Total drama island Nerd love

By karateunicornalc

4.1K 103 51

'Ew, nerd love! If you kiss in front of me, I will throw up!' Just an AU where Alex and Scarlett go on TDI in... More

Not so happy campers, part one
Not so happy campers part two
The big sleep
Not quite famous
Phobia factor
Up the creek
Paintball deer hunt
If you can't take the heat
Who can you trust?
Basic straining
X-treme torture
Brunch of disgustingness
No pain, no gain
Search and do not destroy
Hide and be sneaky
That's off the chain!
Hook, line and screamer
Wawanakwa gone wild!
Tri-armed triathlon
Batter batter, swing!
haute camp-ture
Camp castaways
Are we there yeti?
I triple dog dare you!
The very last episode! Really!
Total drama, drama, drama, island!

The sucky out doors

146 3 2
By karateunicornalc

Scarlett's POV

We were all sitting by the campfire pit, waiting for Chris to explain today's challenge.

"Campers, today's challenge will test your outdoor survival skills. I'm not joking, some of you may not come out alive" Chris said. Beth and Owen gasped.

Chris laughed "Just kidding. All you have to do is spend one night in the forest. Everything you need will be at your teams campsite in the forest. You just have to find it. Oh, and watch out for bears. I lost a couple interns in pre production". Cool. "First team back for breakfast wins invincibility. Well, off you go!"

"Did he say there were bears up in here?" LeShawna said nervously.

"I had a little encounter with a bear once. let's just say his head looks real nice up on my mantel" Owen bragged.

"Ooh! This one time I saw a bear eating our garbage! It had old spaghetti noodles hanging from it's teeth and it looked like blood and guts, it was so gross." Izzy chimed in "And we thought he was eating our neighbour's cat Simba, but it turns out he was just lost for a week".

Lindsay looked like she was gonna vomit. 

"Um, you didn't eat spaghetti, did you?" Izzy asked the blonde, who shook her head.

"Good! Let's go!" Izzy cheered.

We started walking towards the campsite. I seemed to be the only one who could read a map, and use a compass, so yeah, there was that.

"Hey Gwen, wait up!" Trent said to Gwen, who looked depressed as hell "Can I walk with you?" he asked.

"No" Gwen responded, walking off.

"Ugh! She is so the next one to leave!" Heather growled

"Who?" trent asked

"Idiot" I muttered

"Who do you think? She dumped Harold's red ant farm into my bed!" Heather growled

"Well, you did read her diary to the entire world" Trent pointed out. Heather stopped walking, making us all bump into her.

"So?" she demanded

"So, that was pretty harsh" Trent said

"She is going down!" Heather exclaimed dramatically.

We got to the campsite.

"Ummm, there's no food here" Owen said nervously

"This is a survival challenge, look at the instructions" Trent said.

"I wonder if there are any bears out here" Owen wondered "Wouldn't it be funny if we made some bear noises and they came?"

"That would be sooo funny" Izzy said excitedly

"RAWR! I'M A BEAR!" Owen said in what I think was supposed to be a bear's voice.

"Will you please shut up? I'm trying to read here!" Heather snapped "It says we have to find our own food. Hmph. I still don't see it"

"Um, I think they mean, in the woods" Trent explained.

"I'll go! I'm good at finding food!" Owen volunteered

"Now that I believe" I muttered

"Well, at least this'll be a good week for my diet" Heather grumped


"I am so hungry!" Heather whined

"I think my stomach ate my stomach" Izzy groaned. 

"Yo! Who ordered the pepperoni, extra cheese?" some random guy said.
"It's for he camera crew! Over here!" a camera man said

"No way!" Heather gasped.

Some leaves started to rustle. Owen popped out "I am man! I bring fish!" he cheered, holding up about four or five fish.

"Are you kidding me?" Heather groaned.

"Aw man! You're awesome!" Trent said

"Oooh! I love fish! I love fish!" Izzy cheered, grabbing a raw fish and taking a bite. "I- I guess we should cook it first. Hehe".

I nodded "Yeah, probably"

"How do you know how to fish?" Heather asked Owen

"My grandpa taught me! I caught a shark once, it bit me in the butt! Check it out!" Owen said, pulling his pants down.

I screwed my eyes shut tight. "That is so awesome!" Izzy said happily.


"Ok, fire's hot, fish are grilling, tent is tenting" Owen said. 

"Nice going man, fish looks awesome" Trent congratulated

"Thanks man. I owe it all to grandpa" Owen responded

"So, did you and your grandpa really fight a bear once?" Trent asked Owen

"heck yes! It was the scariest day of my life!" Owen said.

Eye roll.

