THE DE' COSTA Twins ~ Book 1...

By faithmenya01

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⚠️ please don't read this book if you've zero tolerance for typos, grammar Errors, verbosity, redundancies, t... More

Chapter: I wish I never had brothers (Editted)
Chapter 2: Clarrisa De' Costa? (Ediited)
Chapter 3: I am adopted. (Not ediited)
Chapter 4: Bambina?
Chapter 5: The De Costa Brothers
Chapter 6; the pendant
Chapter 7: positive!?
Chapter 8: Sisters?
Chapter 9 we need to talk
Chapter 10: interogation
Chapter 11: I feel so useless as a brother
Chapter 12: who hurt you, Tesoro?
Chapter 13; going shopping
Chapter 14: No,she doesn't have a family
Chapter 15: meeting her bullies.
Chapter 16: meeting John
Chapter 17: drama queen
Chapter 18: Cocaine
Chapter 19: I hate drug addicts
Chapter 20: Break all mafia rules
Chapter 21: seeing a therapist
Chapter 22: what did you do to her
Chapter 23; join us for the movie
Chapter 24: Antonio's Casino
Chapter 25: who are you to our sister?
Chapter 26: No one will hurt you again, baby!
Chapter 27: A new racheal
Chapter 28: SISTERS TIME, Shall we?!
Chapter 29: Thr story of my life
Chapter 30: His Anger is a mental disorder
Chapter 31: I can't fucking control my Temper
Chapter 32: the bastards are found
Chapter 33: True blood of a De costa
Chapter 34: broken Trust
Chapter 35: you are selfish clarrisa
Chapter 36; I will miss liam
Living with mum
Chapter 38: Letting down his guard
Chapter 40:
Chapter 41: fun
Chapter 42: back to my family
Chapter 43: Yes, I am on drugs.
Chapter 44: still searching for kayla?
Chapter 45: Mattoe is dating?
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48: getting checked out
Chapter 49: Leaving school
Chapter 50: my sister and my boyfriend
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54: I am... GAY
Chapter 55.
Chapter 56: your mother is dead.
Chapter 57: Antonio's agony
Chapter 58: self harm
Chapter 59: The Twins fuss
Chapter 60: Antonio is one in a million
Chapter 61: Cigerrete?!
Chapter 62: Starting school soon
Chapter 63: first Day at school
Chapter 64: Jayden is in danger
Chapter 65: Austin is alive? (End of book 1)
Book 2 is out!

Chapter 39: sweetest among my brothers

435 20 0
By faithmenya01


"Please stop it Micheal that's enough already." Mother was lying battered on the floor, crying profusely and begging father who keeps punching and kicking the living hell out of her.

A 6 years old me was standing behind dad, crying and screaming for dad to stop but as usual he pays deaf ears and kept hitting mother, thrashing her on the floor like garbage.

"You stupid bitch. How dare you try to talk back at me when I'm talking Huh?" With every word he said, he rained punches on mother's face. Mother's blood was staining him but as the beast that he is, he didn't stop.

"I'm sorry Micheal, I swear I won't do it again." Mother cried, her voice lacing with pain and weakness.

Father grinned Evilly and dragged mother up by her hair and then dug his fingers into her chin. "Now listen up and listen good. I'm the man of this house. I can fuck as many whores as I want. You've no damn right to stick your nose in my business and question me for it. Got it." He yelled and mother nodded fearfully in tears.

He then smirked and pushed mother to the bed.
He starts loosing his belt and I just knew he was done yet, he was going to sexually abuse Mum again.

"No please Micheal don't do this. I don't want to." Mother says trembling as she curls herself up on the bed.

As if noticing a little boy was around, father-the bastard rather looked at me and asked me to get lost but I  stuck around.

"No, I won't have  you do this to mother. Enough of this dad!!" I mustered up courage to yell at dad. Anger crossed him  and he struck my face with a tight slap. My whole body shook in pain as I fell hard to the ground. I heard mother winced.

