Dnf oneshots💚💙

By Yukishows

125K 2.2K 5.6K

This story is discontinued More

Little fidgets🎀
Say you love me🎀
Childhood crush🎀
Yeah... patches 🎀
French love🎀
Finding the soft side on a cactus🎀
Its platonc right?🎀
My emo boy🎀
💔light my candle🎀
Me and my husband🎀
Save me..💔
He's a savior 💔🎀
Such a simp🎀
Eternity with you🎀
Im loosing you💔🍈
I want to fly🎀
Never celebrated Christmas..🎀
Binded by a curse🎀
I came to see you!💔🎀
My relaxation lies in you🎀🍈
💔give me love🎀
Attention hoarder🎀
Purge night💔
Sleepover stream🎀
Boys dont cry..💔🍈🎀
Sleepover stream pt 2!🎀
The debate upon Boyfriends..🎀
This will do for now..🎀
Am I gay?💔🎀
Shy kisses🎀
Keep me steady🎀
Happy birthday..💔
Happy birthday..💔 part 2
Only his, and only mine🎀
Te amo🎀
Forever with me🎀
Life without you💔
The bet that broke you💔
You again? 🎀
I'm so sick of all this giving💔
Love hurts, but what if you enjoyed the pain? 🎀
Being his portrait💔🎀
La Llorona💔🎀
Pleasure 🍈
I'm no chicken🍈
The boy from the cliffside💔
Seven hours💔
Everything I wanted💔
Goggles guy🎀
My beautiful lover🎀
Sleeping beauty💔🎀
Bright lights and sweet delights💔🎀
Touch my body🎀🍈
Whats wrong with me..?💔
You're a treasure darling💔🎀
Love lasts eternity, photos last a lifetime🎀
And love shall speak🎀
I cant stand you🎀
Loving can hurt sometimes🎀
I'll miss you forever..💔
Fluffy mornings🎀
Love through the cold 🎀
Boy I'm crazy for you🎀💔
So nauseating💔
Stranger in my bed🎀🍈
I bloom for you💔
Electric love🎀
Are we managing?🎀
I know you, you broke me💔🎀
In love with my best friend🎀🍈
Dumb teenage boys🎀
You need a friend.. want to be mine?🎀
Dirty shoes and sweaty gym shorts🎀🍈
Love language #1: gift giving🎀
Love language #2: words of affirmation🎀
Love language #3: acts of service🎀
Love language #4: quality time🎀
Love language #5: physical touch🎀
Burnt out💔🎀
What could love bring for us?💔🍈
October 3rd🎀
In god, we.. trust.. 💔🎀
Eye reveal... T~T
Sound the police💔🎀
I still love you, and I'll wait. -2019 lover💔
Fighting for the top of the food chain💔
I want more.. need more🎀🍈
Smile reveal ig
I see the limelight💔🎀
From playmates to soulmates🎀
Our secret garden🎀💔
Lost in your eyes🍈
Our bubble💔🎀
Nightmare in Pensacola💔🎀
Nightmare in Pensacola part two💔🎀
To love means to protect💔🎀

Destined to fall in love🎀

1.9K 26 97
By Yukishows

Let's go!!!! My first time ever writing Karlnap! Yea, I'm adding Karlnap because......... I can!

Let's just go over something real quick:
I'll add this in the title from now on🥰

Karl watched George rush around their dorm, asking him which clothes he should wear and such. "What about this one?" He pulled up a blue sweater "or I could wear something more casual" he showed Karl a black unzipped jacket.

Karl giggled, standing up and giving George the blue sweater "why are you so nervous? It's just a date" he rolled his eyes, George turning around with wide eyes like Karl just said he does weed.

"Just a date!? Excuse you sir, but it's not just a date! It's a date with the most charming, handsome, popular, charismatic boy in the entire school!" George wailed his arms in the air "and why aren't you getting ready huh!?" He exclaimed.

Karl raised his eyebrow, as he backed up because of George's little outburst "me? Why would I get ready?" He asked, was he going on the date with him?

George let out a irritated groan "for Nick! Duh! You know, Dreams friend! I told you last week that Dream and I are going to let you two get to know each other while we go on our date!" George yelled, Karl's memory of this incident coming back.

"Ohhh... Oh!" Karl quickly brung his hands into his soft hair "I'm going on a date too!" He yelled, George putting his hands on his hips.

"Yeah, and don't call it a date so soon Karl, its just a hang out" he laughed, Karl blushing at his dumbfounded words. Karl rushed to his room and got together some clothes, he decided on a pair of black skinny jeans, and a multi colored sweater with various shades. He had multiple accessories like rings, a bracelet, and two leaf shaped earrings on both of his ears.

He went to the bathroom and spent at least fifteen minutes fixing his hair, since it looked all messy from him waking up. He wondered what he would look like, act like, and sound like. Would he be nice? Or was a douche?

