Chapter 7 The Match

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This was it, the day of my first ever live event, I was more nervous than I ever was when I was a dancer. I knew I wasn't being filmed but still I was so scared. Jon came to visit but had to leave he had shield business to attend to on RAW. Once again I was doubting myself, will I perform all my moves correctly? How will the audiences react?, would they even like me or think I'm just another Barbie? No I can't think like that, I am strong, powerful, you can do this!

As I walked my music was thundering it wasn't the best choice in music, I must remember to change it later. I didn't just stick to the boring walk down the ramp I decided to try and get the audience to liven up a bit, I did a front walkover, followed by a front handspring, they all started to cheer, I knew Jon would be proud. I entered the ring sliding under the bottom rope. I shook hands with my opponent who looked like another one of toes models, great another Barbie. 

During the match I felt powerful and in control, the Barbie I was wrestling sucked couldn't sell one move to the next. I charged at her giving a clothesline, she tried to pull my hair, I sweeper my foot under hers tripping her, she fell flat on her back the crowd were going wild. she lay by the turnbuckle, this was it my chance to do my new move the split spinner. I jumped onto the turnbuckle grabbing onto the side, jumping onto the ropes in a box split adding the front flip and boom right onto the Barbie. Everyone in the crowd even the commentators were shocked. Quickly grabbing her leg,

1 .....

2 ....

3 ....

The bell rang, I won I actually won the crowd were going mad the ref held my arm up. I slapped some high fives and ran back to my locker room. There I saw Jon, Colby ran at me giving me a giant hug, Joe patted me on the head. "We'll done baby girl."

I was elated, "Jon, what did you think?" "when did you get here?" 

"Tasha, I never left I just didn't want you to stress and ask me a million questions, I knew you would be amazing." I walked over and slapped his arm.

"I'll tell you something, your be on the main WWE roster in no time, your finisher alone...." Joe trailed off as Stephanie walked in.

"I see your body guards haven't left." she stared at them, "anyway my husband wants to see you tomorrow as well as Vince, you've made a big impact already, we need someone like you in the Divas. Congratulations." she half smiled and walked out.

"We'll that was odd, maybe I'm in trouble." Jon gave me a hug, "No Tasha, I think you're moving up."

That quick, wow I must be something especial, highly unlikely, I'm more than happy to stay on NXT, a lot less stress for now. Colby wanted to celebrate my first ever win, we went to a club called The Late Prince, what an odd name I thought to myself, I knew I heard of it before.

~~~~~Authors Notes~~~~~

Sorry peoples its short, but the next few chapters are going to be quite long, so be prepared bring some popcorn. :) I will be adding a pic later! Anyway enjoy, follow me, like, comment and chat, I'm always here! Love you peoples!!

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