iris, supernatural [ 2 ]

By maybankwalker

56.1K 2.3K 1K

[ supernatural -- seasons 9-15 ] Larissa Brewster Series: Habits Iris I DO NOT own Supernatural, any of the s... More

001. ezekiel
002. wicked witch of the west
003. dog-dean hybrid
004. reborn virgins
005. goodbye kevin
006. evil angel extraction
007. no husband or baby
008. werewolf bestie garth
009. lunch ladies
010. haunted bunker
011. ghostfacers demise
012. domestic single mom life
013. curing dean
014. werewolf sisters
015. the musical
016. inheritance
017. cop retreat
018. "sounds like teenage girl dean"
019. no place like home
020. teenage dean
021. technology ghost
022. sick athena
023. burning the wrong book
024. night moves
025. lizzie borden house
026. killer costumes
027. imaginary friend
028. going to visit the cage
029. not uncle cas
030. homemade chicken
031. valentine's day
033. dying husband and god
034. god's plan
035. dean's sacrifice
036. torture
037. bedridden
038. breaking point
039. funeral crasher
040. rock devil
041. single mom
042. mother's love
043. memory loss
044. lance of michael
045. mom vs. mom
046. probation
047. betrayed
048. "i want to hate him but i can't."
049. heartbroken sam
050. birth of a nephilim
051. "you say goodbye."
052. toddler ptsd
053. "i'm always right."
054. old west
055. possible evil twin
056. wayward sisters
057. the butterfly
058. helpless
059. reconcile
060. "donatello's a biter."
061. blood of a saint
062. scooby gang
063. sticky notes
064. gabriel's out
065. "whole team's together"
066. archangel grace
067. master plan
068. lucifer's end
069. self destructive couple
070. finding dean
071. alternate kaia
072. hatchet man
073. super charged monsters
074. losing kids
075. christmastime
076. ma'lak box
077. dinner with the parents
078. medusa
079. different wife
080. monster in the woods
081. nick's plan
082. three months early
083. grieving and manipulating
084. the end
085. ghostpocalypse
086. final plan
087. anything for kids
088. hungover
089. lost hope
090. normal life
091. pool
092. saving kaia
093. alternate brothers
094. mrs. butters
095. chat with amara
096. old friend
097. final fight
098. dean's last words
099. epilogue
Thank You

032. back in time

532 27 14
By maybankwalker

Sam and Larissa are in the kitchen and Dean walks in. Dean goes to the counter to pour coffee, but the pot's empty.

"We're out." Sam says.

"There was a half a bag yesterday." Dean says.

"I killed it." Sam says.

"He's become a coffee addict." Larissa says. "It's annoying."

"Hey, did you know the Nazis had a special branch devoted to archaeology?" Sam asks.

"Little early for Nazi trivia, especially without caffeine." Dean says.

"It's called the "Ahnenerbe." There was sites all over Germany and then the Nazis increased their territory, they started popping up in Poland, Finland, uh, North Africa..."

"Yeah, how is this more important than our coffee situation?"

"Cause I found something. I mean, we need something. Magic. A weapon strong enough to give us a shot against Amara. So, I've been looking outside the lore in history. And I found this, the Vichy Memorandems. They were Nazi communications that puzzle historians to this day. And they speak of a super weapon obtained by the Ahnenerbe, said to be strong enough to win the war."

"Yeah? What was it?"

"Well, these memos refer to it as "The Hand of God." I mean, that was sort of a catch all term for several objects he touched on earth in Biblical times. But they're believed to contain traces of His power."

"Yeah, well, the Nazis believed a lot of things."

"Dean, Lucifer's caged. God's MIA, the only beings strong enough to battle Amara are gone. If we're gonna fight her, what better way to arm up than with an actual dose of His power?"

"Okay, so you said the Nazis got their hand on one of these, uh, hands?"


"Well, if it is was so powerful it could win them the war, why didn't it?"

"Because they lost it. En route to Berlin, it was stolen. The Nazis searched high and low for the thief, but they never found their prime suspect, uh, here -- Delphine Seydoux. French mistress to a high ranking Nazi. Thought to be a French traitor, till she killed her German lover, and made off with the weapon."

"Allied spy? French resistance?"

