Paintball deer hunt

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Alex's POV

I was awake and lying on my bed reading, when I heard a helicopter.

"HIT THE DECK!" Duncan screamed, jumping down from his bed, looking terrified "THEY'RE COMING MAN, THEY FOUND US!".

"Chill, it's Chris. And also, who 'Found you'?" I asked the delinquent. "None of you business" he said. I rolled my eyes, before getting dressed.

"I hope you're ready for the most challenging challenge yet!" Chris said over the loudspeaker "Breakfast in three minutes at the campfire".


Alex: *Gulps* If it's an eating challenge, I'm in trouble

Scarlett: *Clasps hands together* Please, please don't be an eating challenge.


"Are you ready for today's MAX IMPACT CHALLENGE?" Chris exclaimed. If we say no, can we go back to bed?

"We are ready!" Owen cheered.

"Incoming!" Chris said, before throwing cans of beans at us. One nearly hit Gwen in the face, but Trent caught it just in time. They're so in love.

"This is breakfast" Chris announced.

"No, breakfast is crepes, croissants, even Chef's crappy burnt eggs" Heather said.

"Beans beans, they're good for your heart, the more you eat the more you-" Owen sang, before Scarlett threw a can of beans at him, knocking him out of his seat, and making him stop singing his amusing song.

"Today's challenge is all about survival. We're going hunting!" Chris cheered, before holding up a green gun.


Alex: No way! I am never, ever going to hurt an animal, person, plant, pretty much anything alive! That's a little too 'Eric' for me


"Now that's more like it!" Duncan cheered

"isn't that a paintball gun?" Harold asked

"Why yes Harold. yes it is" Chris said, before shooting the guy. Ouch.

"So we won't be killing anything?" Bridgette asked

"Negatory" Chris said. I sighed with relief.

"This is the first ever, paintball deer hunt. I'll announce the teams once we get into the woods. So, finish breaky!" Chris said.

Owen burped loudly. We turned to him. He was sitting on the ground surrounded by empty bean cans. "Got any more?" he asked. I tossed him mine, because i didn't want them.


"And now for the team break downs!" Chris said, when we got to the woods. "The killer bass hunters are Harold, Geoff and Bridgette, locked and loaded with blue paint." He tossed him paintball guns.

"And using orange paint, are the Gopher hunters. LeShawna, Beth, Scarlett, Owen Lindsay". he tossed them red paintball guns.

"Woohoo! This is awesome man!" Owen cheered

"Excuse me, but are you sure it's safe to give Lindsay any type of gun?" Scarlett asked

"Don't worry Stella, I'll be fine!" Lindsay said cheerfully, before accidentely firing a paintball at Chris.

"Ow!" Chris said, before remembering what to say "You also get these styling glasses, and wicked camo hats!". He tossed them goggles and camo caps.

"The rest of you are now deer" Chris said simply "Here are your antlers, noses, and little white tails".

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