Total drama island Nerd love

By karateunicornalc

4.1K 103 51

'Ew, nerd love! If you kiss in front of me, I will throw up!' Just an AU where Alex and Scarlett go on TDI in... More

Not so happy campers, part one
Not so happy campers part two
The big sleep
Not quite famous
The sucky out doors
Phobia factor
Up the creek
Paintball deer hunt
If you can't take the heat
Who can you trust?
Basic straining
X-treme torture
Brunch of disgustingness
No pain, no gain
Search and do not destroy
Hide and be sneaky
That's off the chain!
Hook, line and screamer
Wawanakwa gone wild!
Tri-armed triathlon
Batter batter, swing!
haute camp-ture
Camp castaways
Are we there yeti?
I triple dog dare you!
The very last episode! Really!

Total drama, drama, drama, island!

187 3 2
By karateunicornalc

Alex's POV

Everyone was at Playa de Losers. I was hanging out with Owen, Izzy Scarlett and Eva.

"Ninety five!" Izzy cheered, tossing another marshmallow into her mouth. She drank a can of drink and crushed the can on her head

"You are a marshmallow goddess!" Owen praised, bowing down to her.

"yes, a goddess who is going to get seriously sick pretty soon" Scarlett said.

Eva groaned and clutched her stomach.

"Thirty seven's not bad Eva!" Izzy said to her "Besides, with a little practice, you'll be burping like,". She let out a massive burp, making the pool water ripple.

"I think I'm in love with you!!!" Owen declared, kissing Izzy's hand.

Izzy ran towards the barbeque and vomited on the steak Chef was cooking.

"ew. That was gross" Izzy blinked, before picking up a plate of hotdogs and taking a bite from one. "Ok, who wants some hotdogs?" she offered.

Scarlett and I gagged

"I AM HAPPY!" we heard Courtney yell. Everyone stopped talking and stared at her.

"Awkward" I said.


Chris and Chef walked by. I noticed that Chris was holding a briefcase.

"hello Campers!" Chris said happily.

"Uhhh, that's ex campers to you" Duncan reminded him.

"Yeah! Your twisted game is over, remember?" Scarlett added.

"We'll see about that" Chris whispered to Chef, before turning to the rest of us. 

"Congratulations to our winner, Owen! You played hard, ate hard, farted harder. Not sure why, but you beat everyone else on the island, and soon your pockets will be stuffed with cheddar!".

Most of us (Excluding Heather) cheered.

"mmmmm, cheddar" Owen said, thinking of the cheese cheddar.

"I lost to him?" Scarlett muttered sourly.

"But what I am about to offer you may change all that. Inside this suitcase is... ONE... MILLION...DOLLERSSSSSSSSSSS!" Chris yelled, holding up the briefcase he was holding.

"We had our PAs make a cardboard cheque of this awesome new prize" Chris explained. We heard a rumbling sound. Some helicopters hauled in a cheque that was legit bigger than the hotel.

"WE WNT THROUGH A LOT OF CARDBOARD TO MAKE THIS!" Chris yelled over the rotating helicopter blades.

"Isn't the point of cheques and credit cards to not take up to much space?" I asked.


Alex: I shouldn't be to hard on him. he's only Chris. He'll get smarter when he's not Chris *Smirks*


"Owen my man, this million dollars could be all yours" Chris said "All you have to do is figure out where we're about to hide it and bring it to the dock of shame before anyone else does".

"You're telling us we have a chance at a million dollars now?" Gwen asked suspiciously.

"Yep!" Chris confirmed "So, what do you think Owen? Will you settle for a hundred Gs? Or... ONE...MILLION...DOLLARS!!!".

Owen thought for a bit.

"Game on baby! Yeah!" he finally decided.

"That's the spirit Owen! Throughout the day I'll give you hints over the loudspeaker so you're not completely lost" Chris explained "Alright campers, the ultimate million dollar challenge starts... NOW!".

