Total drama island Nerd love

By karateunicornalc

4.1K 103 51

'Ew, nerd love! If you kiss in front of me, I will throw up!' Just an AU where Alex and Scarlett go on TDI in... More

Not so happy campers, part one
The big sleep
Not quite famous
The sucky out doors
Phobia factor
Up the creek
Paintball deer hunt
If you can't take the heat
Who can you trust?
Basic straining
X-treme torture
Brunch of disgustingness
No pain, no gain
Search and do not destroy
Hide and be sneaky
That's off the chain!
Hook, line and screamer
Wawanakwa gone wild!
Tri-armed triathlon
Batter batter, swing!
haute camp-ture
Camp castaways
Are we there yeti?
I triple dog dare you!
The very last episode! Really!
Total drama, drama, drama, island!

Not so happy campers part two

196 3 0
By karateunicornalc

We were all standing on a really high cliff in our bathing suits.

"Ok, todays challenge is three fold" Chris said "You first task is to jump off this one thousand foot cliff into the lake"

"Piece of cake" Bridgette said

"If you look down you will see two target areas. The wider part represents the part of the lake we've stocked with" he chuckled "Psycotic man eating sharks. Inside that area is a safe zone. That's your target area, which we're pretty sure is shark free"

"Excuse me?" LeShawna said

"Pretty sure?" Alex exclaimed

"For each team member who jumps and actually survives, you will earn a crate of supplies waiting below. Inside each crate are supplies you'll need for the next part of the challenge, building a hot tub. the team with the best one gets to have a wicked hot tub party, the losers will be sending someone home. let's see... killer bass! You're up first".

"Oh wow" Bridgette said, looking down

"So... who's up?" Eva asked.

"Ladies first" Duncan said. Loser.

"I'll go" Alex said "I sawn with sharks in Indonesia". He ran towards the edge of the cliff and jumped. He hit the water in a cannon ball. He was in the safe zone

"I'm ok!" he called to his team, waving his arm.

Bridgette jumped, Tyler jumped and landed on a buoy, Geoff came down cheering, Eva just yelled 'Look out below!', Duncan just didn't care. Dj was too scared so he was given a chicken hat, then Ezekiel jumped, then Harold jumped, and landed in the splits. Ouch. Then Courtney was scared to jump, so she got a hat too.

Then Katie swapped teams with Izzy, and her and Sadie jumped.

"Ok, so that's ten jumpers, two chickens. Screaming gophers, if you can beat them, I'll even throw in a push cart to put your crates on" Chris said

"Nice! Ok who's going first?" Trent asked.

I swear i heard crickets chirp

"I'm sorry, there's no way i'm doing this" Heather said

"Why not?" Beth asked

"Hello, national tv" Heather said "i'll get my hair wet"

Wait, what?

"You're kidding, right?" I asked

"if she's not doing it, I'm not doing it" Lindsay chimed in

"Oh your doing it" LeShawna said

"Says who?" replied Heather

"Says me! I'm not losing this challenge because you got yo hair did, you spoiled little daddy's girl" LeShawna said

"back off ghetto glamour, too tight pants wearing, rap star wanna be" Heather replied

"Mall shopping, ponytail wearing, teen girl reading, peaking in high school prom queen!" LeShawna fired back.

"Well at least I'm popular"

What a comeback

"YOU'RE JUMPING!" LeShawna yelled


LeShawna picked up Heather and tossed her off the cliff.

"Excellent solution" I commented.

"LESHAWNA! YOU ARE SO DEAD!" Heather yelled from the water

"Hey, I threw you into the safe zone, didn't I?" LeShawna yelled back "now I just hope I can hit it too". She jumped.

"I thought this was going to be a talent contest" Lindsay whined

"haha, yeah, haha, no" Chris said, before Lindsay jumped off the cliff.

"let's see... forty three percent chance of death, thirty seven percent change of getting injured, twenty percent chance of surviving" I calculated "here goes". I jumped, positioning myself so I would be in the least amount of pain when I hit the water.

Noah, Izzy, Gwen, Cody and Justin jumped.

That ridiculous Beth girl was too scared.

owen was just standing at the top.



"Owen jump!"

"just do it Owen! just do it!".


Owen: Oh I was pretty darn nervous. See, I'm not that strong a swimmer

Geoff: I'm looking at this guy and thinking 'there's no way he' gonna make it'

Gwen: I actually thought 'if he jumps this' *Tone changes from concerned to bored* 'he's gonna die'

Scarlett: If he doesn't jump I'm going to rip his arms off, toss them in a blender, and tip it down his throat, if he would still be alive, which I seriously doubt


"Come on big guy" LeShawna said. Owen jumped off the cliff

"OHHHHHHHH! CRAAAAAAAAP!" he screamed as he plummeted through the air.

When he hit the water it was like a tidal wave.

