Unlawfully His

By LouTaekoo

45K 2.2K 460

{Completed} Breaking the law has never been one of Jeongguk's life goals as a well respected Marine. However... More

Chapter 1 - Collision
Chapter 2 - Blood
Chapter 3 - Refill
Chapter 4 - Debt
Chapter 5 - A New Low
Chapter 6 - The Solution
Chapter 7 - Support
Chapter 8 - The Plan
Chapter 9 - Togetherness
Chapter 10 - Official
Chapter 12 - Reconciliation
Chapter 13 - Scared
Chapter 14 - Boiling Point (m)
Chapter 15 - Blue Mist (m)
Chapter 16 - Goodbye
Chapter 17 - Letters to my love
Chapter 18 - Heartbreak
Chapter 19 - In Sickness And In Health
Chapter 20 - Grievance
Chapter 21 - Broken Promises
Chapter 22 - Home
Chapter 23 - Faรงade
Chapter 24 - Recovery
Chapter 25 - A Cry Of Help
Chapter 26 - Unbreakable
Chapter 27 - Can't Stand The Heat
Chapter 28 - Iguana
Chapter 29 - Faded
Chapter 30 - Comfort
Chapter 31 - Silk Sheets (m)
Chapter 32 - Could this be love? (m)
Chapter 33 - Exertion
Chapter 34 - Preparation
Chapter 35 - Gathering
Chapter 36 - Tangled With You (m)
Chapter 37 - Memories
Chapter 38 - Golden Blue
Chapter 39 - You know what they say about paradise?
Chapter 40 - There's Trouble
Chapter 41 - Was it inevitable?
Chapter 42 - Good things
Chapter 43 - Come to an end
Chapter 44 - The Heartbreak Of Mistakes
Chapter 45 - Oh How Far The Mighty Can Fall
Chapter 46 - Showtime
Chapter 47 - Forevermore
Thank You ๐Ÿ’œ

Chapter 11 - Matrimony

951 55 2
By LouTaekoo

No one's POV:

"We are gathered here today to join these men together in lawful matrimony," The clerk stated as she gestured to Taehyung and Jeongguk.

"Who is your witness today?" She spoke again as Jimin stood up from the pew at the front and said that it was him.

Jimin held onto his phone tightly as he continued to film the moment, he also made sure to get some good angles of the couple on their special day.

The clerk then proceeded to speak about love and the holy sacrament of marriage before turning to Jeongguk with a smile.

"Do you, Jeon Jeongguk, pledge to love this man, to be true and loyal to him and to comfort and keep him in both sickness and in health?" The clerk stated.

Jeongguk gulped slightly as he looked at where he was holding Taehyung's hands.

"I do," He then said when Jeongguk squeeze his hand slightly.

"And do you, Kim Taehyung, pledge to love this man, to be true and loyal to him and to comfort and keep him in both sickness and in health?" The clerk spoke again.

"I do," The brunet stated as he looked into Jeongguk's eyes.

"I now pronounce you husbands, you may kiss the groom," The woman stated happily as she beamed at the two men in front of her.

Both Taehyung and Jeongguk had small smiles playing at their lips after their vows. Taehyung's ears seemed to tune out the clerk's voice and all surrounding sounds appeared, turning into a long drone.

So when Jeongguk cupped the back of his husband's head and placed his lips over his own, Taehyung's eyes widened slightly. However, he controlled his emotions and kissed Jeongguk back.

The brunet pressed his body into the Marine and held onto his collar tightly, Jeongguk smirked at the reaction and squeezed Taehyung's waist slightly before letting go.

"How are you doing today, Commando?" Taehyung whispered into Jeongguk's ear.

Jeongguk chuckled at Taehyung's antics and pulled away before whispering back "It's Lance Corporal Jeon to you."


Loud cheers erupted from the table in the restaurant when Taehyung showed the engagement ring and wedding band on his fingers.

Jeongguk and Taehyung had exchanged wedding bands after the ceremony and now they were at the restaurant with the rest of Jeongguk's Marine friends.

Although Taehyung didn't like them, especially the boy named Jaesung, he promised Jeongguk that he would behave around them.

"Hey," A boy with a dimpled smile spoke.

"Oh hi Namjoon," Taehyung returned as he moved his chair so he was able to hear Namjoon a little better.

"So, how are you holding up?" The man asked as Taehyung looked slightly confused.

"About their next shipment," Namjoon clarified as Taehyung nodded his head slightly.

