RoseEryna द्वारा

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"Don't worry" "Everything is going to be okay" you hug your knees, as you sob. "No matter what happens.." "Pr... अधिक

1: White space
2: Dreamworld
3: Heading to Draco's house
4: Late night meal
5: Towards Cosmo City!!
6: THE Captain Spaceboy?
7: Retrieving Captain Spaceboy's poem!
8: Into the Cattail Field
9: Three days left
10: Mission; Retrieving Draco's album
11: Arachnophobia
12: Pyrefly Forest
13: The amazing spectacular Sweetheart
14: The dungeon
15: Sweetheart is a big meanie
16: Lost Library
17: Two days left
18: The deep end
19: Lonely Eclipse
20: Pirating is bad
21: Walking the plank
22: Coral
24: The sea witches
25: Hungry Humphrey
27: Black space, the first half
28: Black space, the second half
29: One day left
30: The last sleepover
31: The truth.

23: Insect

45 3 4
RoseEryna द्वारा

  "it's so big! I wonder who lives here.." Funneh mumbles, looking at the house. "Obviously me guys, I actually own this like big ass house" Gold explains, in a sarcastic like manner. "Oh my god, really? Then you won't mind me going in and opening all the lights and fans and leaving on all the water taps?" Funneh asks, snickering. "..are you trying to increase my bills or something?" You try to focus more on the water surrounding the mansion..

There didn't seem to be a bridge.. how will you.. get across? You squat down to take a closer look, perhaps there's something invisible to walk on? A puzzle?

"Whale, whale! Hello there, friends!" A loud cheerful voice exclaims. You look around, in panic. Where did.. that voice come from..? You turn to your friends, who seems to be just as startled as you were. "..Who..?"


You shield your face upon hearing the sound, multiple droplets of water splash onto you. Slowly, you open your eyes to see what had appeared in the water in front of you.. it's a whale, a light blue one. It stares at you with its two dotted eyes and toothy grin.

"The names Humphrey! Humphrey the blue whale!" He introduces. You get up as you friends walk to you, "heyyy Humphrey!!!!" Funneh greets, with her hands in the air. ".. You know him?" Gold whispers to her, "I don't- but.. he sounds nice! Might as well greet him, you know?" She answers back.

"What brings you to my humble house?" He asks.

Your humble house..?
"Well yeah! Who do you think this house belongs to?" He asks, that cheery tone never dropping. "..well, not a whale.." Gold bluntly mumbles. "Hehe! Whale now you know!" You feel like this whale and Rainbow would be the bestest of friends.. somehow.

"Anyways, Hump! Can I call you that? We're looking for someone, have you see a girl with pink hair?" Funneh asks, immediately getting straight to the point. "..Ooh pink hair? I've seen two! Which one do you mean?" ..two. Who else has pink hair here other than Sweetheart..?

".. Two? Wait.. Rainbow.. did she?" Funneh mumbles before chuckling to herself, "oh Rainbow.. she must've missed us!" She laughs. "..was there one with twin tails?" Gold asks, holding her hands up to her head to make it easier for the whale to understand. "..Oh yes! That one wore a pretty little dress! But she was mean!!" He exclaims, a bit sad. "She called me a plump ugly whale!" That's shitty.. come on, Sweetheart. "Aw you poor thing! Don't worry.. she's just like that" Gold reassures him, petting his face.

".. you're nice, you all are! Are you searching for her?" He asks. "Yeah we are! We're here to stop her from doing anything bad!" Funneh exclaims. "Oh dear, is she a bad person?" "I guess you could say that.." "then you'll have to get there fast! Come! Get on my back!" He exclaims, bending down. Ooh, whale back ride! The three of you slowly get on his back. "All aboard!!" He exclaims, as a little stream of water shoots out of his blowhole.


It took about two minutes to reach the other side, that's how wide the stream was. The three of you jump off Humphrey, as you notice now how big the three-storey mansion was close up. Not as huge as the pirates hideout earlier.. but still huge nonetheless. "Thanks Humphrey!" Funneh exclaims, turning back to the whale. "No problem fellas! Now.." he pauses for a bit.

"Do any of you have some food?" He asks, "staying around in foodless water does a lot to a little whale like me! Nyak, nyak!!" He laughs. You don't have anything on you if you're correct.. you check your pockets, just to be sure. "Oh, sorry Humphrey- I don't have anything!" Gold exclaims, showing off her empty hands. "Yeah" Funneh agrees, showing off her empty pockets.

