.

They'd broken him, though, and it made sleep impossible.

Jungkook walked in, dark circles beneath his eyes as bad as any of them. Seemed no one had slept. He poured himself a cup of coffee and took two big gulps of it black.

"Is now when I say I told you so?" Jin spoke while entering the kitchen.

Jungkook turned a glare on him, setting the cup down. "Really? Is this the time for that?"

"No. It was time when I told you I didn't think it was a good idea. Now? Now we're past that time."

Jungkook's lip pulled up. "Don't act like it was all me. you all agreed to keep it from him for the same reasons."

"And look where we are now." Namjoon exhale a breath of frustration.

"We'll get her to forgive us." Jungkook said it obstinately.

"You think? Because I watched him cry while fucking slept. The boy I saw last night doesn't seem too willing to forgive anyone." This time Taehyung barked.

Tension rose between them, something that rarely happened. So many years together and most things swept away without trouble, yet this? They snarled at one another.

The reason seemed obvious. Their mate slept in the other room, and they couldn't fix it. They couldn't fix his anger or his hurt. They couldn't get close to their pup. They couldn't fight him for that, so they'd fight with one another.

"So what do you think? We could have told him from the start, then he'd have run off then. That better?"

"If we told him, maybe he'd have listened! He wouldn't have put himself in that danger because he'd have trusted us. This went to shit because YOU didn't trust he'd stay."

"So it's my fault?" Jungkook took a step forward, rolling his shoulder.

And Taehyung knew it wasn't solely Jungkook's fault, not really. He'd never have lied to Jimin without all of them agreeing, but to hell with it. Taehyung wanted to blame someone, and Jungkook was as good as anyone else. At least they knew they wouldn't kill anyone else.

"Maybe you're not as smart as you think." Taehyung came forward as well until they're nose to nose. "And now we're all paying the price."

"Right, just lay it on me. don't take any responsibility for yourself."

"Look at you. Do you even fucking care? You act like nothing matters, and maybe that's right. Bet all those tears didn't mean a thing, did they?"

And there it went. Jungkook swung, nailing Taehyung in the jaw, and Tae knew damn well he deserved it.

But that was what they were for, he guessed. Who better to take out some aggression on?

Taehyung tackled Jungkook, and they knocked into the small table beside the wall. A roll and down went the bar stools, too. They traded blows after blows, pulling them enough to not break bones, but they'd walk away bloodied and bruised.

Both of them are fighting like animals and the other one's watching them like statues. no one's dared to stop them.

"We all fucked this up," Jungkook said, catching Taehyung in the ribs.

I can't lose him!" Yoongi piped in

They all stilled with Jungkook pinning down Taehyung.

Yoongi continued. "I lost one mate. I can't lose another. Please."

"She's safe. You aren't losing him." Jungkook barked.

"I am. I saw it in his eyes. He might still be breathing but that doesn't mean we aren't losing him."

Jungkook sighed and hefted himself up, then offered a hand to Taehyung. "we've been through worse than this. We'll figure this out, too."

Taehyung took the offered hand and let him pull him up, wincing at the soreness that the muscle bunny caused him. "I love him, you know? I didn't expect that, didn't think I'd ever find my forever. But here I am."

"I know. I'll make this right somehow, I'll make Jimin forgive me, forgive all of us. Doesn't matter what it takes. Hell, I'll take all the blame if that's what I need to do. I'll step back."

Jin was wiping the blood from the corner of Taehyung's mouth and Namjoon was helping Yoongi to clean up the crime scene. All of their heads jerked at their maknae's direction. "We all know that isn't happening, you brat. We want to think we can fix this with Jimin, but us? We're family. No matter what else happens, we're family, and we won't spilt up. Whether we get Jimin or not," Jin admonished the young alpha for his incredulous thought.

Taehyung put his hand out and Jungkook instantly grasping his hand and pulled him in for a quick hug before breaking apart. "you know, you fucking hit like a hammer. You're all charm until you throw a punch."

"You riled me up first. You aren't getting an apology."

"Oh, like you weren't eager to throw some punch. You like getting riled up."

Jungkook rolled his eyes and said, "And YOU, getting hot and bothered."

Taehyung laughed, groaning at the way it pulled what had to be a split on his lip. "You're such an asshole."

"Really?" Hoseok's voice had them all turning. "I leave you guys alone just for two minutes and you destroy the house?"

