iris, supernatural [ 2 ]

By maybankwalker

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[ supernatural -- seasons 9-15 ] Larissa Brewster Series: Habits Iris I DO NOT own Supernatural, any of the s... More

001. ezekiel
002. wicked witch of the west
003. dog-dean hybrid
004. reborn virgins
005. goodbye kevin
006. evil angel extraction
007. no husband or baby
008. werewolf bestie garth
009. lunch ladies
010. haunted bunker
011. ghostfacers demise
012. domestic single mom life
013. curing dean
014. werewolf sisters
015. the musical
016. inheritance
017. cop retreat
018. "sounds like teenage girl dean"
019. no place like home
020. teenage dean
021. technology ghost
022. sick athena
023. burning the wrong book
024. night moves
025. lizzie borden house
026. killer costumes
027. imaginary friend
028. going to visit the cage
029. not uncle cas
030. homemade chicken
031. valentine's day
032. back in time
033. dying husband and god
034. god's plan
035. dean's sacrifice
036. torture
037. bedridden
038. breaking point
039. funeral crasher
040. rock devil
041. single mom
042. mother's love
043. memory loss
044. lance of michael
045. mom vs. mom
046. probation
047. betrayed
048. "i want to hate him but i can't."
049. heartbroken sam
050. birth of a nephilim
051. "you say goodbye."
052. toddler ptsd
053. "i'm always right."
054. old west
055. possible evil twin
056. wayward sisters
057. the butterfly
058. helpless
059. reconcile
060. "donatello's a biter."
061. blood of a saint
062. scooby gang
063. sticky notes
064. gabriel's out
065. "whole team's together"
066. archangel grace
067. master plan
068. lucifer's end
069. self destructive couple
070. finding dean
071. alternate kaia
073. super charged monsters
074. losing kids
075. christmastime
076. ma'lak box
077. dinner with the parents
078. medusa
079. different wife
080. monster in the woods
081. nick's plan
082. three months early
083. grieving and manipulating
084. the end
085. ghostpocalypse
086. final plan
087. anything for kids
088. hungover
089. lost hope
090. normal life
091. pool
092. saving kaia
093. alternate brothers
094. mrs. butters
095. chat with amara
096. old friend
097. final fight
098. dean's last words
099. epilogue
Thank You

072. hatchet man

392 24 8
By maybankwalker

Sam knocks on Dean's bedroom door.

"Yo." Dean calls and Sam opens the door, him and Larissa walking in.

"Hey." Sam says.

"Hey." Dean says, taking a bite of his pizza. He's lying on his stomach on his bed and watching a horror movie.

"What you doing?" Sam asks.

"Horror marathon on Shocker. Just made my way through the Halloweens and now I'm about to... really? Still with the beard?" Dean asks.

"Uh... her opinion matters more." Sam says, pointing at Larissa who grins.

"Since when?" Dean asks.

"Since, uh... she has very convincing ways to get me to do what she wants." Sam says and Larissa smirks.

"Ugh." Dean grimaces. "God, there goes my appetite." He tosses the piece of pizza into the box.

"Relax. She just threatened to kick me out of the room if I shaved." Sam says. "Although--"

"No. No. No. Stop." Dean holds his hand up.

"I love making him uncomfortable." Larissa grins and Sam chuckles.

"Hey, uh, anyways, I wanted to check up on you." Sam tells his brother. "You doing okay? I mean, you haven't really come out of your room in almost a week."

"Well, since when is okay part of this job, huh? Yeah, Cas is, you know, showing Jack the ropes and Dark Kaia and her spear are in the wind and we have no clue where Michael is or what he's up to. And not that I'm complaining, but the house is full of strangers, so."

"So, your plan is to just lay in here watching Hatchet Man movies? Seriously?" Sam asks.

"All Saints Day is a classic." Dean says.

"Time to slice and dice." Hatchet Man says.

"Oh, is it?" Sam asks.

"What do you care, you don't even like scary movies." Dean says.

"Well, yeah, Dean, our life is a scary movie." Sam says.

"Exactly." Dean says.

"All right, well, I hate to disturb your marathon, but I think I found us a case." Sam says.

"More Michael monsters?" Dean asks.

"No, killer toy." Sam says.

"What kind of toy?" Dean asks. Sam puts his tablet on Dean's bed and hitting play on a video.

"--And then the thing fucking jumped me! I Mean, it wouldn't stop. It was over and over..." The video continues as Dean looks bored. "Panthro kicked my ass."

