My Broken Life✓


339K 10.6K 3.7K

WARNING: THIS BOOK NEEDS MAJOR EDITING (Book I in broken series) "What are you doing on my bed? Get down righ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
A/N: Note
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Not an update
Sequel Announcement.

Chapter 36

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Please read the Announcement at the end of the chapter. It's important.

Sorry for the late update x

Warning: Multiple POVS ahead.

            F A T I M A ' S P O V

"Tims she's doing good. I'm really trying my best to forget her but it's really difficult." I could hear zayn sigh.

I wish you know that i'm going true the same Zayn.

I wish i can forget you.

I wish i can forget my feelings for you.

I wish you can see how much i really love you.

"It's okay Zaini, it'll take time but it'll definitely be good soon.

"Tims are you okay? You don't sound your usual self with me, tell me what's wrong. Are you stressed about your studies again?" Zayn blasted.

I have been stressed since my parents dropped the bomb of marriage on me.


"You wanted to see me Dad?" I asked as i sat down on the sofa facing my dad and mum.

"Yes Fatima, it's not a new news that you were betrothed to Azan since the day you we're born,it was all your Dadi Ammi's dying wish, she wanted you to get married at 20 and that too,to Azan, but since Azan disappointed us and got married to another girl, you are now 20 and i want to fulfill half of her wish by getting you married and we already have a suitable suitor for you." Dad finished.

I only stared at him in shock.

Is this a joke or something?

"No it's not Fatima, we're really serious." Mum replied this time.

Ohh i said that out loud.

"You can't get me married. I don't want to get married now and not to someone I don't even know, what about my studies? Dad what's going on? "

"I already explained it to you and you're not a small girl anymore, you can continue your studies, no one is stopping you." Dad said.

"I really don't want to get married to someone i don't know Dad, please think about this,i want to marry someone of my choice, someone i know and trust." I reasoned.

"Well do you have anyone in mind? Think about it carefully and if you do, let me know, but if you don't, then prepare to meet the suitor i picked for you by next week." Dad said before storming upstairs with mum trailing behind.

As soon as he was gone,i bursted out and began sobbing.

Why are they behaving like this? Why does he want to marry me off and that too,to someone i don't know

______Flashback ends____

"Tims are you still there?" Zayns voice snapped me out of my thoughts again.

"Yes, sorry i just zoned out. What was it you were saying?" I asked.

"I was asking what the hell is going on with you today, you sound so low and disturbed about something,so spill." Zayn demanded.

"Nothing is wrong, just drop it." I snapped a little.

"Don't joke with me Tims,spill it out right now or i'm definitely coming there, this instant, and you know i don't bluff."

Oh this persistent bull.

" Fine. My Dad wants to get me married to someone i don't even know." I couldn't help but burst into tears, after completing my sentence.

"Tims calm down, don't cry. How could uncle do this, what was he thinking. You can't and will never marry anyone,i will talk to him,it can't happen."

"No, don't do that, it'll only make it worse. Dad said it's Dadi Ammi's last wish, for me to get married at 20 and that to to Azan bhai but since bhai married someone else,dad decided to also get me married to someone else, to complete half of Dadi Ammi's wish. I pleaded with him to not get me married and that to someone i don't know, but he said that i'll get married now and that's final but about the groom,if i have anyone in mind then he'll allow it but if not then the suitor if his choice will visit next week, and it's only three days left till that next week. What do i do Zayn? I really don't want to marry someone i don't know." I sobbed out louder.

"I know Tims. I won't allow you marry anyone too."Zayn said angrily.

"Then what do i do huh?" I asked again.

They was silence on the other end, for over two minutes and i thought he already hung up, but no,he said the shocking words i'll never imagine he'll say in a lifetime.

"I'll marry you Tims."...........

                   A Z A N ' S P O V

"Bilal you don't understand. I need my wife back for my own sanity,i just realized that i can't live without her and now she leaves me. You need to help me Bilal."

It's been two months now and Iman has been bugging me about the divorce and once she got no response from me, she went to the lawyer and got divorce papers made, she signed them and sent them to my house for me to do same. Mum and Dad wants me to sign it too and give her,her freedom but that's not what i want.

It's never going to happen, she'll never break free from me.

"I can't do anything Azan. I warned you about this before hand but you never listened, let's just face it dude, you don't love her,so why do you want her back so desperately?" Bilal asked glaring at me.

I'll kill this guy.

Why do i even want her back?

I know i like her and can't be without her but I don't love her,Not yet

"I don't need to love her,to want her back,pig brain." I yelled, but the dumbass only glared at me intensely.

"Well you do need to, and besides Mahreen told me that Iman said she'd come back to you, over her dead body." He said shrugging.

"What is wrong with you Bilal? Are you happy that Iman is away from me, you don't want us together,do you?" I growled.