"That's what the Nazis thought, but their investigation led them to a different conclusion. That she was an "un femme de lettre."" Sam says and Dean stares at him blankly. "A woman of letters."

"You're hot when you speak French." Larissa comments.

Sam chokes on air and Dean rolls his eyes.

"Definitely too early for that." Dean grumbles.


"Who knew the Men of Letters had European chapters?" Dean asks.

"Maybe it wasn't an entire chapter, just an asset, you know?" Sam says.

"Yeah, and letting women join way back in the '40s? I just never got the impression that they were so big on gender equality, you know... it's right there in the name." Dean says.

"Well, it was World War II. Kind of an all hands on deck situation, you know?" Sam says.

"Yeah, Rosie the Riveter. Cool."

"Here we go." Sam puts a book on the table. "This report was written by Clifford Henshaw, a bunker based Men of Letters back in 1943. It's the right era... but it's in French."

~ ~ ~

Sam and is at his laptop and Larissa is next to him.

"Well?" Dean asks, walking in and he has a beer.

"Hey. So it's definitely about Delphine. Her name's at the top of every page. Check this out... transcriptions. From transatlantic cables between Clifford and Delphine."

"What'd they say?"

"Give me a second. Web translation's kind of buggy." Sam says.

"I vote you start learning French, though." Larissa says.

"I know another phrase." Sam says.

"What?" She asks.

"Je t'aime." He says quietly and Larissa giggles, knowing the meaning.

"Je t'aime."

"Mm. You might sound hotter with it." He says making her laugh. He leans over, kissing her.

Dean loudly clears his throat.

"I'm still here, you know?" Dean comments as the two pull away.

"Right. Right." Sam awkwardly clears his throat. "Seriously? Dude, it's, like, noon." He tells Dean after seeing him take a swig of beer.

"Uh, well, you drank all the coffee, so what am I supposed to drink, water? Besides you two are making me wanna barf, so I gotta have some alcohol in me for that." Dean says.

"Look at this. They were making arrangements to get the artifact out of Europe to keep it safe. Henshaw pulled some strings with a Man of Letters in the OSS to requisition an active US submarine to transport Delphine and the weapon back to the states. Back to here."

"The bunker?" Dean asks.

"Yeah." Sam nods.

"So it's been here the whole time?" Dean asks.

"Uh..." Sam searches. "No. It never arrived. The USS Bluefin came under German attack midway through its trip across the Atlantic -- the sub was sunk, the ship and its contents haven't been recovered to this day. Great. It's lost."

"Or is it?"

"Yeah, I'd say so. I mean, tides took the wreckage, submersibles have been trying to locate it for years. I mean, if James Cameron and his Avatar billions can't find it--"

"Yeah, but we have something James Cameron doesn't have."


"There were several God touched objects, but it never occurred to me that any of them survived the flood, let alone the 20th century." Cas says.

The Winchesters are sitting at the map table while Cas stands with all the research. Athena is on Sam's lap and cuddling into her dad's chest, trying to be as far away from Cas as she can.

"Do you think we can use it against Amara?" Sam asks.

"It's perfect, and I can get you back there." Cas says.

"Without wings? Cas, you can't even teleport." Sam says.

"Time travel is a-- it's a whole different system." Cas says.

"Really?" Larissa asks and Cas nods.

"Told ya." Dean smiles.

"So, uh, these are the last coordinates?" Cas asks.

"That's the Bluefin's last transmission to shore, yeah." Dean says.

"All right." Cas says.

"Wait a second. Cas, aren't there still risks with time travel? I mean, aren't there consequences?" Sam asks.

"Sam, this is the ideal scenario." Dean says.

"What?" Sam asks.

"That sub is a tin can floating in the middle of the ocean doomed to go down, you can't really mess with history at 20,000 leagues. So we get in, get the weapon, get out. It's a milk run."

"Well, that's not a very good plan."

"Well, if things get outta hand, then Cas will just zap me right back."


"You're not going. Neither is Larissa."

"I beg your pardon?" Sam asks.

"You two need to stay here." Dean says.

"Um, yeah, I get sick enough time traveling not pregnant. I have very little issue with this. Just major concern for your safety." Larissa says.

"You're pregnant?" Cas asks and she nods. "Uh... congratulations."

"No!" Athena exclaims, glaring at Cas.