"Thundercats? Seriously?" Dean asks.

"Yeah. But, I mean, you've got your pizza, at least eight more of these movies, so Lissy and I will just leave you to it and I'll get one of the other guys--"

"Oh, hell no. Hell no. No, Panthro, that's mine." Dean says, getting up.


"What if we're talking, like, one toy gone bad or it's like a whole crew, you know?" Dean asks as the three walk towards the comic shop. "Like public master style."

"Do you actually want there to be more than one?" Sam asks.

"I don't know." Dean shrugs.

Kids in Halloween costumes pass, yelling "Boo" at the group. Sam backs away, letting a weird noise out, failing at to pretend he's scared.

"Still not a fan of Halloween, huh?" Dean asks.

"Nope." Sam answers.

"It's so lame." Dean chuckles. They go into the comic shop, All Saints Day playing on the TV. Dean gets a lollipop from a jar on the counter.

"Hey, I can help you guys in just a second." A girl worker calls.

"Hm. She's like your twin." Dean says.

Sam pushes his hair back and Larissa notices the young woman do the same thing at the same time. She smiles a little in amusement.

"What? What are you talking about?" Sam asks.

"Soft, delicate features, luxurious hair. She's like your wonder twin." Dean says.

"Yeah." Sam scoffs. He looks at Larissa for backup, but she only shrugs. "Seriously, babe?"

"I mean..." She shrugs.

"Well, okay, if that's me than that's you over there." Sam nods to the guy who is picking up comics and has a lollipop in his mouth.

"That guy?" Dean asks.

"Yeah." Sam nods.

"Yeah, we have zero in common. Whoa, Hatchet Man. No way, Sam, check it out." Dean walks to a life size figure of the horror villain. "It's David fucking Yaeger."

"Press the button." The guy who is like Dean says. Dean presses the button.

"Time to slice and dice." The figure says.

"Oh, dude!" Dean laughs.

"Trick or treat." The figure says.

"I need this. How much?" Dean asks.

"Not for sale. Hatchet Man's a classic." Dirk says.

"Yeah, nothing in common." Sam quietly quips.

"Okay, what can I help you guys with? Funko Pops, magic cards?" Samantha asks.

"Uh, Stuart Blake--" Sam starts.

"Vintage Hot Wheels." Dean says.

"I'm sorry, were you getting helped by Stuart with vintage Hot Wheels or...?" Samantha asks.

"No, sorry. My name is Ian Gillan and this is, uh..." Sam looks at his brother.

"I'm Ritchie Blackmoore. We're with Campbell and Sons Insurance. We heard about Stuart's little incident with the toy and we're hoping to speak with him." Dean says.

"Oh, he's at home, healing up." Samantha says.

"Well, we went to his place and his roommate said he had moved out." Sam says.

"Kicked out, actually." Dean says.

"Right, they had a fight." Samantha says.

"Over?" Sam asks.

"Fist of the North Star. Stuart said that the dubbed version was better but-- you know what? Forget it. Um, I like Stuart, but he's an acquired taste."

"Sounds like a guy who could make a lot of enemies." Dean says.

"I mean, not real ones. Maybe online, he trolls everything." Samantha says.

"Okay, where can we find Stuart now?" Sam asks.

"He's at his mom's house." Samantha says.

"Of course he is." Dean says.

"Thanks." Sam says.


The three of them are sitting at the island as Barbara places some mugs in front of them, all superhero themed.

"Stewie will be up in just a minute." Barbara says.

"Thanks." Sam says and she walks off.

Dean switches his and Sam's mugs.

"I can't believe you had her make us apple cider." Sam says.

"She offered." Dean says.

"No, no!" They hear Stuart yell. "You stupid, dumb-- that's not how you play the... argh! Game over, I'm done! Done!"

"Well, this should be fun." Larissa mumbles, taking a sip of her cider.

Stuart comes up from the basement and he has headphones on and he's in his pajamas. He stops and takes his headphones off when he spots the three.

"Who're you?" He asks.

"We're from Campbell and Sons Insurance and--"

"What are you doing down there?" Dean asks, cutting Sam off.

"Fortnite." Stuart says.

"It's a video game." Sam tells Dean after seeing him confused.

"It's the video game." Stuart says.

"Yeah, well, I'm a Zelda for life, so." Dean says. "What are you, burning safe down there?"