"Yees! Yeah! Oh yeah! Who's the man?" Owen cheered, proud of himself

"Woohoo!" Beth cheered

"Yes" LeShawna cheered, punching the air

"The winners, the screaming gophers

"That was awesome dude!" Trent said "What's wrong"

"I, uh, think I lost my bathing suit" Owen replied, not even trying to be quiet


We were pulling our crates back to camp. Everyone else was singing ninety nine bottles of pop. I didn't join in, because I don't sing, and I never will.

"Hey look! there's the campground!" Beth yelled

"That was pretty easy" Owen said

"I'm pleasantly surprised" Cody added happily

We had to use our teeth to open the fricking crates.

"remember guys, you can only use your teeth to open you crates" Chris said, being very happy at how hard this is

"I think i've got it open!" Izzy cheered, before her crate fell apart "Oww! Rope burn on my tounge!". Sure enough, she had a rope burn across her tongue.

We just made Izzy open the rest of the crates.

"Hey check it out! I got wood!" Owen said

"I got some tools, and what looks like a pool liner" Trent said

I looked at heather, who was apologising too LeShawna for making fun of her. Then LeShawna apologised for throwing Heather off a cliff. They fist bumped, and Heather walked away with Lindsay.

Alex's POV

We were pushing our crates to the campground. I had sand in my shoes, and about a billion splinters, but I didn't complain.

"Ow! I think I just got a splinter!" Courtney complained

Eva picked up her crate. "Pick up your crate" she growled "Chicken".

"Hey! I'm the only one with CIT camping experience! Y-you need me!" Courtney defended.

"I was a CIT" I muttered, continuing to push my crate "It's nothing to brag about".

"Ugh! I gotta take a whizz" Tyler said, starting to leave

"Hurry up! We're already behind!" Eva commanded.

"Oh, I have to go too!" Katie chimed in

"You do? Oh my gosh, me too!" Sadie said. They left together.

A fly buzzed around Courtney's head. "Ow! I think something just bit me!" she yelped.

"I have a first aid kit in my bag, you can grab something to help when we get back to camp" I said.

Katie and Sadie returned

"All better?" Eva asked in annoyance

"Yep!" katie said happily

"Can we go now? I think my eye is swelling up" Courtney said. I looked at her eye. It was purple, and swelled up. I felt my jaw drop.

We started walking again.

"Ooo, something's itching me!" Sadie said "Are you itchy too?" she asked Sadie.

"Totally itchy" she agreed "Really bad". We kept walking

"Ooo! It's really itching now!" Sadie said

"Mine feels like it's burning" Katie whined

"OK, I HAVE TO SCRATCH!" Sadie exclaimed, before she and Katie started scratching their butts.

Chris came up on a quad bike. "You guys are way behind the other team. What's taking so long?" he asked

"Their butts are itchy" Courtney said impatiently.

Chris noticed her eye. "GAH! OH MY BOXERS, THAT'S BAD!" he exclaimed.

"Hey, did you guys squat down when you peed in the woods?" Bridgette asked katie and Sadie. "Yeah" they responded. Oh god, I think I know what it was.

"Did you happen to notice what plants you sat down on?" I sighed.

"They were green, oval shaped and kinda all over the place" Sadie said

"Were they low to the ground? About this big?" Bridgette asked

They nodded. "You guys squatted on poison ivy" I explained to them. they stood still for a second, before running around screaming like headless chickens.

"Hahaha! No way!" Chris laughed "That's awesome!"

"How can you laugh?" I demanded "They're in pain!"

"Exactly! Hahahaha!" Chris laughed.

I sighed, before continuing to push my crate.


We got to the camp ground

"Finally!" I groaned, leaning on my crate and shaking my arms.

"What's up guys?" Trent asked

"Hey, aren't you guys missing a couple of white girls?" LeShawna asked.

"They're getting a drink" Courtney lied.

Um no, they're sitting in the water with their pants pulled down so they don't feel like they sat on a nest of fire ants.

"Oooh! What happened to your eye girl?" LeShawna asked in concern

"N-nothing! Just an allergy!" Courtney said

"I think it's getting worse" I said

"Shut up! We don't want them to know that!" she hissed.

"Yes, because we never would have noticed" Scarlett said, walking by with a hammer.


Courtney: Ok, I don't know what Scarlett's problem is, but she need to mind her own business

Scarlett: i hate preppy girls. If you want to be smart, just be smart. It doesn't mean you have to be a perfect little princess who follows rules to the letter

Alex: Oh god, I really hope those two don't form a rivalry on the first day


Geoff stood up on some crates.

"Kay dudes, it's not to late! We can do this!" he encouraged.

Courtney sat there with her chin rested in her hands, I was more focused on trying to swat a mosquito, Ezekiel was picking his nose.

"Ew" I said

"What?" he asked, wiping his finger on his pants

"That's really gross" Bridgette said in disgust.

I stood up.

"Ok, look guys, we have a hot tub to complete, and we need a project manager. As Courtney claims to be a CIT, I elect her. Any objections?" I said

Everyone but Duncan shook their heads.

