Total drama island Nerd love


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'Ew, nerd love! If you kiss in front of me, I will throw up!' Just an AU where Alex and Scarlett go on TDI in... Еще

Not so happy campers, part one
Not so happy campers part two
The big sleep
Not quite famous
The sucky out doors
Phobia factor
Up the creek
Paintball deer hunt
If you can't take the heat
Who can you trust?
Basic straining
X-treme torture
Brunch of disgustingness
No pain, no gain
Hide and be sneaky
That's off the chain!
Hook, line and screamer
Wawanakwa gone wild!
Tri-armed triathlon
Batter batter, swing!
haute camp-ture
Camp castaways
Are we there yeti?
I triple dog dare you!
The very last episode! Really!
Total drama, drama, drama, island!

Search and do not destroy

117 3 0

Scarlett's POV

I was sitting on the porch of the girls cabin with my book, when a massive boom made my eardrums explode (Not literally).

"Arrrrrr maties! Meet me at the ampitheatre in five minutes and I'll you about today's challenge" Chris said over the loudspeaker, imitating a pirate's voice. I rolled my eyes and snapped my book shut.


Scarlett: Why do people assume pirates talked like that?-

Alex: -If you want to sound like a pirate

Both their confessionals side by side: Just get sunstroke and dehydration!


We met at the ampitheatre where Chris was dressed like a pirate and had a plastic parrot on his shoulder. There was a sheet covering something on the stage, so I guess it would be part of the challenge. I sat beside Bridgette and Alex.

"Well my little scallywags! Have I got an adventure in store for yee!" Chris said, still in his pirate voice.

"What's under the sheet?" Geoff called

"All in good time laddie! Who has a hankering for a good old fashioned treasure hunt?" Chris asked

"No one" I muttered, already hating today's challenge.

"Now this treasure hunt has a twist! What you're looking for isn't hidden, and it isn't treasure!" Chris said

"So you're calling it a treasure hunt because?" Alex asked

"Arrrrrrrrrr! Shiver me timbers! Good question me boy! You're looking for keys to a treasure chest! Inside each of these chests is a treasure that will pamper you land lubbers! And one even contains invincibility!"

"Now come around and pick a clue out of this bucket, or you'll have to walk the plank!". It is dangerous how much I'm rolling my eyes today.

We got slips of paper from the bucket. "These clues will tell ye where ye key be stowed" Chris said

"Talk normally, or don't talk at all" I advised, looking at my bit of paper. "What the heck is this supposed to be?" I asked

"Looks like a cave of some sort" Alex said "I got a monkey".


I had managed to find a cave in the woods. I stepped inside and turned on my phone's flashlight.

"Where would this key be..." I muttered, walking further into the cave.

I saw something glinting. I saw my key stabbed into a pile of rocks. I pulled it out. Rocks started crumbling from the walls and ceiling "Fuck" I yelled, running out of the cave, dodging the falling rocks.

I jumped out of the cave as rocks fell, blocking the entrance. "Phew" I sighed. I heard growling behind me. I turned to see a bear.

"GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" it growled. I punched it in the chest, making it hunch over.

"Not in the mood bear" I said, walking past it.

I started walking back to camp. A monkey ran past me. "What the-" I muttered

"GET BACK HERE YOU STUPID FUZZBALL!" Alex yelled, running after it.

I followed him to where the monkey was in a tree.

"Can't get your key?" I asked, already knowing the answer

"Yeah" he said "You already got yours?".

I held it up "Yep. Need help getting yours?"

"Sure, thanks"


Scarlett: Bridgette probably won't want to be in an alliance with me after seeing my confessional last night, but an alliance with Alex could work...

Alex: *Checking stuff off fingers* Smart, willing to help me, pretty nice, maybe I'll try to make an alliance


"Your best chance of getting your key from the monkey is by conducting a neuro scientific experiment. I mean, it's no secret that there's hyper-activity in the motor neurons of primates, right?" I laughed, before remembering that no one seems to understand me when I talk in a perfectly normal fashion "You play-"

"Play monkey see-monkey do, I know" Alex said.

"Finally someone who understands perfectly simple English" I said


"Wave your arms in the air!" I yelled to the monkey as me and Alex did. The monkey copied us.

"Point to a camera" Alex said as we did. the monkey copied us again.

"Throw a key on the ground!" I yelled, tossing my key on the ground. The monkey tossed Alex's on the ground. He picked it up. "Thanks Fuzzball!" he yelled to the monkey who facepalmed before running off to annoy more people.

"Thanks for the help Scarlett" Alex thanked me

"No problem" I said, pushing my glasses up my nose "Also, would you care to join me in forming an alliance?".

He thought for a second. "Deal" he decided. We shook hands, before head back to camp.