"So? I dated this goth chick, like super hot, met online and she was into Wicca. She said that burning safe was like good luck or some crap like that." Stuart says.

"Hm, so you're not together anymore?" Sam asks.

"Ha, no, I broke it off before we could MIRL. You know, I mean, who needs goth girl drama, am I right?" Stuart asks.

"Mirl?" Dean asks.

"MIRL." Sam pronounces. "Meet in real life."

"Why do you know what that means?" Dean asks.

"Stuart, we're here to ask about the attack you reported, with the toy?" Sam asks.

"I made it up." Stuart says.

"You what?" Dean asks.

"The whole thing, I lied." Stuart says.

"But the video..." Sam says.

"That was fake. I didn't expect it to go viral, but it did and, uh, I just, I fell." Stuart says.

"Hm, because the hospital report said that you had marks on your face, your legs, your back, and your genitals. That's not a slip and fall." Dean says.

"Well, I don't see why an insurance company would care, you know? And I think it's time for you to leave." Stuart says.

"Okay, but--" Sam says.

"Now." Stuart demands.


The three get into the Impala, Larissa sliding in to sit between the brothers.

"Wow, lady, you wasn't kidding. That guy is a piece of work." Dean says.

"Well, whatever happened wasn't an accident." Sam says.

"Okay, but, uh... Big Bang in there, not a great liar." Dean says.

"No." Sam agrees. "So, what are we thinking? A spell?"

"No, his girlfriend was into Wicca." Dean says.

"Wicca doesn't always mean witch."

"Except when it does."

"All right, let's wait till they leave. Check out the house for hex bags."


~ ~ ~

"Yeah, find some lamb's blood. Right. Exactly. Alright, good, stay safe." Sam hangs his phone up.

"All good?" Dean asks his brother.

"Yeah, it was Riley. He'll be fine." Sam says.

"I don't know who Riley is, but cool." Dean says. "So, seriously, what is your deal with Halloween?"

"I don't like it." Sam simply states.

"Yeah, but why don't you like it, hm? And don't give me that, "well, every day is Halloween for us" crap, okay? Because one -- it ain't, we don't eat that much candy. Two -- you've had this hate on for years. So?"

"Mom's on the move." Sam says, changing the subject.

"Smooth." Larissa mumbles and Sam flashes her a quick smile. They watch as Barbara gets in her car and pulls out of the driveway. The three awkwardly lower themselves so they aren't seen as she drives by and they sit back up.

"All right, what about our guy?" Dean asks.

"You know, I think I know why Stuart changed his story. The comments on his videos are all pretty brutal. People are calling him a liar, a loser, Thunderspaz, Snarf's lovechild, Panthero's b--"

"Rhymes with itch?"


"Gotta love the internet, where everyone can be a dick."

"Help me!" They hear Stuart scream. They look over, seeing him standing at the front door, covered in blood and clutching his stomach. The three get out and race over to him. "Help me! Help!"

"Stay with him." Dean rushes into the house.

"Yeah. Okay, hey, hey, hey, hey. We're going to get you help." Sam says.


Stuart is lying in his hospital bed and unconscious, the three hunters and Stuart's mom, Barbara, with him.

"My poor baby." Barbara says.

"Yeah, it was touch and go there for a while, but doctors say he's going to be alright." Dean says.

"I'm just grateful you showed up. I... thank you, you saved his life. Oh, I should run back home, get Stewie his favorite pillow." Barbara says.

"Actually, you know what, uh... it's probably better if you just stay here." Dean says.

"Yeah, just until he wakes up, you know?" Sam says.

"Yeah, of course. You're right. I'm just all flustered." Barbara says.

"It's okay. Everything's fine." Dean says and the three leave the room.

"Everything is not fine." Dean says.

"Yeah, my first clue is a flying chainsaw." Sam says.

"While you were waiting for the ambulance, I did a quick sweep for hex bags. Nothing, but then I pulled out the EMF, went freaking crazy." Dean says.

"So it's a ghost." Sam says.

"Yeah. Hey, we've got to figure out a way to keep mom here while we clear the house." Dean says.

"Well, I don't get why a ghost would be gunning for Stuart." Sam says.

"Murder, grave robbery, stole his favorite Pokémon. I mean, take your pick." Dean says.

"Yeah. Alright, you stay here with them, I'll go check the house, ask around, see if anybody--"

"Got dead lately."


"All right." Dean says, tossing Sam the keys. Sam grabs Larissa's hand, the two leaving the hospital.