"We were out in the woods when we came across the great beast! I'll tell you, he was ten feet high if he was a foot! And then he roared his terrible roar! RAWR! We grabbed our shotgun. We knew it was either us or him. It was nothing personal, just the law of the wild. And then, BAM! One shot was all it took to fell the great beast. We took his blood and marked ourselves to honor him. It was a good death"

"Yeah right, there's no way you killed a ten foot bear" Heather scoffed

"Yeah, plus the largest recorded bear was eight point four feet, and that's a polar bear" I said, before noticing we were short a player "hey, where's crazy girl?"

"I think she had to pee" Lindsay shrugged

"But that was over an hour ago!" Trent gasped "Izzy! IZZY!".

"IZZY THE GOPHER, WHERE ARE YOU?!!!!?!??" Owen yelled. Some bushes rustled "Oh good! We thought we lost you there- GREAT PYRAMIDS OF GIZA!"

A fucking bear came out of the bushes.

"WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE! WE'RE GONNA GET EATEN ALIVE BY A BEAR! SOMEBODY HELP US! I WANT MY MOMMY!" Owen cried, running around crazily. Heather tripped him.

Cody peed himself, which was gross.

"The trees! Climb into the trees!" Heather yelled. We quickly climbed the trees, and just sat there, not sure what to do.

"So, what do we do now?" Trent asked

"Don't look at me!" Heather said

"It was your idea to climb the trees" I pointed out

"Why don't you ask the bear hunt expert?" Heather said "Hey Owen! What now?" she yelled at Owen.

"How should I know?" Owen yelled

"Dude. You said you killed a bear" LeShawna pointed out.

"I was being theatrical!" he said

"This is all your fault! If you hadn't been growling like that you never would have attracted him to our site!" Heather screamed

"EXCUSE ME FOR LIVING!" Owen yelled, before hitting his head on the tree for some reason. 

"Hey hey hey, ease up on the guy! he did bring us all that fish" Trent smiled.

The bear sniffed our fish.

"HEY! LAY OFF OUR FISH!" heather yelled.

"It's probably already eaten Izzy!" Lindsay cried

"Then it shouldn't be hungry anymore" I reasoned. Everyone gasped. "What? This is survival of the fittest. She should have just peed in er pants like Cody" I shrugged.

The branch LeShawna was sitting on broke and she fell down. 

"heh, nice bear" she said nervously "SOMEBODY HELP ME!

Everyone started screaming instructions.

"Hey, are you ok?" the bear asked LeShawna.

"Um, did that bear just ask me a question?" LeShawna asked. The bear then pulled off its head to reveal.

"Izzy?" I questioned.

"Oh my goodness! I did not see that coming!" owen exclaimed, sliding down the tree trunk.

"What are you, some kind of weirdo?" Gwen asked in annoyance.

"I thought it would be funny!" Izzy laughed.

We climbed down from the tree, and started eating our fish.

"Rocking the fish sticks! Nice!" Izzy said, enjoying her fish. The bushes rustled again. And a bear came out.

"Oh you cannot be serious" I said, rolling my eyes.

"Wow! that's a really good costume! I thought mine was good, but this one is really good!" Izzy marveled

"It's probably just Chris trying to mess with us. Yeah, nice try dude" Trent laughed

"We know you're not a bear dude!" Owen said, honking the bear's nose.

"I don't know Owen... this one looks kinda real" Gwen said

"Very real" i added, getting up

"Chris did say they were bears" Heather mumbled

"Oh come on guys! They're just trying to see if they can punk us twice! This is not a real bear, and I'll prove it to you!" Owen said, before trying to pull the bears head off. He pulled out a clump of it's fur. "Huh. That does look kinda real".

The bear took it's fur back and tried putting it back on it's head. It roared

"yep. That's a real bear" Owen said.

"BACK TO THE TREE!" Heather yelled.

Everyone else ran to the tree. I picked up a branch from the ground and dipped it in the fire before pulling it out and waving it like a crazy person while screaming at the top of my lungs. The bear growled quietly, before slinking off into the bushes.

"What just happened?" Gwen asked, as her and the others climbed down from the tree.

"Panthre leo are apex predators. Not unlike erctos arctos horabillis so their natural predator prey response is, don't run from lions or bears. Show them you're the boss" I said, before tossing the branch I was holding into the fire.


LeShawna: It's a good thing Scarlett isn't evil or we'd be in trouble


We went into the tent and slept.

Alex's POV

We got to the camp site, started a fire, and started setting up our tent.

"Wow, you pitch a tent like a guy!" Geoff complimented Bridgette. I bit down on my lip to hold back my laughs. "I mean, you're not all girly about getting dirty and stuff" Geoff added, trying to rescue himself

"Hey geoff, could you get some more fire wood?" I said to him.