"Thena, baby, Cas didn't do anything." Larissa says. "Thank you. She's not as excited as everybody else." She tells him.

"Stay here?" Sam asks.

"Just in case things go sideways, somebody needs to be left standing to take care of the Darkness. Besides, you got a kid and a kid on the way. We can't risk us both. And at the moment, I'm the least valuable player. You all know that I can't kill Amara, so the least I could do is get the thing that we need so that you can."

"So you expect me to sit here and ride pine while you and Cas go play Jules Verne?"

"Yes! No. I-- who?"

"I won't let him out of my sight." Cas promises.

"You'll stay by his side the entire time?" Sam asks.

"I will." Cas says.

"Sam, let me do this. Okay, I need to do this." Dean says.

"Be safe." Sam relents.

"When am I not?"

"Every single day and hour and minute and second of your life." Larissa says.

"Thanks." Dean sarcastically smiles at her. "Let's do this, Cas." He walks over to him. "Bon voyage." Cas puts his hand on Dean's shoulder and they disappear.

Sam is able to tell Athena easily loosen up, not as tense or scared as when Cas was there. Larissa leans over to her husband, resting her chin on his shoulder.

"He'll be okay." She quietly assures.

~ ~ ~

They're still at the map table when the door opens and Cas walks in, soaking wet.

"Cas? Why're you-- wait a second, where's Dean?" Sam asks.

"We made the leap, he got on, I didn't." Cas says. Athena whines as he walks over to the table, immediately going to her closest parent and Larissa picks her up.

"What?" Sam asks.

"I couldn't make it past the hull." Cas says.

~ ~ ~

"Someone must've warded the ship." Cas says. He has a towel and he throws his jacket onto the table.

"Delphine. It has to be. I mean, she's protecting the weapon, right? Cas, just go back to their last port before she boarded. Leave a message so Dean knows." Sam says.

"Where? Where would Dean see it that the crew wouldn't? He's as likely to find the warding as he is any message I'd leave." Cas says.

"Then send me. You got Dean past the hull." Sam says.

"Sam, no." Larissa objects.

"Right. We'll double down on what screwed us the first time. You're really bringing your A ideas today." Cas says. Larissa looks at him weirdly, not knowing when Cas started to make remarks like that. "I can't believe I lost it." He sighs. "Him. Can't believe I lost Dean. Well, it's up to him now to find and clear the warding."

"No. We can help. There's gotta be something in magic or angel lore, some way to clear the sigils from the outside. Cas, don't worry. We'll bring him back." Sam says.

"Not Cassie." Athena mumbles to her mom who holds her. Athena is latching onto her mom, watching Cas with a scared look.

"You're okay, baby." Larissa quietly assures.


"Wait a second. I think I have something." Sam says. "The spell of gathering, it's an incantation used to focus the power of celestial beings, angels, against all drawn forms of evasion. The spell is designed to clear all mystical or occult blockages. I mean this is highly theoretical magic, it's never been used before, but it sounds like it could work."

"And the ingredients?" Cas asks.

"Uh..." Sam reads the list. "All but one. That's why it's never been used before, it requires the power of an archangel." He shuts the book.

"Damn it." Larissa grumbles.

"Well, Sam, we may as well try." Cas says.

"We don't have time for long shots, Cas. Even at full power, you're not strong enough." Sam says, getting up and walking off, Larissa following him.


"Hey, Cas, what is that?" Sam asks as him and Larissa walk up to where Cas is putting ingredients in a bowl. Athena stays back, not wanting to get too close.

"It's your spell of gathering." Cas says.

"You nuts? You're not strong enough, Cas, you could get hurt." Sam says.

"You find any other option?" Cas asks.

"Well, no, but... without a serious boost to your angel power, that spell won't even work." Sam says.

"My strength may surprise you." Cas says.

"Wait a second. I remember Bobby told me when you needed strength to retrieve us from the past, you used him to power up, you touched his soul, right?" Sam asks.

"That's right, I did that. But that procedure could be fatal." Cas says.

"Use my soul. That way maybe you'll have enough power to wield the spell." Sam says.

"Sam--" Larissa starts.

"That isn't necessary." Cas says.

"It's worth the risk." Sam says.

"No, it isn't." Larissa argues.