"Yeah it's um- difficult," Taehyung stated, not really sure how to reply.

"Cause I'm struggling with this one. I know it's Jimin's job and all but I can't help but get really worried about him. He's the most important person in my life and I-" Namjoon started to say as he wiped the tears that began to fall from his eyes.

Taehyung never realised the full implications of having someone you care about be in the military. The separation must be horrible and Taehyung couldn't help but look at Jeongguk with worry.

"Sorry, I'm unloading everything onto you aren't I? I don't mean to ruin your special day," Namjoon clarified as Taehyung reached over to pat his back slightly.

"I'll be back in a bit, I'm such a mess," Namjoon joked as he got up from the table and headed towards the bathroom. Jimin looked concerned and Taehyung told him not to worry. Namjoon probably didn't want Jimin to know he was having such a hard time.

It must be emotionally draining to never know if the person you love will come back. Deployment is for such a long time as well and Taehyung was only now realising the gravity of this situation.

He couldn't even imagine how the Marines themselves would be feeling about leaving, but Taehyung got the impression that it just wasn't talked about.

Perhaps people thought it was better that way.

Although justifiable to push away your emotions and get on with the shipment, Taehyung couldn't help but feel like talking would help.

Even just a little bit.

Still, he wasn't brave nor bold enough to suggest what would be a dramatic change to how these men and women functioned.

Being emotionally cold and distant probably seemed easier since it could distract the Marines from their job.

"To the newlyweds!" One of the Marines cheered as he raised her glass, clinking it with all the people that surrounded her.

"Yeah well done Jeongguk, you landed a nice piece of ass there." Jaesung smirked as he leaned back into his chair. His arms sprawled out, taking up as much room as humanly possible, even widening his legs to create a completely open and nonchalant demure.

"Seriously. That's your comment," Taehyung asked as he furrowed his eyebrows. It was extremely typical of Jaesung and at this point the brunet wasn't even surprised.

"Yeah? I'd totally tap that," Jaesung returned as he looked Taehyung up and down. The Marine tried to act as if he didn't know what he had done wrong, but the playful glint in his eyes and the small, victorious smile that emerged on his lips said otherwise.

"Does it ever occur to you that I don't want to be spoken about like that. I'm not just some piece of ass. I'm a human being; not some object," Taehyung replied angrily as he stood up from his seat. The wooden chair sliding back with a harsh scraping sound.

"I bet your ass is the only good thing about you," Jaesung commented as he too stood up to confront Taehyung.

Loads of commotion errupted from the table and other people in the restaurant were beginning to murmur about what was going on.

Right in the middle of it all, Taehyung and Jaesung stared each other down spitefully. Both pairs of eyes hardened in disgust and Taehyung couldn't help but let his face morph into one of utter hatrid for the man in front of him.

How could someone be so horrible?

"Taehyung. Sit. Down," Jeongguk's voice sounded. The Marine looked up slightly, his eyes urging his husband to back off and not cause a scene.

His voice was calm but had a great sense of sternness to it.

The brunet looked offended but sat down anyway, he knew Jeongguk was right. They were creating a scene and this wasn't a very good start to a supposedly 'happy' marriage.

"Exactly," Jaesung commented as he smiled cockily in Taehyung's direction.

"You too Jaesung." Jeongguk spoke, annoyed with his friend for talking about Taehyung like that. It was frankly disgusting behaviour and it made Jeongguk ashamed to associate himself with someone so arrogant and heinous.

"God I just love nuanced conversations like these," Taehyung commented sarcastically as he scoffed. An eye roll was visible as the brunet huffed in his chair, slightly upset that he couldn't do or say anything back to the man who had just ridiculed him.

And that was it for Jeongguk.

The Marine banged his fists on the table and stood up, his chair sliding back by quite a distance.

An expression of anger and regret plastered onto his face. With one last look of animosity at Jaesung, the Marine turned around.

Jeongguk then stormed off in a great flame of anger and headed out of the restaurant and into the parking lot outside.

This was the last thing he needed right now.

Everyone just watched in silence- flabbergasted at the quickness and scale of the argument. Taehyung rubbed his forehead slightly in frustration.

This was anything but the start he wanted for his marriage.

Taehyung knew he had to repair what had been damaged so there wasn't any doubt in his mind that he should follow Jeongguk out of the restaurant.

Taking a deep breath to calm his jittery nerves, the man stated "I should go and check on my husband,"


Trouble in paradise 😮‍💨

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