"Sure dude. Later Bridge" Geoff smiled, before leaving.

"Thanks for the save" Bridgette thanked

"No problem" I responded

"What's for dinner woman? I'm starving!" Duncan said to Courtney.

"I hope you don't expect me to dignify that with a response" she sneered.

"hey guys! Look what I found!" Dj said, holding up a bunny. "Aww, so cute" I said, patting it.

"Well, I've never had rabbit stew before, but what the heck, I'm game" Duncan said. 

"We're not eating the rabbit" I said, putting my hands on my hips.

"This is my new pet! I'm calling him Bunny!" Dj said


Alex: I would have called him Pepper, but Dj can do what he wants


"You couldn't find any food? I guess we're havin grubs and berries for dinner" Courtney sighed.

"Has anyone seen tweedle dumb, and tweedle idiot?" Duncan asked.

"You mean Katie and Sadie?" I asked "No, I haven't seen them since we started walking here".

"Well, they probably met a bear" Duncan "And then, shkrtttttttt" he mimed chopping off his head.

"You're so immature" Courtney rolled her eyes.


We were sitting around the fire, eating grubs and berries (Well, I was eating berries, since I have a very weak stomach).

An owl hooted. Bridgette gasped and tensed up slightly. "Be cool, it's just an owl" Dj comforted.

"Sorry, I just get really freaked out in the woods..." Bridgette said, nervously rubbing her arm.

"This reminds me of this really scary story I heard once" Duncan said. 

"Awesome! Tell it man!" Geoff prompted.

"You sure? Cause the story I'm thinking of is pretty hardcore" Duncan said spookily.

"Oooooooo, we're so scared" Courtney said with an eye roll.

"Alright, but don't say I didn't warn you. One night, a lot like this one..." Duncan said. He started telling a story. I knew it from summer camp, and thought of something. I Quietly got up, and walked over to the bushes.

"Maybe even right, HERE!" Duncan yelled, before holding up his hand with a hook on it. Everyone screamed in fright.

"Duncan! That was NOT FUNNY!" Courtney scolded.

"Oh yes it was! I just wish it was all on camera! I wait, it was!" Duncan laughed

"You are so vile! Do your parents even like you?" Courtney demanded.

"I don't know jumpy mc'chicken, I haven't asked them lately" Duncan smirked

"hey, where's Alex?" Dj asked.

I jumped out of the bushed, screaming bloody murder. Everyone screamed. I laughed.

"Nice one man! You freaked 'em out good!" Duncan laughed, giving me a high five. I smirked, before pointing at a camera man. "Crap" he muttered.

"You're both so immature!" Courtney sneered. A wolf howled. Courtney grabbed onto Duncan nervously. Geoff and I gave Duncan thumbs up.


Alex: Eh, Courtney wouldn't be my first choice, but whatever. Opinions exist, and they're none of my business 


We all went in the tent to sleep. I woke up in the middle of the night. Bridgette and Dj were talking.

"What're you guys talking about?" I whispered

"I gotta go pee, but I'm too scared to leave the tent" bridgette whispered. 

"I'll keep watch for you" I whispered. We exited the tent and Bridgette walked behind a bush to go to the bathroom.

She walked back over. "You better?" I asked

"Yeah" she responded. A swarm of bats flew out of the trees. One flew into her face and she started stumbling around.

"Bridgette, stay still, you're going to hurt yourself" I said. She tripped, and kicked up an ember from the fire. It flew through the air and landed on the tent. It turned to dust.

"Great. That's just great Bridgette. Now, we have NOWHERE TO SLEEP!" Courtney screamed. 

"Ok, how are you still alive?" I asked, because it made no sense that they were still alive after what they had been inside had been burnt to a crisp.

"Well we won't be alive soon, because we have NOWHERE TO SLEEP!!!" Courtney screamed.

"Yo drama queen, calm down. It's cool" Duncan said

"Cool? It's cool? THINGS COULD NOT POSSIBLY GET WORSE!!!!!!!!!!!" Courtney shrieked, before it started to rain. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!".

I rolled my eyes, before getting some branches and using them to make a TP, before covering the gaps with leaves and mud.

"there. It's not much, but it'll keep us dry" i said

"Nice work man" geoff congratulated.


Alex: A lot of the time when I was a kid, I'd hide out in the woods from my brother and dad. I got pretty good at building shelters. 


We went inside and went to sleep. It was uncomfortable to sleep on the ground, but we were dry


I woke up, and the first thing i saw was Courtney snuggled up on Duncan's chest, and Bridgette snuggled up on Geoff's. 