"Cas, Lissy, Dean needs our help. Cas, I trust you." Sam says. Cas smiles and then starts laughing. "What?"

"Oh, it's just I-I don't need you anymore. I mean, Dean's the one with the link to Amara, why have I been trying to spare with of you? I mean, maybe it's because you're like the girl who kept turning me down at the prom."

Cas slams Sam against a pillar. Athena whines, hiding behind a chair as Larissa tenses up, but is still confused.

"I will touch your soul. Just because you asked so nicely, and I'll use your spell to blast through the warding and retrieve Dean and the, uh, Hand of God, and then when Dean comes back and he finds this place decorated with your guts, I will tell him the truth, Sam. I'll just say, "Dean--""

He stops and talks like Cas.

""Dean... he knew the risks. He wouldn't take no for an answer." And I'll find a reason for the girl and the baby to be all over the place, too."

"Lucifer." Sam realizes.

"In the flesh."

Sam gives Larissa a look and she rushes towards Athena to get her and leave. However, before she reaches her daughter, Lucifer flicks a hand, sending Larissa crashing into a bookshelf. She groans in pain as Athena screams, starting to cry.

Lucifer looks at the toddler before looking at Sam with a smile.

"No. No, you're not touching her." Sam hisses.

"She probably has more energy in her soul. It hasn't been torn down again and again yet." Lucifer says.

"No--" Sam can't protest as Lucifer throws him into the wall, Sam crashing to the floor. Lucifer smiles as he saunters over to Athena who is crying. Athena walks backwards, but stumbles and falls on her butt.

"Mama! Dada!"

"Oh, don't worry, baby. You'll all be together in spirit." Lucifer says. He reaches a hand in to touch her soul. Athena screams and wails in pain.

"Mama! Daddy!" She screams out.

Sam and Larissa have almost identical reactions as their hearts drop hearing their daughter in pain. It's as if all pain leaves their bodies and they share a look, both charging at Lucifer.

The two tackle Lucifer away from Athena and onto the floor, wrestling with him.

"You ever fucking touch her again, I'm gonna rip your goddamn throat out!" Larissa threatens, but Lucifer just laughs. He manages to punch her in the stomach making her cry out in pain. Her panic rises, more worried about the baby in her than herself.

"Go get her." Sam says.

Larissa gets up and rushes over to Athena who is lying on the floor, unconscious.

"Thena? Baby girl? Hey, baby? Come on, baby, wake up. Please." Larissa begs. She hears Sam screaming in agony and turns to see Lucifer with his hand in Sam's chest. Her eyes widen and she gets up to attack him again, but he takes his hand out, letting Sam go. Sam slumps to the floor, unconscious.

"Hello, Castiel." Lucifer greets.

Larissa picks Athena up, holding her close, before going to Sam, sitting on the side that Cas/Lucifer isn't on. She keeps a cautious eye on him while trying to wake Sam up.

"Sammy? Sammy, hey. Baby, wake up. Please." Larissa pleads. Sam starts to wake up, slowly sitting up and Cas falls on the floor next to them.

"No. No." Sam tries to scramble back, feeling Athena and Larissa behind him.

"Sam, it's me." Cas says.

"Cas? Why?" Sam asks.

"I wanted to be of service to the fight. And only Lucifer can beat her." Cas says.

"You chose this? You have to fight, Cas! Eject him now!"

"I can't! It's taking all my strength to keep him from killing you three. And besides, we need him!"

"No, Cas, we don't. We'll find another way to stop Amara!" Cas shakes his head.

"We need him to save Dean."

"You can't time travel." Sam says.

"Only Lucifer can." Cas says.

Cas disappears to get to Dean after doing the spell and Athena slowly starts to wake up.

"Thena? Baby?" Larissa asks, the little girl letting out a small whine. "Oh, my God." She sighs in relief. "Oh!" She hugs Athena close to her. "Oh, thank God." She whispers, kissing Athena on the head.

"She's awake? She's okay?" Sam asks.

"Yeah. Yeah, I think so. Well... physically." Larissa says. "We should probably consider her meltdowns better next time."

"Yeah." Sam nods.

They look over as Dean and Lucifer appear.

"Dean, that's not Cas!" Sam shouts.

Dean looks at Cas who smiles sheepishly but also in glee.

