Flynn - a kissing booth fan f...

By Joanne406417

42.4K 1.5K 1.2K

Ever wanted to hear The Kissing Booth story told from Noah's point of view? Well here's my take... This is fa... More

Fun and Games
Hurts (Book)
Hurts (Movie)
Seems (Book)
Seems (Movie)
Thuds (Book)
Thuds (Movie)


676 24 32
By Joanne406417

A/N: And we're back! Back to the combined book and movie storyline I hoped to be able to deliver, that is. Thanks for indulging my inability to reconcile the two during those last three (six?) chapters. Now, let's get on with some of the time that was skipped over in the originals.

Elle and I spend a lot of time talking that night, each of us making promises to the other. I promise to talk more about school, about what's going on in my classes, and what my grades are like. I also promise to be honest about who I'm hanging out with, whether it be Chloe or any other friends. Elle promises to tell me if she starts to feel like I'm shutting her out, before it becomes a big deal, and she promises to keep some distance between her and Marco.

I can't deny that I want to ask her to stop being friends with him. The image of her kissing him is seared into my memory and I'm not sure I'll ever be able to completely get it out. The expression on my face gives away my thoughts and Elle squeezes her eyes shut, her mouth turned down at the corners.

"It was a stupid mistake, Noah. But it was MY mistake, not his. He didn't do anything wrong."

"He kissed you back, Elle. I saw it. He likes you."

Elle's eyes open and I hate that they're full of tears again, but this is a conversation we can't skip over, much as I don't want to even think about this, let alone talk about it.

"He's my friend. When Lee... when everyone, was perfectly fine with me not being around, he was the only person who really made time for me."

My heart aches for her, hearing in her voice how lonely she was without me, without Lee, when I at least had Chloe. But I can't help feeling like Marco had an underlying motive for always being around when Elle needed him. I hate that between the two of us Lee and I couldn't find a way to be there for Elle, that we both basically abandoned her at the same time, after always being around before. It makes me feel sick that we created a vacuum, a space for someone to come in and attempt to fill both of our roles in Elle's life.

"I'm sorry I didn't make time," I swallow, finding that tears are pricking my eyes again, too. "I'm sorry that I couldn't see how bad things got, for you. I just... it felt like I was drowning, Elle. I couldn't even keep my own head above water, let alone help you."

Her small thumb traces along my cheekbone as she gives me a half-smile.

"I didn't need you to try and help me. I just needed to feel like a part of your life. That would've made me feel better."

"You're a huge part of my life, Shell," I murmur, pulling her hand to my lips and kissing it. "You've always been part of my life."

"I know, but it didn't really feel like that anymore."

"I'm sorry. You know I'm not good at this stuff. But I promise I'll try and do better. I'll make more of an effort. I--"

"Okay, okay," Elle interrupts. "I get it. You can stop beating yourself up now."

Her lighter tone makes me smile a little.

"You know I love you?"

"Yeah," she nods, a small smile of her own appearing now. "I love you, too." 

The smile fades. "I can't just not be friends with Marco anymore, Noah. But I promise not to rely on him so much like I was before, okay?"

It doesn't feel like enough, but telling Elle who she can be friends with isn't exactly an option either. 

"Okay," I nod, kissing each of her fingers in turn. 

When I'm done, she reaches for me, pulling my face against hers, our lips crashing together. Kissing Elle is always a rush, like oxygen and caffeine hitting my bloodstream at the same time, while tiny tingles of electricity run along just under my skin. We barely come up for air before the next kiss, and the next. She melts against me where we're lying on our sides on the couch, my arms wrapped around her while her hands are on my face, in my hair.

I wish this would never end, but eventually the lack of sleep catches up with both of us, our kisses slowing and finally stopping altogether as our eyelids droop and sleep pulls us under. Elle's dad wakes us up around eight, apparently not at all surprised to find me asleep on the couch with his daughter.

"What do you kids want for breakfast? I'm guessing you'd better head back home soon, Noah. To see your folks before you have to leave for the airport."

"Ah, yeah, I guess I should," I mumble, while Elle yawns and stretches.

"Can we have pancakes, Dad?" she asks, still sounding sleepy.

"Sure thing, Ellie-bear," he smiles, heading into the kitchen as Elle moves to get up off the couch.

