Total drama island Nerd love

By karateunicornalc

4.1K 103 51

'Ew, nerd love! If you kiss in front of me, I will throw up!' Just an AU where Alex and Scarlett go on TDI in... More

Not so happy campers, part one
Not so happy campers part two
Not quite famous
The sucky out doors
Phobia factor
Up the creek
Paintball deer hunt
If you can't take the heat
Who can you trust?
Basic straining
X-treme torture
Brunch of disgustingness
No pain, no gain
Search and do not destroy
Hide and be sneaky
That's off the chain!
Hook, line and screamer
Wawanakwa gone wild!
Tri-armed triathlon
Batter batter, swing!
haute camp-ture
Camp castaways
Are we there yeti?
I triple dog dare you!
The very last episode! Really!
Total drama, drama, drama, island!

The big sleep

182 3 2
By karateunicornalc

Scarlett's POV

I was lying in bed reading, when and airhorn went off. LeShawna hit her head on the bunk.

"Ow! It's seven in the morning!" she stuck her head out the window "Do I look like a farmer to you?".

"Seven really isn't that early LeShawna" I said, hopping out of my bed "I've been up since five thirty"

"Morning, hope you slept well" Chris said, after we had gathered outside

"Hi Chris, you look really buff in those shorts" Heather said

"I know" Chris responded with a wink

"Vomit for the rest of my life" I muttered

"I hope you're all ready, because your next challenge begins in exactly one minute!" Chris said, tapping his watch

"Oh excuse me! I don't think that's enough time to eat breakfast" Owen said

"Oh, you'll get breakfast Owen, right after you complete your twenty kilometer run around the lake!" Chris said

"Oh, so you're funny now? YOU KNOW WHAT I THINK WOULD BE FUNNY?!" Eva yelled, trying to attack Chris. Courtney whispered something to her "YOU'RE ENJOYING THIS, AREN'T YOU?!".

"A little" Chris said honestly "You have thirty seconds"


Scarlett: I've never seen the point of 'Going for a run'. Walking and running are things you do to get to point A to point B. They aren't something you do for pleasure.


I started walking.

"This is so pointless" Alex said, looking nearly as bored as me 

"I know. How would a bunch of teenagers running be good for ratings in any way?" I asked

"And also, what even is the point of running if you're not going anywhere useful?" he asked.

"That's what I thought".

We got to a river. Owen was lying in the water, slurping up water.

"Can't... catch... breath... must... have... condition!" he wheezed.

"yeah. it's called over eating. Look into it" I said, stepping over him.

Chris drove by on a quad bike. "Pick up the pace campers! If you're not back by dinner time, you don't eat!" he yelled through a megaphone.

"I hate him so much" i growled

"We all do Scarlett, we all do" Alex said.

We kept walking and got to the mess hall. I sat down at a table and Alex sat down at his team's.

Owen ran in holding an unconscious Noah. "CLEAR A TABLE STAT!" he yelled, before putting Noah on a table and giving him chest compressions.

LeShawna arrived. "Ugh! We made it!" she groaned. if she seriously tried running the entire way, I swear to god.

Harold came in clutching his chest.

"What took you so long?" Courtney demanded "We just lost the challenge!"

"I think I'm having heart palpitations" Harold wheezed

"Wait a second, if they lost, then that means, we won the challenge!" Gwen cheered.

The whole team cheered and even Noah woke up. 

"Woah there, hold your horses guys, that wasn't the challenge!" Chris laughed

"What did he just say?" Gwen asked, looking pissed as hell.

"Who's hungry?" Chris asked, before pulling a curtain to reveal a buffet table


Gwen: After a week of brown sludge, I almost cried when I saw that buffet

Owen: And that's when i saw it, the buffet table! It was beautiful! There was turkey, and navel bars, and baked beans in maple syrup. Can I have a minute *Cries*

Scarlett: A lot of those foods have high levels of L-trytophan. What's Chris planning?


I ate a bread roll and an apple.

"Guess we're the only ones with common sense" Alex smiled, also holding limited food.

After the plates were empty, everyone but him and I were groaning and holding their stomachs. That looks painful.

"Ok campers, time for part two of your challenge" Chris said, standing on the table

"I thought eating was the second part" Owen said

"What more do you want from us?" Gwen groaned, clutching her gut

"Weird goth girl is right, haven't we suffered enough?" Heather asked

"Let me think about that, no!" Chris said through a megaphone "It's time for the awake-a-thon"

"The what-a-thon?" Owen asked

"Don't worry, this is an easy one" Chris said. Ok, that megaphone is really starting to piss me off. 

"The team with that last player standing wins invincibility."

