Total drama island Nerd love

By karateunicornalc

4.1K 103 51

'Ew, nerd love! If you kiss in front of me, I will throw up!' Just an AU where Alex and Scarlett go on TDI in... More

Not so happy campers, part one
Not so happy campers part two
The big sleep
Not quite famous
The sucky out doors
Phobia factor
Up the creek
If you can't take the heat
Who can you trust?
Basic straining
X-treme torture
Brunch of disgustingness
No pain, no gain
Search and do not destroy
Hide and be sneaky
That's off the chain!
Hook, line and screamer
Wawanakwa gone wild!
Tri-armed triathlon
Batter batter, swing!
haute camp-ture
Camp castaways
Are we there yeti?
I triple dog dare you!
The very last episode! Really!
Total drama, drama, drama, island!

Paintball deer hunt

122 3 3
By karateunicornalc

Alex's POV

I was awake and lying on my bed reading, when I heard a helicopter.

"HIT THE DECK!" Duncan screamed, jumping down from his bed, looking terrified "THEY'RE COMING MAN, THEY FOUND US!".

"Chill, it's Chris. And also, who 'Found you'?" I asked the delinquent. "None of you business" he said. I rolled my eyes, before getting dressed.

"I hope you're ready for the most challenging challenge yet!" Chris said over the loudspeaker "Breakfast in three minutes at the campfire".


Alex: *Gulps* If it's an eating challenge, I'm in trouble

Scarlett: *Clasps hands together* Please, please don't be an eating challenge.


"Are you ready for today's MAX IMPACT CHALLENGE?" Chris exclaimed. If we say no, can we go back to bed?

"We are ready!" Owen cheered.

"Incoming!" Chris said, before throwing cans of beans at us. One nearly hit Gwen in the face, but Trent caught it just in time. They're so in love.

"This is breakfast" Chris announced.

"No, breakfast is crepes, croissants, even Chef's crappy burnt eggs" Heather said.

"Beans beans, they're good for your heart, the more you eat the more you-" Owen sang, before Scarlett threw a can of beans at him, knocking him out of his seat, and making him stop singing his amusing song.

"Today's challenge is all about survival. We're going hunting!" Chris cheered, before holding up a green gun.


Alex: No way! I am never, ever going to hurt an animal, person, plant, pretty much anything alive! That's a little too 'Eric' for me


"Now that's more like it!" Duncan cheered

"isn't that a paintball gun?" Harold asked

"Why yes Harold. yes it is" Chris said, before shooting the guy. Ouch.

"So we won't be killing anything?" Bridgette asked

"Negatory" Chris said. I sighed with relief.

"This is the first ever, paintball deer hunt. I'll announce the teams once we get into the woods. So, finish breaky!" Chris said.

Owen burped loudly. We turned to him. He was sitting on the ground surrounded by empty bean cans. "Got any more?" he asked. I tossed him mine, because i didn't want them.


"And now for the team break downs!" Chris said, when we got to the woods. "The killer bass hunters are Harold, Geoff and Bridgette, locked and loaded with blue paint." He tossed him paintball guns.

"And using orange paint, are the Gopher hunters. LeShawna, Beth, Scarlett, Owen Lindsay". he tossed them red paintball guns.

"Woohoo! This is awesome man!" Owen cheered

"Excuse me, but are you sure it's safe to give Lindsay any type of gun?" Scarlett asked

"Don't worry Stella, I'll be fine!" Lindsay said cheerfully, before accidentely firing a paintball at Chris.

"Ow!" Chris said, before remembering what to say "You also get these styling glasses, and wicked camo hats!". He tossed them goggles and camo caps.

"The rest of you are now deer" Chris said simply "Here are your antlers, noses, and little white tails".

"Yeah right, I am not wearing that!" Heather said in disgust

"There's no way I'm a deer!" Duncan said angrily.

"take these off, and your team is toast" Chris said, putting the antlers and nose on duncan.

Owen grinned at Duncan. "What're you looking at?" Duncan asked

"Oh nothing. Bambi" Owen said

"You better be a good shot, tubby" Duncan hissed, getting all up in Owen's grill.

Us deer got a head start.

I ended up climbing a tree and just chilled up there drawing on my arm with a marker. I heard footsteps beneath the tree. I held my breath, hoping not to be found.

Bam bam bam

Bam bam

Paintballs splattered around me. I jumped down from a tree and started running for my life.

Bam bam bam bam

I got to a freaking cliff above the lake, which was very inconvenient. I turned to see Scarlett with her gun. "Nowhere to run" she smirked.

"May my last words be, one jump ahead" I smirked back at her, before jumping off the cliff.


Scarlett: he actually jumped off the cliff? He's either really brave, or really crazy, or really both

Alex: *Wrings out jacket* Refreshing


I Stayed under water for about thirty seconds, before coming back up. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I heard Scarlett scream, as she fell through the air. She hit the water, stayed under for a second, then came up and shot me in the shoulder.