I pull her back against me quickly, forcing her to stifle a giggle.

"What are you doing?" she asks quietly.

"Refusing to let you go," I chuckle in her ear. "At least until I get a kiss good morning, that is."

"Little hard when we're not facing each other," Elle snarks.

"Easily fixed," I smirk, turning swiftly onto my back and rolling Elle on top of me so we're face to face. Thank God the living room isn't visible from the kitchen. I touch the tip of my nose to Elle's. "Morning."

"Morning," she breathes as our lips press together again.

Elle drives me home after breakfast, and I rummage through the clothes I've left in my room to find something clean to wear on the plane while she sprawls distractingly on my bed.

"Sure you don't want to join me for a shower?" I ask, not for the first time.

Elle rolls her eyes at me, shaking her head. "Trust me. If I get in there with you, there's no way you're going to make it in time to catch your plane back to Boston."

"Failing to see the downside," I smirk, letting my eyes wander up her legs.

"I will not be held responsible for you missing classes tomorrow! Now go!" she commands, pointing in the direction of the bathroom.

"Fine," I huff, but stay where I am while I begin unbuttoning my shirt.

"What are you doing?" Elle asks, her eyes following my fingers.

"Getting undressed," I smirk. "Can't very well shower fully clothed, can I?"

Elle says nothing, watching as I finish undoing the last button and start shrugging the shirt off my shoulders. I can't help but laugh as she grabs a pillow and presses it over her face, a strangled sound of frustration muffled behind it. Dropping the shirt on the floor, I head into the bathroom without teasing her any further. After a quick shower, I dry off and wrap a towel around my waist before peeking into my room.

I notice with a small stab of disappointment that Elle's no longer there, but honestly, it's probably for the best. I'm not sure that either of us has the self-control to be around one another behind closed doors right now, particularly with one of us naked. Sighing, I get dressed again, thinking about how long these next four weeks are going to feel, then head downstairs to where everyone's waiting for a last goodbye. Dad's driving me to the airport, so there's no need to say goodbye to him just yet, but Mom makes up for it by trapping me in a longer-than-usual hug.

"I'm so glad everything worked out, hon," she whispers in my ear as she holds me even tighter.

"Me too, obviously," I chuckle.

"Take care of yourself, okay? I'll make sure to watch out for Elle."

"I will, thanks Mom."

I kiss her cheek, and after a final squeeze, she lets me go. Lee's next, a half-smile on his face.

"Well, I don't think anyone's going to forget this Thanksgiving in a hurry," he quips. 

I pull him into a quick hug. "No, but how about we try and make Christmas less eventful, huh?"

"Deal," he grins as we both step back.

Elle appears at my side and I lead her away a little, over near Dad's car, standing so we're almost toe to toe. I kiss her nose again, for the hundredth time this morning. It's still not enough.

"I'll be back after my exams for Christmas. Not even a month away. It'll fly by."

"It better," she says, kissing me again.

My fingers run up and down her arm of their own accord as we stare at each other like we're both trying to memorize the other's face. When I can't stand not having her as close as possible anymore, I pull her back against me, kissing the side of her head.

"I'll call you later, when I'm back at the dorms."


"And I'll be back in a couple of weeks."

"Maybe I can come out to Boston, to see you, after Christmas?"

"I'd like that," I grin. "Very much."

Elle goes up on her tip toes to kiss me, clutching at the front of my jacket.

"Alright, lovebirds, break it up. That plane will leave without you," Dad announces, clapping his hands and shutting the trunk of his car.

After giving Elle one more kiss, I slowly pull away and head around to the passenger side of the car. Lee moves to stand beside her and when we turn out onto the road, I glance back one last time, seeing that his arm is now slung around Elle's shoulders. I'm glad for it, that my brother's there for Elle. She needs him the same way I need Chloe.

Up until this year, I'd managed to go through most of my life without ever having that many close friends, and certainly never a best friend the way Lee and Elle are to each other. I never felt like I needed one, maybe because I'd been lucky enough not to struggle that much before. High school had kind of been a breeze, to be honest. But starting college was a giant wake up call, and I dread to think how things would've turned out for me if Chloe hadn't appeared in my life when she did. 

"See?" she says, after I tell her the whole story about what happened last night. "I told you it would all work out in the end, didn't I?"

