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Od elcapitan_rogers

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Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 (END)

Chapter 1

879 25 5
Od elcapitan_rogers

Steve had never been this stressed out in his whole life. Sure, he could take on a pack of lions, swim with the sharks, climb Mount Everest or Mt. Kilimanjaro, but nothing could make him stress out more than planning his wedding. His own fucking wedding.

It was only one month until his wedding. They would hold the ceremony at the Riviera Country Club. It will a huge event, because well, he was a famous artist/photographer and his fiancée, Sharon Carter, was a daughter to one of the most powerful people in California. Her parents bought a lot of his arts and introduced him to her. Everything went very well between them. They dated for 2 years and he proposed to her 6 months ago.

Of course, he didn’t want a big ceremony with at least six hundred guests. He wanted a quiet wedding with only close friends and family, but given that Sharon’s family knew a lot of people, a small wedding would have humiliated them (as her father stated frankly).

So for the past six months, Steve had been surrounded by everything related to the wedding. The day after he proposed to her, Sharon went into full wedding planner mode. She could have the wedding the way she wanted because, well, her parents were rich and told their daughter to spare no expense. Once the news was out to the public, there was paparazzi everywhere.

“Steven, what do you think about holding an auction for the reporters to bid for the right to get an exclusive news report of our wedding?” Sharon asked him when she came home two days after the news came out, “The highest bidder would get into our wedding, taking photos of us. We can donate the money to charity.”

Steve was in his art studio, working on his new project and was covered in paint.

“I don’t know. I kinda want a small wedding and maintain our privacy.” He said.

“I will tell them that we need more time to think about this then.” Sharon concluded.

“Yeah.” Steve agreed and put his attention back to work.

“You seem to not be interested in helping planning the wedding.”

He turned back to her and put his brush down. “Sharon, you can have the wedding the way you want, my love but I only ask you one thing that the wedding should be a small and private and only the people we care could attend it.” He said and stepped closer to his fiancée, “I love you and I want you to be happy so I’m okay with everything you decide for the wedding.”

Sharon cracked a smile and leaned up to kiss him. His hands went to her hips and pulled her closer, forgetting that he was covered in acrylic paint.

“Aww, my Prada suit.” She groaned against his lips but Steve didn’t care and continued to kiss her passionately.

Sharon pulled away and smiled seductively at Steve, “I will take a shower now, lover boy, and you will join me.”

“Yes, ma’am.”



verything was perfect to be honest. Everything between Sharon and Steve was simple and they understood each other. They were quite mature with their relationship. Compromising was their main principle. They were willing to bend so everyone could get what they wanted and it worked out well.

Sharon was helping her father run the biggest real estate company on the West Coast. Her work required a lot of travel but Steve wasn’t complaining about it because he could fly to Seattle with her. He was an artist/photographer which he had to travel a lot too. If he didn’t travel, he would stay at his home in LA and create masterpieces that everyone was dying to buy from him with crazy amounts of money.

The only two downsides of this relationship were, first, Sharon wasn’t interested in arts, any kind and any form of it. She loved numbers, charts, statistics, and everything that could be predicted but she didn’t mind her fiancé’s line of work. The second thing was her parents. They were his patron (which Steve was eternally grateful for their support) but they were strict and quite controlling.

Steve and Sharon had a brunch with her parents at the Beverly Hills hotel to discuss the wedding. They wanted to fully be a part of every decision and help the couple every step of the way. Steve couldn’t say anything in this matter, well, because they paid for everything.

“So we decided to invite everyone that we know to this wedding.” Marshall Carter spoke up, “We compiled the list of guest for you guys. It is about 400 people now.”

Steve almost splattered his coffee out when he heard the number of people who will attending his wedding.

“Everyone wants to be a part of this and Sharon is our only daughter so we kinda want to make it as big and extravagant as we could.” Janet Carter added.

Steve could feel his stress rising inside his body and Sharon noticed it too.

“But sir…” Steve was about to protest but Sharon put her hand on his to stop him.

“Daddy, we will discuss about the number of guests later, okay? Do not send out any invitations yet.” Sharon sweetly asked.

“Of course, dear.” Marshall replied before turning to Steve, “What were you about to say, Steve?”

“Do you think that it’s a bit…too many people, sir?”

“No! It’s not too much at all. You are famous, Steve, and Sharon came from the most powerful family in LA. Everyone wants to be a part of this wedding, Steve.”


“We will talk about the number of guests later as I said.” Sharon stepped in to stop them.

So they moved on to the next topic. Janet said that she hired the best wedding planner money could buy and everything will go smoothly.