George knocked on the bathroom door, causing Karl to jump "what are you doing in there! Come on!" George yelled, Karl turning back to the mirror.

"One sec! Chill!" He yelled back. Karl opened up a drawer, looking at all of George's make up. He smiled nervously, a little eyeliner won't hurt right? Karl added a bit of a black sharp next to his eye, darkening his eyelashes to look as good as possible. He wasn't sure why he was so nervous, it's literally just his friends boyfriends friend.

Karl opened the door, the other male standing there leaning against the wall. George wore a loose tan sweater that was tucked into his black skirt that went to the tip of his knees. His hair looked more smooth and over his forehead while his eyes also had a bit of dark make up along them.

"Are you done? You've been in there for like half an hour!" George exclaimed, Karl just used to his loud voice when he was either frustrated or confused.

"Yes, yes, now when are we supposed to go?" Karl asked, fixing his sweater to make a paw with his hand.

"Fifteen minutes ago" George said with a upset look.

Karl's eyes went wide as he rushed to his room to grab his phone and apply a quick layer of chapstick. Once he got everything he needed, he rushed to the door where George was waiting. They both quickly walked out the dormitory's of their high school, they weren't even meant to have dormitories in high school but the school insisted it was safer and more cost resistant to have the kids in dorms.

Karl hopped into the drivers side of the car, George hopping into the passenger side. Since the last time George almost ran over a dog, he wasn't aloud to drive with Karl in the car anymore.

George gave Karl instructions on where to go, Karl didnt even know where he was going or what George and the other two had planned, but he went with it. During the ride, Karl asked George various questions about Nick. George saying that his friends call him Sapnap, and that he wasn't mean at all, a actual sweetheart.

Karl had been waiting ever since he broke up with Quackity four months ago, for someone to come and help him get through it. George was good and all, but he was 100% ready to move on, and he saw a opportunity with this Sapnap guy. If things go well, maybe Karl and Sapnap could have a second date?

~snapchats pov~

Sapnap rested his head backwards as he sat on the bench, hearing Dream ask for the thousandth time if his hair looked good. "Oh my god! It looks great Dream! You're a sexy mother f#cker, now, can you please tell me who I'm waiting for!" Sapnap yelled, frustrated.

Dream had told him that his boyfriend had a friend who he thought he would get along great with, but he never actually told him who he was. "Well, sorry for wanting to look nice for my boyfriend, but his names Karl. He kinda looks like George just not as pretty" Dream blushed as he slouched down.

"God this guys fallen so hard I think he's going to break his legs when he reaches the ground..." "not as cute? Pfft, George isn't even cute. He's.... A 5/10 at best" Sapnap shrugged.

Dream gasped "five!? F#cking five!? He's five times nine mister!' Dream said as he sat up "you just wait till you see his friend Sapnap! You'll be falling harder than me and that's a fact!" He yelled.

Sapnap smirked "bet! If I don't fall for him during this date you owe me fried chicken!" He reached out his hand, getting excited. All he needed to do was not fall for a pretty boy? Easy!

"Deal!" Dream smacked his hand into Sapnaps, shaking their hands. Dreams phone buzzed, him releasing Sapnaps hand to grab it out his pocket and seeing a text. "Their coming in less than two minutes Sap, be prepared to owe me dinner" he smirked.

Sapnap laughed, "I'm gonna make you buy me so much chicken you'll be broke Dream" he said confidently. No way this Karl dude would make him loose a bet.

Dream and Sapnap watched a car pull up into the parking lot, it stopping slowly and a door flinging open quickly. A short brunette boy jumped out the car, and ran towards Dream. "Dream!" He yelled, jumping into the tallers arms like they haven't seen each other in decades.

Sapnap opened his mouth and stuck his finger to it, making gaging noises to insinuate the two were disgusting. Ever since Dream had met George it's all he talks about. George this, George that.

Sapnap heard a car door open, looking over at it to see a boy getting out the car, closing the car door. Sapnaps face froze, and his stomach sank. "Wow.." is all he could think. The boys eyes were so lively and sweet, the sharp eyeliner around it giving it a gorgeous feminine look. His figure was being shown off greatly by his skinny jeans, like he was just tempting Sapnap. He had such fluffy brunette hair, the type of hair you'd ruffle and feel around like a cats fur.

Sapnap snapped out of it, looking away. No way he was already loosing the bet, the boy was as stunning as Dream said, but he made a bet, and he was stubborn. All he had to do was not fall for him today. He could fall tomorrow, just not today.

The boy walked over to Sapnap, he looked nervous. He felt underdressed, he thought Dream was going to show him some weird girl so he dressed really casually. He wore a loose black unzipped jacket with a white shirt underneath, and long brown jeans.