"Morning sunshine" Duncan said to Courtney as she woke up

"Oh my gosh! EW!" she said, getting to her feet "You were cuddling me!"

"I was calmly lying on my back trying to catch a few Zs. You were snuggling up to me" Duncan smirked.

"YOU ARE SUCH AN OGRE!" Courtney accused

"Been called worse" he said bluntly


Courtney: Ok, I just want to point out that I was completely asleep, and therefor unconscious at the time of the 'Alleged cuddling' with said neanderthal, so essentially it's like it never happened!


"Ok guys, calm down" i said "We should focus on getting back to camp".

"Fine" Courtney said, glaring at Duncan. We started walking back to camp.

"We're the first ones back!" Courtney exclaimed. Heather, Owen and Izzy ran up. Izzy was wearing some weird costume.

"Oh no! They beat us here! This is all your fault!!!!!!!" Heather yelled, shoving Owen onto the ground.

"Uh uh uh uh, slow your roll gopherinos! It seems the Bass are missing a few fish!" Chris sai.

"Oh, you mean Katie and Sadie? I'm pretty sure they got eaten by wolves last night" Courtney said bluntly

"Darn shame" Duncan said in mock sadness.

Katie and Sadie ran up.

"We made it!" Katie exclaimed.

"We're safe! Omigosh guys, we got totally lost, and then got in this massive fight" Sadie exclaimed

"And there was this huge bear, and he was all 'Rahhh, you're in my crib, so get out!'" Katie continued

"And we had to run, and it was so scary" Sadie said

"Aw, Sadie, I'm so sorry I said I was prettier than you" Katie said to her bestie. "And I'm sorry i brought up the snack shack" Sadie said

"And I'm sorry I said your butt was to big to fit on the bus seats" Katie said. "You did?" Sadie asked.

"Well... not to your face" Katie said, awkwardly rubbing her arm. They stood there in silence for a moment

"Oh who cares, we're safe! And your my best friend, and I love you!" Sadie said.

"Aw, I love you too!" Katie said. They hugged.

Courtney cleared her throat "Are you two finished your little love in?" she asked. Katie and Sadie nodded "Good. Because thanks to you, we just LOST THE CHALLENGE!".

"All right, killer bass, one of your fishy butts is going home tonight," Chris said "and Gophers, your going on an all expense paid trip too...the tuck shop!".

The Gophers cheered, before rushing off.


I was sitting on the dock with my guitar.

"Who're we voting for?" Courtney asked, sitting beside me. I shrugged

"I dunno. Katie and Sadie are pretty much the same person in every aspect except physical appearance." I said.

"I'm gonna vote for that stupid ogre" she said with an eye roll.

"Courtney, every criminal became one for a reason, maybe you should give him a chance" I said. She gave me a flat look. 

"How about no" she said. 

I strummed a cord

"Well the road rolls out like a welcome mat
To a better place than the one we're at
And I ain't got no kinda plan
But I've had all of this town I can stand
And I got friends out on the coast
We can jump in the water and see what floats
We've been saving for a rainy day
Let's beat the storm and be on our way" I sang.

"Was that supposed to change my mind?" she asked

"No. I just really like Chris Stapleton" I said, before getting up and leaving.


Alex: *With guitar* If there's one thing Gina taught me, is that if you sing the right song, you can make people do whatever you want *Strums* I'm almost there

Courtney: Ok, maybe I won't vote for the ogre, today


We were at the campfire. 

"You've all cast you votes and made your decisions. The person who does not receive a marshmallow must immediately return to the dock of shame, catch to boat of losers and get the heck out of here. And you can't come back, ever. Now, I can see you're all tired, so tonight, I'll just throw them to you. 

"Alex, Courtney, Duncan, Bridgette, Dj, Harold Geoff, Tyler.". Katie and Sadie were the final two. "Ladies, this is the final marshmallow of the evening." Katie and Sadie nervously grabbed onto each other.

"... Sadie".


"It's so unfair!" Katie said, covering her eyes

"I so totally can't do this! I've never been anywhere without Katie! We have to be together or I'll totally die!" Sadie cried.

"sadie, listen to me, you are strong, and beautiful, and like, maybe even smarter than me. Plus, you're like the funnest girl I know! You have to do it for both of us!" Katie said to her friend

We went to the dock, where Katie was put on the boat of losers.

"I miss you already!" sadie yelled

"I miss you too!" Katie replied

"I miss you more!"

"no way, I totally miss you more!"

"I miss you infinetly more! Bye!"

sadie started sobbing


Alex: Yeesh, if that's what having friends is like, then I'm glad I don't have any


We went back down to the campfire.

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