"So you're saying that the twenty k run and the turkey eating frenzy was all a part of your evil scheme to make it harder for us to stay awake?" Gwen asked

"That's right Gwen" Chris said
 "Man he's good" Gwen admitted. LeShawna nodded.

"Move move move!" Chris yelled.


We were twelve hours in

"WOOOOOO! STAY AWAKE FOR TWELVE HOURS? I CAN DO THAT IN MY SLEEP!" Owen cheered, before passing out.

I was just reading my book. I only had had about ten more pages, so I'd probably be done in five minutes or so.

"I'm going to the bathroom" Eva said. She dropped her MP3 player. I smirked and walked over to it, pretending to stretch, and picking it up and putting it in my pocket in the process. I went back over to my seat and continued to read

"Watcha reading?" Alex asked.

"Nothing that you would be familiar with" I said, turning another page.

"Try me" he smirked

"Fine. To kill a mockingbird" I said

"You have good taste in books" he said. I got to the end of the book and snapped it shut.

"Well, looks like I don't have anything to do anymore" I sighed.

"We could just talk" Alex suggested

"We're on different teams" I pointed out

"Do you really want to talk to anyone else on your team?" he asked, raising his eyebrows

"Good point." I admitted

"Well, you wanna tell me about yourself?" Alex asked

"Well, I have four siblings, I'm a middle child, which is quite irritating. I have a larger IQ than my entire family combined, everyone at my school despises me because I'm better than them in every way except appearance wise, I want to win the money to help pay for my college tuition to study forensic science and engineering" I said

"That was a lot of info" Alex said

"I'm a very talkative person once I get started. What's some stuff about you?" I asked

"Well, I have two older siblings, one is my best friend, one is my worst enemy. I play four instruments, none of the people at my school are my friends, I want to get into Julliard for university to study performing arts. My biggest dream is to be in a Broadway musical" 

"So you're a theater kid?" I asked

"Pretty much, yeah" he responded "You wanna play twenty questions or something?"

"Eh. Sure"

Ten hour time skip

"Favorite food?" i asked

"Ummm, fried rice" he responded "Favorite school subject?"

"Science" I responded "Moment in a movie that made you want to rip your eyes out?"

"That was specific" he said "Probably in Heathers when Veronica's singing Dead Girl walking. I literally screamed for about five minutes after watching it."

"That's justified." I agreed, remembering when my sisters forced me to watch that horrendous movie.

"Favorite color" he asked

"Yellow and purple" I said "Umm, what are the four instruments you claim to play?"

"Flute, guitar, drums and piano" he responded

Two hour time skip

"Congratulations campers, you've reached the twenty-four hour mark, time to kick things up a notch!" Chris said, before pulling a sheet of a pile of something "Fairy tales!".

"Oh he's not serious" Gwen groaned. Chris started reading about a boring village full of boring people, who did boring things (And yes, those were his exact words).

Chef threw some weird glitter on us, making us yawn. Dj tied himself to a tree for some reason, but then fell asleep, pulling the tree down with him.

"Timber" Alex said

I yawned. "Don't fall asleep" he said

"Different teams, remember?" i reminded him he shrugged
"You're interesting to talk to".

"Thanks" I yawned "Um, favorite song?". he thought for a second

"Probably either Here I come, or born to be brave from high school musical, the musical series" he answered

"Why would they call the show that?" I asked in confusion

"Don't know. Guess they wanted it to be unique" he shrugged "Favorite ice cream?"

"Boysenberry" I said "I used to think it was called poison berry, and then I'd freak out whenever anyone mentioned it".

Alex laughed. It wasn't a mocking laugh, that most people used around me, it was normal.

"Worst movie?" I asked

"probably the Harry Potter movies, or Cars two" 

"They ruined Harry Potter when they made the movies" I sighed "And cars two is just an abomination."

"it's like they couldn't think of anything original, so they ripped off every spy movie ever" Alex said, summing it up pretty well. "favorite animated movie?".

"Oh my god, I am not answering that" I said, shaking my head 

"Come on, I don't judge!" Alex said.

"Fine" I sighed "Lilo and Stitch"

"Oh my god, that movie is freaking amazing!" Alex exclaimed "Stitch honestly looks like a koala painted blue"

"Apparently they were going to make a live action remake, but some pictures got leaked online, and fans just voted no" I said

"Live action remakes are always so damn pointless" Alex said

"Especially the Mulan one" I agreed

"Why did they feel the need to change the lyrics in Reflection?" Alex asked. I shrugged, before yawning again.

Thirty hour time skip

Alex and I had resorted to slapping ourselves. It was starting to lose affect.

"How much longer is this challenge?' he whined, slapping himself again. "You could always give up" I suggested

"Nice try" he smirked.

