Drama Of A Teen (completed, u...

By yourgirl_draya

8.6K 863 5K

This story is about the drama of what a teen girl named Adrienne Scott goes through. She has issues with her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Lost but Not Forgotten
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Authors Note
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 54

63 8 39
By yourgirl_draya

umm, this is very chaotic and might seemed rushed at points. I do apologize if it is. I really wanted to post for you guys. I will try my best to make it better at a later time. Although it might seemed rushed, I added a lil something something.

Also, I've said this before. I am not a medical professional. Half this stuff I made up or used the internet.

Chapter 54

Everything is happening way too fast. It was like life was not giving no one a chance to breathe. It was confirmed that Adrienne's water did break and like rapid fire she is dilating every hour. Adrienne's emergency Cesarean is on the schedule, however both Dr. Moore and Dr. Green are in surgery. Other doctors are on standby in case of immediate emergency as Adrienne's nurses keep watch.

A groan came from Adrienne's lips as she clung unto Jason. She was on her way to the bathroom with Jason's help when contraction came. Diane was behind her in support.

" You have to breathe through it baby." Diane encouraged as the three swayed together.

Adrienne had a strong grip on Jason's arms like her life depended on it as the pain came in like a rushing wave. With her forehead resting on Jason's head, she tried breathing through it like her mother suggested as tears are at the brink of her eyes. Once the contraction stopped, she stood up straight and wiped her tears.

" How long was that one Emery?" Jason asked Emery, who stayed behind while the guys went to the mental facility to try to get Derek. With Adrienne laboring for the past few hours, Emery was a lot of help. Max had left to stay at a hotel, not wanting to impose on the family more than she had already had. She offered her help asking them to call her if they needed anything. And the kids were picked up by Momma Rose. Momma Rose didn't leave without praying not only for Adrienne and everyone around them.

" That was about a minute long. I didn't get to start the timer this time. Her last contraction was about 8 minutes ago. " Emery answered while updating her notes on her phone.

" Ooh that one was a doozy." Adrienne joked through her tears, with a small giggle. " Now I really need to use the restroom."

Once she was alone in the bathroom, she did her business then took a moment for herself as she looked in the mirror.

" Why can't you stay in a little while longer? hmm" Adrienne whispered, placing a hand on her belly. In spite of trying to keep herself in good spirits, her tears were forever flowing as if she would die if she didn't shed another tear. They were like an unwanted and uncontrollable expression of her being. Her being was painful and her tears were her evidence.

" You know if you stay in longer you have a better chance of surviving... I'll have a better chance of being a good mother to you."

Adrienne couldn't help but look at her exposed wombs. In the thin hospital gown, discolored arms and legs were a reminder on why she was there in the first place. She didn't want her trauma to rub off on her baby. How could she take care of a sick baby if she's sick herself?

" If this is your way of punishing me for ignoring you..."

" You alright, Sweetheart?" Jason asked with a knock on the bathroom door.

" yeah..." Adrienne said softly before washing her hands. She sucked up her motions and opened the door. She got back into bed with the help of her parents.

" Have you got a hold of Derek?" She asked Jason.

" Not yet the boys are working on it and if not I have a legal team working on getting him out of there," Jason could tell that he was disappointing Adrienne by his words. Honestly, he did not expect it to be this hard to even speak to Derek especially since he was emancipated minor. He didn't understand why Derek's father was fighting so hard to keep the two apart.

" It's cruel what Derek's father is doing. At least let the boy know the condition of his baby. What is he trying to do to make him out to be some kind of deadbeat? Derek is a lot of things but I know for certain that he would want to be here." Diane fussed, like always she was in bed with Adrienne, keeping her comfortable. If Adrienne could help it, she didn't want either Diane or Jason too far from her.

" I don't think it's Derek Senior doing this, but Dr. Harry, a friend of his fathers." Emery butted in from where she sat at the couch.

" Uncle Harry wasn't too happy about the attack. He said he didn't want Derek to be a part of it" Adrienne confessed.

" He knew about the attack?"

It dawned on Adrienne that she hadn't explained this before. " Harry is a medical doctor. He worked as his dad's personal doctor when his dad was boxing and owns his own practice. Derek called him and his nurse, Mary, the night of the rape. I gave them a really hard time and I was intoxicated..."

Jason sighed as he got up and paced the floor, thinking that maybe if he got in contact with Harry, then he would get the necessary evidence he needs.

" I'm sorry, daddy. I thought I told you. My memory of that night comes and goes." Adrienne realizes that every detail that she withholds intentionally or unintentionally is making it hard for Jason and his team.