"Oh shut up, you're my friend Azan but what you did to Iman and still doing is not acceptable. You and i know that you don't love her, you're just lusting after her now that you don't have that Alishba. She's been through enough and i won't let her be with a selfish person like you." Bilal spat.

Is this my best friend. Bilal has never spoken to me like this before.

What is wrong with him,he has a wife and a son, literally a happy family. Why doesn't he want me to have that too.

He's calling me selfish, just because i want to have a family like he does.

No i'm not selfish. I want Iman back for my own sanity. I don't care if she despises me or not,all i know is that,i must have her at all cost and that's final.

No one is going to stop me,No one can......

I dialed Iman's number, waiting for her to pick up, which she finnaly did after the fifth ring..

"What do you want?" She asked flatly.

Wow. What a warm welcome.

"I Just want to talk, can we meet up somewhere please." I pleaded.

"I'll never meet up with you,so just say whatever you want now,or i'll hang up." She spoke coldly, voice devoid of any emotion.

This is going to be harder than i thought.

Guess I'm doing this then.

"No Iman, you really need to meet up with me,if you want the divorce papers signed." I threatened.

"I'm still not meeting up with you,if you like sign it and if you like don't, I'll still be free from you either way. Now if that's all,i'd like to hang up."

"No wait. Just please meet up with me,i beg you." I can't believe I'm seriously pleading.

"Why do you insist on it so much huh? Have you planned something evil, like to kidnap me or kill me to get my dad's company to yourself? Just never call me again Azan, i'll never go anywhere with you." With that she hung up.

How the hell did she know my plan?

I mean that's not the entire plan doe.

My plan was to ask her to meet me and when she accepts, i'll drug her and take her with me by force,and erase all her memories, then we'll start afresh in a new country and create new memories. Genius right? But the part about me taking over her company, has never crossed my mind and i'll never do that.

Now what do i do?

Should i go to her home with a gun and take her forcefully?

No. This will only anger my parents more, they're already threatening to disown me, if i don't give Iman her freedom.

What do i do now?

Should i just divorce her and make everyone happy?

No. What will happen to me then? I'll lose and i can't have no one in my life.

I lost Alishba but I'm not going to loose Iman.

She's mine and will remain mine till i die,no one can take her away from me. I'll die before anyone takes her aww from me.

I don't give damns about her loving me, just as long as she's here with me, love doesn't matter.

It only destroys you. I loved Alishba and look how she betrayed and left me.

It's better to have trust a relationship foundation based on trust and understanding and care, love is not everything.

I know a bit of me still loves that bitch, Alishba, but i'm ready to try for Iman, I'll give her the trust and care she needs, i'll be the one for her.

If only she'll just accept me,if only.......

I M A N ' S P O V

"I'm just so tired of this." I groned out as soon as the call ended.

We're currently sitting on the sofa in my house, chatting peaceful when some idiot decided it's very nice to disturb my peace with his stupid call.

"Are you sure you can't forgive him?" Meera asked.

I can't believe she's asking me this, after all the explanation i made to her.

"Meerah, you're going to get me angry,if you say that again. For the little time you knew me Meerah, you know i'll never not forgive someone even if they hurt me beyond repair,i've just had enough of all of the drama,i want people to stop using me as pawns,i want all this drama to finnaly end,i want to focus on my self only,for once. I hope as my friend you'll respect and understand that, and not be on his side." I voiced.

She sighed softly before placing her hand on my shoulder, patting it slowly,in a comforting way.

"I understand you Iman, and i'll always be here for you,i'm really glad i found you again. I just wanted to make sure you're sure of your decision and whatever you decide, i'll always support you and don't worry, i'll give that idiot a piece of my mind, how dare he hurt my best friend, i'll hang him upside down and feed him to the dogs, just wait and watch." She said angryly, gripping my shoulder a bit too hard now.

Ohh Meerah.

I know you all must be wondering,how i'm pretty good friends with Mahreen"s sister right? And did i forget to mention that Alina and i are besties again? I'm also good with the whole Qureshi family.

Well here's how it happened.



What is it? Is everything alright?" I asked worriedly.

"Yes. Nothing to worry about, it's just something we three need to talk about. " She replied.

I thought it was just me and her?

Did she invite Azan?

"What do you mean by, we three? Who's coming?"

"My sister Meerah."

Her sister? What does her sister want to talk about? How does her sister even know me?

This is so confusing.

"Why is that? I don't even know her, what does she want to talk about? If she's another of Zayan's fangirls, then tell her there's nothing between him and i okay, he just calls me beautiful and that's it, there's nothing more to us than friends,so-" I kept blabbering when she cut me off.