I could hear sleep calling my name. Sweet, sweet sleep. 

Gwen and Trent were talking, and a few more people had fallen asleep. "look at him!" Gwen said, looking at Justin "he's like a statue! He hasn't moved in over fifty hours! Yo!" 

 "Yip! Yip yip yip yip yip!" Trent said, like he was a dog

 "Amazing! Look at the concentration!" Gwen marveled.

She tapped him on the side of the head, his eyes opened to reveal more eyes. "His eyelids are painted! I saw it" Eva yelled.

"Get out! Oh, I gotta see this!" Chris exclaimed. He saw Justin with painted eyelids "That's so crazy incredible! But, you're still out dude".

"Why didn't I think of that?" I groaned, rubbing my eyes

"Because you play fair" Alex said

"I do?"

Duncan puts Harold's hand in a cup of warm water, making him pee his pants. "Oh gross, it works! dude peed his pants!" the delinquent yelled gleefully.

And that's when I see it.

Noah was asleep, and kissing Cody's ear. The two boys woke up, and started screaming. 

"Well, you don't see that everyday" Alex noted

"Nope" I yawned

Thirty hour time skip

I was so tired. I could honestly fall asleep standing up, if I was standing up, but I wasn't. I was lying on the floor.

"You awake?" Alex asked me

"yeah" I responded. 

"How about now?" he asked after about ten seconds.

"yeah, still awake"

I looked around. It was down to me, Alex, Duncan, Eva, Heather, Gwen and Trent.

"Ok, you seven stay with me, the rest of you go and get a shower, for heavens sake, you stink!" Chris said.

Oh my god, a shower sounds so good right now.

"I didn't want it to come to this, I said that to chef hatchet last night, I said 'Chef, i don't want it to come this this!'. But darn it, these camper are tough! So, I've come up with the most boring, sleep inducing activity I could find" Chris said


Gwen: Oh come on, what now? You know what? bring it on!

Alex: whatever Chris throws at me, I can handle


"The history of Canada" Chris said "A pop up book. Chapter one, the beaver. National symbol and a 'Dam' fine hat"


Alex: yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, except for that


Eva and Heather passed out. 

Alex's eyes fluttered shut and he fell asleep, snoring quietly. I smiled triumphantly, before realizing that he was the one thing keeping me awake.

Well, I'm screwed.

Trent started drifting off to sleep.

"Trent! Noooooo!" Gwen said. Trent hit the ground, asleep "Don't leave me!" Gwen exclaimed.

Just seeing one more people fall asleep was it for me. My eyes shut and I fell off the tree stump I was sitting on, landing on the ground and passing out from tiredness.

Alex's POV

I woke up from my sleep. I got up and rubbed my eyes. I saw Scarlett sleeping beside me. 

"-The Screaming Gophers win!" I heard Chris yell. I groaned, before trudging over to my cabin.

"ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! WHERE IS MY MP3 PLAYER?!" I heard Eva screaming, as stuff was tossed out the windows.

My team members were standing outside nervously.

"What's up with Eva?" I asked Bridgette

"Someone took her MP3 player" she explained

Eva stuck her head out the window.


"Ok, whoever took it better give it up fast before she destroys the whole camp" Courtney said

Scarlett walked up to us. "hey guys. Wow, this place is a real mess" she said

"Someone stole Eva's MP3 player" Courtney said.

Scarlett gasped "You don't mean this, do you?" she asked, pulling out Eva's MP3 player "i was wondering who it belonged to! I found it by the campfire. You must have dropped it.".

Eva snatched it from her "Oh thank you! Thank you, thank you!" she exclaimed happily

"Sure thing" Scarlett smiled, before walking off


Scarlett: Turn a team against it's own members? easiest trick in the book!


"So... sorry about the little misunderstanding. Guess no one stole it after all. hehe" Eva said nervously "Ok, maybe I over reacted a little. Haha".


"You've all cast your votes and made your decisions. There are only ten marshmallows on this plate. When I call your name, come up and claim a marshmallow. The camper who does not receive a marshmallow must immediately return to the dock of shame, catch the boat of losers, and leave. And you can't come back. Ever" Chris said

"Duncan, Bridgette, Katie and Sadie, Alex, Tyler, Dj, Geoff. Campers, this is the final marshmallow of the evening... Harold!"

Harold got his marshamallow

"Nice. Really nice. Who needs this stupid tv show anyway?" Eva screamed, before storming off

"have a good night sleep tonight" Chris said

"Bye Eva!" I called after her. She threw a sharpened stick at me. i ducked "Touchy" I muttered

"To the killer bass! And to not ending up here again next week!" Courtney said, and we toasted our marshmallows.

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