iris, supernatural [ 2 ]

By maybankwalker

56.2K 2.3K 1K

[ supernatural -- seasons 9-15 ] Larissa Brewster Series: Habits Iris I DO NOT own Supernatural, any of the s... More

001. ezekiel
002. wicked witch of the west
003. dog-dean hybrid
004. reborn virgins
005. goodbye kevin
006. evil angel extraction
007. no husband or baby
008. werewolf bestie garth
009. lunch ladies
010. haunted bunker
011. ghostfacers demise
012. domestic single mom life
013. curing dean
014. werewolf sisters
015. the musical
016. inheritance
017. cop retreat
018. "sounds like teenage girl dean"
019. no place like home
020. teenage dean
021. technology ghost
022. sick athena
023. burning the wrong book
024. night moves
025. lizzie borden house
026. killer costumes
027. imaginary friend
028. going to visit the cage
029. not uncle cas
030. homemade chicken
031. valentine's day
032. back in time
033. dying husband and god
034. god's plan
035. dean's sacrifice
036. torture
037. bedridden
038. breaking point
039. funeral crasher
040. rock devil
041. single mom
042. mother's love
043. memory loss
044. lance of michael
045. mom vs. mom
046. probation
048. "i want to hate him but i can't."
049. heartbroken sam
050. birth of a nephilim
051. "you say goodbye."
052. toddler ptsd
053. "i'm always right."
054. old west
055. possible evil twin
056. wayward sisters
057. the butterfly
058. helpless
059. reconcile
060. "donatello's a biter."
061. blood of a saint
062. scooby gang
063. sticky notes
064. gabriel's out
065. "whole team's together"
066. archangel grace
067. master plan
068. lucifer's end
069. self destructive couple
070. finding dean
071. alternate kaia
072. hatchet man
073. super charged monsters
074. losing kids
075. christmastime
076. ma'lak box
077. dinner with the parents
078. medusa
079. different wife
080. monster in the woods
081. nick's plan
082. three months early
083. grieving and manipulating
084. the end
085. ghostpocalypse
086. final plan
087. anything for kids
088. hungover
089. lost hope
090. normal life
091. pool
092. saving kaia
093. alternate brothers
094. mrs. butters
095. chat with amara
096. old friend
097. final fight
098. dean's last words
099. epilogue
Thank You

047. betrayed

589 26 15
By maybankwalker

"Hoo-hoo!" Dean cheers as the three hunters walk into the library. "Back to back to back. That was one for the books."

"Yeah." Sam says.

"Man." Dean holds up the barbed wire bat. "Dad would love this thing." He drops it onto the table.

"Dude, on the-- on the--" Sam grimaces.

"Gross." Larissa whispers.

"No, don't, don't, don't, don't! Don't s--" Sam tries to stop Dean, but the older one sits down, a small squish sounding.

"What?" Dean asks.

"You're disgusting, that's what." Larissa says, earning an offended look from Dean.

"Dean, you're covered in ghoul, man, and-and-- and wraith. You... you have a piece of siren in your hair." Sam says. Larissa grimaces. Dean grabs the piece of siren out of his hair and inspects it on his finger.

"Gross." Dean chuckles before flicking it off his finger, it landing somewhere on the floor.

"Okay, one of you are cleaning that up before Thena ever gets home. We don't need her eating siren remains." Larissa states.

"Agreed." Sam says. "Dude, why don't you take a shower and change your clothes. You've been wearing the same pair of boxers for four days."

"Okay, one, weird that you know how much underwear I packed." Dean says.

"That's what's weird about this?" Sam asks.

"And B, it's two and two. Doesn't count if you flip 'em inside out." Dean says.

"Okay, that is the most disgusting non-sex related thing I've ever heard you say." Larissa says.

Sam's phone chimes and he looks at it.

"Got another case." Sam says.

"Really? Already? How'd you do that?" Dean asks.

"Same as the others. I-I made a computer algorithm that scrapes data from police scanners, emergency calls, uh, local news sites, and then it puts everything through a--" Sam stops at Dean's lost expression. "The computer told me."