Alex: Sweet! I've got an alliance! And it's with probably the smartest person on the island! Woohoo!

Scarlett: Finally some good fortune for me. Alex seems to be a strong competitor, so getting him on my side will undoubtably get me further, as long as he doesn't turn on me. And if he does, I will make his life a walking nightmare


We sat out the front of the girls cabin and discussed who to vote out. LeShawna ran up to us.

"Guys! I need you two to vote out Heather!" she exclaimed

"We were going to anyway, but why do you require us to?" I asked

"Ok, Imma just give you the super quick version. So Gwen liked Trent, and she kissed him, and they sorta started dating, and then Trent ended up kissing Heather, so I'm convincing everyone to voting off one of those two timers." she said quickly "You in?"

"Yes" we agreed.

"Sweet, thanks" LeShawna said, before running off, presumably to find more people.


"Alright campers! Meet me at the campfire in ten! And bring your keys!" Chris said over the loudspeaker.

We made our way to the campfire.

"Arrrrrrrrrrrr, it be time to claim your treasure! Those fortunate to bear a precious key, go forth with it!" Chris said. Oh my god, I hope my treasure chest has a shotgun in it.

I opened it up. There was a bottle of soda. "Is this the best you could come up with?" I asked Chris.

"What? We're on a budget!" he said. I shook up the bottle before spraying the soda on him.

"Thanks" I said.

Heather pulled a gift basket out of her treasure chest. "Oh look! An invincibility pass! Lucky me!" she smirked.


Scarlett: It's clear that when Chris discovered what key Heather needed, he put the invincibility pass in there so the main antagonist of this show wouldn't get eliminated. Well played.


"Arrrrrrrrrrrr! I hope you all got the treasure you were looking for! And more! I'll se ye back at the campfire in an hour to cast your votes to send one of you off the island for good" Chris said

"*Cough* Izzy *Cough*" Alex said.


LeShawna: I vote Trent! And that's only because Heather's immune

Alex: I. Vote. TRENT! *Holds up drawing of Trent with devil horns*

Heather: I am so running this game! Bye bye Trent!

Geoff: Never thought Trent would two time, but LeShawna's trustworthy

Bridgette: I vote Trent! Poor Gwen...

Izzy: tnerT I etov

Lindsay: I vote for Travis, because Heathen says so

Scarlett: i have zero respect for guys who cheat. Adieu Trent

Owen: Trent.

Gwen: Ugh... I know Trent cheated on me but... maybe there's still a shot... I vote Geoff

Dj: Sorry Trent. I'd vote for Heather if I could, but I can't. Bye dude.

Duncan: Trent's a cheater, and besides, Heather the Heathen's immune

Trent: I feel like I've made some real friends here. It's gonna be hard voting anyone off


"And now the moment you've all been waiting for. The moment of truth. marshmallow time! Chris said. "You know the routine. Whoever doesn't get a marshmallow, it's curtains for you! Izzy, Alex, Geoff, Gwen, LeShawna, Lindsay, Bridgette, Dj, Duncan, Owen, Scarlett. Marshmallows for the lot of you!" Chris said, before turning to Trent "Sorry dude. You're out"

"That's right! Take your two timing ways back to where you came from!" LeShawna gloated.

"What? but I thought I was getting along so well with everybody..." Trent said in surprise

"Are you on crack or something?" I asked

"I guess you were wrong!" heather smirked

"*LE GASP OF BOTH SHOCK AND ANNOYANCE* You don't even care, do you?!" Gwen exclaimed.

"Hey, just playing the game!" Heather said innocently.

"Why should you care? You think I'm a cliche!" Trent said to Gwen

"Where'd you get that from?" she asked

"Her!" Trent said, pointing to Heather

"You listened to Heather?" I said

"You know what, after all this I still didn't vote you off!" Gwen said

"Then how'd I get the boot?" Trent exclaimed

"My bad. I dropped the gun on that one... told everyone to turf you or Heather" LeShawna said sheepishly

"But tonight I'm invincible! So that leaves poor old Trent here" Heather smirked

"Looks like we got played. Sorry man" Alex said

"Oh no!" Gwen cried, burying her face in her hands

"It's ok" Trent said, taking her hand "Whatever happened happened. At least we know they we're still ok. We're... still ok, right?"

"yes" Gwen decided.

"I want you to be strong and fight to the end. For both of us" Trent said "I'll be watching and cheering from you back home".

They were about to kiss, but Chris pulled Trent away to the boat of losers.

"Love to stick around, but it's been a long day and I'm gonna hit the showers. Great work everybody!" Heather congratulated, before walking away to the showers.


Scarlett: *Slow claps* Well played Heather. Well played. To bad that everyone's going to be targeting you now. Probably should have made someone else kiss Trent.


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