"Oh. Whale, it's okay!" The whale reassures, despite the slight disappointment on his face. "We'll find some food for you inside, okay Humphrey?" Gold reassures, making the whale excited again. "You promise?" "Yeah, sure" the whale squints his eyes in a happy expression, as he waves goodbye before disappearing into the water once again. think we can find food?
"Well I hope so, because I just promised him" Gold replies, directing her gaze to the water. "Okay, okay.. find Sweetheart.. find Humphrey some food.. yeah.. yeah, I think we can do that!" Funneh lists, a determined look on her face. "I doubt a mansion like this wouldn't have any food!! Let's go!" Funneh exclaims, as she runs off. Both you and Gold exchange glances before following behind.. to the mansion, that now that you notice, looks quite.. abandoned.. wonder if it's haunted!


"Hello?? Hello!!!!!????" Gold calls, as she continuously knocks on the worn down door.

".. Nobody's answering, I don't think anyone's home" Funneh points out, looking at the unlit windows. " It's not like we're going to.. I don't know- barge in?? This is somebody's house for crying out loud!!" Gold exclaims, shooting down Funneh's idea before she even tells it (you can tell from her facial expression). However despite the complete understanding you have on why Gold is hesitant to enter someone's house without permission.. you're leaning more towards Funneh's side.

"Gold? Gold." Funneh says in her blunt voice, which usually indicates she's going to start gaslighting, as she places both of her hands on Golds shoulders. "Gold, this place is abandoned. Look at those windows! They can't even hold onto their hinges anymore.. and you think someone would decide to live here?" Funneh asks, without loosing even a single second of eye contact between her and Gold.

"..yeah but then.. why would Sweetheart..?" "Because she's Sweetheart, okay? And even if there's, for some reason, a person living here that Sweetheart is probably visiting- she's chaotic okay? Did you see what she was about to do to me if you guys hadn't came in time?" She asks, mentioning yesterday.. when she got kidnapped by Sweetheart. "Drown me. Gold. She was going to drown me. In apple juice, which is better than it being acid, but it's still drowning nonetheless" despite this having really nothing to do with what she's trying to get Gold to do, you nod along.

"So. By just bringing Sweetheart away from this person, we have just saved a random persons mental and physical life" so true. "And also! Another reason.. technically speaking.. this is Humphreys house- he said it so himself.." "But what if someone actually-" "Gold. Sweetheart-"

"..Ugh okay fine.. but you're taking full responsibility if the person WHO LIVES HERE gets mad" Gold threatens, as she forcibly removes Funneh's grip on her shoulders. "Nice! Thank you Gold!" Funneh thanks, ignoring the disappointed look on her friends face (which isn't you) as she creaks open the unlocked door.


The house was just as you expected. Old, dusty, abandoned. You look around in an interested manner, you have always liked these kinds of places.. scary. You wonder if some dollar store vampire will come jumping out from its hiding spot any moment from now..

Suddenly a yell can be heard, accompanied with a sound of something flying over your head and out the door.. you saw a glimpse of it before it exited out the front door, it was black in colour. "What the hell..?" Funneh mumbles to herself, also noticing the sight. The two of you turn to Gold, who was busy trying to calm herself down. "Ugh.. that's so mean!!!" She yells, flailing her arms around.

"What? What??" Funneh repeats, even more interested now. "A stupid BAT that's what!!" Gold cries, stomping her foot in frustration. She must've gotten really scared.. Funneh giggles at the sight. "Oh yeah- we're looking for Sweetheart right? Where should we check first?" Funneh asks, changing the topic. You think to yourself silently, where could Sweetheart be?

Already, this place is not really.. you know THE place you would expect Sweetheart to be in, it's dirty and abandoned.. not something Sweetheart would really enjoy.. and you don't hear her.. "Let's go check the first floor! She must be around here somewhere!" Gold exclaims, pointing towards a wide staircase that gives off rich vibes.

"There's some rooms around here though, shouldn't we check them first?" Funneh asks, pointing towards some rooms that you haven't noticed before, "oh! ..I didn't see them.. okay, we check them first then!" Gold exclaims, turning towards the two of you. "..After you, Eclipse" you sigh in amusement. You really hope that bat has a family living around here..


