Total drama island Nerd love

By karateunicornalc

4.1K 103 51

'Ew, nerd love! If you kiss in front of me, I will throw up!' Just an AU where Alex and Scarlett go on TDI in... More

Not so happy campers, part one
Not so happy campers part two
The big sleep
Not quite famous
The sucky out doors
Phobia factor
Up the creek
Paintball deer hunt
If you can't take the heat
Who can you trust?
X-treme torture
Brunch of disgustingness
No pain, no gain
Search and do not destroy
Hide and be sneaky
That's off the chain!
Hook, line and screamer
Wawanakwa gone wild!
Tri-armed triathlon
Batter batter, swing!
haute camp-ture
Camp castaways
Are we there yeti?
I triple dog dare you!
The very last episode! Really!
Total drama, drama, drama, island!

Basic straining

133 4 1
By karateunicornalc

Alex's POV


"Top ten sentences I never want to start my day with" I muttered


"Shut up, you waste of skin" I heard Scarlett say. I couldn't stop myself from smiling at that. 

"Listen up you little cockroaches! I want all campers to report to the dock of shame in 0900 hours!" Chef yelled over the loudspeaker. I pulled my clothes on before running out of the cabin.

"That means now!" I yelled to Geoff, Duncan, Scarlett and Courtney, who scrambled after me.

"THAT MEANS NOW SOLDIERS, NOW!" Chef continued to scream.

We all met at the docks.

"Listen up, and stand at attention!" Chef yelled "You call this a proper formation? Feet together! Arms down! Eyes forward! Head up!" he continued to scream, smacking people with a small whip. When he got to me, he found nothing to correct.


Alex: My grandpa was in the army. Whenever I go to his house, he tells me about his days in the Vietnam war


"Oh this is gonna be a fun day" Gwen whispered sarcastically.


"Ummm. Nothing..." Gwen said.

"And you will continue to say nothing until I tell you that you can say something!" Chef yelled "Today's challenge will not be an easy one, in fact, I do not expect some of you to come out alive". Owen laughed and Chef hit him. 

"My orders are to make sure all you babies drop out of my bootcamp except one. The last one standing wins immunity for their team." Chef said

"Um, excuse me, General crazy? What happened to Chris?' Scarlett asked 

"Rule one, you will address me as Master Chief. Have you got that?" Chef barked

"Yes Master Chief" we all responded.

"You will sleep when I tell you to sleep. And you will eat only when I tell you to eat. Have you got that?" Chef yelled in Geoff's face

"Yes Master Chief" he responded quickly.

"Rule number two, when you are ready to quit, walk to the end of the dock and ring the bell, which brings me to rule number three, let's get one quitter before the end of the day. That day will not end until someone drops out! Now get your butts down to the beach soldiers! Now now now!" Chef yelled, and we all scrambled down to the beach.


Gwen: Ok, whoever's sick, twisted idea it was to put him in charge of this challenge, I have to say... I'm a little bit impressed

Alex: Why is everybody so damn freaked out by Chef? He's not that bad!


There were two canoes at the beach. One was green, one was red.

"Listen up, each team must hold a canoes above their heads. I catch you taking your hands off the canoe, you will be eliminated. And no one eats lunch until someone drops out! Canoes up!" Chef yelled.

We lifted our canoes up over our heads.

"Pht. This isn't that hard" Owen chortled


Chris and Chef were sitting on top of our canoes. "Come on you sissies! It's only been three hours!" Chef yelled

"Huh. Guess they missed lunch" Chris said

"Mm hm. Guess they just weren't hungry!" Chef said "Unless someone wants to quit now?".

Owen's stomach rumbled.

"If we lose this challenge, you'll wish you never met me" Scarlett growled, freaking out Owen, and pretty much everyone else.


Owen: Um......... when did Scarlett get so scary?

Scarlett: I have been told that I intimidate people. *Takes glasses off and polishes them on sweater* Can't imagine why. 


Geoff pulled out a fishing rod and hooked Harold's undies with it. "Time to land that fish" Duncan whispered.

Geoff started reeling in the hook, making Harold's undies rip.  "OW! Idiots!" he said taking his hands off the canoe

"Harold! Your hands!" I whispered. He put his hands back on the canoe just as Chef looked down

"Is there a problem here?" he asked

"No..." Harold said


We kept holding up our canoes until nightfall. Chef was telling us a war story. I seemed to be the only one who was interested. 

"Twenty five of us went into the jungle that night. Only five came back out" Chef finished his story. I recognized the story from when my grandpa told me it, but Chef's version was good too.

