Spideypool Oneshots

By KingCremation

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Oneshots I wrote for Spideypool. Cover art by me More

A Slice Of Happiness
High Up Places
Your My Bestfriend Part 1
Your My Best Friend Part 2
Your My Best Friend Part 3
Your My Best Friend Part 4
Oh My Deer Part 1
Oh My Deer Part 2
Oh My Deer Part 3
Oh My Deer Part 4
Oh My Deer Part 5
I'm Your Biggest Fan Part 1
I'm Your Biggest Fan Part 2
I'm Your Biggest Fan Part 3
I'm Your Biggest Fan Part 4
Denial Part 1 (Tasm Peter)
Denial Part 2 (Tasm Peter)
Denail Part 3 (TASM Peter)
Pride Parade


972 12 0
By KingCremation

Wade had came home from patrol ready to turn in for the night after seeing his boyfriend of course first. Peter was no where to be found though probably still patrolling the other side of the city. Sometimes they patrolled together they had decided to go different way tonight to get it done faster.

Either Peter got into a fight or his guilt was eating away at him to patrol more when he had already searched half the city for crime. Peter could never rest easy it seemed untill he knew for sure no one was being attacked by a villain.

It was both admirable and annoying. Peter was the most righteous superhero he would give anyone the shirt off his back if it meant helping them. Wade had begun to understand how to help people and even got some joy out of it a few times. He still didn't understand Peter's need to help people who where deemed not savable by everyone else like Wade.

Most people saw Wade as a bloodthirsty mercenary who killed people for fun or money. While that was true Peter saw beyond that. Despite, being annoyed by Wade and hating him coming on patrols with him at first. Peter stuck threw with it and developed a friendship with Wade and eventually a relationship.

Wade was grateful for Peter not giving up on him. Wade had already made dinner for the webswinger and he still wasn't home yet. He wasn't worried he'd seen him stopping a bank robbery on the news it looked like he had gotten caught up in something.

Wade went to his and Peter's shared bedroom. He was about to slump onto their bed and pass out for the night when he saw something on the dresser. Peter had left a pair of his webshooters on the dresser. He had two pairs and one of the webshooters that belonged to the other was broken.

Peter had wanted to fix it but he hadn't had the time. Wade picked up the webshooter that wasn't broken and examined it. He never knew exactly how Peter swung around with them. He knew the general idea after watching Peter shoot them many times.

Wade pressed the button curiously. He blinked surprised as webbing shot directly onto the ceiling. He chuckled at his own antics before pulling the web off the ceiling and detaching it from the webshooter. Wade may have gotten carried away shooting everything in their bedroom after that.

The next day Wade was swinging around New York City enjoying himself. Peter was going to join him on patrol soon as he got down taking down a bank robbery not far away. They had split up so Wade could take care of a person trying to steal a car down the road.

Not hard crimes to stop but Wade was still having fun using the webshooter. It meant he got to practice with it without having to worry about letting a strong villain get away. Wade heard familiar footsteps behind him he grinned as he turned around to look at Peter.

"Wade do you have my webshooter?" Peter asked he looked behind Wade at the tied up crook.

"No." Wade said trying to hide it behind his back.

"Give it to me." Peter said annoyed.

"Oh, come on Spidey it's fun to web things up." Wade said he winked at Peter implying  something else more than what he'd said. Peter felt his face heat up he huffed he made a grab for the webshooter. "To slow Spiderman." Wade said amused.

Peter made another swipe at it Wade shot a web at the roof of another building exactly at that moment. He swung from the roof they had been standing on in one clumsy move not used to swinging with the webshooter.

Peter easily made the next jump to the other building. He tackled Wade sending them both down. Wade let out an oof as he landed on his back with Peter sitting on his chest. "Give me the webshooter. We have patrol to do and you know you shouldn't be messing around with my stuff." Peter said annoyed he held his hand out for it.

"Come on I was just having a little bit of fun! Besides you never told me directly that I couldn't mess with your webshooters." Wade said he winked at Peter. Peter groaned he ignored the comment instead he focused on reaching down towards the webshooter to take it off Wade's wrist.

Wade tried to moved his arm back he was able move it back about three inches by the time Peter got a hold of his wrist. Peter grabbed his arm holding it steady so Wade couldn't pull his arm back. "Curse you spider strength." Wade mumbled annoyed as Peter had his hand over the webshooter getting ready to pull it off.

"Now I'm going to take this-" Peter said he froze when he felt Wade lift up his mask to the bridge of his nose. "What are you doing?" Peter asked suspicious.

"Nothing." Wade said giving Peter a innocent smile.

"Uh huh." Peter said not believing him at all still trying to figure out what he was trying to do.

Wade leaned forward he was about to kiss Peter before the man put another hand on his chest to stop him. Wade had also tried to sneak his arm the one Peter was holding around his back so that he could flip them over and run away with the webshooter.

Peter had grabbed his arm as well harder than earlier in his surprise. He must have forgotten his own strength for a moment because next he knew the webshooter was crushed and webbing went everywhere.

"Ugh Wade!" Peter said annoyed as webbing got all over him and his suit.

"Sorry but you were trying to take it from me!" Wade protested.

The next night Peter was bent over his desk trying to fix the pair of webshooters. One destroyed by him a while ago and the other he had technically crushed. He blamed it on Wade though since he was the one who had stolen it and distracted him to where it had gotten broken in the first place.

"Can I have a kiss?" Wade asked giving Peter puppy dog eyes.

"Not after that stunt." Peter grumbled ignoring Wade to keep his gaze on his webshooter he was fixing.

"I won't steal your webshooter no more. Promise." Wade said holding out his pinky. Peter rolled his eyes but he had a small smile on his face. He grabbed Wade's arm yanking him forward. Peter pressed his lips to Wade's. Wade put his arms around Peter's back he sighed he would still webshooters any day of this was what he got.

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