" Daddy, will figure it out. Don't you worry." Jason reassured her, finally sitting back down. Before Adrienne could say anymore another contraction came.


" What's the update on Adrienne?" Dr. Moore asked, seeing her mother, Nurse Angela come into the surgical operating room with surgical scrubs and a mask covering her face. She wasn't fully covered like the rest so she stood back as checked in.

Dr. Stephanie Moore was focused yet alert as she moved through this complicated, familiar surgery of removing a mass from a forty year old male's intestines. Complicated, because the intestines were also twisted in a knot that caused this man excruciating pain. As the Hospital's new president, Dr. Moore rarely had to scrub in for surgery unless it was a special case or she felt like getting her hands dirty. This case was definitely special since she was not scheduled for this surgery until she paged in this morning for an emergency surgery.

Before Nurse Angela could answer, Dr. Moore spoke again, " You see that?"

" Yes, Dr. Moore." a resident answered, seeing an obstruction in their way.

" Let's get that out. Glad we saw it. Looks like Mr. Glen over here had more than one Mass. This would have been easy to miss if we didn't untie this knot first."

Nurse Angela waited for a second, letting her daughter work. It made her proud seeing her daughter in her element.

" How's Adrienne?" she asked again as she cracked her neck, becoming slightly weary in the long hours of operation with no break.

" She's doing okay. She's 6 centimeters dilated. Her contractions are coming every eight to ten minutes"

" How long has she been laboring now?" Dr. Moore glanced at the clock seeing she's been in surgery for the past four hours.

" For about 3 hours now. She's dilating at a faster rate within the last hour." Nurse Angela stated.

Dr. Moore stopped what she was doing for a second to think as the Residents that were assisting her took over to suction out the area they were operating on and to cut out the rest of the obstruction that she took out.

When Adrienne first came in, Dr. Weaver and Dr. Green was able to stop Adrienne from slowing her laboring down to a stop, which is how they discovered the blood clot. At the time Adrienne's water had not burst and the fetal sac was still intact making it easier to slow her labor. With Adrienne's water breaking it was almost impossible to slow the laboring process as it is even harder to keep any infections from getting to the baby. Keeping the baby inside of Adrienne was a risk but taking the baby so early was even a bigger one.

" What's...What's Adrienne's temperature?"

" Slightly above the average but nothing too alarming." Nurse Angela began to run off Adrienne's recent vitals seeing that she was deep in thought. " Her BP is a bit high as expected."

" Something's not right." Dr. Moore said to herself as if it wasn't stating the obvious. The baby's heart rate barely approved like it should have as Adrienne got better. " The baby wants out and there's nothing we can do to stop her. Prep the OR for her and come to get me immediately if anything changes.

Nurse Angela turned to leave but was stopped by Dr. Moore. " Did you call Dr. Figgs?"

" I did, she'll be here as soon as she can."

" Thanks Mom." Dr. Moore gave her gratitude as she turned back around to operate again. " I love you."

" I love you back, darling."


" What happened?" Dr. Moore said as she burst through the door.

" Breathe, baby" Diane comforted a sweating Adrienne, with worry etched on her forehead.

In the chaotic room, no one answered Dr. Moore as everyone was busy doing something in care of Adrienne. Adrienne looked exhausted as she tried to breathe with her mother. The tears that both mother and daughter shared were painful to watch as well as the look of helplessness from Jason and Emery who stood out the way.

" Somebody talk to me." Dr. Moore demanded as she put on a new set of gloves and drape covering.

Dr. Moore barely had gotten out of surgery when she was bombarded by her mother and another nurse to come quickly. The baby's monitor went off followed by blood coming from Adrienne's vagina. Emery had run to get help after that. Twenty minutes before that, Adrienne had been laboring for 5 hours and administered a epidural or something to manage the pain since she had stopped dilating and received the okay from another doctor.

Growing Impatient, Dr. Moore seized everyone's movements. " Everyone stop. Somebody needs to tell me what happened." While nurse Janice ran down all that happened and what has been done about it so far, Dr. Moore checked Adrienne to see that she was indeed crowning, except she saw little toes instead of hair.

Dr. Moore sighed, " I need everyone who's not on this case to get out, please. Someone get me Dr. Green and pediatrician surgeon. I need an incubator here, stat. We won't make it to the OR. Adrienne, whatever you do do not push, okay? Do not push"

Nurse Angela came over with surgical tools that Dr. Moore might need. " She's split open." She whispered to her mother, Nurse Angela. Dr. Moore didn't understand why someone would administer a drug that can be deadly without being properly accessed. Either Adrienne was already too far along in labor or she was allergic to the medication. Either way it pissed Dr. Moore off for someone to be so careless.