First, the three of you walked into a dining room. Nobody was around, in fact.. it didn't seem that anyone was around for a long time.. you guess from the amount of dust on the table and chairs. After a few seconds, you walk into the next room connected, which led to a kitchen.. and surely SOMETHING was in it, alright.

"..EW EW EW EW EW-" Gold repeats to herself, as she clutches on the doorframe that connects the kitchen to the dining room. The kitchen had some sort of smell that you just.. couldn't.. explain, but what you CAN explain was that it smelled really bad. Gold gags as she looks away from the pile of cockroaches on the floor, they weren't in any way big, but there's a lot and they're moving everywhere. "Hey look, Gold's friends!" Funneh exclaims, pointing to a cockroach that almost ran into her. "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP-" Gold repeats, as she tries her hardest not to look back.

I doubt Sweetheart was here..
"Yeah, let's head back to that staircase! Maybe she's on the first floor!" Funneh suggests, turning back to the door- where Gold has mysteriously disappeared. "..she ran away.." Funneh mumbles to herself, as she shakes her head in disappointment. And she's supposed to be the oldest..

"..Oh! Hey actually.. do you think that there's still something edible around here?" Funneh asks, as she makes her way towards the kitchens cupboards.
...are you serious?
"Not for me of course! I'm talking about Humphrey!" Funneh explains, squatting down to check the bottom cupboards, "ooh interesting.. bug spray!" She mumbles as she pockets the can. Well, that explains it.. but..
Isn't that just plain out rude though? He helps us over the river and you pay him back with expired and.. probably mouldy food?
"Oh don't worry Eclipse, I have a brain you know? I couldn't possibly give him mouldy food.. just something that looks remotely edible.. and can be eaten" Funneh explains, as she walks away from the cupboards and towards the fridge.

She opens it, revealing cobwebs. "Hm.. nothing here.." she mumbles as she slowly turns towards a pantry. "..Oh! Maybe something could be in there.. can you check, Eclipse?" Funneh asks, acknowledging that you are the closest to this.. pantry. Well.. you can't possibly just say no? That just makes you lazy. You nod in response as you walk over to the pantry door, you reach your hand out, twisting the doorknob.


.. you stumble back in fear. Funneh notices this reaction as her eyebrows furrow in a confused manner, "..What? What's wrong, Eclipse?" It's funny how despite.. your reaction less face.. she could immediately understand that both you and her.. are in.. slight danger. In the tight space that is the pantry, stands something. An insect.. you know how bees have a queen? A queen bee? Well perhaps, this could be the cockroaches queen.. or king.. in front of you, stands horrifyingly.. it's even taller than you.. (judging by how you're somewhere around four feet tall.. this cockroach should be perhaps.. I don't know.. six feet..? Probably seven..?)

"..what the hell..?" Funneh asks, a horrified smile on her face. Okay. The small little itty bitty cockroaches on the floor.. they were fine, you could handle it. You're wearing sandals so you didn't really mind if you accidentally stepped on them or something.. but this.. seven feet tall cockroach? Literally TOWERING over you?? No thank you. You turn to Funneh as you profusely start making exaggerated eye movement, a sign for both of you to start bolting away.. but Funneh's too focused on the insect in front of her.. she's basically frozen in place! Something that rarely happens..

Amazing. Great. It speaks too.


"..that's great, yeah.. we're actually like.. really real big fans of you.. right.. Eclipse?" Funneh asks, turning to you- her eyes wide with a fake smile on her face. You nod to her question, as you decide to keep staring at her.. trying to ignore the tall.. king in front of you. "FANS?" "Followers! If you prefer!" Funneh exclaims, stumbling over her words. The king stays silent for a bit, as he processes this information.

"AH.. FOLLOWERS I SEE? WE COULD REALLY USE SOME HUMAN SPIES.. HAVE YOU COME TO JOIN US?" He asks. Your eyes dart to the scared Funneh beside you, you'll let her speak.. since.. since she's amazing at doing impromptu. "..Well haha.. no we just.. we came here to.." her eyes turn to you, hoping you'll help her.. actually.. no not hope.. WANT. She WANTS you to help her.

...we just came to.. give.. this offering
You explain as you pull out whatever is in your pocket. A pink crayon, you pocketed it when both Gold and Funneh were making their extravagant poster.. poster about what though? As you think to yourself, you suddenly feel something graze your palm as you recline in shock. Your pink crayon is gone from your hands as it is now being held by the tall ass fucking cockroach in front of you. It touched your hand. You immediately start viciously wiping your hands on your tank top.

