devil's advocate

By -darlingsinners

162K 4.6K 738

"I have a goddess in front of me, it'd be a crime not to worship her." He whispered in my ear. His lips and h... More



3.1K 127 15
By -darlingsinners

a night to remember pt.1

"Have you gone over the list?" Santiago asked while we sat in the car on our way to the ball.

"I wouldn't be here if I hadn't." My response wasn't meant to sound rude but it came off as pushing an edgy boundary. I would be arriving with Santiago Accardi, I was bound to bring attention to myself. Even though my previous list of employers had never seen my face, I worked through technology and technology only and if I ever had to meet a client I'd take necessary precautions.

The possibility of this going wrong was still running through my head but I had to remind myself that I had checked over the list and done background checks on everyone that seemed the slightest bit suspicious.

"It's not too late to cancel," Santiago's voice rang out through the silence of the car. The sound of the car moving was all that was audible before he spoke again. "I never go to these things anyway."

"Oh no, you asked and I didn't get all dressed up for nothing." Looking back I probably should've said no in the first place but I knew we could both handle ourselves. Besides, I'd done my research and there was no way anything could go wrong tonight. On the off chance it did, I had blades strapped to my thigh.

The conversation was cut short as we pulled up to a large building. As the driver got out of the car and made his way to our door Santiago placed his hand on my bare thigh. "If at any time you want to leave, just tell me."

A small smirk planted itself on my lips. "Is that for my comfort or yours?" He rolled his eyes in return but I could see the small upturns of his lips. "Yours, but I do happen to fucking hate these things."

The door opened and I could see his security waiting just outside of it. The building was heavily guarded with various men stationed anywhere you looked. Cream pillars lined the entrance way and as we walked forward I placed my hand on Santiago's awaiting arm.

Apparently, all dons arrivals had to be announced so we made our way up a set of stairs that led to large double-doored oak ones. The guard stationed in front looked like a mindless zombie as he knocked on the door once before it was cracked open slightly. The guard behind the doors asked for a name before looking up and seeing Santiago and me. I could just barely make out him mumbling a never mind and looking down.

As the doors opened and Santiago's name was announced I could see conversations stop and the hall many eyes travel up to us. The guard from before coughed slightly drawing my attention to him. "Your name ma'am?" The blank stare I gave him seemed to be enough for him to back off. "Don Accardi and his date." Those were the only words he spoke but I could feel the number of eyes that shifted over to me as he did.

I held my head high as my eyes scanned the crowd. I could make out the faces I already knew, some of which I had done background checks on and others that I had done business with- not that they knew that of course.

They'd never know my face unless I was about to kill them. And it would stay that way unless I deemed it necessary otherwise.

The gold dress I wore drew in eyes; it looked as if I'd been dipped in crystals. I could tell some of the looks were from men while others were from women. Some were purely envious of the dress while few others were bold enough to showcase their envy at me being on Santiago's arm.

Their eyes weren't a problem. Physically speaking I could kill anyone in the room if I wanted to. Mentally I knew that wasn't the right choice and I wasn't here to make enemy's. But if I was challenged there's no saying what I'd do. I was a killer through and through and if I had to make that obvious tonight I wouldn't have a problem doing it.

Either way if I wasn't killing someone for their wrongdoings against me tonight I knew Santiago would. I'd kill them yes, but Santiago would send them to their very own spot in hell. He'd damn them to an eternity of torture and wouldn't think twice about it.

I think that's one of the things that drew me to him. I know he'd enjoy it.

His large hand made its way to my lower back as he guided me to a group of people that stood in a small group. It was mainly men and I found myself grabbing us two flutes of champagne from a passing waiter.

"Ah, Don Accardi!" A short plump man that stood in a nearby group called out as we neared them. "I wasn't sure you'd be joining the festivities tonight."

"Christopher was it?" I could see the man deflate slightly at Santiago's indifference.

"Yes Don." I could see how he composed himself and puffed up at the opportunity to gain Santiago's attention. Although I didn't know who the man was I could practically smell how desperate he was for the Don's approval.

"Well Christopher, let's not question me again." It was completely unnecessary on Santiago's part and I watched as Christopher's shoulders slump slightly and cheeks grow red with embarrassment as the rest of the group stood straighter. I bit back a chuckle at his rudeness and had to bite my lip to stop it coming out as I watched the rest of the men in the group let out sighs of relief as he moved past them without a word.

His large hand still remained on the small of my back that was uncovered due to the backless dress I wore. I could feel the heat of his palm as he lowered his hand slightly before nudging me forward at the sight of his actual target.

"Who are they?" I asked him before we made contact with the group.

"Friends and ally's." He said before we stood directly in front of the group.