"Computers." Dean chuckles. "Monsters, porn. Is there anything they can't do?"

"Give you a shower." Larissa mumbles.

"All right." Dean gets up. "Well, let's get to it, then."

"Yeah, that's fine. And, dude, um... after you get cleaned up." Sam says.

"We got baby wipes in the car." Dean says.

"Hell no." Larissa argues.

"Dude. Dean, I'm serious, man. You smell like roadkill." Sam says.

"That's cause I do all the heavy lifting." Dean says.

"You-- all right." Sam rolls his eyes.

"I'm using that fancy shampoo you keep hidden from me." Dean says, walking out.

"God, I don't recall him ever being this gross." Larissa mutters, putting her phone down. "Well, Jody says she doesn't mind keeping Thena for a couple more days."

"Really? You know, um... you don't have to go on this case." Sam tells her. "I mean, if you-- if you need some sort of break or something, that... I'd get that."

"Why are you being weird?" Larissa asks.

"No-Nothing. I just... I don't want you to overdo it, you know?" Sam says.

"Sam... I'm fine." Larissa tells him.

"Okay." Sam nods. "Yeah, okay, good." He kisses her on the head before walking out.


They get to the crime scene and Sam is on the phone with Mary while Dean is on the phone with Cas. They get out of the car, the brothers hanging up their calls.

"You first." Dean tells Sam.

"Mom just finished working a haunting in Akron." Sam informs.

"The Brits?" Dean asks.

"Yeah." Sam nods.

"Great. Who you gonna call? Douchebusters." Dean says making Larissa quietly laugh.

"What about you?" Sam asks.

"That was Cas. He's in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Someone's killing angels. Again." Dean says.

"Don't people get tired of doing that shit?" Larissa asks.

"Apparently not." Dean says.

~ ~ ~

"You ask me, a bear got him." The sheriff says, leading the three to the crime scene. "Maybe a cougar. Found a fair amount of blood over here and some there, but no body. Figure whatever did this dragged him off. So unless you guys are lookin' to make a federal case on some critters..."

"Sir, you said there was a survivor." Sam says.

"Yeah, Gwen Hernandez. Uh, but she's pretty shaken up, saying all sorts of strange things." The sheriff says.

"Like what?" Dean asks.

"Like that they were attacked by a wolf -- an invisible wolf." The sheriff chuckles. "Girl says that, you know, it came outta nowhere and that it's coming after her next."

"Right." Dean says. "Sheriff, thank you." The three walk away.

"Invisible dog, huh? Sounds like a hellhound to me." Dean says.


Dean pulls up to Gwen's house, the three getting out.

"This is dumb. It's a dumb idea." Dean states.

"I second that." Larissa says.

"Listen, Gwen saw something kill her boyfriend, and she thinks it's coming for her next. We just gotta tell her--"

"Tell her what?" Dean asks and Sam sighs. "No, seriously, Sam, what are you gonna say? "Hi, my name is Sam Winchester. This is my much handsomer brother, Dean, and my smoking hot wife, Larissa. We hunt monsters. Oh, and that guy you were banging? We're pretty sure he made a deal with a demon, so a hellhound came and dragged his soul to Hell. But you? You're cool. And since there's nothing around for us to kill, peace out.""

""Smokin' hot"? Really? You know, there are a lot more adjectives that don't make you sound like a fuckboy." Larissa says.

"Okay, fine, beautiful, gorgeous, whatever. You get my point." Dean says.

"You done?" Sam asks. "Yeah, we don't say that, Dean. We'll say something that'll give her peace. You know, help her sleep at night."

"Oh, so we lie?" Dean asks.

"Yeah. A lot." Sam says.

"Okay, well, if we're lying, then do say the thing about Dean being handsomer." Larissa says.

Dean glares at her and whacks her on the back of the head.

"Ow." She whines.

"Dude." Sam glares at his brother.

"Yeah, and say the thing about her being hot." Dean says, earning a smack on the head from Larissa. "Ow!"