Sam and Larissa get to Barbara's house and go in and go to the basement. Sam flips the switch, but the lights are out, so they pull their flashlights out, turning them on.

They look around, Sam flinching at the Panthro action figure. Sam quietly laughs at himself.

"Nice, Sam. Smooth." Sam mumbles. Larissa giggles at her husband's reaction. However, her amusement soon turns to fear as she turns, jumping at a creepy looking doll.

"Oh, my--" She huffs, closing her eyes and she rubs her forehead. She hears Sam laugh.

"Shut up." She tells him, smacking his arm.

"What, you can laugh at me, but I can't laugh at you?" Sam asks.

"Exactly." Larissa says. Sam rolls his eyes, shaking his head, and he pulls his EMF reader out and turns it on, but nothing happens.

"What the hell?" Sam mutters.

"There goes that theory." Larissa says.


Sam and Larissa get to the comic book store where Samantha still is.

"Oh, um, we're, um, we're closing." Samantha says.

"Right, I just, uh, we're just here to... did you hear about Stuart?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, his mom told us what happened when she dropped off his keys. I mean, what happened to him, that's insane." Samantha says.

"Yeah, yeah, so I actually have a few questions. Um, and they might be a little different." Sam says.

"Different like?" Samantha asks.

"Different, like, uh, has anyone close to Stuart died recently?" Sam asks.

"You're insurance people, right?" Samantha asks.

"Yeah, yeah, and we wouldn't normally ask these kinds of questions, but it's a special circumstance and..." Sam says.

"Well, I mean, Jordan." Samantha says.

"Jordan?" The two Winchesters ask.

"Yeah. He owned the store. He taught Stuart, Dirk, and I everything we know about comics and games. He was like our own personal Willy Wonka." Samantha says.

"Huh. Sounds like a great guy." Sam says.

"He was. Cancer sucks, you know."

"Yeah. So, who owns the place now?"

"Me and Dirk. Jordan left it to us."

"But not Stuart?"

"Stuart worked here, but Jordan fired him, twice. He kept catching Stuart stealing, and to Jordan, this place was his life, you know."

"And you hired Stuart back?"

"He's my friend."

"Okay. Where is Jordan buried?"

"Nowhere. He was cremated."

"Right. Of course." Larissa mumbles, rolling her eyes.

"Oh, um, right, sure. Excuse me. I just have to, uh..." Sam takes his EMF reader out.

"What's that?" Samantha asks as the reader flares.

"Nothing. It's a, uh, a carbon monoxide detector." Sam says.

"What, is that-- is that bad?" Samantha asks.

"Yeah, yep, pretty bad. You know what, you should leave. Now." Sam says.

"What? No." Samantha objects.

"Okay, listen to me, this is weird, but I think you're in danger--" He stops at Samantha's scared face. Sam and Larissa look where she is and find the life sized Hatchet Man figure.

It hits Sam in the face, sending him across the room. Larissa is in too much shock to do anything, but ducks out of the way just in time before Hatchet Man hits her. However, he does grab her and throw her across the room, knocking her out.

~ ~ ~

Sam wakes up, looking around and he sees Larissa unconscious.

"Lissy? Lissy?" He gets up as quickly as he can and goes over to her, kneeling next to her. "Hey, hey. Lissy?" He gently shakes her, brushing her hair from her face. "Lissy? Honey?" He rubs his thumb across her cheek as she starts to wake up.

"Ow." Larissa groans, whining in pain.

"Hey. Hey, you okay?" Sam asks.

"What the hell do you think?" Larissa asks, holding her head.

"Yeah. Right. Sorry." Sam says. "C'mon." He helps her stand up.

"Samantha? Samantha?" Sam calls They find her hiding behind the counter and crying. "Hey, hey. Are you okay?"

"No. What just happened?" Samantha asks.

"I think, uh, I think a ghost." Sam says.

"A ghost?" Samantha asks.

"Yes, um... alright, listen to me. Ghosts are real and they can possess things, people, toys, chainsaws, and apparently, life size figurines."

"You're not from the insurance company, are you?"

"Not exactly. Listen, I'm not sure, but I think the ghost of Jordan is trying to kill Stuart."

"Wait, what?"

"Did he hurt you?"

"No, he just shoved me out of the way and then he bolted."

Sam tries to open the door, but it doesn't budge.

"It's locked. Where are the keys?" Sam asks.

