His Human

By HaydenTheAuthor

1.9K 45 1

Brooklyn List had everything going for her. A caring boyfriend, a great career, and an amazing best friend. O... More

Twenty One


111 3 0
By HaydenTheAuthor

Brooklyn's outfit ^

Brooklyn's POV

The day of the date.

AKA the day after he asked me on a date.

I'm nervous and terrified. I mean, so many thing could go wrong! He could kill me! I could trip and die! I could get seriously injured! Someone from Jax's pack could kill me! 

Also, I'm extremely worried about embarrassing myself. What if I eat weirdly and nobody ever told me? What if my makeup is smudged or I have something in my teeth? What if I accidentally flash someone? 

Worries and what-ifs clouded my mind as i searched through my clothing to find a suitable outfit.

Finally, I found a black shirt, ripped jeans, and black wedges. Keeping my makeup minimal, I curled my hair and left it down. 

I let out a breath as I looked at myself in the mirror. Why was I so nervous? I had never freaked out this much over a guy before. I don't need to impress him, he can like me for who I am or find a different mate.

Yes, I know that isn't how mates work. And no, I don't believe myself.

Jax was taking me to dinner - something I was even more worried about, as I didn't know what we'd talk about. What do you talk about with a werewolf? Their kill count? Their position in the pack? Politics

By the time the doorbell rang, I was about to scream...or text Jax and cancel. I don't know how got my number, but he texted me yesterday - and today. 

I had practically lectured my parents about not opening the door and not talking to Jax, so I opened the door myself and tried to not look as nervous as I felt.

Jax was wearing a white, collared shirt and black pants. The shirt clung to his torso, showing off his abs, and I glanced at my feet to avoid staring.

He was holding flowers, which made me smile. Jax handed them to me and I moved to put them in a vase of water before we left as my nerves rose. What do I say to him? How is he so hot? Shouldn't being this hot be illegal - people could probably go blind...or something?

In silence, Jax opened the car door for me and I thanked him as I got in. It felt like my nerves vanished while I was around him...he made me feel comfortable.

Also, whenever I looked at him I lost my train of thought. 

When we arrived at the (human) restaurant, Jax opened my door before I could, using his inhuman speed, and I thanked him quietly again.

Jax wrapped his arm around me as we walked in and I felt my face slightly heating up at the small touch. Why do I feel like I'm melting around him?!

"A table for two, please." Jax said while the waitress ogled him. I couldn't help but feel a tinge of anger - it's extremely clear that we're on a date - and we followed her to a table.

We ordered our drinks and Jax finally spoke. "Tell me about yourself."

"Like what?" I asked, messing with my hands under the table.

"Anything. Everything."

"Um...I love to read, I'm 20, my favorite color is purple, and...my favorite food is steak." I said, knowing that I was a pretty basic person. 

"What's your favorite animal?" Jax asked, genuinely sounding curious. 

"Monkeys." I answered.


"My dad took me to Brazil once and I got to hold and see one. From then on, I just really liked them. They remind me of when I was a kid."

The rest of dinner continued like that, until I started asking him questions.

"Tell me about yourself now." I said. I didn't like talking only about me, and I want to hear his deep voice more. Plus, y'know, getting to know him and all that.

"I'm the alpha of my pack, my favorite color is green, I'm 24, and my favorite food is chocolate." Jax said, and I smiled slightly at his last fact.

"Favorite animal?" I asked, copying his question from before.

"Wolves." He said with a small smirk.

I couldn't help but smile. "I'm not surprised."

Oh, and the food was delicious, by the way. We both ordered steak - Jax copied me - and it was the best I've ever had.

I was honestly sad that we had to go home. I mean, I had enjoyed being in Jax's presence and talking to him.

When we got in the car, I quickly realized that we were going a different way. I raised an eyebrow at Jax, who smiled but didn't answer my unspoken question.

Jax stopped the car at the entrance to the forest. Jax opened my door again so I thanked him again.

"Come here." He said, holding out a hand. 

I hesitated. "Uhm...why do I feel like you fed me to make me trust you so you take me here and murder me?"

He laughed softly, and the sound almost me...swoon, or some other girly thing.

I slowly took his hand and Jax hoisted me onto his back before I could realize what was happening.

"Uhm, why do I feel like part of a scene from Twilight?" I asked, wrapping my hands around Jax's torso to hold on, having no clue what he was about to do.

"Probably because I was partially trying to recreate it." He said with a laugh and took off running.


Okay, I think I'm dead. Or dying.

The 'run' was more like traveling at the speed of light. I think my insides are in the wrong places. And you could drink my brain as if it was a smoothie if you stuck a straw up my nose.

Yes, seriously.

And Jax only stopped to tell me we were going to climb.

And by that, I mean he was going to climb UP THE SIDE OF A BUILDING while I hold onto his back.

I think I'm about to die.


What is the best thing to do on a first date?


(Sorry for the short chapter)




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