The laughter died down as soon as Jimin walked around Hoseok, hair tied into a bun, gaze down. He looked at the overturned tables, at the blood on the floor and disheveled state of the men.

They all expected censure. If this had happened a day before, he'd have given them a piece of his mind about the behavior. He might have had a spark of fear, facing against that sort of alpha aggression, but they'd reassured him, a few gentle words, and he'd scold them before making them clean up.

Instead, Jimin took in the scene and turned away as if it didn't matter. He passed them and went to the kitchen, pouring coffee.

"You can't drink coffee." Jungkook said and the omega gave a look to the said alpha before proceeding what he was doing.

Jin sighed audibly and asked, "You want breakfast, love?"

No answer. He took the coffee and walked past them again, the click of his door loud even from down the hallway.

Namjoon rubbed at the bridge of his nose. He couldn't lose him either. 


A shower didn't work to scour away the fog in his mind. It washed away the scent of the men but the mating marks still throbbing, and that didn't help in anyway. It made him miss it, made him want to rub against them. The pup gets a little less active now a days and that also made Jimin a bit scared. He wanted to cover himself with their smell, to curl around it. Wanted them to assure him.

And that sickened him because he didn't want to touch them. He didn't want to hear their voices, to fell their touch, nothing.

Jimin woken to Hoseok in the room, seated in a chair, legs on the bed. The moment he moved; the alpha sat straight. Questions had fallen from his lips, that same sweet cheery voice like sunshine. 'Do you need something? Thirsty? Hungry? Hurting? We still have some pain pills that's safe for the pup.'

The omega said nothing, had no desire to. No words bubbled inside him, and silence had come easily.

In the kitchen, he'd found the scene, the evidence that Jungkook and Taehyung had fought. Even that hadn't spurred anything inside him. the blood on them, the darkening skin, it had made his chest ache, but he didn't bother to ask.

Instead, he gotten coffee and left them be... even though Jungkook protested against that damn coffee.

They didn't care to include him on important things, so he didn't care to ask them questions. Why bother? They'd only lie.

Hours later, Jimin left the room again, the silence in the room too much, too still. It had left the omega dwell on his own pain, on the way his brain whirred.

The men stood around the kitchen island with another man he knew.

Seojin lifted his gaze from the papers to meet his. His lips tipped down.

Angry at him?

He didn't care.

Jungkook spoke first. "They ran Seojin's blood. DNA tests will take a few days, but his blood type doesn't match what was under Lila's nails. He wasn't the killer, but he's here to help."

"Are you expecting me to apologize?" Jimin sassed savagely.

Seojin's frown deepened, but he still said nothing.

Nobody answered and Namjoon continuing where Jungkook left off. "What do you need, sweetheart? do you want to go to work? Yoongi hyung will drive you."

The idea of going to that small apartment broke Jimin's heart. He couldn't imagine being there. too much had changed. Before, he spent a lot of time there with the men, eating lunch. Their laughs and innuendos, those naughty make-out sessions. Jungkook had set up the cameras himself and spent an hour explaining how to use the security system, the worrier he was. Those memories were too much for him.

Jimin shook his head at the pain of it all. "No. I don't want to go there."

"Do you want to go somewhere else? I'll take you anywhere, if you want some space." Taehyung grasped for something to do, anything, like he'd offer the omega the whole damned world if he'd just take it.

"No. I know we've mated. I have stay." Jimin wrapped his arms around himself as he whispered the truth out loud for the first time. "I've got nowhere else to go."

The men all shared a similar expression, one of confusion, as though they wanted to help but didn't know how.

Worse, neither did the omega, he guessed that put them all in the same spot.

Jimin sighed, tired again because it's his 28 weeks running in pregnancy. "I think I'll go to bed."

"Go outside, love. You can rest on the chaise lounge outside. The sun and fresh air will do good to you and the baby." Jin offered the advice to the omega, voice soft but steady.

Sure. One place as the same as any other. Jimin nodded, then left through the door.

Maybe the sun would help him feel something. 

💌A/N 💌

hey my lovelies, i am back with another chapter as promised. I hope you enjoy the previous chapter. 

so, what do you think happened next? will Jimin forgive the Alphas? or take his revenge for lying to him?

let me know what do you think in the comments. 

and please keep voting to motivate my demotivated ass to write more stories in the future. 



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