"Well played" she said "Too bad my IQ is undoubtably higher than yours". We got out of the water.

"And my gun's jammed" Scarlett sighed "Great".

"Gotta love karma" I smirked

"I can still throw it at you" she threatened.

"I CAN MAKE YOUR LIFE MISERABLE HERE!" we heard a familiar voice screech. We followed the sound.

"You already do, miss 'Come put lotion on my nasty alligator skin'!" Beth yelled

"Fine! Be all alone then, loser!" Heather yelled.

"it's better than working for you." Beth deadpanned. Heather gasped, as if not knowing this, and threw her deer nose at Beth.

"Oh it is on!" Beth said

"BRING IT, DWEEB!" Heather challenged

"God, this is better than watching the actual challenge" Scarlett whispered.

Someone shot Heather in the back. Heather turned to see LeShawna coming out of the bushes.

"Oooop, I knew I should have gone to the optometrist before coming out here" she laughed "Sorry bout that"

"YOU!" Heather hissed. She turned to Beth "GIVE ME YOUR GUN! GIVE IT!". Beth shot her in the back of the leg "CHARLIE HORSE!" Heather yelped.

"Girl, you crazy" LeShawna smiled

"It just looked like a lot of fun when you did it" Beth laughed. Heather grabbed Lindsay's gun and shot them.

"Oh it is so on" Beth said, pointing her gun at Heather. They started shooting each other with paintballs.


Alex: *Eats popcorn*

Scarlett: *Opens mouth* *Closes it* *Sighs* *Facepalms* Morons


Lindsay was crouched on the ground trying not to get hit. Geoff, Harold and Bridgette stumbled across them fighting, and started shooting them with paintballs.

"This is really fun" I heard Bridgette say. It looks fun. Wish I had a paintball gun.

Scarlett's POV

Idiots! Why can't they just forget their hatred for each other for a day and focus of the freaking challenge? I swear to god, I am the only person on my team with their sanity intact. And soon, I will be the only person on my team with their teeth intact.

I banged my gun on my palm. I heard a click, which I assumed meant it wasn't jammed. I aimed and fired at Geoff. It hit him in the forehead

"MY EYES! I CAN'T SEE! I'M BLIND!" he yelled stupidly. Bridgette started firing at me. She didn't seem to have much experience with guns, so I could dodge the paintballs easily before running away.

I looked over my shoulder to see Bridgette charging at me with her gun

I have no idea if it was my imagination, but I swear Alex tripped her. It was probably just my imagination, because Alex isn't on my team, Bridgette is on his team, and the entire purpose of this challenge was to shoot people on the other team.


Bridgette: Wait... did i trip on a rock, or did Alex trip me? Also, why didn't he yell that Scarlett was over there?

Alex: Ok... why did I trip her? We're on the same team.


"Attention wildlife and hunters, please report back to camp. It's time to show your hides, and tally up your scores." Chris said over the loudspeaker


Cody was in a wheelchair and was in a full body cast, every other female on my team other than Izzy and Gwen were covered in paint, Owen was soaking wet.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Stealing from chef, eating chips in the woods, being mauled by bears." Chris said, pacing "Do you know what i see here? I see a very undisciplined group, I see a disgraceful mess, I see a massive waste of paint product!".

"Get on with it!" I commanded

"I just have to say" Chris said "That was AWESOME! When you guys opened fire on your own team? Wicked TV guys!"

"Hey, where's Duncan and Courtney?" Harold asked. We heard footsteps, and twigs snapping and turned.

Duncan and Courtney had their antlers stuck together, and I can only imagine what they had been doing to get stuck in that position.

"oh, this is too much!" Gwen laughed

"Duncan! You sly dog you!" Owen laughed.

"Chick can't keep her antlers off me!" Duncan gloated. Courtney seemed to remember things differently, and kicked him in the balls.

"can't... even... bend over" he squeaked.

"So don't" I reasoned

"Easy Courtney, the medical tent's only equipped for one person at a time, and Cody's pretty messed up." Chris said.

Bridgette and Alex separated the two.

"Well, since three of the Gopher members are dripping in paint-" Chris said. Lindsay turned around, revealing her back was splattered with paint "Make that four members. And some of them aren't even deer, I think we have our winner!".

The Bass cheered. "You're off to a hunting-camp shindig! Gophers, I'll see you at the campfire ceremony. Again."


I voted for Cody, as he was literally mauled by a bear, and can't do anything. He ended up getting eliminated, which really ticked Heather off.


Alex's POV

I sat beside Courtney on the steps. "Soooooooooooooo, you and Duncan" I smirked

"Excuse me?" she said, all horrified

"You had to be doing something to get stuck in that position" I smirked.

"Excuse me, but it was his fault! I was going back to camp, he ended up shoving his big fat head in my way and our antlers got tangled. Then he asked me to make out with him" she said

"So did you?" I asked

"NO!" she screamed. I laughed

"relax. I'm kidding. Anyway, I'm gonna hit the sack. Night Court"

"Night Alex."

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