"Haye,calm down drama queen, she's definitely not one of  Zayan's fangirls, you met her that day you came to meet Ayaan, she's the one who wants to speak to you personally,i'm just coming along cause it concerns me somehow or mostly,i don't know, and before you start panicking, there's nothing to worry about, it's rather a happy thing,if you ask me." Mahreen finished, leaving me in more thoughts.

How is it going to be a good thing?

I'm getting more confused and anxious.

I don't know how i'll wait till tomorrow to know what's going on?

I think I'm going to die thinking about what it could possibly be about.

"Hello? Are you still there?" Maureen's voice yet again brought me back from my train of thoughts.

"Yeah sorry. Can we just meet today? It's not late yet, it's still evening. I'm dying of suspense please." I said.

I heard Maureen's low chuckle.

"It's nothing to be worried about Iman,i promise you. We'll see tomorrow inshaAllah, have a good rest. Assalamualaikum." She spoke and then hung up before i could even reply.

I decided to not think about it anymore and wait for the worst or the best.

I sighed before walking out of my room and making my way into Alina's room.

I think it's time i stop being grumpy and loomy. What Alina did really hurt me, infact what the whole Qureshi family did really hurt me but it's not qarter to the hurt and pain i've received from mama,baba,zahra and Asif,for years they hurt me physically, emotionally and mentally, and if it wasn't for the Qureshi i'd have been stuck in a toxic marriage to bhai, but they saved me,loved and treated me as their own child and i can't repay them by being all gloomy and arrogant,i have to forgive them and forget it too, even i miss them so much. I miss my best friend Alina, who accepted me without any hesitation. I need to make it right between us.

With that thought in mind, i stood in front of Alina's closed door, breathing slightly in a reassuring way. I knocked slightly on Alina's door and after the third knock, she finnaly opened the door, eyes looking puffy, she definitely cried. And that is making me much more guilty than i already am.

Her puffy eyes widened when she saw me in front of her.

"Can i come in?" I asked lowly to which she nodded, moving asides so i can enter.

Alina is staying in my old room, the bed is quite big enough to accommodate her. I plump down on the bed and she did same.

Staring at the tiled floor,i remained silent, not finding what to say anymore.

"What brings you here?" Alina finally broke the silence, making my gaze meet hers.

"I'm here to say sorry for snapping at you earlier,i know you all want me to be okay with Azan but i really can't Alina,all i can really do now is to forgive him and that's all,i've also realized that it's foolish of me to stay mad at you guys, who are my world and family, you all loved me unconditionally and i forgive you all for that one mistake,so we can all finally move on. I really miss my best friend." I spoke out, getting teary at the end.

Alina smiled at me, her eyes were glassy,filled with tears just like mine. In an instant,i was engulfed into a bone crushing hug.

"I really miss you too,i hope you won't get mad at me again. Since you promise to be good with all of us again, then i'll support you in any decision you take regarding Azan bhai,as long as we'll always be family." Alina said pulling away.

"Of course we'll always be." I assured.

And that evening,i had dinner with everyone,we laughed and played and then watched movies together. I was really happy to be my old self again, letting go of all the hurt gave me peace.

"Do you remember this picture?" Meerah asked, handing me a small photograph.

Yes. It is finnaly the day of the "urgent talk" I arrived at Mahreen's with Alina,who insisted on tagging along, she's currently upstairs with Ayaan while we three are in the terrace.

Gazing at the photo she passed to me,i was extremely shocked to find the picture mahreen and i took two weeks before she left Lahore.

How did she get this?

"Why do you have this?" I asked, confusion etched on my face.

She looked at me skeptically before replying. "Because i am your friend Mahreen." She confessed with her head bowed down.

She's Mahreen? How can that be when her name is Meerah?

I stared at the picture which is still in my hands.

My Mahreen and the duo actually look alike,but Meerah has the same hair black curly hair as my Mahreen and she seems calm and not talkative like my Mahreen, but if she's Mahreen then how come she's Meerah.

I don't even know what i'm saying.

"No it can't be. You can't be my Mahreen, you're Meerah." I said a bit loudly. I'm dying of confusion.

"Just calm down Iman, Meerah you can do this, explain everything to her okay, it'll be alright." Mahreen pats her Meerah's back reassuringly.

What's going on?

"At a very young age,i was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy,a broken heart syndrome caused by extreme stress, when put under little or more stress,i start to feel like my heart is giving out, and well because of that i avoid anything stressful that could trigger it.

I was hated in school and no one played or associated with me and when i try to force myself in, they'll push me out saying "we don't want little weitdo's heart to go off again,do we" It would pain me a lot and then i'll get stressed thinking about it, and my heart will start hurting uncontrollably again. My parents because overprotective, never letting me wander on my own so i won't encounter any stress, asides going to school,i was always indoor. I envied Mahreen cause she had a free and happy life, she's loved by everyone,at that time,i was really jelous of her.