“You guys will meet with her this Friday.”



haron talked to Steve to calm him down that she would keep her parents in control about who they would invite for the wedding. Steve set the limit that he could take to about 200 guests. Sharon only smiled as she answered because she knew how hard it would be not to break that limit.

But they put the pressure from the parents aside because they would have a gathering with their friends tonight. Their closest friends were coming and the couple would make the announcement.

Tony Stark, the genius billionaire who owned the biggest tech company in the world, arrived first with his girlfriend, Pepper Potts, and the most expensive wine money could buy. Steve was never a wine person because, he seriously couldn’t tell the difference and he didn’t want to waste that much money for only one bottle of wine. Sharon’s parents openly frowned when Steve asked for a beer instead of red wine.

Tony and Steve met during high school and quickly became best friends. They still met regularly during the weekend or a surprise visit at each other’s campus. After university, Tony permanently moved to LA and helped his father run the company. He also was the one who told Steve to move there.

Steve was now cooking in the kitchen while Sharon set the dinner table. Tony and Pepper were excited about the wedding, probably more than the couple. Tony went on and on about the bachelor party and the after party at the wedding. Pepper and Sharon were discussing about the wedding dress. Sharon said she will meet with Eli Saab, the designer, next week in Paris. Steve met the designer once and they greatly admired each other’s work.

Clint Barton and Thomas Odinson (or for short they called him ‘Thor’) arrived next. Clint was an owner of the hottest club in town and several restaurants. Thor owned a production house which was making lots of good movies for the film industry. They were roommates at the university. Thor was majoring in Filmmaking while Steve was a Fine Arts student. Clint was a music student majoring in classical instruments. Clint was particularly the best cellist Steve had ever met.

The last one to arrive was Dr. Bruce Banner. Bruce went to the same university as Tony and Steve met the guy at the same time as Tony did. Bruce was the quietest one of this group of men but he was also the wisest and calmest. Everyone was always seeking his help and guidance and Bruce always helped and listened to them. Bruce was now working at the research and development department of Stark Industries.

When the dinner was ready and everyone was at the table, Steve and Sharon got into business right away before everyone had too much wine in their system.

“Of course, you guys already knew that we’re engaged so we wanted to invite you officially to our wedding.” Sharon spoke up, “It’s five and a half months from now and I also would like to ask Pepper to be my bridesmaid.”

Pepper smiled widened, “Of course, Sharon. It would be my honor.”

“Tony, could you be my best man?” Steve asked the billionaire.

“Sure, bro!” Tony got up and went to hug Steve, “If you pick Barton or Odinson, I would probably not go to your wedding.”

“You’re my oldest friend, bro.”

“I know and you love me.” Tony joked.

“Clint, Bruce, and Thor, can you be my groomsmen?”

“Of course, friend.” “Sure!” “It would be my honor.”

They celebrated, having a really good time with each other. Sharon said that her cousin Angie would be her maid of honor and two of her friends would be the other two bridesmaids. Then they moved on to argue about where they should go for a honeymoon, in which Steve made a really good point about Djibouti but Sharon wanted to go to Paris or Rome or any actual civilized place.

That was another big difference about them. Steve loved a little bit of adventure in his life and was always seeking for new experiences while Sharon loved to play it safe. She wanted things that she knew she could control. Steve gave up and let Sharon decide where they should go so they could move on to another topic.

After everyone went back to their home, the couple headed to bed to take a shower and when they back in bed together Sharon told him that her nephew and nieces would be the ring bearer and the flower girls.

“The girls will look so cute in Eli Saab’s dress.” Sharon said as she slipped in bed next to her fiancé.

“I bet they do look like tiny angels.” Steve agreed as he putting his book away only to see Sharon noting something in a notebook, “Do you have a wedding notebook?”

“Yes, of course, Steven. How can I remember all the details if I don’t note it all down?” She replied, “Don’t tell me you never ever noted any details about the wedding down.”

“Yeah, I never write anything because I can remember. Hello, I have a photographic memory.”

“When do I fly to Paris with my mom?”

“Next Friday.”

“Where do we pick for the honeymoon?”

“You want to go to a civilized place and I want to go to an uncivilized place but I let you choose because it will make you happy and that will make me happy that you are happy.”

“Don’t sass me, Rogers.”

Steve pulled the notebook of her hands and moved quickly so he was on top of her, “What’s the fun in that?” He asked seductively and pressed his lips on her neck, sucking it gently.

“Shut up…” Her voice cracked and losing her ability to retaliate him.

Steve sealed their lips together and stopped the argument effectively.



he couple met up with Emily, the best wedding planner money could buy. She was a middle-aged woman who was way too enthusiastic about the wedding. She said that she had already planned everything for them and that they should talk about gifts basket for the guests and the place that would hold the wedding.