Chris shot the air with a gun, making a bird fall out of the sky.

I clicked my tongue. "That's gonna provoke some angry emails from PETA" I said, staring at the dead bird.

"HERE I COME MILLION DOLLARS!" Owen cheered before running off.

"Let me get this straight, after messing with our heads for an entire summer, you expect us to start running around camp like idiots all over again?" Heather scowled.

"That's right" Chris said, not seeming to understand why she found that hard to believe.

"And how do we know you didn't just stuff that suitcase with bricks or something?" LeShawna asked.

"You don't" Chris said, still not understanding.

"I'd love to play another round of humiliate the teens, but I've got a buffet to eat" Noah said, picking up some marshmallows and eating one.

"Your first marshmallow" Scarlett snarked. I laughed quietly. Noah rolled his eyes.

"Fine! Suit yourselves! I'm sure Owen will be happy to have no competition while he makes the easiest million in TV history" Chris said, trying to change our minds.

"Fine!" Gwen said, folding her arms

"Fine!" Lindsay said

"Whatever!" I shrugged, not really giving a crap.

"Yeah right!" Justin scoffed. Why does he suddenly have a voice box?

"ALRIGHT! I'M GONNA BE RICH! HAHAHA!" we heard Owen yell happily.

We all stood there for another moment, before stampeding out.

We somehow ended up in a big pile on the ground, struggling and arguing.

Chris whistled to get us to shut the hell up.

"hey! I've got an idea! Why don't we all work together as a team? We can split the million twenty-four ways and share it!" Beth offered.

We lay there in silence for a moment, before trying to get out of the pile again.

Someone grabbed my arm and pulled me out. I saw Scarlett.

"Thanks" I smiled "Team up to find the cash?"

"If there is any" she said skeptically. 

"Scarlett! Alex! Wanna team up!" Izzy yelled to us. 

"She did say she had an IQ of a hundred and eight eight" I said

"Eh, what the heck." Scarlett said "Sure, you can join our team". 

"haha! yay! Ooh! Noey! Evey! Join us!" Izzy yelled to Eva and Noah.

"Fine" Eva said, dragging Noah over.

"haha! yay! We got the smarts, we got the skills, we got the dynamite, and together we will win that cool suitcase that has something in it, but I forgot what!" Izzy cheered, before skipping off.


Scarlett and Alex in same one

Scarlett: She's crazy

Alex: Right and crazy are never that far apart


We walked by Dj, Tyler, Owen and Cody who looked like they were teaming up.

"I've been working out since I got here!" Tyler bragged "Working on my fierceness-ness".

Scarlett and Eva shoved him over.

"Get over yourself" Eva told him

"And PS, if you're so stupid that you think 'fierceness-ness' is a word, you might as well give up now" Scarlett said.

Izzy paused by Tyler. "hahahahaha! That was funny! You stupid guy! Hahahaha!" she laughed, pointing at him.

We walked around for two hours.

"It's been two hours and no one's came close to finding the suitcase!" Chris said over the loudspeaker "So here's your first hint, it's just hanging around!"

"How many square hectares is this island? It's hopeless" Noah whined.

"Just keep looking! Do you want to win, or do you want to be rolled up on a rug and tossed off a cliff?" Scarlett growled.

"Carrot top's right, we're finding that money if it's the last thing we do" Eva agreed. Scarlett clenched her fists at the nickname


Scarlett: I'm not one to care about my looks, but the first thing I'm going to buy with my share of the money if we win is hair dye.


I glanced around. "Wait, where's Izzy?" I asked

"Gee, too bad" Noah said sarcastically.

"Guys up here!" Izzy yelled from a tree "The case must be in a tree! Ok, to find it we must think like the tree! We must be tree creatures!". She started singing some nonsense song.

She sprang from the tree and swung down on a vine.

Courtney and Duncan ran over. Duncan looked out of breath from running.

"Hey" I said "You guys have any luck finding the money?"