They continue to slap each other while trading insults.

"Okay, hey, hey, hey." Sam hisses. He wraps an arm around Larissa's waist and pulls her back. "Both of you -- quit it. I'll make you wait in the car."

"Fine." Larissa grumbles, fighting out of Sam's hold.

"Fine." Dean mumbles.

Sam rings the doorbell.

"Shithead." Larissa mumbles.

"Douchebag." Dean mumbles.

"Enough." Sam sternly tells them. He rolls his eyes just before the door opens somewhat, the chained lock only letting her open it so far.

"Gwen Hernandez? Uh, Agents Baker, Clapton, and Winwood. FBI." Dean says, the three showing Gwen their badges. "May we come in?"

"I... I don't want any..." Gwen says.

"We just wanna talk. That's all. About Marcus." Sam says.

Gwen shuts the door and undoes the chain lock before letting them in.

"Uh, you can have a seat." Gwen says.

"Right." Sam says, the four sitting around the living room. "Gwen, uh, we're here today because we, uh, we know what you told the police, that you feel like something... supernatural is after you. But we've concluded our investigation, and the thing that killed your boyfriend--"

"Was a bear." Dean cuts in.

"Was a bear." Sam says. "Now, we found it and put it down. So you're no longer in any kind of danger, okay?"

"I don't... I-I know what I saw." Gwen says.

"Gwen, when you go through a traumatic experience, sometimes your mind can make things up." Sam says.

"Get out." Gwen orders.


"Get out of my house."

"Okay, calm down. We're just trying to help." Dean tells her.

"I don't need your help. I know what I saw." Gwen says.

"Gwen--" Sam starts.

"Get out!" Gwen yells, standing up.

"Okay. Okay, we're leaving. It's okay." Larissa says.

The three get up and walk out.

"Oh, yeah. She's gonna sleep like a baby." Dean remarks.

"Nice job, you insensitive bitches." Larissa comments once they're outside.

"Wh-- we can't exactly tell her the truth." Sam says.

"Actually, we could've." Larissa argues. "Especially if she knows the truth."

They reach the Impala when they hear Gwen screaming. They rush back into the house and race in, seeing her pinned to the floor by the invisible hellhound and scratch marks on the floor.

They shoot at the invisible hound and it yelps in pain and the window crashes as it breaks through it.

"Hey, hey, it's okay." Sam tells Gwen. "You're gonna be okay. All right?"

"Wanna tell her the truth now?" Larissa asks.

~ ~ ~

"Gwen, that, um, that thing was a hellhound." Sam informs.

"A... what?" Gwen asks.

"Hellhound. Kind of hard to explain. Uh, basically, giant, invisible hounds from Hell. Huh. Wasn't hard at all." Dean says with a small chuckle.

"So you guys aren't cops, are you?" Gwen asks.

"No, not exactly. Um.. my name is Sam. That's my brother, Dean, and my wife, Larissa. And we hunt monsters." Sam states.

"And we've tangled with hellhounds in the past. Goofer dust will keep 'em out. A demon knife or an angel blade, that'll kill 'em." Dean says.

"Uh... wait, so why did you tell me that Marcus got killed by a bear?" Gwen asks.

"Make you feel better. It was his idea." Dean points at Sam.

"Yes, his very shitty idea." Larissa adds. Sam sighs at the two of them.

"Listen, I know this sounds insane--" Sam starts.

"It does." Gwen says. "But... like I said, I know what I saw. And what I saw was insane."

"Right. Now this is awkward, but, um... hellhounds only come after people who sold their souls... to a demon." Sam says.

"So about ten years ago, did you really want something? Like... I don't know, a Hell Kitty backpack or the death of an enemy?" Dean asks.

"No." Gwen shakes her head.

"What about Marcus? Did he... would he--"

"No." She cuts Sam off.

"Hmm. Great. So what the hell?" Dean asks.

"I don't know. But I do know who we can ask." Sam says.

"Yeah, no, he's always a joy." Larissa mumbles sarcastically.