"You've no damn right to yell at me Antonio, I'm your father." He yelled and dragged me out of the door and shut the door but as usual
I glued to the door.

Hearing mother's cry of pain and her  screams as dad rapes, was breaking me.

I was feeling so useless. The only thing I could do was cry.

After moments past, he was finally out. I went inside and rushed to mother who was crying on the bed. I embraced her into my tiny arms, patting her to stop crying.

"Mother what's keeping you?!" Asked mother as we were back to normal. "Why don't you leave that monster already? Do you want him to kill you?"

Mother smiled sadly and cupping my face she repeated her usual sermon, "c'mon Antonio stop saying that. Your father will never kill me. He's just... he's high on his drugs that's why he acted that way. Besides I can't leave him because I don't want you and your brothers to grow up without a father."

"Well, I'll rather be fatherless than have a monster for a father. Mother I swear to you, I'm going to kill him the moment I grow up so that you can finally have your peace." I spat angrily. Mother just chuckled sadly and then pulled me into a hug.

Flashback ends.

"Shit!!!" I yelled and thrashed the bottles on the table down to the floor, I attracted eyes instantly.

"Are you alright Antonio?!" John asked in panic and concern.

No, I'm fucking not. Talk about a worthless person and give me the medal. I couldn't fulfill my promise to Mum, I couldn't save her neither was I the one who killed dad—he died reckless in a war.
And now my baby sister is terrified of me.

"My baby sister is fucking terrified of me!!" I yelled and knocked down the table before me.

Ignoring john's questions, I stormed out of the bar. I was physically seeing red. It was a miracle that I didn't run into an accident as I sped home with the car John had brought.

getting home, I'd intended to just relax and calm my nerves but guess what?! I was met with a tug of war between Jayden and Racheal.

Jayden was attacking Racheal for being the cause of whatever happened- I wasn't really getting a shit of what he was saying and Racheal was throwing hot words at him in equal energy.

Liam who'd been playing referee heaved a sigh of relief at the sight of me. "Finally, it's a good thing you showed up Antonio." Liam said as he gave way for me.

Not bothering to ask what happened yet, I called Jayden's name several times as he didn't bother to notice my presence or respect my presence, he kept barking at Racheal and Racheal, barking at him-they were talking at the same time.

My own voice got lost in the chaos. Heaving one deep sigh, I barked Jayden name

"Fucking  shut the hell up Jayden!!" My own voice rang in my head causing me intant head ache but Jayden didn't give a fuck and that does it, I threw a punch which landed on Jayden's lips.

He didn't expect it so he staggered back in effect. Racheal instantly seized noise.

"What the hell was that for dude?!" Jayden barked as he rubs his bursted lips which was spilling out blood.

"No I should be asking what the hell is the meaning off this? Why were you throwing a fit with Racheal huh?"

"Wait... you didn't punch me for Racheal did you because if that's the reason then I'm returning that punch back at Racheal." Jayden lashed, eager to throw a punch.

"I dare you Jayden" Racheal retorted boldly.

"You won't do that shit Jayden and to think, you shouldn't be yelling at Racheal or exchanging words with her, she your kid sister for fuck sakes. It's your responsibility to protect her and not fight her." I clamored, my neck veins popping out.

"Well not when she's acting more than her age and talking back when I talk. You know how much I hate that Antonio." Jayden said

"Stop trying to justify your wrong. You ought to be use to Racheal by now and over look everything she does... Liam," I turned to face liam, incredibly drained and tired right now. "Take Racheal to her room"

Racheal scowled and objected to that. "There's no way in hell, I'm letting anyone of you control me and beside this fight isn't done yet" she shot Jayden a death glare.

"Racheal!!" I called out in a quiet yet stern voice "go to your room... NOW!"

With the quietness of my voice, she knew better than to disobey me. "Fine!!" She barked and  stormed upstairs.