"Good!" Courtney said

"Where do we begin, cyclops?" Duncan asked

"Open the crates!" Courtney growled. "Bridgette, go find those itchy girls! We need all the help we can get".

We tried our best

And it was terrible.

Our hot tub looked like crap, it was leaking and held together by tape, the water was lukewarm and there was a seagull bobbing around in it.

The Gopher's looked absolutely incredible, like something out of a magazine.

Chris inspected it

"This is an awesome hot tub!" he announced. The Gophers cheered excitedly. He went over to ours.

He poked it and it fell apart.

"Well I think we have a winner here, THE SCREAMING GOPHERS!" Chris announced. The Gophers all cheered again "Gophers, you're safe from elimination, and you get to rock this awesome hot tub for the rest of the summer! Bonus!". He turned to the us "Killer bass, what can I say sucks to be you right now, I'll see your sorry butts at the campfire tonight".


We were having dinner in the mess hall.

"Sooooooo, what do we do now?" Katie asked

"We have to figure out who to vote off" I explained

"Well I think it should be princess, or the brickhouse here" Duncan said, pointing to Courtney and Dj.

"What? Why?" Courtney demanded

"I would predict it's because you two are the only ones who didn't jump" I said

"yep" Duncan said, making the P pop "And in case we like to lift a truck, I like our odds with the big guy here" he continued, pointing to Dj.

"You can't vote for me! I'm the only-" Courtney exclaimed

"We know, who used to be a real CIT" Bridgette said boredly "So who would you pick?".

"What about..." Courtney said "HIM!" she said, pointing to Tyler.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Lindsay screamed, before noticing that everyone was staring at her "No... salt on the table, bummer" she said meekly.

"At least he jumped, chicken wing" Duncan said.

"Ok, let's just all chill out, this is getting way to heavy" Geoff said, trying to instill some peace.

"Whatever. I've had enough prison food for one day. I'm gonna go take a nap" Duncan said getting up

"You can't do that! We still haven't figured out who we're voting for!" Courtney called out after him

"Why are we even discussing this in front of each other?" I asked

"I just don't get how we lost, eh. They're the one's that have seven girls" Ezekiel said

"Oh dear god" I sighed, burying my head in my hands.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Bridgette demanded

"Yeah home school, enlighten us" Eva growled

"Well, guys are much stronger and better at sports than girls are" Ezekiel said, not understanding that when you're sexist, people tend to dislike you.

"Oh snap! he did not just say that!" Geoff laughed

"My dad told me to look out for the girls, eh, and help them in case they can't keep up" Ezekiel continued.

Eva picked him up by his shirt collar. "Still think we need your help keeping up?" she growled.

"Not really" Ezekiel said

"Ok guys, let's give him a break." Geoff said "I mean, at least he doesn't think guys are smarter than girls".

"But... they are" Ezekiel said

Scarlett stormed over from the Gopher table. She picked Ezekiel up by his collar.

"Listen here you piece of crap" she hissed "Marie Curie, Ada Lovelace, Grace Hopper, Malala Yousafzai, Marilyn Vos Savant, Maria Montessori. Don't know them? google them. If you know how to spell, you stupid, ugly, repulsive, swine". She dropped him and stormed back over to her seat.


Alex: well... that was magnificent

Ezekiel: *Scared*

Scarlett: I know. I'm amazing.

Bridgette: *Writing on arm and muttering under breath* Search up people Scarlett mentioned...


We were at the campfire ceremony.

"campers, at camp, marshmallows represent the tasty treat you enjoy roasting over an open fire. At this camp, marshmallows represent life." Chris said.

Geoff pretended to yawn, but actually flashed Bridgette a smile, which she returned.

"You've all cast your votes and made your decisions. There are only eleven marshmallows on this plate. When I call your name, come up and claim a marshmallow. The camper who does not receive a marshmallow must immediately return to the dock of shame, catch the boat of losers, and leave. And you can't come back. Ever"


Alex: He's gonna bring at least one person back. It's obvious


"The first marshmallow goes to, Geoff". Geoff ran to grab a marshmallow. "Alex, Tyler, Katie, Bridgette, DJ, Harold, Sadie. Duncan."

It was down to Courtney and Ezekiel.

"Campers, this is the final marshmallow of the evening" Chris said. Dramatic music played, before Chris finally said


Courtney grinned, before running up to get a marshmallow. "Can't say I'm shocked dude. I saw you picking your nose. Not cool" Chris said

"yeah, because that's exactly why we voted him off" I said sarcastically.

"Dock of shame is that way bro" Chris said to Ezekiel.

"The rest of you, enjoy your marshmallows. You are safe. For now" Chris said.

While the others toasted their tiny puffs of diabetes, I went back to the cabin, and listened to music while writing this.


Gwen: Yeah, it still stinks. But now that I'm here I might as well try to win

Scarlett: I'm going to win that hundred thousand dollars, and if anyone gets in my way, they'll regret it


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