Resisting the urge to roll my eyes, I reply drily. "Yes, Chloe, you told me so. You were right."

"I'm sorry?" she asks loudly, holding one hand up to her ear dramatically as she leans towards me. "I didn't catch that. You're going to have to speak up."

"You were right," I chuckle, pushing her shoulder.

"Aren't I always?" she laughs. "Seriously, though, I'm glad you and Elle are back in a good place. You were kind of a misery, you know, always moping around..."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. And I'm sorry. For being such a downer."

"No need to apologize," she smiles. "Now, let's go celebrate! I vote for Whitney's."

"Fine," I grin, throwing my arm around her shoulder. "But the first round's on you."

The next few weeks are torturous, both because the lead up to exams is hell, and because I miss Elle. I can't wait to see her again, in person instead of through a screen. We've worked out a better routine, where she texts me as soon as she wakes up, and if I'm not in class, I FaceTime her to say good morning. 

"I like this," she grins at the camera, her hair fanned out over the pillow. "Getting to see you first thing in the morning makes for a good start to the day."

"I like it too," I smile back. "Even if it is nearly lunchtime here. Then again, it's kind of like summer when you slept in all morning, lazy bones."

"Shut up," Elle laughs. "It's not my fault you always have to get up and go for a run so early in the morning."

"No, that's true. But football season's nearly over, so there's no way I'm getting out of bed to go running when I come home for winter break. Especially if you're in my bed." I leer at her suggestively. "I can think of other ways to keep my fitness up."

Elle giggles. "I like the sound of that."


"Uh huh," she nods, biting her lip.

"Ten more days, Shelly. And you're all mine."

"Can't wait," she breathes, blowing me a kiss before ending the call.

These are going to be the longest ten days (and nights) of my life, I'm sure. A few days before I'm due to fly home, my phone starts ringing while I'm walking back to my dorm after a weights session. Gym and my friends are the only things keeping me sane right now. Well, them and calls with Elle, anyway. Speaking of which...

"Hey," I answer my phone, grinning. "I was gonna call you when I got back to my room."

"I know," she replies, her voice sounding kind of breathless. "But I couldn't wait. I have news."

"Good news, I hope?"

"Uh huh."

"So, are you gonna tell me, or do I have to guess?" I chuckle.

"My dad's decided to take Brad to see my Aunt and Uncle in San Diego on Friday."


"And I said I couldn't go because you were coming home this weekend."

Hope starts to unfurl in the pit of my stomach.


"They're going to be gone until Sunday."

"You said they're driving down Friday?"

"Uh huh. Dad's working a half day, so they're going to leave right after lunch."

Adrenalin starts to course through me as I consider the options this new development presents. My flight home is booked for Saturday morning, but there's no reason I couldn't fly back Friday afternoon, really, right after my last exam. I mean, I'm going to be totally shattered, but I can sleep on the plane, right?

"Hold on a sec," I tell Elle, putting my earbuds in and opening up the airline website as I walk.

There's a flight leaving Logan at 3pm on Friday that still has seats available. That would get me to LAX by 6:30pm, taking into account the three hour time difference between here and the west coast. All I have to do is pay a forty dollar change fee. I think it's about to be the best money I ever spent.

"I can change my flight," I tell Elle, giving her the details. "Let me call you back in ten."

"Okay," she giggles and hangs up.

Running as fast as I dare along the icy footpaths back to my building, I take the stairs two at a time up to my floor because I'm too impatient right now to wait for the ridiculously slow elevator. I turn my key in the lock and breeze through the living room, only waving a greeting at my roommates as I head straight to my room. I don't even remove my coat before sitting down at my desk, my fingers flying over the keyboard as I click through to my flight reservation, changing my flight to the Friday afternoon one. A few more taps of the mouse and... DONE!

Clicking on the FaceTime button next to Elle's contact on my computer, I stand, shrugging my coat off while I wait for her to pick up. When she does, her face is flushed with excitement.

"I get in at 6:30 Friday evening," I tell her, flopping back down in my chair. "Know anyone who could come pick me up?"

"I'll be there," she grins. "With bells on."

"Honestly, Elle," I smirk, "I don't care what you have on, 'cause it's just gonna end up your bedroom floor about a minute after we get back to your place."

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