"None of your business" Duncan said. Ok then.

"I think I see it!" Izzy yelled happily.

Courtney gasped. "She sees the suitcase! We can't let her have it!!!" she exclaimed, before jumping onto the vine.

"hey! get your own vine!" Izzy said, trying to kick her off.

"yeah! That's my girl!" Duncan cheered.

"Go Izzy!" Scarlett cheered "Kill her!"

They both tumbled off the vine with no briefcase.

"Come on! we gotta keep looking!" Courtney said, dragging Duncan away.

"I agree with Courtney, but if any of you tell anyone, I'll deny it" Scarlett said. we all started looking again.


We were running across the beach. Izzy was swinging from vines.

I saw Courtney with the briefcase. "She's got the case!" I yelled

"NO WAY!!!" Eva yelled engrily.

"Izzy! Let go of the vine in three, two, one, NOW!" Scarlett yelled. Izzy let go of the vine and landed on Courtney.

"Ha! Wow! that was good luck! except for... her head" Izzy said, taking the briefcase.

"Come on, let's go already!" Eva yelled. We continued to run. No caught up with us, and for some reason wasn't wearing his pants. You could see his undies.


"You run like a girl" Eva snapped at Noah.

"Forgot my 'roids back at the gym" he said sarcastically.

"I'm thinking about changing my name!" Izzy said happily "yeah, to 'kaleidoscope' isn't that pretty? you guys can call me Escope for short!"

"Isn't a kaleidoscope a toy?" I asked her. We bumped into Justin.

"Watch it! it's a trap!" Eva said, shielding her eyes.

"Justin! The anti-me! We meet again" Noah glared.

"Don't look into his eyes! he has powers!!!" Izzy said nervously

"Give me the case" Justin said

"Stay back really hot guy!" Izzy said, trying to cover her eyes.

"I didn't want to do this but, you leave me no choice" Justin said darkly. I expected him to pull out a gun or something, but he just pulled his shirt off.

"Izzy, don't fall for it! Look away!" Noah said

"I- I can't he's too beautiful!" Izzy said, before staring at Justin. She smiled dreamily and handed him the case.

Noah jumped forward but Eva tripped him, having also fell under his spell. Scarlett and I tried to get the case back, but she tossed us on the ground too.

"He's so pretty! he deserves it!" she said dreamily

"thank you!" Justin said, before walking off.

Izzy and Eva snapped out of their trances.

"what happened?! Where's the case?!" Izzy exclaimed

"You just handed it over to a male model" I deadpanned.

"And a lot of help you were!" Noah said to Eva.

"I'm so ashamed" she said sadly

"You should be, 'iron woman'! That was seriously pathetic!" Scarlett snapped. We got to our feet and ran towards the campgrounds.

"The case is almost at the camp rounds!" Chris said over the loudspeaker "Get your butts in gear people! it's a million big ones!"

We arrive at camp.

"Guys guys guys! Follow me! Escope has a plan!" Izzy said, leading us to the boathouse.

"Um Izzy? How is hiding in the boathouse helpful?" Scarlett asked.

"That's Escope!" Izzy reminded her "And we're not hiding! Now put these on!". She tossed us some of the glasses and hats from the paintball challenge.

We put them on. Eva had antlers, which was funny.

"Tell me again why we're getting dressed up Iz- um, Escope?" I asked.

"I feel kinda dumb" Eva said, indicating her antler hat.

"Because then he won't see us coming!" Izzy/ Escope explained "Now remember, as soon as you have that pretty-boy Justin in your sights, fire at will!".

She handed us buckets of fish.

"And then ya take the case back! Have ya got that?" Izzy asked

"yes Sargent Escope!!!" we all responded, saluting.