"..WHAT IS THIS?" "that's a crayon, sir" Funneh replies, replying for you again. "You use it to.. draw" she shrugs as she glances at you. "HM.. THIS MUST BE ONE OF THOSE.. HUMAN TOOLS THEN.." he mumbles to himself, as he looks at the crayon with interest. "Yeah! So uh.. we'll be going nowl-"

"Guys! I've been waiting for you guys for like.. 10 minutes! What the hell are you doing in there?!" A familiar voice yells from the dining room.. ohno. "..GOLD. GOLD DON'T-" But before Funneh could warn her squeamish friend.. it was too late, Gold peeks her head out of the doorframe with a mad expression. "Come on! We don't got all..." She stops. Her eyes widen at the sight in front of her. Now that you noticed.. there were more cockroaches around now, some peeking from the cupboards and on top the counter. You could say that the entire room was crowded with those insects.. but Gold wasn't staring at that..

"..AH, A THIRD HUMAN.. HAVE YOU COME TO GIVE AN OFFERING TOO?" The king cockroach asks to your silent friend. It's weird cause you're supposed to be the silent friend. "..Gold.. slowly step out of the room.. you don't see anything.." Funneh advises your friend, trying to get her to leave.

"..haha.. ha.. haha.. big cockroach.." Gold mumbles to herself, slightly going insane. "YES, THAT IS I" The king cockroach replies. "I AM NOT JUST ANY BIG COCKROACH THOUGH LITTLE HUMAN, I AM THE SOON TO BE KING.. OF THE EARTH!!" He exclaims, repeating what he said to both you and Funneh earlier. "AND I WILL WIPE HUMANKIND OFF THIS EARTH FOR MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY" that doesn't help. "...this is so funny.. such a funny joke.." Gold laughs, pointing at the cockroach.

".. why are you guys playing with cockroaches guys? That's.. icky.." "WHAT IS ICKY? THERE IS NOTHING FUNNY ABOUT TAKING OVER THE WORLD!!" He exclaims. Funneh facepalms, she knows what's going to end up happening.. and sadly, so do you. You ready your knife.. "let's.. just-" Gold immediately stomps the floor in a startled way, startling everybody. She must've done it on instinct.. Gold steps back in fright, as she slowly drags her left foot across the wooden floor. Underneath her sandal, lays a cockroach. A dead one.

".. LITTLE JIMMY NOOO!!!!" The king yells, hands (?) To its mouth, in a startled way. "YOU HUMAN. YOU'LL PAY FOR WHAT YOU DONE TO LITTLE JIMMY.. AND TO ALL MY ANCESTORS!!! ARMY! CHARGE!!!!" The king orders, and as quickly as the king ordered- the cockroaches all start sprinting towards Gold, who grips onto her bat. But from her facial expression, she doesn't look like she's going to use it.

Gold screams as she immediately starts bolting away, as she gets chased by the entire room of cockroaches. "..That's horrifying.." Funneh mumbles to herself. The only people standing in the kitchen now, is just you, Funneh and the king.. who surprisingly doesn't seem to care about both of you, as he stares at the carcass of this.. little Jimmy. "..He was so young.." " are you not going to do anything to us?" Funneh asks, as you focus less on the screaming in the other room. "Well.. you didn't murder anyone.. yet" he explains, in a unsure way. He doesn't seem quick to believe you now.

"HELP!! HELP!!!!!" Gold cries from the other room, you turn towards the doorway. She seems to be in serious trouble. "..Eclipse! Go help Gold first, I'll talk some sense into this king guy k?" Funneh asks, you nod and immediately run off. Leaving Funneh to deal with the king.


You run back into the main room (the one you first enter ink) and you could immediately see the problem. Other then the few turned over chairs and the fallen decorations.. Gold sits above a tall cabinet, screaming for her life as the cockroaches try to make their way to her, fly, or just stand there just to scare her.

"WAAAAAH- RAINBOW, I WANT RAINBOW" she cries in a similar fashion to how a child would cry for their mother. You try to think of ways to save your friend.. right now, you know obviously that slicing these roaches with your knife would do no good.. unless you want to get covered with them. Your trusty knife is more for close combat use.. and you need something to use from afar.. because despite you not really screaming or crying.. you're just as scared as Gold and you don't want to touch those things at all.
Gold killed that Jimmy roach by stepping on it right? Perhaps you could use a similar approach.. you look around for anything big and wearable but sadly.. empty. You sigh to yourself, Rainbow bought these sandals for you..