“Riviera Country Club would be the perfect place.” Steve suggested, “It is where we first met.”

“Oh nice!” Emily said, “That would be perfect for the introduction video.”

“We also want the Tuscany wedding theme.” Sharon added, “It’s the place he took me for our first month anniversary.”

“You two officially are the most adorable couple I ever met.” The wedding planner flattered them.

“I know, right?” Sharon played along.

Steve sat in silence after that because he couldn’t find a room to speak up. Emily and Sharon took all of his time so he just nodded or shook his head to let them knew that he was still paying attention. To be honest, Steve didn’t really care where they would hold the wedding or what should be in the gift basket or how big and spectacular the reception would be. What really mattered to him was that he got to marry Sharon. As far as he was concerned, they could fly to Vegas tonight and get married right away.

In other words, Steve didn’t want a gigantic wedding where half population of Los Angeles was invited.

Three hours later, they were done with the meeting and got the rough details of what they would have to do and the schedule for the next 5 months before the wedding.

Steve already felt himself stressing out and he didn’t want to imagine how stressed out he would be if it was only one month away from the wedding.



veryone was very eager about this wedding except for Steve. After he heard that Marshall Carter invited at least 500 guests to their wedding, he lost interest in planning his own wedding. Steve just faded away into his studio or gym. He just gave his opinion when Sharon needed one. (Which the Carters would entirely ignore anyway.)

He gave all the support she needed and complied to whatever she wanted. It was her day so she should be happy with every detail.

While Sharon, Janet, and the bridesmaids travelled to France for the weekend and they will meet with Eli Saab, Steve had to accompany Marshall to meet with the Los Angeles mayor who was a close friend of Marshall.

“The mayor will be your guys’ officiant.” Marshall told them.

As if Steve needed more thing to add to his stress out list, now the mayor would be there and officiating the wedding. Wow! This is bigger than he originally thought.

When Sharon came back, they needed to hold the party at their home for the engagement party. Most of the guests were Sharon’s friend because Steve had a very small circle of friends. (Well, he had only Tony, Clint, Thor, Bruce, and Pepper.)

Everyone came with a luxurious gift for the couple. Steve took note that the compound value of the gift could feed the entire village in Africa for a year. (Yes, the gifts were that valuable.) Steve concluded in his mind that only five percent of the gift were useable.

“Why are you looking like you don’t want to get married?” Tony appeared at Steve’s side with a glass of whiskey for Steve, “Drink up, groom-to-be.”

Steve poured the whole glass down, “You cannot convince me to not get married), Tony.”

“I mean, why do you have to get married when you and her basically live together and fuck each other’s brains out every night?”

“Because it is something adults would do and Sharon is not Pepper, who is kinda okay living with you all the time and not married to you.” Steve shot back.

“To be honest, she is coming after me every day since she knew you two were engaged.” Tony explained and sipped his drink, “I love Pepper and I want her to be the mother of my child but…you know…I want to wait till the time is right.”

“You and Pepper are at the right time since Obadiah tried to take over your company but she helped you take him down the way no one can.”

“Perhaps next year then. I will just let your wedding pass first so I can focus on your bachelor party, not my own wedding.”



ony and Clint took it upon themselves to take Steve to the tailor to get him measured for his own wedding tuxedo. The billionaire insisted that Steve should have two tuxedos, one for the wedding, and one for the reception. Steve just frowned but agreed with Tony anyway.

The boys had a discussion about the wedding and Sharon’s parents. They both couldn’t stand her parents. The way they took charge and did whatever they wanted. Steve couldn’t agree more but when he saw that Sharon was so happy, he couldn’t say no to her anyway.

Sharon took Steve to meet with the florist. Then they had an appointment with the most famous chef in LA to hire them to cater at their wedding. Sharon’s parents, Thor, and Bruce also tagged along to help the couple decide on the menu.

The food was the only thing that they listened to Steve about, like really listened to his opinion. Her parents didn’t cause them any trouble.

But another week later, they made Steve’s stress almost hit the breaking point when they introduced the couple to the Hollywood quality production team. Janet told them that this team will record the video, make a presentation, take a photograph, and take care of all the media.

And again, Sharon seemed pleased with this so Steve kinda played along with them.

When there were only three months away from the wedding, every single day Steve’s life only consisted of the wedding. Steve let Sharon picked the cake after they had been tasting too much of it. He kinda had enough of sweets for his whole life. Besides, he couldn’t tell the differences between Tahitian vanilla and Madagascan vanilla except they were from different countries.