"Uh, Hatchet Man or whatever took them." Samantha says.

"You sure?" Sam asks.

"I mean, I was pretty busy screaming, but, yeah, I'm sure." Samantha says.

"Is this expensive?" Sam asks, picking up a Cthulhu figure.

"What? No, don't!" Samantha protests as Sam throws the figure, only for it to bounce back. "Yeah, it's shatterproof glass. Jordan was pretty serious about thieves."

Sam calls Dean, Larissa leaning up to hear both sides of the conversation.

"Yeah, what's up, Sam?" Dean answers the call.

"We were right, it's a ghost." Sam says. "The guy's name is Jordan MacNeal, he used to own the comic shop."

"All right, so we're going to a graveyard or what?" Dean asks.

"No, no, no, he was cremated and, um..."

"And what?"

"So, he possessed the David Yaeger figure at the shop and I think he's coming for Stuart."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait. Are you telling me that Hatch Man, David Yaeger, is coming here?"

"Uh, I mean, not literally, but..."

"Hatchet Man is coming here." Dean says and Larissa can practically hear the grin in his voice.

~ ~ ~

"What I don't get is why is Jordan going after Stuart now? It doesn't make any sense." Sam says as he tries to pick the lock.

"Stuart's been stealing." Samantha states.

"What?" Sam asks.

"I mean, not cash, just stuff that he thought was cool. Stuart doesn't have good impulse control. I've been taking money out of his checks to make up for it, but I guess a ghost wouldn't know that." Samantha says.

"Yeah, I guess not. Oh, come on!" Sam holds up his broken lock pick. "Damn it."

"Yeah, it's a hard core lock." Samantha says.

"Alright, we've got to get out of here." Sam says.

"Okay, how?" Samantha asks.

"Do you have cleaning supplies?" Sam asks.

~ ~ ~

Sam pours the liquid into a Scooby-Doo lunchbox.

"Alright, pretty sure this will work." Sam says.

"Where did you learn how to do this?" Samantha asks.

"I had a messed up childhood." Sam says.

"Okay, here it goes." Sam says. He pours the baking soda into the lunchbox, the liquid bubbling. He closes the lid and hangs the lunchbox on the door.

Sam rushes behind the counter where Larissa and Samantha are and the three duck behind the counter. Sam keeps his hand covering Larissa's head, just in case anything flies over the counter. They hear an explosion and after a moment, slowly rise up to look over the counter at the entry.

"Cool." Sam and Samantha smile.

Larissa glances between them, rolling her eyes and shaking her head. Sam looks at her and she gives him a look making him roll his eyes.


"Problem is the ghost is always tied to an object, right?" Sam asks as they walk through the hospital. "Its bones, something that meant a lot to it in life, whatever that thing is, the ghost is usually stuck there, but Jordan, he's been all over. The shop, Stuart's house, so how is he moving around?"

"The keychain!" Samantha realizes.

"What?" Sam asks.

"It was Jordan's and then Stuart closed up the night he got attacked and he brought the shop keys home and then his mom brought them back after. I mean, could that-- does that make sense?" Samantha asks.

"Yeah, it does. Come on." Sam says.

~ ~ ~

The three burst into the morgue where Dirk is and Hatchet Man has Dean in a chokehold.

"Dean, keychain!" Sam yells. Dean struggles to get the keychain off Jordan, but manages to and tosses it to Sam.

Sam tries to light it, but is unable to get it lit. Dean motions for him to hurry up as Jordan continues to choke him.

"Here, here, use this." Samantha says, giving a bottle of ethyl alcohol to Sam.

Sam puts the keychain in a bowl and pours the alcohol in it and then sets it on fire. Jordan goes up in flames and Dean is released from the chokehold. The Hatchet Man figure drops to the floor, motionless as the audio messes up until it dies off.

~ ~ ~

"Is it really over? Just like that?" Dirk asks.

"Just like that." Dean nods.

"Yeah." Sam nods.

"You're all safe now, even Stuart." Dean assures.

"Jordan, is he...?" Samantha asks.

"He's in a better place." Sam says.


"Thanks, man. You, uh, you got me out here because you needed to get me out of my funk and give me a win and you did. So, thanks." Dean tells Sam as he drives. Larissa is sitting between them and her head is on Sam's shoulder and she's hugging his arm as she slowly drifts to sleep.

"I've got to admit it didn't go exactly like I thought it would." Sam says.