Sapnap noticed in the corner of his eyes Dreams smirk as he hugged George, as if he knew Sapnap was already struggling. Karl spoke up first grabbing Sapnaps hand "hi! I'm Karl! It's nice to meet you!" He said, Sapnaps face growing red as Karl grabbed his hand.

Karl noticed and let go "sorry! Bit too forward huh? I'm Karl" he said, more casual. Sapnap exhaled through his nose, smiling at the boy. He already knew today was going to be very difficult.

"I'm Nick, but I prefer Sapnap-"

"Come on! Stop wasting time!" George yelled, Sapnap and Karl looking over at Dream and George already walking away. Karl reached out to take Sapnaps arm, grabbing it and pulling him towards them.

They walked a short distance to a woman in a box like building, Dream handing her four tickets. "Have a nice day!" She said sweetly, as she placed a paper band over all of their wrists. The four of them walking into the amusement park.

Karl looked around quickly, at all the things around them. Shops, rides, games, food carts, fountains, and people. Sapnap chuckled a bit, he actually looked cute all excited.

Dream grabbed George's hand "how about we split up and meet back here in about four hours" he suggested, Karl looking content with that idea, so Sapnap agreed too.

"Alright, have fun lovebirds~" Sapnap teased, George blushing, looking like he was about to lecture Sapnap but Dream pulled him away, probably to stop a scene that was about to happen.

Karl tugged on Sapnaps arm "can we get candy!? Or ride a roller coaster! Look there's a Cotten candy cart! Or maybe we should eat after riding stuff?" Karl said quickly, Sapnap laughing, causing Karl's attention to go back to him.

"We'll do it all, just be patient" he said as he placed his hand on Karl's head. Karl's eyes lit up as he dragged Sapnap to a roller coaster.

Sapnap looked up at the red roller coaster, his heart sinking as he watched the track do tons of turns and go upside down one or two times. He hated his fears of roller coasters, mostly because anything could happen. Seatbelt come loose, fall out, crash into something, the mechanics break and your stuck, it going off the rails, anything!

Karl looked up at Sapnap, since he was a little bit taller than him. He must've caught on about Sapnaps fear of roller coaster and grabbed his hand, Sapnap looking down at him "it's okay, this one is super safe Sapnap, and they test roller coasters before opening them so I'm sure it's fine" Karl shrugged, Sapnap not liking the 'I'm sure'.

When they got to the front of the line, Sapnap went all the way to the back of the coaster, since he heard that the back was the safest place. Karl laughed and sat next to him, patting his hand for support. Karl was a person who expressed their love in physical touch, patting and hugs were his way of calming people.

The coaster released steam, pulling down the metal bar in front of Karl and Sapnap. Sapnap looked down at his seatbelt. "Are you sure this is on right?" He asked Karl, him just ignoring the question because he actually didn't know.

The ride started, slowly picking up speed as the were pulled up a large point, Karl looked down at the amusement park, everyone looked so tiny from up there. The coaster bolted down the track, Sapnap screaming and closing his eyes as he felt the coaster move him in all sorts of directions, up and down, flip, down, up, side, other side, flip.

He opened his eyes to see the ride start to slow down, after one more loop it came to a stop, Karl laughing his ass off. "You should've seen your face!" He laughed, while Sapnap clung to the metal bar like it was a lifeline.

Sapnap regained his breath, feeling like he could pass out "yeah... fun" he smiled weakly, gagging and moving towards Karl, acting like he was going to throw up.

"Hey! Do it over there!" Karl pushed Sapnap away, while Sapnap kept gaging near him, eventually stopping and laughing.

Sapnap quickly got off the ride with Karl, Karl fixing Sapnaps hair from the wind the roller coaster pushed onto him. "No more coasters please" Sapnap said weakly, Karl laughing.

"Fine, fine, can we get candy!?" Karl said excited.

Sapnap nodded, anything but more rides would be a life savor. Sapnap brought Karl to a candy store, and he couldn't stop running around like a child. He looked at all the gummy candies, lollipops, and chocolates like a little kid.

Karl eventually got himself a bag of cotton candy, and a big multi colored lollipop. Sapnap checked the time and saw he had three more hours with Karl before they had to meet up with Dream and George. He looked over at Karl who was stuffing his face with pink cotton candy, Sapnap smiling softly, he actually looked kind of adorable.

Sapnap shook his head "No! You made a bet! Shut up brain! Shush!" He yelled at himself, being taken out of his thoughts by Karl tugging at his arm again.

"Can we go on that!" Karl asked, pointing at a big ride with a bunch of swings attached to it. Sapnap sighed, he knew soon in the day he would probably throw up.

"Sure" he sighed, Karl's eyes lighting up as he dragged him there.