Things continued that way,me being hated by everyone and Mahreen being the fun loving one,i was so lonely cause even Mahreen never had time for me, she was always with her friends, avoiding me also. I hated how lonely and deserted i was untill one chilly afternoon during lunch break, you mistook me for my sister Mahreen, and thanked me for showing you arround the whole school and then i got to know you're a new student and you didn't know about me and Mahreen being twins,i grew fond of you in the few minutes we talked, that i feared if you'll still be friends with me if you knew i wasn't Mahreen,so i thought why would Mahreen only get happiness and have friends and since Mahreen and I are two grades higher than you,i was sure you wouldn't find out.

So i decided to be Mahreen in front of you, just so you'll be friends with me.

By the time school was over,i searched for for you and i finally saw you, i approached you and offer my friendship but you refused saying that you can't make friends and when i asked the reason, you refused to tell me, and after much persuaton from me, you finnaly agreed to be friends with me and that's how it was,i continued to be Mahreen to you,i never told you my illness and hid the the truth about me being a twin, and since you didn't make any other friends asides me,it was easy to keep it away from you since i was your only friend in school.

Sadly our friendship didn't last, i had to move away to London cause my Dad got a big business offer and that day i gave you a bracelet with half a heart on it and i also had one for my self to represent our friendship, and even if we were both crying cause i was going away,we still said the words we always say to each other  "We'll be best of friends and nobody can separate us....."

I was scared,i couldn't tell you the truth about my identity,so i promised myself that i'll find you someday and then i'll tell you everything. So this is me telling you everything and Hoping you could forgive me" She finished with tears running down her face.

So she is Mahreen,my Mahreen. My long lost friend.

I'm so happy I'm meeting her again. Even if she lied to me about her identity and all, I'm really still glad I'm seeing her again.

"How are you feeling now. I mean is the condition cureable?" I asked hopefully.

"Yes. Alhamdudillah I'm fine now, i just feel a winy pain when i worry too much but it's okay. I hope you can really forgive me. "

"I'm hurt that you never told me who you were from the start but i also understand your fears and no hurt beats seeing your friend after so many years." I said passing a bright smile to her. She smiled back too.

"That's all? Come on guys, don't be so boring, hug it out now." Mahreen commanded, making me and Meerah laugh but still did as we were told, when we broke apart. I decided to ask her the question that's been bugging me.

"How did you know I'm the same Iman from years ago?" I asked.

"Well when you came to Mahreen's to see baby Ayaan,we all sat down and talked, you told Mahreen how you never knew she had a twin sister, and in the middle of the conversation, i noticed the bracelet you were wearing, it looked exactly like the one i gave my best friend Iman, i just shrugged it off as mare coincidence but staring at it again and again, i found my initials on the half heart of the necklace and that can't be a coincidence since it's customized and then your name is Iman, adding the bracelet and your name, plus the similar features,it all just can't be a coincidence and when you left,i talked to Mahreen,she told me the little she knew about you, you're from Lahore, like my best friend and you have siblings named Zahra and Asif, same as my best friend and that's when i was certain that it was really you and then i had to come clean to Mahreen and ask for her help. Once again I'm sorry,i hope we could still be like before again please." She finished.

"No need to keep apologizing over and over again, i've forgiven you and i'll love to catch up on old times." I said with a smile on my face.

_______Flashback ends________

"Meerah just leave the guy alone. No need for violence." I said.

"So what's going to happen then? It's the only language he'll understand, he's not going to divorce you,are you planning on changing your mind after that speech you gave me some minutes ago." She enquired.

What? Hell no.

"I will never change my mind Meerah. Don't worry i know what to do." I assured.

"What are you planning to do?" She asked.

"Nothing much, just wait and see, this marriage will not go on for much longer." I promised.


Assalamualaikum guys.

I don't know if anyone is still going to read this after the long wait. Super sorry for making you guys wait, I've been extremely busy, plus the huge writer's block.

I'm not sure this chapter is even good, like after waiting for so long,i update crap, I'm really sorry.

I just want you all to know that Iman's broken Journey ends here, yes this is the last chapter of my broken life. I feel like it's dragging on and I'm making our Iman suffer but beware the this is not the end of Iman's story guys. They'll be a new book with Iman's new journey in discovering happiness and love and i hope you all will follow me on that journey too. Sorry if this isn't how you wanted the book to go but i assure you that book 2 is going to be a blast and Iman will have a happy ending.

Stay tuned for the epilogue next, let's know what Iman is gonna do next. And the final news is that they'll also be a book about Zayn and Fatima's journey. I'll reveal the names in the epilogue.

Please give so much love to this chapter and share your thoughts and please vote all of you.

May Allah bless you and guide you.


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