"Follow her" I said to liam and he gave me a nod before trailing after Racheal.

While it was remaining just me and Jayden, I decided to scold him.

"Are you aware to what extent you can ruin our sister with this naive attitude of yours? Physically she might be touch, but emotionally we all know how badly she's been scarred which will take a long while to heal and as an IED patient you should understand her much better, now tell me what do you really hope to achieve if you keep picking up a fight with her. Isn't it already enough that clarrissa is out of our reach, do you want racheal to do join her too" my effort to make a firm voice was futile because I was both hurt and angry.

"Good thing you acknowledge the fact I've an I.E.D too. Whether you see it or not, I'm trying to handle my temper the best way I can but Racheal just keep getting on my nerves." Jayden said brushing his fingers through his hair.

"Look I don't care about what you have to say, you've to apologize to Racheal." I finalized.

"Wow. Since you don't care about my own feelings Antonio then you might as well just kill me first before I do that shit." Jayden barked at me.

We were still arguing over Jayden apologizing to Racheal when two of our men dragged in a drunken matoe.

What the hell.

"What happened Jericho? How  the fuck did he got drunk?" I asked as I was taking mattoe away from their grasp.

"We don't really know capo. We met him fighting with some guys at one of your bars, we discovered he was drunk and decided to bring him to the mansion." Jericho explained.

"What?!" Jayden yelled.

"Thank you so much guys. I owe you. I'll take him from here now." I said and they both bowed before taking their leave.

"What the hell mattoe, how much did you drink?!" I asked mattoe who manages to slipped from my hands and fell on the ground with a loud thud. He didn't seem to be affected, he just laid on the ground comfortably.

Tugging his rumbled shirt, I tried dragging him up but he suddenly becomes damn heavy.

"C'mon Jayden give me a helping hand over here" Jayden was actually coming to join me before I said that. He  took care of matt's right hand side while I took care of his left.

We both finding hard lifted him from the floor. The fucker was wrecking of strong alcohol. We were all  staggering as we made way to the stairs because Matoe was staggering and mumbling some incoherent stupid words.
It was a mighty war for us to get him into his room.
When we got to his room, the worst happened, he puked on Jayden trouser as we were trying to get him to bed.

"What The hell dude?!" Jayden lashed out angrily. his eyes turning red but as the drunk that mattoe currently was, he laughed over it.

"Seriously Mattoe. You think this funny? Trust me you wouldn't have the balls to smile by the time you'll start paying for this tomorrow." Jayden spats.

Finally it wasn't easy but I was able to get mattoe to bed, he slept off immediately, like the speed of light.

"What do you think will make him decide to get drunk. The mattoe I know rarely drinks" I asked Jayden on a serious note as I was tucking mattoe  into the duvet after getting rid of his drunk clothes, cleaning him up and wearing him new clothes. Jayden didn't give a hand. He was dead angry about the vomit.

"Well it should be something relating to his weird activities of late well what do I care since he'd decided to shut us out? One thing is sure, he's going to answer for this later." Jayden said referring to the vomit on his trouser.

Sighing, I asked him to help me with a mop but he refused. "Why would I? I'm not the one that got him drunk am I?" Was what he said before storming out of the room.

Despite that fact that I was so drained even to the point of death, I'd fo spend minutes cleaning Mateo's room to get rid of the alcoholic smell. I made sure he was well stationed on the bed before walking out.
Though I'm very angry and might I say disappointed at mattoe? But then again I can't help but think that something is bothering him.
Because indeed Matoe rarely drink.

My problems just won't stop would it?! It  keeps piling up and my brothers aren't helping. I've never been bothered about playing a guardian role because I'm so fond of younger brothers but right now, it's just draining me and I know I'm the problem.

I think I've alot of things to work on. I've to make my siblings be free to open up with me with their problems.