"Don Accardi." This time when the new man spoke Santiago acknowledged him and held out a hand for brief handshakes to him and the rest of the group. "It's a pleasure to see you again."

"You as well Hades." I made myself busy by looking over the rest of the group as they began a small discussion. A tall blonde haired man stood closest to Aries. He looked like he was calculating anything and everything he could in the room. I could see his fingers twitching ever so slightly now and then.

A hacker maybe?

I could see the resemblance he held with Hades. They had the same lips and eyes but lacked hair color. The man that stood slightly behind him looked like a damn guard dog. His hazel eyes remained trained on looking around the room while his ears were perked up listening for anything out of the ordinary. Long black hair almost obstructed his vision as it fell in front of his eyesight. Once again he held the same eyes.

The only one that didn't seem to be interested in his surroundings was the bubbly blonde haired boy standing near him. His eyes were a light green that damn near sparkled as he blabbered on to the silent guard dog to his right. He seemed quite lanky compared to the rest of the group. The guard dog ultimately being the biggest while the hacker was on the lean side. Hades seemed to be a mixture of muscle and slight body fat as he conversed with Santiago.

They were definitely all brothers.

The guard dog would have snapped at the young boy by now if he didn't seem so used to it.

It also helped that they all had the same chiseled facial structure besides the young one who still looked like he had some baby fat to drop.

"Where are my manners?" Hades words flooded through my ears as I stopped scanning the rest of the group. "Who's this lovely woman you've brought with you Santiago?"

"Jade." I could tell my tone and bluntness took him back for a second if his face was anything to go by before he laughed. I had already done my research on who was here. There wasn't a problem with using my name and Santiago seemed to enjoy Hades company.

"It's nice to meet you Jade. But I do have to ask, how did Santiago here end up with someone as gorgeous as you?" He laughed at the look Santiago gave him before looking back to me.

By now the rest of his brothers were looking at me for my answer and the bubbly one had stopped talking.

"Well it wasn't for lack of trying. I'm sure you know he can be very...persistent." I said with a small smirk before taking a sip of my champagne. Santiago's hand squeezed my back ever so slightly in warning. Looking up I could see the tiniest hint of amusement in his eyes.

A loud laugh erupted from Hades mouth as he agreed wholeheartedly before introducing me to his brothers. I could see amusement flash through the guard dogs eyes who I now knew as Deimos. Bubbles was Silas, and the hacker was Aries.

I remembered asking Santiago why none of them had a woman in their arms. It almost seemed like something that was required when coming to one of these things. His answer was simple and to the point. "They like sharing but haven't found the right woman yet."

After a bit of conversation and way too many random facts from bubbles Santiago and I had excused ourselves and began making our way through the hall greeting various people.

"Capo." A man said as Santiago had nearly passed them.

"Antonio." A few men stood around him greeting Santiago with the same word and bowing their heads slightly. Nobody had made eye contact tonight unless they were in similar positions of power. Take Hades for example, who after some conversation I had been informed was the Don of the American Mafia and a good ally and friend to Santiago.

"Who's this?" He asked while looking at me. His eyes trailed up and down my body stopping at my chest before continuing. His hand grabbed mine quickly almost like he knew I'd pull it away before placing a kiss against my knuckles.

"None of your concern Antonio." I could see Antonio's eyes harden at the words in an almost challenging way. Especially when I removed my hand from his. My other tightening slightly against my champagne flute in disgust.

"Apologies Don," he voiced out with a fake smile.  "It was only a question."

"Yes, and you've always been too curious for your own good, haven't you Antonio?" Santiago's grip on my hip was getting tighter by the second although I knew he'd stop himself before it became bruising.

"Let's get one thing straight now." His voice was cool and calm despite his rising anger. My peripheral vision picked up the other men's shudders as they continued looking down. "If you question me again I will remove your tongue." He had said with a grin. Almost like it was amusing but this was Santiago and I knew I couldn't mistake amusement for excitement.

"Yes Capo." It was said through a grumble but we could all hear it loud and clear.

We turned to make our way away from the group but before we did I spoke. "Oh and Antonio," He looked up at me with a smirk. "The next time you touch me, be prepared to lose both hands." His smirk dropped just as fast as it came and I found my own make it's way onto my face as I turned and made my way back to where Santiago was waiting for me.

"Remind me not to get on your bad side darling."  He said with a grin. His eyes almost seemed brighter at my clear disgust at Antonio's display.

"If you were on my bad side you wouldn't know it until it was too late." I matched his grin as his eyes darkened slightly.

i'm so excited for this chapter and the next we're finally getting into the good shitttt
don't forget to like and comment the next chapter will be long like this one

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