"WHY COULDN'T RAINBOW COME WITH US??? SHE WOULD.. sniff UGH I WOULDN'T BE STUCK HERE-" Gold cries, folding on herself as if she were a lost child. No time to think. You run towards the cabinet and begin squishing the roaches below you. Gold notices this and immediately, a relieved smile appears on her face.

Gold. Your bat.
"My.. my bat?" She mumbles, looking at the wooden bat she's holding. "Yeah?"
Can I have it? I want to..
You make an action with your hands, Gold immediately understands this.

"..oh but it'll be all.. icky" is she serious. You immediately bend down to dodge a roach trying to fling itself at you.
Please Gold. I'll wash it later, my knife can't help right now..
You plead. She looks at you, with an unused expression. "I know, I know- I just.. ugh whatever it's not like I'm doing anything anyways here!" Gold exclaims, shoving the bat into your hands.
Thank you.
"Please just kill them.. I.. I can't anymore.." you nod at this, as you grip the bat tightly in your hands. You're not used to using a bat as a weapon.. so this'll surely be something!

The last roach gets flung into the wall, killing it instantly. You take this time to catch your breath. You did it.. you killed all of them. "Is it.. oh Eclipse! You angel!!" Gold yells, as she continuously thanks you as she makes her way off the cabinet, making sure to not step on the dead roaches despite she herself wearing sandals. She hugs you. She must've been horrified if this is how she acts.

"Where's Funneh?" She asks, now noticing that her other friend is gone.
She's talking to the king cockroach.. I guess
"King? You mean the really big one?? Why??? Isn't she scared?" She bombards you with questions. "Man.. if I can't beat all those itty bitty cockroaches.. how the hell would I beat that big one??" She mumbles to herself.
Don't worry, Funneh said she'll try to talk some sense into him. Get him to not hurt us..
"Oh really? Then.. thank god-"

"YOU GUYS" Funneh yells, running out of the dining room. She pauses upon noticing the amount of dead roaches lying around the cabinet. "Ew, anyways- you guys!!!" Funneh yells, running towards the both of you. "Hey Funneh, did you knock some sense into that guy?" Gold asks, rubbing her eyes with a relieved smile on her face. "Um.. yes.. uh.. you see.. funny story" upon hearing those words, both you and Gold glance at eachother with the same expression.

" uh.. I somehow.. uh.. I don't know what I said honestly but I.. um.." as Funneh continuously stumbles on her sentence, the king roach bends down to fit into the doorframe as it slowly makes it way out of the dining room. "Funneh.. Funneh." Gold mumbles, trying to get her attention. "And I really didn't mean it honestly! I just.. I didn't.." the king walks closer.. "Funneh.. behind. Funneh. Turn around..!" Gold advises, as she tries her back to dart her eyes from Funneh to the king.

"..But basically I-"
"I MADE HIM MAD- what? What's behind me?" Funneh asks, as she slowly.. slowly turns her head around to look at what you and Gold were staring at.

The king towers over her. "YOU DARE SAY.. THAT COCKROACHKIND.. IS WEAK??" Funneh what. Funneh immediately spins around, "No no no!! That's not.. that's not what I meant.. I meant it in a.. oh humans don't chase out cockroaches because they think of you as useless ugly pests! But because.. you're.. haha.. you're..." "ENOUGH OF YOUR NONSENSE- AND... YOU KILLED MY ENTIRE ARMY" He points out, just noticing what you're stepping on.

You tilt your head high as you lift your leg, stomping on the corpses of the roaches that had tried hurting your friend. "..YOU.. YOU HUMANS ARE ALL THE SAME! YOU MIGHT'VE BEEN ABLE TO KILL ALL OF MY SOLDIERS.. BUT YOU WON'T STAND A CHANCE TO THEIR KING!!" He exclaims.


Gold gags at the sight as you finish spraying the can. Finally this house holds something useful, a roach repellent.. due to the guy being hella tall, it took an entire can for it to die.