Gwen yawned "What war were you in anyway?" she asked


"Whatever. He so wasn't in a war" Gwen muttered.

"Gwen, that story did actually happen" I whispered to her "He's talking about the Vietnam war. My grandpa was in it and his best friend got shot in the head".

"Oh..." she said


"I apologies, sir" I said.


"Guys, I can't do this anymore" Lindsay whined "I have no more feeling in my arms". She pulled her arms down from the canoes and started trudging towards the bell.

"Looks like we got ourselves a quitter!" Chef said gleefully

"LINDSAY! DON'T YOU DARE RING THAT BELL!" Scarlett screamed at her. Lindsay banged her head on the bell.

We dropped our canoes. 

"Thank you Lindsay!" I called to her, waving. She smiled sleepily and waved back.

Chef walked towards Lindsay. "Listen here, you have nothing to be ashamed for" he said softly, before manifesting a megaphone from thin air "EXCEPT FOR BEING A BIG BABY WHO LET YA TEAM DOWN!" he screamed at her, before turning to the rest of us "As for the rest of you! report to the mess hall! Dinner is served!".

"Oh sweet Marie! Thank you!" Owen said


"Aight maggots! Open your ears! You got ten minutes to eat before night training!" Chef said.

"Um, excuse me? Master Chief? Where's the food?" Gwen asked

"You're looking at it!" Chef smirked, motioning towards some trash cans. Owen opened one "this is the leftover garbage from today's garbage" he said

"Darn right! When you're at war, you take what you can get!" Chef said

"But we aren't at war, this is all just pretend" Scarlett pointed out

"WHAT DID YOU SAY TO ME, SOLDIER?" Chef screamed through his megaphone.

"I said, WE AREN'T AT WAR, YOU PSYCHO!" Scarlett screamed back. 


Scarlett patted him pockets "Huh, funny, I don't seem to find where I give a fuck".

Chef ended up taking her to the boathouse and making her stay there for the rest of the night.

"Ok, I am not eating this!" Heather said, tossing her tray away.
"Me neither" Courtney said, wrinkling her nose.

"Don't care for today's specials, Princess?" Duncan smirked

"I'm going to be running for office one day, and no one is going to pull up a file of me eating garbage!" Courtney sneered.

Duncan rolled his eyes before walking over to Harold with Geoff.

"Hey, Harold, we felt really bad bout the whole 'Underwear fishing' thing, so here, we found you some apple juice" Duncan said, handing him a drink in a cup.

"Thanks" Harold said, before drinking some. he spat it out "That's not juice!" he exclaimed.

"Oh, oh, my mistake dude, we must have confused it with the kitchen grease!" Duncan laughed. Harold left to get water, and I just glared at Geoff and Duncan.

"What?" Duncan asked

"Harold didn't do anything, so why do you treat him bad?" I asked

"Because it's funny!" Geoff laughed. 

"Not to him" I pointed out

"Whatever dude. You stick to music, we'll stick to pranks" Duncan said

"You're both so immature!" Courtney scolded, joining the conversation

"Ok, look, I know you like me, he knows you like me, so here's a tip, if you wanna kiss me, I might let you" Duncan smirked

"And to think I actually though you were nice!" Courtney yelled

"Phhtt, haha, me? Nice? Haha! Yeah right!" Duncan said nervously

"Why'd you think that?" i asked

"Never mind, I was wrong. he's just as disgusting and gross as he want you to believe" Courtney said with an eyeroll, before walking off. I followed her

"Why'd you think he was nice?" I asked her

"When Dj's Bunny got eaten, he found him a new one" she explained

"Awwwwww" I said

"Yeah, that's what I thought at the time" she said "Last time i make that mistake"


We were at our next challenge. We were just dancing, which was honestly pretty fun. The music shut off. The others all sighed in relief. I saw that it was Duncan who shut the music off.

"Duncan! What're you doing?" Courtney hissed

"One of us drops out, we're done for the day" Duncan pointed out. 

"WE'RE DONE WHEN I SAY WE'RE DONE! NOW DROP AND GIVE ME TWENTY!" Chef screamed. Duncan rolled his eyes, before starting to do push ups.


"Um, yeah. can I go to the bathroom?" Gwen asked. Chef gave her a mop and bucket and sent her to clean the communal bathrooms.


We were back in the mess hall.

"For your next challenge, you will write a three hundred word essay about how much you love, me" Chef said "Anyone who falls asleep or fails to complete the challenge will be eliminated!".

I managed to bang out a hundred words, but then I went blank.

"Ugh! This challenge is impossible!" Courtney groaned.

"Seriously, I mean, I'm usually good at English, but this topic is just hard" I said.