Izzy: Oooooh! I love this commando stuff! I swear, I would be so good in the army! They would never see me coming, it would be so fun! I adore sneaking up on people, ok? It's one of my passions in life! Sometimes, I just walk quietly around the room and all of a sudden, I'm just like 'BOO!'. Once I made my grandpa wet his pants! It was awesome! hahaha! *Sighs happily*

Scarlett: Ok, she is starting to freak me out


We went behind the bathroom block to wait. Bridgette, Geoff, Katie, and sadie run past, being chased by a giant moose.


Eva, Noah, Scarlett and I climbed up onto the roof so we could throw the fish on Justin from a better angle.

"And I was like 'Yes, you can wear pink with red' and she was like 'No you can't!' Wow, that's a pretty case! Anyways so I was-" Lindsay said, as she, Beth and Ezekiel walked out of the bathrooms.

"It's the case!" Beth gasped.

Lindsay picked it up.

We hear a plane. We look up to see Justin parachuting out of it.


Alex: HOW?!


Justin landed in front of Lindsay. His parachute draped over Beth and Ezekiel.

"Wow!!! You can fly!" Lindsay swooned.

"Lindsay! May I please have the case?" Justin asked with a smile. Lindsay nodded and handed him the case.

"Not so fast pretty boy! FIRE!!!" Izzy yelled. We dumped the fish on Justin.

"AHHHHH! MY HAIR! MY HAIR!' he screamed in horror "Please! Someone! Anyone! What gets the smell of fish out of hair?!"

"try this!" Izzy said, before dumping a bucket of worms on his head.


"AFTER HER!" Scarlett screamed.

We climbed down from the roof and ran after her.

We ran to the dock where there were a bunch of people bobbing around in the water, including Izzy.

The case was floating in the water. A shark ate it.

"Great! Now what?!" LeShawna exclaimed angrily.

Chris and Chef came down in their helicopter.

"So... you lost the case!" Chris scolded "Way to go! I didn't want to have to do this, but since none of the fourteen of you officially won, you all officially tied, which means that you will have another shot at the million dollars!".

Everyone in the water cheered.

"In season two!" Chris added.

The cheering stopped.


LeShawna: Did he just say season two?

Heather: Nuh uh. No way. I am not coming back here.

Lindsay: *Excited* Season two? Season two? I'm gonna be so much more famous than I thought!!! *Gets concerned* I hope I have a chance to get my roots done first...


"oh, forget this! I didn't agree to season two!" Duncan snarled

"Actually you did, it's called the fine print. Read it, live it, love it!" Chris said

"I hate the fine print" Gwen growled. 

I read the fine print. I always do. it's why I'm not bobbing around in the lake right now. 

Chris turned to everyone standing on the dock. 

"As for the rest of you! Your treasure hunt ends here, along with your dreams of ever winning any money off this show!" Chris told us. 


Scarlett: I could have played for a million dollars if I just jumped in the lake? *Eye twitches*


"The good news?" Chris said "You'll be watching all the action from the sidelines!".

"W-wait a minute! I wanna be on season two!" Courtney whined

"Tut tut tut!" Chris said "Fine print!"

"Yes! This is so awesome! Escope is coming back! Escope is coming back" Izzy smiled.

No one else knew what the hell she was talking about.

"In exactly two days you will all report to a new location for a whole new challenge and the last one will receive one million dollars! So don't forget to tune in to Total! Drama! Action!" Chris said to a camera.


Author's note!

Finally done! Thank you all for reading my book, you are so amazing 🥰

I love the Izzy, Eva and Noah team in this episode. So unexpected, yet also so fucking amazing.

Favorite lines from this episode!!!

'Is that enough to buy a country?- Lindsay

I'll call you from my hot tub phone in my new mansion!- Courtney

I'd love to play another round of humiliate the teens, but I've got a buffet to eat-Noah

I adore sneaking up on people! it's one of my passions in life!- Escope

Lol, such a good episode

I'll probably just skip Action, or I'll make them help out with the Aftermath shows. I don't really know.

I hope you enjoyed this!

if you have any ideas for world tour, don't hesitate to share them.


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