The two spent the rest of the time running around, well, Karl dragging Sapnap as they ran, and riding different rides that almost all made Sapnap sick. Every time the two crossed paths with a candy store of some sort, Karl got something new, he had a serious sweet tooth.

About three hours later of Karl begging Sapnap to go on ridiculously dangerous rides, they finally made it to the meet up spot. Sapnap and Karl sat down on a bench near the circle they were at, and Sapnap texted Dream while Karl ate some of his gummy bears.

Where are you two? It's been four hours
Sent: 5:47 pm

Dream took at least ten minutes to respond, Sapnap rolling his eyes, he was probably distracted by his ever so perfect GeOrGe.

Hardened clay
Sorry, me and George are going to be late, why don't you two meet back in like two hours?
Sent: 5:56 pm

Geez! What are you doing? Making out all day!?
Sent: 5:56 pm

Hardened clay
Yeah yeah, whatever, you won't be talking when your buying me fried chicken!
Sent: 5:57 pm

Sapnap rolled his eyes, as if he would fall for Karl... yeah.

Karl tapped on Sapnaps arm, him looking over at Karl looking quite nervous. "Oh, Dream and George are going to be like two hours late so we have another two hours to kill" Sapnap explained.

Karl looked relieved "good.. because I wanted to ride one more thing" he smiled, Sapnap groaning.

"If it's another dropper ride I'm going to kill myself Karl.." he said exhausted.

Karl laughed, "no.. it's just.. my mom never let me go on a Ferris wheel because I was too young and afraid of heights at the time.. would you mind if you went with me?" He asked, Sapnap thinking.

"We do have two hours left..." he looked back at Karl who gave a hopeful glance. Sapnap sighed "fine.. only because your too cute to say no too" He ruffled up Karl's hair, his smile widening.

"Yes! Can we go now!?" He asked, standing up.

Sapnap stood up with him, stretching his arms and fixing his dark hair "sure, lead the way my prince" Sapnap bowed playfully, Karl laughing and Sapnap mistaking himself to see him blush.

Karl grabbed Sapnaps arm and pulled him through the crowds, going all the way to the other side of the amusement park and finally reaching the Ferris wheel. Sapnap looked up at the humongous wheel, wondering what it would look like from the top. He just knew, if Dream was on that ride, he would have a panic attack because of his fear of heights.

Karl and Sapnap waited in line for at least fifteen minutes, Karl looking excited and doing little excited hops while they waited. When they made it to the front, Sapnap and Karl climbed in, Sapnap finding the seats rather comfortable as he sat across from Karl.

The wheel went up slowly, Karl's eyes reflecting colorful lights that shone off of the ground below. Sapnap looked over at the sun, it was just staring to set. He had spent the whole day with Karl, Dream with George. Time flew by very fast and Sapnap kind of wished that he could go back to the beginning of the day to relive all of it. Even though he was scared sh1t less from the rides, it was nice to have Karl comforting him.

Karl intertwined their legs together since the cart they were riding in made their feet close to each other. Both of them swinging their feet together as the rose up the wheel.

"Now this I can do" Sapnap smiled, Karl giggling at his playful personality.

"Sorry I made you go on a load of rides, I was just really excited" Karl said nervously, Sapnap liking that they could easily start a conversation together.

"It's cool, I got to experience rides that I would never get to if you didn't drag me there, but I'll never understand why you like candy so much. Im surprised you don't always have a sugar high" the two shared a lighthearted laugh together.

"Would you like to hang out more? More than today?" Karl asked, his cheeks growing in red.

Sapnap smirked "are you asking me out on a date Karl~" he teased, Karl's face flushing in red as he turned away to hide it.

"Well.. no.. maybe? I don't know! I just enjoyed hanging out with you.. at first I thought you'd be a total douche" he laughed, Sapnap rolling his eyes.

"Is that what people think when they see me? Douche?" He giggled at the word, he did look like a jerk, but Dream always told him he was a sweet heart. I mean, what kind of douche gives their friends cuddles when they need them? Or takes them out to forget issues in their lives?

"I don't think that now obviously" Karl said sweetly "your actually pretty sweet.." he smiled, looking down at the floor with a blush.

Sapnap felt his heart pour, his cheeks flush at the boys red face. "Dammit.." he mumbled "I owe someone a lot of chicken..." he whispered.

Karl looked up "huh?" He asked, Sapnap saying it was nothing and looking away.

Sapnap looked over at the setting sun, smiling sadly. He wished he never took that stupid bet, he could never win it even if he tried his hardest. He glanced at Karl, who was doing a adorable little smile as he fiddled with his feet on Sapnaps. "You win Dream... you win"

Please tell me if there is any spelling errors😭 I am NOT going through this huge chapter to find spelling Errors so please tell me where they are🌺

Dayyyuum, this was a long chapter...

3248 words.

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