"Hey, man, I just went toe-to-toe with David fucking Yaeger. That was awesome!" Dean grins.

"Yeah, it wasn't really..." Sam says.

"Don't ruin this for me."

"Hey, Dean, when we get back to the bunker, man, you've got to stop hiding out in your room."

"I'm not hiding out."

"And I get why you're doing it, I do, but what happened with Michael... you said yes for me, for Lissy, for Jack, for your family. You did the right thing. What happened after, just because Michael was wearing your face doesn't mean any of this is on you. I don't blame you, no one blames you. You've got to try and stop blaming yourself. Please."

"I second that." Larissa tiredly mumbles.

"I'm never going to get over it, okay?" Dean says. "I'm just not. But you're right -- I'm not doing anybody any good by just staying cooped up in my room, so... whatever you need, I'm there. All right, chief." Sam smiles at the name as Larissa lets out a quiet giggle.

Dean's watch beeps.

"All right, well, that is it, Halloween is officially over." Dean says.

"Good." Sam says.

"Debbie Downer." Larissa mumbles, earning a poke in the side from Sam.

"Okay, seriously, why? Why do you hate Halloween? What is it? Was it the time I-I ate all your Halloween candy?" Dean asks.

"You ate all of his Halloween candy? Dean, what the fuck?" Larissa asks.

"What?" Dean asks.

"No." Sam answers.

"Was it something that dad did?" Dean asks.

"No, dude, you don't want to know."

"No, I really do, really. What?"

"I wanna know, too. That way I finally have a reason to explain to Athena why her dad is a bummer." Larissa says.

"All right, you remember Andrea Howell?" Sam asks. Larissa looks over at Dean for the answer.

"...No?" Dean says, confused.

"When I was in sixth grade, we were living in Bismarck and I had a huge crush on her." Sam says.

"Aw, that's adorable." Dean and Larissa gush in unison. Sam rolls his eyes at both of them.

"Continue." Dean urges.

"So, she invited me to her Halloween party. I said yes and I went over and, at first, everything was great, um, and then we started to play games." Sam says.

"Spin the bottle." Dean says.

"Bobbing for apples." Sam corrects. "Like I said, I had a crush, so the entire night my stomach was in knots and when it was my turn, I bent down, and..."

"No." Dean says.

"Hurled, everywhere." Sam states and Larissa starts laughing. "Lunch, dinner, it all came up, on Andrea mostly." Larissa's jaw drops. "People ran and screamed and it was so bad." He pouts as his wife resumes giggling.

"Ah, that's great." Dean comments.

"I ended up hiding out in the woods till you finally came and got me."

"Oh, my God." Larissa laughs.

"So that's why you hate Halloween." Dean says.

"Yeah." Sam nods.

"Oh, come on, man, you've got to deal with that. That's, I mean... all right, this is what we're going to do, next year we're doing Halloween right, okay? I'm thinking matching outfits like, uh, Batman and Robin."


"Bert and Ernie."


"That's weird." Dean says.

"Yes." Sam agrees.

"Uh, Rocky and Bullwinkle."


"Shaggy and Scooby!"

"Sam as a stoner? Fuck, yeah." Larissa grins and Sam gives her a slightly annoyed look.

"Why would we?" Sam asks.

"Turner and Hooch. Ren and Stimpy." Dean says.

"Come on now." Sam sighs.

"Thelma and Louise."

"Thelma and...?"

"We just put it in drive and go."


They get back to the bunker and Larissa is still laughing about Sam's embarrassing story.

"Okay, I get it, me throwing up on my sixth grade crush is hilarious. Can you be done now?" Sam whines.

"I'm sorry. I-- I'm sorry." Larissa says, taking a deep breath to control her laughter. "I'm sorry." She wraps her arms around his neck, kissing his pouting lips. "Sorry."

"What, like you have zero embarrassing stories involving crushes?" Sam asks.

"Of course not. I'm perfect." Larissa grins.

"Mm-hmm." Sam rolls his eyes, escaping the hug.

"Okay, I... I might have a, um... a puking on a crush story as well." Larissa says.

"Really?" Sam asks.

"Yes." Larissa rolls her eyes.

"Well...?" Sam prompts and Larissa heavily sighs.

"Well, in... in eighth grade... um, I had a crush on this guy, Josh Barton and... and when he finally asked me out, it was... I had some bad fish for lunch. Which, my first mistake was eating anything from that Godforsaken cafeteria, especially fish."