Dean calls Crowley and puts him on speakerphone.

"What the hell do you want?" Crowley asks him.

"All right, peaches. I get that you're still upset about the whole, uh..." Dean says.

"Upset? No. I'm totally over how you and your little band of misfits sent my son back in time... to die!" Crowley sneers. Dean takes him off speaker.

"Okay, look, that was totally Gavin's call. All right?" Dean tells him.

"No, because I have half a mind to grab Moose and Mrs. Moose's little girl and send her back in time or take her away or-or something." Crowley says.

"Whoa, hey, now. You touch that girl, I will personally gut you myself. Besides, she's completely innocent. And you're not that much of a monster, Crowley... not anymore, at least. Now, we have a situation here."

"Oh, well, in that case... bye." Crowley says.

"Hellhounds, Crowley. One of your mutts is going after folks who didn't sell their souls."

"Not possible."

"You sure about that?" Dean asks. It's silent for a few moments, Dean able to hear muffled voices, but not what they're saying.

"I'll be right..." Crowley starts, "here." They turn to see Crowley. "You miss me?"

~ ~ ~

"You have to understand, this isn't just a hellhound, this is the hellhound." Crowley says.

"That means what?" Sam asks.

"Right after God said, "Let there be light," he-he made a whole bunch of things -- posies, koalas, hellhounds. He wanted The Creator's best friend, but the hounds were too vicious. So he planned on having them all put down, until along came our favorite fallen angel. He rescued one of the hounds -- a pregnant bitch named Ramsey."

"Why don't you just tell her to heel?" Dean asks.

"I can't control her. No one can. She's loyal only to Lucifer." Crowley states.

"Oh, well, that's comforting." Larissa mutters.

"Wait, like the devil?" Gwen asks.

"Yeah, but he's locked in a cage." Dean says.

"Oh. Good." Gwen says.

"Yeah. All right, so where is Fido now?" Dean asks.

"Well, if I had to hazard a guess, I would say huddled up in some nice, warm den." Crowley says.

"Well, why is she after Gwen?" Dean asks.

"Ask her." Crowley says, the four looking at Gwen.

"I... I don't... um..." Gwen tries to think. "When it attacked us, I did hit it. With an axe."

"Well, there you go. The bitch does tend to hold a grudge. So, we either kill Ramsey or the hound eats her." Crowley claps his hands together. "Fun."

"Wait a second. "We?"" Sam asks.

"Pup like that out and about is not good for business. Makes it look like I'm not in control. But that mutt's head mounted on my wall? Good for the brand. So, yes, Moose. For now, "we.""

"Great. SO we have a hellhound who's gunning for revenge, and it's personal. Ah. Just when I thought this gig couldn't get any weirder." Dean says.

"Oh. It can always get weirder." Crowley chuckles.


"So hellhounds are invisible to humans... unless you sold your soul and they're after you." Dean tells Gwen.

"Or, uh, you're wearing a pair of these." Sam holds up a pair of glasses. "They're glasses treated with holy fire."

"All right, Crowley and I are gonna hit the woods, see if we can't track down Cujo. You stick with Sam and Larissa. They'll keep you safe." Dena tells Gwen.

"Okay." Gwen gets in the car.

"Take care of her." Dean tells Sam.

"Of course. Dean, look, even if Ramsey circles back, as long as we keep moving, Gwen's gonna be just..." Sam trails off. "You're talking about the car."

"You tend to ride the brakes." Dean says.

"Dean, I know how to drive." Sam says.

"I'm just saying. Okay, just imagine she's a... a beautiful woman." Dean says.

"Oh, come on. Get out of here."

"A beautiful, beautiful woman."

"I'm done." Sam gets in the car.


"Okay, the only beautiful, beautiful woman he's allowed in is me." Larissa says.

"Oh, ugh. Ew. I don't need that mental image." Dean grimaces as Larissa gets in the car.


It's nighttime and Sam is still driving while Gwen sits in the backseat and Larissa is in the passenger seat.

"I'm sorry." Gwen says.