"We have to persevere!" Courtney said, rubbing her eyes. 

I got an idea "You speak any other languages?" i asked

"Spanish and French, why?" she replied

"Just re-write your essay in those languages" I said.

"Good idea!" she said. And so, I re-wrote my essay in Icelandic and Indonesian.

After about half an hour, the timer went off.

Chef picked up Duncan's essay. "I love master chief hatchet, because he is very, very, very, very, very, very... This is just one sentence with five pages of 'Very-s' in between!" he exclaimed.

"It's three hundred words exactly, you can count 'em" Duncan smiled.

Chef went over to the Gophers to see their essays, an slipped in Owen's drool. The boy was asleep, along with Trent and Dj.

"Wipe up that drool, ya little baby!" Chef yelled "You two slackers are out!" he said to Dj and Trent.

"The rest of you get to bed and report to the playing field at 0500 hours!" Chef said

"What does that mean?" Courtney whispered to me

"Five am" I whispered back.

"Missed a spot there general" Duncan smirked, holding up a cloth for chef to clean off Owen's drool with.

"Boy! Do you want to run fifty laps around camp right now?" Chef yelled

"No thanks! He's going straight to bed! Aren't you?" Courtney said to Duncan, before dragging him to a corner.

"What're you trying to do, get eliminated?" she said quietly

"I didn't know you cared" Duncan smirked

"I don't!" Courtney denied "I just don't want us to lose this challenge! So stop being such a screw up and do what you're told for once!". She stalked off.

"She wants me" is what Duncan got out of their conversation.

"No doubt!" Geoff agreed, fist bumping him. I sighed, before going to the cabin to get some sleep.


We were at our next challenge. It was an obstacle course set up on a lot of mud.

"You will all run this course until you can complete it in under one minute!" Chef yelled, before turning to Duncan "Am I making myself clear?".

"Crystal" Duncan smirked

"If we lose this, I'm going to make you so miserable!" Courtney threatened

"GO MAGGOTS! GO!" Chef yelled. We started the obstacle course.

"Not bad, prima ballerina" Duncan said to me

"Not so bad yourself, juvie boy" I responded. Harold tripped and faceplanted into the mud.

"Um, Master Chief? We've got a situation over here" I called to chef

"Too much mud" Harold said.

"Ring the bell and report to the infirmary, your tour of duty is finished" Chef said. Harold left and I saluted him.

"Poor guy" Duncan said

"back on the course soldiers! One false move and I'll be on you like stink on a poop wagon" chef snarled

"I look forward to it, sir!" I said, before getting back to the course.


Duncan: Ugh, why is Alex so friggin obedient? It's weird!


LeShawna was crawling under some swinging axes. I jumped over them. LeShawna started sinking.

"You ok LeShawna?" I asked her

"fallen soldier, I salute you!" Duncan smirked, also crawling under the axes. He bumped into Chef's foot.

"You just bought yourself twenty more pushups!" Chef said

"Thank you!" Duncan laughed happily "Mwah!". He kissed Chef's nose. I backed up.

"I think you may have pushed him over the edge bro" Geoff said

"I think you're right" Duncan said nervously

"One nights solitary confinement. In the boat house" Chef said, scarily calm. We all gasped.

"Big deal! How scary could it be?" Duncan scoffed. Chef took him to the boathouse.


We were sitting in the mess hall.

"I'm gonna go check on him" Courtney decided, standing up with her gruel.

"You like him" Geoff said

"I do not like him!" Courtney denied

"Really? Huh" I said

"Not only do I not like him, I can't stand him! He's rude, he's rebellious, and he's totally annoying." Courtney said "I'm gonna go check on him"

"I'll come too" I said, getting up from my seat


Geoff: Dudes, Mocha's totally crushing on Duncan, and I'm pretty sure Alex has a thing for Scarlett too


Scarlett's POV

I was sitting on a wooden crate, reading a book on my phone. Duncan was just sweeping the same area of floor he had been sweeping for the last ten minutes.

"You have been sweeping that spot for ten minutes now, I think it would be clean" I said.

"You'd think so" Duncan said, continuing to sweep. I rolled my eyes. Someone opened the door

"Hello? Duncan?"


Duncan and I turned to the door to she Courtney and Alex.

"Alex?" I questioned

"And Princess!" Duncan said to Courtney, tossing his broom away.

"I wish you'd stop calling me that" she said with an eyeroll.

 "And I'd like you to disappear off the face of the earth, but we don't always get what we want, do we?" I said. She glared at me, and I smiled in amusement. 

"So, come to claim that kiss?" Duncan said to Courtney. She rolled here eyes, before holding up some gruel.