I rarely stays in shower for long but tonight, I just have to remain under the cold showers.
The running water hitting me was gradually helping me relax.

I was taking pain killers cause of banging headache when Liam arrived at my room. It was at exactly 9pm. He'd come to ask if he could speak with me and I grant him access.

"Where's Racheal first off?" I asked. Gulping down glass of water to swallow my drugs and then leaned on my study table while he sat on my three seater couch.

"She's very much pissed but she's okay" Liam answered truthfully.

And then it dawned on me that I didn't even ask Jayden what had happened.

"What exactly resulted to the fight by the way" I asked Liam.

"That's the main reason why I'm here. Jayden came home earlier today looking ready to kill someone, thinking you guys lost the deal, I asked him what was wrong but instead of replying me the fucker started lashing out at Racheal reminding her how she's the reason why clarrissa why is separated from us right now. He was being a psycho and you know Racheal, she fired back. It was a case of fire and ice. I'm pretty sure one of them would have been six feets if you hadn't come on time." Liam chuckles and rolled his eyes.
I just forced a smile that didn't reach my eyes.
"So tell me Antonio what really happened?" Liam inquired, curiosity evidence in his eyes.

After giving him a long stare, I solemnly told him everything that happened. From scratch to finish. He went all emotional and slightly angered at the part where I told him how I'd made Clarissa traumatized by killing the bastard in cold blood right in front of her.

"You fucked up big time bro," Liam says truthfully as I ended my tail. "Shouldn't have even brought out a gun  at all. There was much better way to have dealt with the bastard. More better way than just giving him such easy death. That's mercy Antonio. You shouldn't show mercy to anymore who dares to hurt our sister." Liam says through gritted teeth, his fist clenched tight as he glared into space.

"I Know right?" I said motionlessly. "I didn't think about that. The sight just so fucking got to me. I lost my cool. It took me out of my control." I heaved with a devastated sigh.

I didn't say that to justify myself but it was the truth. However, I expected liam to continue scolding me to my surprise, he gave me to long doleful  stare.

He then asked on a serious note. "It's  about Mum and dad. Right?"

The question made my heart thumb unconsciously, my brows constricted.

Yeah liam wasn't born then, and Matoe  was  still a  toddler then when father use to abuse mother and even when Liam was born, he couldn't grasp anything cause mother left us while he was still creeping so I was the one who'd really experienced everything. But I eventually told them all what mom had went through in the hands of dad.

"Why would you say that?" I swipe my tongue against my lower lip, avoiding the gaze of my little brother. I can't possibly tell him I'm still affected from all that, I've been the one training them on how to be strong so being weak, will be hypocrisy on my part.

"I know you so well bro." Liam insisted and I didn't bother to conceal it much longer.

"Well I couldn't help it but it's okay I'm fine now. I just fucking  let my guard down in front of my sister." I raked my hands through my hair contending my bubbling rage.

"It's alright Antonio, Don't think hard about  it too much. You know you don't have to be perfect all time. What matters most is that you were able to save our sister right? Even if she doesn't want you right now, I'm very sure things will fall in perfect place later and then she'll come to understand why you've to do that. Anotonio..." Liam paused, he gaze at me for a while before continuing.

"It's okay to let your emotions get the best of you sometimes. Because you're human too. You're the one who always taught us that expressing our emotions doesn't mean we are weak, you aren't weak Antonio. In-fact  I can legit say you're the most strongest and best thing that have ever happened to this family. I wouldn't do anything without you fratello" Liam said with a dazzling smile.

(Fratello meaning Brother-in English)

It's funny how my little boy is suprisingly trying to cheer me up right now but it warmed my heart.
Beaming  with a smile, I spread my hands open for him to embrace me.
He stood up and enveloped me into a hug.

"Thank you so much liam. I really do appreciate" I smiled as I Hugged my little boy tightly.

Hmmm! Liam...  though may he be annoying sometimes but he've always been the sweetest among my brothers.

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