" How can anyone miss this? Where were you?"

Adrienne moaned as she held on to Diane's hand. The pain was unbearable, she was just fine a few minutes ago and now this. Everything was happening too fast. " I went to get lunch for them and some more ice for her. " Nurse Angela spoke, gesturing towards the food trays.

With Diane now in a gown and her hair up in a bun, she was right back at Adrienne's side. Jason and Emery decided to leave the room seeing how graphic things were turning.

" I feel like I need to push. " Adrienne groaned.

" Don't I'm afraid if you do, it will cause more damage. I'm going to do a cesarean." With a sterilized scalpel, Dr. Moore was prepared to do the incision.

" I don't want another scar. Let me push" Adrienne whined as she shook her head in protest.

" Your baby is also breached, it's best if we do the cesarean."

" You should listen to Dr. Moore, baby. Let her do the surgery." Diane encouraged, wiping her own eyes with her sleeve.

" No, they have taken enough from me. Don't take this away from me too. You've delivered a breech baby before?"

" Yes, I have ." At that point, both Dr. Green, Dr. Alonzo, a pediatrician surgeon, and a couple new nurses.

" We're ready when you are boss."Dr. Green greeted, already suited up.

" Let me Push. " Adrienne repeats.

Dr. Moore gave a sympathetic glance to Diane who seemed to be feeling all her daughter's pain. Diane nods as she stands in support of her daughter.

" Alright, Dr. Alonzo, get ready for Baby Girl. There's a chance she'll need steroids for her lungs. We also have a low fetal heart rate of 95 BPM. Mom's vaginal incision has burst, She'll need an immediate surgical exam. Dr. Green be prepared to patch up once the baby is out. Don't push until I tell you to, I'm going to pull the baby out a little."

Adrienne nodded in understanding as sweat dripped from her brow. With a warming blanket draped over her everyone got to work. Two nurses were off towards the back with Dr. Alonzo preparing the incubator for the baby, while Nurse Janice and Nurse Angela were with Dr. Moore and Dr. Green.

" oooh " Adrienne moaned in discomfort. She could literally feel Dr. Moore's hands guiding the baby out. "Oh fuck I'm never having a baby again." Adrienne shouted. If it weren't for the intense atmosphere someone would probably giggle, but this was no laughing matter. This could very well be a life or death situation.

" Are you okay?" Dr. Green asked Dr. Moore who has a frown on her face.

" Yeah, she's clenched down on my hands. I don't want to have to make another incision. Can you hold her legs open please?" The baby still wasn't coming. Only the legs were out. " Saline? I need saline."

With the spray of saline all over the area, the baby's bottom was finally able to slide out. Dr. Moore let out a breath that she wasn't sure she was holding. " How are you doing, Adrienne?"

" I just want this damn baby out of me." she cried.

" Let's not rush this, Adrienne. Match mama's breathing." Diane coached. The strength Diane is showing alongside her daughter it's admirable but you can't help but see the strength is shifting.

" I promise Adrienne, we are going to get her out. Now when your next contraction comes I want you to push as hard as you can. Push!"

" You're doing so good, baby. I'm so proud of you." Diane spoke.

Two pushes later, the baby was out. The room grew quiet expecting to hear a cry. Unfortunately, premature babies sometimes don't cry right away, if not at all. It was evident that the precious tiny baby was struggling to breath as the baby's mouth was propped open in a scowl. The baby's color was a grayish purple and covered in blood and white discharge.

" Is my baby okay?"

The baby was quickly handed over to Dr. Alonzo and his team after the cutting of the umbilical cord. As they immediately went to work, Dr. Green took over in caring for Adrienne. " We need you to push to pass the placenta. It's imperative that we move quickly to patch you up." Dr. Green explained.

" Is my baby okay? " She asked again. " Did I make a mistake?"

" Her BP is rapidly rising, Doctor."

" Calm down, Adrienne baby. They are working on the baby."

As if it couldn't get any more chaotic, someone burst through the door. " Sir you can not be in here." they heard.

" I'm here. Am I too late?"

" Sir, I said you can't be in here."

Derek walked in further into the room, making his presence known. His broad shoulders and tall stature made the room seem smaller in the crowded room.

" Derek?" Adrienne breathed out before passing out. 

Diane gripped at Nurse Angela's arm to get her attention. She was clutching onto her chest with the look of pain. " My chest, there's something wrong." She gasped.

Nurse Angela guides her to a chair before she hits the floor.

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