I triple dog dare you!

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Scarlett's POV

I was sitting in the dock with my book, enjoying how peaceful it was, when the intercom screeched to life.

"Campers! Welcome to the semi finals!" Chef said over the intercom "Today we reward our campers with an all you can eat pancake breakfast! That's right, genuine food-by product with fresh ingredients relatively close to their expiration dates!"

Ugh, he interrupted my reading for that? Moron.


Scarlett: Well, I'm in the finals. Yes, it wasn't easy and I had to manipulate and lie to quite a lot of people... but it was totally worth it! Yay! *Unsure of self*

Gwen: So I actually made it to the final four. Just goes to show how far a bad attitude can get you *Smirks*

Heather: *Putting on makeup* Pht, whatever! I knew I'd make it to the end! Big shocker! I just can't believe weird goth girl made it this far too

Owen: I wanted to believe it, I dreamt it could be true, and now, the day is finally here... ALL YOU CAN EAT PANCAKES! YESSSSSSSSS!


"We're getting pancakes, we're getting pancakes" Owen sang as we lined up.

Chef gave me four or so. I went and sat down at a table beside Gwen, who was glaring at Heather like she was trying to light her on fire.

"You know Gwen, you really shouldn't stare at one thing for so long, it can strain your eyes or make the symptoms of existing eye conditions worse" I told her, setting my pancakes down.

"Good point" Gwen said. She blinked a few times. "I just really want her to go home".

"Oh we all do Gwendolyn, we all do" I said.

"So, all we need to do is stop her from getting invincibility and get Owen on our side, them bam, we can vote her off" Gwen smiled

"Good plan, even if it is skipping a few details." I said "Anyway, if you would want to survive to the finale, you'd also have to gain immunity yourself, and Heather is probably going to be targeting you, and knowing her reputation, I can safely say that she would have no issue manipulating Owen, or tampering with the votes."

"Hmmm, true" Gwen said


Heather: Luckily, I'm up against the freak show, tangerine, and fatty ginormous, so they might as well give me the cheque! I mean come on, I think we all know who's going to win here!

Owen: Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes

Gwen: *Holding sketchbook* if I win, I'm going to buy Camp Wawanakwa! So I can burn it down, and turn it into a graveyard *Smirks*

Scarlett: If I win, I'd probably put the money towards my college fund, or use it to pay for an apartment so I don't have to live in my chaotic household any longer.

Owen: pancakes, pancakes, pancakes!

Scarlett: Or maybe I'd hire a hitman or bodyguard so that no one ever annoys me again

Heather: when I win, I'm thinking of my own spin off series 'The world according to Heather'

Owen: I'd never win. But if I did, I'd start off everyday with pancakes! Because they're like mini sunshines filled with yummy fun!

Gwen: Personally, I've had enough drama here to last a lifetime! Owen's ok, and Scarlett's pretty cool, even though she can be sorta unpredictable, but eight weeks with Heather was about as fun as a mouth full of impacted molars

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