"And, well... when I went to tell him yes to the date... instead of words coming up... fish did." Larissa states and Sam snorts, trying to hold in his laughter. "And most of it got on him and he ran off, people screamed and laughed, and, uh... didn't get the date."

"I'm-- I'm sorry, baby. That-- it's not funny." Sam says as he breaks out laughing.

"No, no, go ahead. I deserve it." Larissa rolls her eyes.

"I'm sorry." Sam laughs, wrapping his arms around her. "Oh, baby, I just..." He giggles.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, shut up." Larissa gently shoves him away.

Sam continues to laugh and Larissa rolls her eyes.

"Okay, well, while you're enjoying yourself, I wanna show you something." Larissa says, grabbing his hand and leading him out of the room.

She leads him to a different bedroom and turns the light on, Sam's laughs dying down when he steps in. He looks around confused.

"What, uh... what's all this for?" Sam asks.

"A bedroom." Larissa says.

"This... this is Athena's old stuff. Her-her crib, cha-changing table, baby toys." Sam says.

"Mm-hmm. It's for the baby." Larissa says.

"Ba..." Sam trails off, his eyebrows furrowing. "What baby?"

"Our baby." She says, nervously biting her lip.

"What?" Sam lets out a soft laugh.

"I, um... I took a test last week, went to the doctor to confirm. And, uh... put this together within the past week. I... I was gonna tell you sooner, but I-- I was still wrapping my head around it."

"Wh-- you're pregnant?" Sam asks with a large smile. Larissa nods. "Oh, my God." He lets out a quiet laugh. "Oh, my God." He walks over, cupping Larissa's face and kissing her.

He pulls away after a few moments and she smiles, though it doesn't reach her eyes.

"Wait, are... are you okay with this?" Sam asks. "I-- do you want another baby?"

"Yeah. Yes. Of course. I-I want another baby. I am happy that-that I'm pregnant." Larissa assures. "I just...I didn't immediately tell you because it... it would make it real. And if it's real then there's the possibility of a miscarriage. And-and-- or a stillborn baby, and... I just... I'm happy, but... but I'm more nervous."

"And-and I was worried about that kind of stuff with Athena and-and the second baby, even before we got kidnapped. It's-- it's just a natural anxiety and-- but I mean, given, you know, the-the last baby and what happened and-and if I stress out enough, then that can mess up the pregnancy and that could contribute to miscarriage and I-- I just... I don't wanna lose another baby. Especially if we do lose it, what if it could be my fault this time, and--"

"Hey, hey, hey. Baby. Baby." Sam whispers, cradling her face, making her look up at him. "We will be fine. Whatever happens, we will be okay. I won't let anything happen to you or this baby."

"But you can't control. I know you like to act like you can, but you can't." Larissa says.

"Well, I'll control it to the best of my ability. We will get through this... and we will have our third baby and we will love him or her with all of our hearts."

"And if we lose him or her?"

"Well, then... then we'll figure it out. We'll... we'll grieve and cope and-and we'll... we'll-- we'll do what we do for our second baby. Celebrate the birthday on the due date... and if we want to, we'll try again at some point."

"But I am going to do whatever I can to make sure you and this baby are okay." Sam says.

"Okay." Larissa mumbles.

"Are you sure you want another baby?" Sam asks. "Cause if you don't then-then we can... we can figure out another solution?"

"Don't you want the baby?" Larissa asks.

"I would love another baby. But it's your body." Sam says. "I-I mean, if you want an abortion or something or-or wanna put the baby up for adoption."

"No." Larissa shakes her head. "No, I want the baby. I really want this baby. I'm just terrified."

"Well, it's kind of a parent's job to be terrified. Cause I am, too. I mean, I'm still terrified every day that Athena could-could trip and split her head open or something. Now, will she ever split her head open from tripping? Probably not. Unless she tripped off a-a banister or something."

"And I understand where the fear is coming from. Which is why you're never leaving the bed for the next nine months." Sam says and Larissa lets out a small laugh.

"You know, exercise is good for pregnancy." Larissa says.

"Okay, well, you're not leaving the bunker for nine months." Sam says. Larissa smiles, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"I love you." She mumbles, kissing him.

"I love you, too." Sam smiles. "And Athena... and our Heaven baby... and our bun in the oven." He says, kissing her between each proclamation. Larissa lovingly smiles at him, brushing her nose against his before tightly hugging him.

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