"For what?" Sam asks.

"This. It's all my fault." Gwen says.

"Gwen, this isn't your fault." Larissa assures.

"Yes, it is. What happened to Marcus..." Gwen trails off. "Pull over. Please."

"Okay." Sam pulls over and Gwen jumps out.

~ ~ ~

Gwen gets back in the car.

"You okay?" Sam asks. Larissa holds out a bottle of water to Gwen which she takes.

"I..." Gwen sighs. "I don't think I even know what "okay" means anymore. Marcus... going camping was my idea. I took him out there even though I knew. I knew it was over. I liked Marcus. He was sweet and kind. And he loved me. More than I ever loved him. More than... if I'd just told him... if I... why couldn't I just tell him the truth?"


"Yeah, but I didn't. I lied. I lied to make things easier. I... I'm sorry. I... we should go."

"Right." Sam goes to start the car, but stops when he looks out. "Lissy." He mumbles. She hums before looking out the windshield, her eyes widening.

"What?" Gwen asks.

"She's here." Sam states.

Ramsey pounces on the Impala, denting the hood and the windshield cracks. Larissa shrieks, slumping down, barely feeling Sam's hand reach over to rest on her arm.

"It's okay. It's okay. Stay calm." Sam says.

"Oh, my God." Gwen mumbles.

"All right." Sam says.

"We should leave."

"No, no, no, Gwen. I gotta take care of this. It's the only way she'll stop." Sam pulls his angel blade out. "Stay in the car. Stay in the car!" He tells Gwen. "Stay with her." He tells Larissa who nods.

"Okay." Gwen says as Sam gets out of the car. Larissa watches Ramsey leap at Sam and pin him to the ground, knocking off his glasses.

"Sam!" Larissa shouts, grabbing an angel blade and getting out. Gwen finds the green cooler and hits Ramsey with it. With Ramsey slowly advancing towards Gwen, Larissa takes the chance and quickly sneaks up, stabbing Ramsey with the angel blade and killing her.


"This is why you don't drive." Dean tells Sam, looking at all the damage Ramsey caused.

"So... it's over?" Gwen asks.

"It's over." Crowley confirms.

"Thank you." Gwen hugs Crowley. Larissa slightly smiles at Crowley's expression and the fact that he doesn't even push Gwen away.

"Yeah. Ah, dog dead. Must be going." Crowley says.

"Hey, Crowley. Wait a second. Um... thank you." Sam tells him. Larissa sees Crowley manage the tiniest smile before disappearing.

"Did it really take you one minute to get two words out?" Larissa asks.

"I-- okay." Sam rolls his eyes and Larissa chuckles.

"He seems nice." Gwen comments.

"Yeah." Dean says. "Let's get in. Hopefully, it still runs."


"Cas, what's up?" Dean answers his phone as the three get back to the bunker.

"Hey, I think I have a lead on Kelly Kline." Cas says.

"Yeah?" Dean asks.

"She's with Dagon, Prince of Hell." Cas informs.

"All right, what do we know about him?" Sam asks.

"Actually, it's a her. And not much. It's just rumors and stories. Dagon is mostly known for her psychotic savagery." Cas says.

"Great, so where's Kelly?" Sam asks.

"Well, she was in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Now, I'm not so sure." Cas says.

"All right, well, we'll spread the word. Let us know if you find anything." Dean says.

"Of course." Cas says before hanging up.

"He sound weird to you?" Dean asks as Sam's phone buzzes. "Mm, is that your computer talking to you again?"

"Uh... no. Um... it's, uh... Mick Davies." Sam states.

"It's who?" Larissa asks.

"What?" Dean asks.

"Dean, Lissy... I don't have a computer program feeding me cases. I-I, uh... Gwen? Every job we've worked in the last two weeks? They've come from the British Men of Letters." Sam states.

"Really?" Dean asks.

"Yeah." Sam says. "I didn't tell you cause I know how much you guys hate them."

"No, we hate them. Us. Together." Dean says.