"Even pigs and psychos deserve a meal" she said.

"mmm, no thanks, I'll stick to the bait" Duncan said, pointing to a bucket of worms.

"Ew" Alex and I synced.

"Yeah well, that's all Chef would serve us after our pathetic performance on the obstacle course!" Courtney laughed, sitting down on a crate.

"Wow. You guys must have done very badly to deserve this" I said, trying to pull the spoon out of the gruel, but I ended up picking up the bowl as well.

"Why do you guys egg Chef on like that? You know you're going to get in trouble" Alex asked.

"Why are you two so up-tight all the time?" Duncan smirked

"We are not up tight!" Courtney exclaimed

"You do follow the rules. A lot" I pointed out

"Well you two are always breaking them!" Courtney continued the yell.

"Only the ones we want to" Duncan said

"At least we aren't preppy, A-type morons" I said to the preppy, A-type moron, who looked like she was going to kill me.

"Ok, please calm down" Alex said, trying to defuse the situation "I am willing to admit that Courtney and I normally follow rules. Guess that makes us losers in your books?"

"Maybe" Duncan grinned

"UGH!" Courtney exclaimed, as if he had just handed her a dead fish and told her to kiss it.

"So why do you two follow them?" I asked "It looks really boring"

"Because not following them gets you THROWN INTO A FISH CABIN!" Alex screamed


Alex: Clear skies, clear skies, clear skies *Inhales and exhales* clear skies

Scarlett: Huh. Never seen Alex lose his temper. Makes me like him more.


"Sorry, didn't mean to shout" he apologized 

"Eh. It's fine. You guys feel like diching this shit for some peanut butter and jam?" I smirked

"Are you kidding me? All we've had for days is this gruel!" Courtney exclaimed "*Sigh* But Chef will never give it to us..."

"*Sigh* Your way of thinking is so sad" I said sadly, shaking my head.

"Exactly! The trick is not to ask for it" Duncan said to her

"Do you guys have some on you?" Alex questioned

"No. But I know where we can get some" I said "It will involve breaking quite a few rules though. You guys in?"

"Hell yeah!" Duncan cheered

"Let's do it!" Courtney decided

We all looked at Alex expectantly "We are going to get in so much trouble" he sighed "But what the heck, I'm hungry"

"Well alright then!" Duncan grinned


We snuck into Chef and Chris's private craft services tent. 

"Slowly, slowly, crawl" Duncan whispered as we snuck over to the fridge

"If we get caught, we are so dead!" Courtney grinned

"So maybe stop talking" I whispered

I pulled open the fridge door silently.

"You guys sure you wanna go through with this?" Duncan whispered to Alex and Courtney.

"Heck yes!" Alex grinned "This is the most fun I've had here since the camp out!".

We grabbed some food and shoved it in bags. Courtney placed a fish in the fridge.

"A little present. Curtesy of the killer bass!" she grinned. I cleared my throat "yeah yeah yeah, and Screaming Gophers"

"Let's go before we get caught" Alex whispered.

We snuck out of the tent and ran back to the cabins, with Courtney laughing like she was on crack or something.


Alex: I have to say, breaking rules is a lot more fun than I thought it would be *Shakes head* No, no, no, this was a one time thing! 


We burst through the bass cabin doors. "Dinner is served bitches!" I yelled, dumping out my bag of food on the ground. "I'll get the Gophers" Alex smiled, before going to get them.

We hung out in the bass cabin. I sorta felt like Robin Hood, stealing from the rich jerks, and giving to the poor jerks.

Alex and I had snarfed down two boxes of cookies, and were hanging from one of the bunks with sugar rushes.

"You know, I never understood why there were only water melons and rock melons" he said

"yeah, like, we should have fire melons, and air melons too" I said

"Yeah, and then we can call them 'Ele-melons!'" he said

"Good name!" I said, writing it down in my notebook with all our other random ideas we had gotten while upside down.

"Oh! And we should have a garbage truck that's powered by the garbage it collects!" he said

"And sibling repellant!" I said excitedly, writing them both down.

"And sleeping bags that roll themselves up!" he exclaimed

"We're gonna be rich!" I said, already calculating how to make these things, and how much it would cost. 

Alex started giggling madly, before falling down and passing out from the blood rushing to his head and his sugar rush wearing off. I looked down at him sleeping and smiled to myself.

Courtney ran out the door and I could hear her vomiting.

"Those two really ain't used to sugar" LeShawna said, taking another bite of her sausage.

"It's probably just the high levels of dopamine and adrenaline" I shrugged, before climbing down from my upside down position and sitting beside Gwen.