The auction for the right to attend their wedding and report the exclusive news was worse. The only thing that made Steve feel okay about selling his privacy was that the money would go to charity. The right was granted to the highest bidder, People Magazine. Now they will have a reporter with them everywhere because they also got the right to sneak a peek into the details of the preparation too.

Sharon had already booked a French Chateau for their honeymoon and Tony was kind enough to lend them his private jet. At least Steve could get some inspiration from the country side of Bordeaux. Sharon insisted they should go for a wine tasting and learn how to make wine. She was going as far as to open their own vineyard. Steve was okay with that idea because at least he could get some privacy to himself.

One day after they came back from a long meeting with Emily about the final details to the wedding theme and guest list (which was now at 600 guests), Sharon was in the bathroom while Steve dug through the old stash of pictures. (Emily wanted their childhood photo for the intro video.) Steve found old photos from twenty years ago and it brought him bittersweet memories of the past.

It was the picture of Sarah Rogers, his mother, and Bucky Barnes, his cousin, who grew up with Steve. Steve lost them six years ago due to a car accident. He was the only survivor from the incident and it left him heartbroken for a while. It took him a lot of strength to get back on his own two feet but Howard Stark offered to help him financially (which he didn’t have to that much because Steve was a scholarship student. Howard took care of the living and housing expense.)

Steve heard footsteps behind him and then felt the warmth of Sharon as she pressed her entire body into his from behind, arms wrapping around his torso. When she saw the photo in his hand, she said, “They would be so proud of you right now…knowing that you made it.”

He kissed her hand, “Yeah, they were worried that I might not find someone that I would want to spend the rest of my life with.”

“I’m the luckiest girl.”



t was only 1 and a half month away until the wedding and everyone could see that Steve was already freaking out. He was swamped with all things wedding that he was particularly talking in his sleep.

Steve hit the breaking point when Tony came to him and showed him that he had made the couple a wedding website.

“Okay, I can’t take all of this anymore!” Steve said in total frustration, “The stress is too much and now I think I am going to have an anxiety attack.”

Steve stood up from the sofa and began to walk back and forth. He breathed in and out and tried to calm himself down.

“What’s the problem, Stevie boy?” Tony teased. “I knew it, you didn’t want to marry her. That’s why you’re acting like this. Your inner bachelor-self told you that staying single is a logical choice.”

“That’s not it, Tony!” Steve yelled at his friend before taking another deep breath, “It will be my wedding day in a month! 600 hundred attendees at my wedding and you know how great I am at handling my shit when surrounded by that many people!”


“And not to mention how stressed out I am right now! Everyone is asking me about half of the shit I don’t agree with and Sharon’s parents are a real pain in the ass!”

“Calm down…”

“And not to mention that no one ever listens to what the fuck I need for my wedding!! MY. OWN. FUCKING. WEDDING!!”

The last one hit Tony really hard and he knew that it was a last straw for Steve, and as his best man, Tony gotta do something to make sure Steve will not go crazy and ditch his own wedding.

“What do you want to do now?”

“Just get the fuck away from here and not hear anyone mention anything about the wedding.”

“Okay, let’s go to Vegas then. I will have my jet ready in one hour.”

“Are you crazy? Sharon will never let me go to Vegas with you.”

“She will and I will talk to her.”

“I can’t let her handle all of this by herself.”

Tony rolled his eyes. “You said yourself your opinion really doesn’t matter so you don’t have to be here. I will talk to her and you better get ready. I will pick you up in three hours.”

“I will not go to Vegas with you!”

Tony just shrugged and stepped outside the house to make a few calls. He told Steve that he will have to leave early because of a company crisis.

Well, that was a lie because Tony had to meet up with Sharon at the restaurant where she was finalizing  the dessert menu with her mother.

“Sharon!” Tony called. “I need to talk to you and it’s really important.”

“Of course.” The blonde said and followed Tony outside of the restaurant and stepped into his limo, “What is it?”

“I will take Steve to Las Vegas for 3 weeks or probably until his wedding day because right now your fiancé is freaking out and stressed out and I don’t have to mention that he just lashed it all out at me two hours ago.”

“I know. I noticed it too, Tony.”

“So I have your permission to take him away from all of this?”



“I’m kidding. Take him and make him happy and ready for the wedding, okay?” Sharon said, “Tell him that he also has my permission to do whatever he wants to do.”

“I will tell him that.” Tony promised with a bright smile, “Thank you for the understanding.”

“I might be a controlling bitch but I love Steve and I want him to be happy.” Sharon replied, “I have to go now since I can’t trust my mother’s palate.”

“See you.”

When Sharon stepped outside of the limo, Tony called Clint, Bruce, and Thor right away.

“Guys, we are kidnapping Steve Rogers and going to Vegas tomorrow!”

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