Interest in Lunatic Fringe (D...

Por vikinggirlwarrior

3.5K 191 9

When a young women called Tasha, breaks up with her boyfriend, she bumps into three surprisingly cute guys. W... Más

Chapter 1 The break up
Chapter 2 The bruise
Chapter 3 The Rescuer
Chapter 4 The Hounds
Chapter 5 The start of Something
Chapter 6 The Training
Chapter 7 The Match
Chapter 8 Who's That Guy?
Chapter 9 The Past Always Comes Back
Chapter 10 Oh Come On! Really?
Chapter 11 My Debut
Chapter 12 The Arrest
Chapter 13 Split Head
Chapter 14 The Family
Chapter 15 Tasha's Story
Chapter 16 Ummm...Oops!
Chapter 17 I'm your...
Chapter 18 I'm Your Sister!
Chapter 20 All About Ivy
Chapter 21 Ivy's Plan
Chapter 22 Go Away Jackson
Chapter 23 The Nightmare
Chapter 24 Sibling Rivalry
Chapter 25 The Emotional Roller Coaster
Chapter 26 April and Ivy
Chapter 27 Keep Fighting Ivy!

Chapter 19 It's Whats Best For Ivy

82 6 0
Por vikinggirlwarrior

*Tasha POV*

After about two hours of waiting for Colby and Jon to come back from the bosses we took Ivy out for some much needed food. I'm over the shock now, I mean after all she is my little sister and I need to protect her. Jon and I went out for a walk while Colby and Joe kept Ivy entertained.

"Tasha, are you ok?" Jon nudged me out of my daydream.

"Yeah I'm fine just at first was shocked, what did the bosses say?"

"Well they need to talk to Ivy, but your parents have been called to come sort this out. Stephanie also mentioned that if push comes to shove, ivy will stay on the road with us, or find a family within the WWE that will look after her." I couldn't utter a word after that, I just gave Jon a big smile along with a hug, he understood.

As we strolled back to the diner hand in hand I noticed Joe had really become attached to Ivy, as I saw Colby goofing around with her, it seemed like she hadn't had a good laugh in quite awhile.

"Come on Ivy, we gotta go and get this mess sorted out." I tapped her on the shoulder, making her jump slightly.

"Can they come to?" She pointed to Colby and Joe.

"If they want to." I paid then headed out the door with everyone. Ivy had gone quite in the car, not surprising really she was squished in the middle of Colby and Joe.

"Ouch! Colby that hurt!" Turning in my seat I noticed Ivy was frowning Colby put his hands up in surrender.

"What you do Colby?" asking as if he were a little kid playing up.

"I moved slightly, I only nudged her, she didn't need to make such a fuss. He frowned everyone gave a small chuckle, Ivy stuck her tongue out and shuffled more over to Joe.

"what am I not loved anymore?" He gave a childish frown and crossed his arms.

Once we arrived at the arena a couple of hours earlier than usual, one to avoid the fans asking who Ivy is and two that we had a meeting to sort all this mess out. As we were on the road we couldn't go to the WWE headquarters we just made do at the arena we were performing at for two days.

"Nice to see you Ivy, I'm Stephanie and this Paul, Tasha do you want to come in?" I nodded looking at Jon and the others they just waited outside.

"Hi" Ivy whispered.

"So we know what you did and why, but you should have told your parents they would have been worried." Stephanie informed Ivy.

"Like they care." Ivy mumbled under her breath, i could just about make out.

"Tasha, your parents will be here in about 20 minutes, to discuss a few things we spoke over the phone about." I nodded most likely knowing the outcome of this.

We've been sitting in the office for a good hour now, my parents were discussing something about Ivy's schooling and who to live with.

"No Ivy will, leave with us she loves it at home don't you?" My dad grabbed her arm glaring at her to say yes.

"No, I don't I want you, you hate me, you never liked me, just let me stay here!" She was trying to tug away. He released his grip she staggered backwards quickly turning and running out the door.

"I think she needs to decide who to stay with." Paul came into the conversation, glaring at my dad, giving me a sympathetic look. I just shrugged mouthing 'and that's my family'

"You know what Tasha, keep her, you'll see how much trouble she is. Come on hunny lets go."

My dad barged passed us. "Sorry sir my family are just.."

"No need to apologise it's ok, just spend time with your sister. I'm not putting you up for any matches till next week, go have fun catch up. Then we're chat to see what's best for Ivy concerning the travelling and schooling.

*Ivy POV*

I ran out from my dad's grip, only to be grabbed round the waist from behind. "No! no! let me go..please.." I began to cry as memories came flooding back. Turning my head i noticed it was Jon, Tasha's boyfriend.

"Ok, sorry" he put me down.

"Sorry.." I began to cry harder everything just wasn't turning out the way i planned it.

"Ivy, know you've only known us for a couple of hours, but you can trust us, Tasha, me, Colby, Joe, were not like your family we will never hurt you. " I could see why Tasha liked the guy he was so caring.

"Come here baby girl." Joe open his arms for a hug. As I was only 5"2 he picked me up into a bear hug. I hadn't had a hug like this since my 'Mom' - Aunty. i felt safe here. Now.

Placing me back on my feet I noticed the door open again to the office. I hid behind Joe and Colby as all three men formed an protective barrier.

"Listen here, Ivy you and Tasha are dead to us, your nothing, we're be back to get you!" My dad stepped forawrd lurching towards me.

"You will never touch her or Tasha! Go away from here! She part of our family now" Joe spoke with a harsh tone much like he does on TV.

From that my dad and mom turned and hurried passed us the guys were glaring at them as they passed. I knew I was safe now, but do I tell them truth about what my family did. I knew Tasha would understand she had that dick of a boyfriend but what will Joe or Jon do, even Colby might try and get them.

I'll tell Tasha but the others....maybe!

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