"I-I get that. Yeah, I do. But-but... because of Mick and his guys, the alpha vampire is dead." Sam says.

"And from what I hear, so are most of his guys." Larissa remarks.

"They get results. I don't like them either, but-but if-- if we can save people, then it... either way, I-I shouldn't have lied to you guys. And... I'm sorry. I-I--"

"Well, okay." Dean says.

"What?" Larissa asks.

"Okay?" Sam asks.

"What do you want me to say? Do I like it? No. Do I trust them? Hell, no. But you're right. We work with people we don't trust all the time. I mean, hell, I just Liam Neeson'd it up with Crowley. So if you wanna give this a shot, then... fine. But the minute -- and I mean the second -- something feels off, we bail."

"Yeah. Of course. Deal." Sam looks over at Larissa who has her head in her hands.

"I'll, um... leave you two alone." Dean mutters, walking out of the room and to the kitchen.

"Lissy, I--"

"You lied." Larissa says, looking up at him. "You lied to my face, with zero issues."

"I know. I-I know. I'm sorry." Sam walks closer to her. "I just... I knew you would hate this."

"They killed our baby, Sam. And you're just working with them? What the hell?" Larissa asks. Sam's heart breaks at the pain and betrayal in her eyes.

"I... I'm sorry, but they're doing... they're doing good things." Sam says.

"That doesn't fucking matter!" Larissa yells.

"We can save people!"

"We can save people without them, too! We have been doing just that for years!"

"Look, you heard Dean. We work with people we hate all the time."

"Yeah, and none of them have caused a fucking miscarriage! Only the Brits did that one. And-And the fact that you've been having me go on cases for these pieces of shit? And lying about it?"

"I'm sorry."

"Then stop working with them." Larissa says and Sam stares at her for a few moments.

"No." He quietly argues. "They-- they're getting results."

"They also killed an unborn baby and tortured us! And who knows what else they've done! You know, just-just when I was finally getting better and not completely hating every single day of my life, you go and do this shit!"

"Lissy, I'm sorry." He reaches out and touches her arm.

"No. No! Do not fucking touch me!" She slaps his hand. "Don't touch me." She growls.

"Okay. Okay, okay. Lissy, I'm sorry."

"Yeah, you've said that already. News flash -- it doesn't fucking fix everything." Larissa sneers. "You know, I thought your mom was bad for working with them because they tortured her children. But they killed one of yours. So you are worse than your fucking mother."

"Look, I'm doing this to make it safer. A safer world for-for Athena and-and any future children we might have and all the other people out there and you."

"Future children? Really? Yeah, I don't totally see that happening right now."

"Look, I am doing this for you two! They kill monsters and those monsters are gone -- for good! I'm making this safer for our family."

"Yeah? Is that what they told you in their bullshit sales pitch? You know, to recruit you?"

"Lissy, I... I'm sorry." Larissa stares at him with the same betrayal, heartbroken, hatred expression directed at him that he hasn't seen since he was soulless and tried to have sex with her.

Sam doesn't see it coming when Larissa's fist collides with his face.

"Ah!" Sam holds his eye.

"You said to punch you if you ever broke my heart. So there you go." Larissa says. "It might be a safer world, but you've officially screwed your family up." She says while taking her wedding ring off and chucking it at Sam, hitting him in the corner of his eye. Sam cries out in pain, barely managing to catch the ring as Larissa starts to storm out.

"Lissy, just hear me out, please." He begs.

"No. Fuck you, Sam Winchester!"

Sam sighs, looking down at her wedding ring in his hand. He winces in pain as he follows off where she went and finds her in their bedroom and packing.

"What are you doing?" Sam asks.

"I'm going to get Athena. Maybe I'll stay for a little bit." Larissa says, stuffing her stuff into a bag.

"Lissy, please, just listen to me. I'll explain everything."

"No. No, I really don't want you to explain everything." Larissa zips her bag up and slings it over her shoulder. Sam's phone starts buzzing and she sees the screen light up. "Your boyfriend's calling. You should pick up." Larissa walks out, leaving Sam alone.

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