"Cat's out!" He announces. Lucifer throws Dean over the table and he lands on the floor on the other side.

"Stay behind me." Sam whispers. Larissa doesn't make any argument as she holds Athena as close as she can, cowering behind Sam slightly.

"I feel a burden lifted." Lucifer says. "You know, this whole deep cover thing, it just wasn't-- it wasn't terribly well thought out. Donning this-this Cas mask? This grim face of angelic constipation? It just-- ugh. And then, teaming up with you three. I mean, I thought you guys were insufferable as mortal enemies, but working with you? That's the soul crusher."

Larissa glances down as Sam takes his knife out and cuts his hand, starting to slowly and subtly draw a sigil on the pillar by them. She keeps Athena's face hidden in her chest and covers her ears, not wanting her to see or hear anything.

Dean tries to stand up, but Lucifer uses his powers to pin Dean to the wall.

"Why the faces, guys? You should be cheering." Lucifer says. "We have a common enemy. With this--" He holds up the hand of God that's wrapped in cloth. "She will be no problem. I mean, I will have killed you guys by then, but still. Come on."

Lucifer unwraps the hand.

"No!" Dean shouts and Lucifer holds the hand. "No!" Lucifer shuts his eyes, but frowns when nothing happens. Dean looks between Lucifer and his family, both confused and worried.

"It's kicked!" Lucifer angrily exclaims. Dean quietly sighs in relief.

"Well... who'd have thought the Hand of God would turn out to be a one hitter?" He questions.

Lucifer tosses the hand onto the table and advances towards Dean. Just before he gets him, Sam slams his hand against the sigil and Lucifer disappears with a yell and in a bright light.

Sam pants as Dean pulls away from the wall a little, no longer pinned to it. Larissa strokes Athena's hair as Sam puts a hand on his daughter's back.


They're on a dock and Dean is sitting on a concrete block. Sam, Larissa, and Athena are standing by the edge of the dock, looking down at the water. Athena slept in their bed last night, waking up from nightmares throughout the night, so none of them got much sleep.

"Can you see any fishies?" Larissa asks.

"No." Athena shakes her head, holding her stuffed animal close to her chest, as she stares down at the water.

"It's probably too cold for them this high up. They're all probably deep, deep down in the water." Sam says, crouching next to his daughter.

"Scawy." Athena mumbles making Sam softly chuckle.

"Fishies or deep, deep water?" Sam asks.

"Deep, deep, deep, deep, deep water." Athena says.

"Yeah. Yeah, that is pretty scary. But don't worry. We're never going in the deep, deep, deep, deep, deep water." Sam assures. "C'mon." He picks her up and stands up.

"You okay?" Sam asks his wife.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm good. Doctor said baby will be good." Larissa reassuringly smiles.

"Good." Sam sighs, kissing her.

"Hey." Athena frowns.

"I'm sorry. You want one?" Sam asks and Athena nods. Sam puckers his lips and Athena pecks him. "I love you."

"Wuv you." Athena cuddles into her dad's chest for warmth as he holds her close. Larissa softly smiles, softly stroking Athena's cheek before kissing her arm.

They walk over to where Dean is and sit with him.

"So." Sam says.

"So. Cas." Dean says.

"Yeah. What do we do?" Sam asks.

"What else? We hunt Lucifer, trap the bastard, and save Cas." Dean says.

"Like I said, Lucifer may be in control now, but Cas may not come back willingly. I mean, he chose it." Sam says.

"No. No, not possible." Dean says.

"So how'd you get through yesterday? I mean, what did you do?" Sam asks.

"Nothing. Sam, they..." Dean shakes his head. "I was just a witness."

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"No. No, story for another day." Dean says as Sam stands up. "Hey, the, uh, the German ship that sank the Bluefin, what happened to it?"

"It went down. Unlike the sub, its wreckage was found. It was a giant hole, it ripped through the entire thing. Something must've hit the fuel tanks and exploded, but it burned. Sunk." Sam walks off, patting Dean on the shoulder.

Larissa notices the small but sad smile that appears on Dean's face for a bit.

"You gonna be okay?" Larissa asks.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'll be fine." Dean nods.

"Okay." Larissa whispers. She kisses Dean on the cheek before getting up and following Sam.

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