"..Ugh.. humans.." was his last words before dying. You hand the empty can back to Funneh, who had gave it to you earlier.. just before you started bashing the kings head with Gold's bat. "Ew.. that's disgusting!" Funneh laughs, as you start walking away from the carcass, kicking away your ugly sandals in the process- you feel icky if you wear those sandals now.. Rainbow won't mind.. maybe. Upon noticing your action, Gold as well kicks her sandals off- she probably feels the same way. "Well.. now that that's over.. we can now continue looking for Sweetheart!!" Funneh exclaims, throwing the can over her shoulder- which almost hits Gold in the face. "Ah yeah.. Sweetheart.. I forgot about her.." Gold mutters.

"Where should we check? Upstairs? Have we checked upstairs yet??" Funneh asks, needing some confirmation. You shake your head while Gold nods it, "I slightly checked them earlier while you guys were in the kitchen, both of the floors are just big and empty.. no people, no roaches (thankfully), nothing!" Funneh hums in confusion, as you raise your eyebrow. Nothing? Then where did Sweetheart..?

"Did we come to the wrong place?" Gold asks. "No way! Harold said that he saw TWO pink haired girls coming here, even if he lied about Sweetheart.. how would've he had known about Rainbow?" Funneh asks, in a slightly irritated voice. "..Harold?" "The whale outside..? Harold?" Funneh replies to Gold, motioning to the door behind her. Gold turns to you as you look back at her, both of your faces reading  'wow such a dumbass'.

"Whatever- perhaps there's a room I haven't checked yet.. I was too scared to look carefully because none of you were behind me.. so I might've missed something-"
Perhaps there's a basement.

Gold and Funneh turns towards you. "There is?"
Well.. no, I'm just suggesting.. houses like these does seem like the type to own a basement..

Funneh looks around as Gold sighs to herself. "Oh man you scared me- Eclipse, do you know how even more horrifying this place would be if there was a basement? Phew.. very scary, I might even piss my pants-" "Oh!! Eclipse is right!! There is a basement!!" Funneh exclaims, upon checking a door connected to the staircase that leads to the second floor.

"Maybe Sweetheart went down here! Good thinking Eclipse!" Funneh exclaims, as she turns towards the two of you. "..Oh no no no.." Gold begins, as she walks back a few steps. "I am not going down there.." Funneh sighs at the sight as she tries to thinking of ways to reason with her friend.

"Oh come on Gold-" "I am NOT going DOWN there" Gold repeats, more firmly. "Do you guys not know that in HORROR movies, the basement is the LAST place you'd want to check.. or even go" Gold explains, "It's cold.. it's dark.. it's icky- who knows what's down there??" Funneh scoffs at this reason, "well this isn't a horror movie, and this is a slightly cold but pretty nicely lighted basement. Nothing scary here"

"Oh come on Eclipse, please. I don't wanna go in" she whines to you, "we walked a few steps into this god forsaken house and we already had to fight seven feet tall cockroaches.. what else are going to find? Centipedes?? Six feet tall centipedes?? Or maggots. SIX. FEET. TALL. MAGGOTS. ECLIPSE THINK ABOUT IT-"


Gold said that as long as she was in the middle, she'd probably be okay. So the three of you walk down a long staircase, in the order that is you, Gold and Funneh. Funneh wasn't kidding when she said it was nicely lit, it wasn't so dark as you expected.. but it wasn't that bright either. You continuously walk down the staircase, as you sometimes pay attention to the scratches or the weird water (?) Stains on the walls and before you know it, you reach the bottom. Which leads you to a platform and a.. tunnel or some sort. It smelled bad.

Your friends stand close to the last few steps of the stairs as you walk a few steps forward to  take in every single detail you can see. In front of the staircase lies a tunnel, its floors flooded with a river of green liquid. "Acid. That's acid" Funneh points out, as she points towards the liquid. "Be careful, Eclipse!" Gold exclaims, forcing herself to walk closer. On the floor, before the acid river are some trash, cardboard mostly. Very.. thick cardboard actually.

" think there'd be cockroaches here?" Gold asks Funneh, as she looks around. Funneh makes a face at this, as Gold explains to her that 'she's traumatized' and 'she'd rather NOT see a insect the entire day after that encounter upstairs'. You squint your eyes as you try to make out what was in the tunnel, but you couldn't. The tunnel goes a long way..