I looked out a window and saw Courtney and Duncan kissing.

"Ew" I muttered

"What?" Geoff asked me. I pointed at the two. He gasped excitedly before running out the door.

"YES DUDE!" I heard him cheer

"Told you she wanted me" Duncan said smugly

"Attention all bootcamp recruits" Chef said over the loudspeaker "The next evolution of your training begins tomorrow morning at 0700 hours. And if I catch the sucker who took my dessert, your butt is mine!"

"take a pill!" Gwen yelled, throwing her apple core at the loudspeaker.


We were all hanging from a tree by our legs.

"What you are experiencing is an ancient form of torture. By now, the blood has begun rushing to your heads. The next stage is nausea, followed by dizziness and a flushed appearance as the blood begins to pool in your eyes" Chef narrated.

Duncan fell down from the tree

"Duncan!" Courtney exclaimed

"It's ok! He's alright!" Bridgette called. Courtney sighed in relief.

I grabbed onto the tree branch with my hands, and everyone else did the same. Except Owen, he just farted, which was repulsing.

"Oh that's it! I'm done!" Heather exclaimed, jumping down from the tree branch and landing on her feet. Then Owen fell down from the tree, landing on her.

Alex and Courtney started laughing.

"Stop laughing this instant!" Chef commanded

"S-sorry! I can't help it!" Alex giggled. he and Courtney fell from the tree, still laughing.

"I expected more from you soldiers!" Chef said disapprovingly. 

"master Chief? I just have one thing to say to you" Alex grinned

"And what might that be?" Chef asked

"Take. A. Pill" Alex grinned

"yeah, general jerk Face!" Courtney laughed. They both walked towards their team members, laughing.


Alex: Ok, that was just a parting gift to bad behavior! Totally! *Starts laughing again*


"All right! That's what I'm talking about!" Duncan laughed, giving them high-fives. I gave them a thumbs up, which Alex returned.

"Ok Geoffy! It's all up to you!" Courtney called to Geoff

"You got this guys?" Owen yelled to Gwen and I

"Oh yeah! We can hang here all day!" Gwen smirked

"Not literally though" I pointed out "So hopefully Geoff is as incapable as he looks"

"Rock on sisters! I live for the head rush! It feels so good" Geoff slurred, before falling down from the tree.

"Well that was expeditious" I noted. Gwen and I climbed down from the tree and our team cheered.

"Gwen! Scarlett! Congratulations soldiers! I'd go to war with you any time!" Chef saluted

"I'll keep that in mind when choosing my career" Gwen said sarcastically.

"Totally" I said sarcastically

"You do that soldiers! You do that!" Chef said.


I saw Harold sitting by the campfire. I got an idea on how to send a certain idiot home

"hey Harold, are you ok? Duncan's been pretty rude to you lately" I said, sitting beside him.

"That guy is just a jerk!" he said

"You know what would drive him crazy?" I asked "Sending Courtney home! I mean, they literally kissed last night! What could drive him more insane?"

"Gosh, that's actually a pretty good idea" he said, before his face fell "But the others won't listen to me..."

Oh my fucking god. "So, just change the votes! With your 'mad skills' it's be easy!" I said, before leaving


Scarlett: Hook line and sinker. Bye bye bitch-in-training *Blows kiss to camera and smirks*


Alex's POV

We were at the campfire.

"I only have six marshmallow left on my plate" Chris said "These marshmallows represent the campers who will continue to be campers here. You've all cast your votes in the confessional can. If I do not call your name, you must go down to the dock of shame, catch the boat of losers, and go home."

"Duncan, Dj, Bridgette, geoff" Chris said.

"Alex". I high fived Courtney before going to get my marshmallow. 

It was down to Courtney and Harold. Courtney looked confident.

"Campers, this is the final marshmallow of the night..." Chris said

"harold." I gasped.


"Yes yes yes, it's always a shock" Chris said

"THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE! I DEMAND A RECOUNT!" Courtney yelled. Chef and Chris dragged her away

"Seriously dude! I know for a fact four of us didn't vote her off!" Duncan exclaimed

"I DO NOT CONCEDE! I DO NOT CONCEDE!" Courtney shrieked. Chris and Chef tossed her into the boat and it started to leave

"Courtney wait!" Duncan called, running down the dock to her

"Duncan!" she exclaimed

"I made this for you!" he yelled, before throwing her a tiny wooden skull

"Ok, this is really weird and creepy but, I love it! I'll never forget you!" she called, and the boat pulled out of view.


Scarlett: Wow, I am really good at manipulating people! Let's see, who next... maybe Duncan, or perhaps Bridgette


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