"Well.. then! We can't do anything about this yeah? We can't look in since there's an acid river going through it, and there doesn't seem to be anything here! What should we do now? Perhaps go home? Can we go home??" You think to yourself, perhaps there IS a way to go in the tunnel somehow.. "Well you can go home if you want Gold, but me and Eclipse are going to stay here! To continue looking for Sweetheart!" Funneh exclaims to her friend. "Wha- well.. fine! Okay.. I'll just hang out with Rainbow then! WITHOUT the both of you!" She exclaims, sticking her tongue out. ".. Didn't you forget what Harold said earlier?? Rainbow's here! So you're basically gonna be alone at home unless you stay here and help us find Sweetheart" Gold stops replying after this.

You kick the thick cardboard into the acid river. It floats.. and it's big enough for three people.
"..What do you mean by that, Eclipse" Gold bluntly asks you, guessing what you're gonna put them through already. You slowly turn towards Gold, meeting her eyes. You give her a slight smile, a smile that is pure evil in her eyes.


After a few pushes done by another cardboard box, that you had folded into an oar for your.. MAKE-SHIFT boat, it was smooth sailing from here. If it wasn't for your friends almost knocking you into the acid TWICE upon 4 minutes of cruising into the tunnel. "FUNNEH STOP MOVING" Gold yells for the third time, as you turn to your friend, who was basically sitting as still as a statue. "You're moving the damn raft" Funneh replies back, with a mocking tone. "I am NOT" little did they know, you were the one moving it.

After a while, you reach your destination (?), The acid river continues on but now you see some actual signs of residence? The tunnel that you had gotten familiar with is replaced with a sewer like setting, the only interesting thing is that the place looked.. clean. How interesting. "Wait hold up- are we in a sewer?" Funneh asks, now noticing the change of area. "I guess.." Gold replies, as she looks around.

You reach a stop. The three of you exit the raft, the place felt pretty homely for a sewer, perhaps people lived here? "Oh hey! Look a flower..!" Gold points out, pointing at a singular pink petal flower floating in the acid.. or sewage, if you take the fact you ARE in a sewer by the looks of it. "Bye bye flower" Funneh says, as the flower floats away into another tunnel.

You creek open a door that you found, opening it, a smell of lavender fills the room. This.. is not what you expected from a sewer like place like this..

"Oh hello Marina.. are you here to steal my things again?" A soft female voice can be heard, you look around to find where the voice was coming from.. but you can't seem to figure out where it was coming from. "Well not this time fufufu.. turn back now my dear sister. I'm warning you" the voice stops. "..was that a threat? Did we just get threatened?" Gold asks, clearly confused about what she just heard.

You stand in a pretty big room, with light purple metal walls. You seemed to be standing in a bedroom of some sort, with a bed neatly tucked in a corner, a full bookshelf next to a doorway.. even a nice cozy carpet which is coloured a dark purple to match the aesthetic of the room. You might not know who this room even belongs to.. but you sure like their taste of colours.

"Well voice! We aren't your sister.. and we won't steal your things!" Funneh reassures the disembodied voice, as she looks around.. Gold starts walking around the room too. "Yeah, we're just looking for a-" before Gold could finish her sentence, a hole appears below her- immediately swallowing her whole.

"GOLD!!" Funneh yells, running towards the hole. The carpet that you were just complimenting earlier was in fact hiding a deep hole underneath it.


You hear a sound. Your head immediately spins to the right, towards another bookshelf. There was a small space in between two books. Before Funneh could say anything, you immediately pull her down. Immediately after that, a few arrows are shot from the bookshelf- nearly slamming into your head.

..the both of you turn behind you in shock, to see about six arrows stuck to the wall. "..Oh my god, this place is booby trapped" Funneh whispers to you. God damn, this lady's sister must've been a real pest if she resorts to this.. "Oh- Gold! Ohno.." Funneh exclaims in shock, remembering about her fallen friend as she rushes towards the hole, still crouching.

But before she could reach there in time, the hole closes. Funneh tries opening it back by putting some weight on it, for example.. herself, but it didn't budge.. "Ah.. dude!! It's locked! How're we going to get her??" Funneh whines, turning to you. You shrug, you don't know.. you think to yourself, as you turn towards another door. A door opposite the door you just came from. Perhaps..

You get up, and rush towards the door. "Eclipse! Wait.. it might be.." you know. But after a very long 5 second monologue, you decide to risk it and fling open the door. Immediately, a sound of fire can be heard.. above you. Looking up.. a flamethrower rests somewhere above the doorframe, shooting fire a feet or two above your head. Maybe being short has its ups. You turn to Funneh as you give her a thumbs up, that was all that was booby trapped. However the first thing that Funneh decides to do was laugh.

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