iris, supernatural [ 2 ]

By maybankwalker

56.2K 2.3K 1K

[ supernatural -- seasons 9-15 ] Larissa Brewster Series: Habits Iris I DO NOT own Supernatural, any of the s... More

001. ezekiel
002. wicked witch of the west
003. dog-dean hybrid
004. reborn virgins
005. goodbye kevin
006. evil angel extraction
007. no husband or baby
008. werewolf bestie garth
009. lunch ladies
010. haunted bunker
011. ghostfacers demise
012. domestic single mom life
013. curing dean
014. werewolf sisters
015. the musical
016. inheritance
017. cop retreat
018. "sounds like teenage girl dean"
019. no place like home
020. teenage dean
021. technology ghost
022. sick athena
023. burning the wrong book
025. lizzie borden house
026. killer costumes
027. imaginary friend
028. going to visit the cage
029. not uncle cas
030. homemade chicken
031. valentine's day
032. back in time
033. dying husband and god
034. god's plan
035. dean's sacrifice
036. torture
037. bedridden
038. breaking point
039. funeral crasher
040. rock devil
041. single mom
042. mother's love
043. memory loss
044. lance of michael
045. mom vs. mom
046. probation
047. betrayed
048. "i want to hate him but i can't."
049. heartbroken sam
050. birth of a nephilim
051. "you say goodbye."
052. toddler ptsd
053. "i'm always right."
054. old west
055. possible evil twin
056. wayward sisters
057. the butterfly
058. helpless
059. reconcile
060. "donatello's a biter."
061. blood of a saint
062. scooby gang
063. sticky notes
064. gabriel's out
065. "whole team's together"
066. archangel grace
067. master plan
068. lucifer's end
069. self destructive couple
070. finding dean
071. alternate kaia
072. hatchet man
073. super charged monsters
074. losing kids
075. christmastime
076. ma'lak box
077. dinner with the parents
078. medusa
079. different wife
080. monster in the woods
081. nick's plan
082. three months early
083. grieving and manipulating
084. the end
085. ghostpocalypse
086. final plan
087. anything for kids
088. hungover
089. lost hope
090. normal life
091. pool
092. saving kaia
093. alternate brothers
094. mrs. butters
095. chat with amara
096. old friend
097. final fight
098. dean's last words
099. epilogue
Thank You

024. night moves

677 27 27
By maybankwalker

Larissa hears somebody knock on the door and she goes over and opens it, freezing at her husband and brother-in-law on the other side.

"'Sup?" Dean nods.

"Are you-- what happened? Are you both okay?" Larissa asks.

"Oh, uh, yeah." Dean rolls his sleeve up to reveal the Mark gone. "I'm peachy. Where's my little munchkin?"

"Uh... um, kitchen. High chair." Larissa informs.

"Got it." Dean ruffles her hair as he passes her.

"Are you okay?" Larissa asks her husband, hugging him.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm-I'm good." Sam says.

"Good." Larissa says, pulling away. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" She smacks him in the arm.

"Ow!" Sam holds the now tender part of his arm.

"It's been over a damn week, Samuel Winchester. You didn't think to pick up a phone? "Oh, hey, I got the Mark of Dean." Or, "Oh, hey, I'm alive, just an FYI."" Larissa says.

"I-- we've been a little busy." Sam says.

"Yeah, with forgetting basic things to do. Where the hell have you been?" She hits his arm again.

"Ow." Sam whines. "Okay, it's a long story, so..." Sam motions to the porch. Larissa huffs and walks out, shutting the door behind her. They sit on the porch steps and Larissa motions for him to talk.

"Okay, so, after I got off the phone with you the last time, I was gonna shut the whole find a cure thing down. But then Charlie was able to send us her translations before she--" Sam painfully cuts himself off. "So, um..." He clears his throat. "Rowena was able to read the book and everything and we did the spell."

"Dean was gonna let Death send him off to outer space, but only after he killed me."

"Excuse me?" Larissa asks.

"Well, I-I... I mean, he didn't." Sam says.

"Yeah, I can see that." Larissa says.

"Anyways, uh... I managed to talk him out of it, kind of. And instead of killing me... he killed Death."

"You're joking."

"Nope. Death is... well, Death is dead. And then, uh, some weird lightning bolt got into the bar and struck Dean's arm and it took the Mark away. And then -- because of the spell -- we released the Darkness into the world."

"I don't know what that is, but I don't like the sound of it."

"You shouldn't. It's... it's very bad. And we've been dealing with that the past few days. But then when we got back to the bunker, uh, Cas was there and apparently Rowena put the attack dog spell on him."

"I'll pretend to know what that does." Larissa says making Sam chuckle.

"Well, it makes you... you know, attack. And if you're human, it kills you pretty quickly. But since he's an angel it was effecting him differently. So we tracked down Rowena and got her to fix it and, uh... well, that was solved yesterday, so..."

"So now you're here." Larissa says.

"Yeah. I just... I meant to call you, but I didn't want you and Thena around in case Cas broke out of the chains we put him in and-and hurt us or something." Sam says.

"I get it. A call still would've been nice. Hell, a text." Larissa says.

"I'm sorry." Sam tells her. "How, um... how have you guys been?"

"Good. Safe." Larissa says.


"I'm sorry that I didn't help you with Dean. I just--"

"No. No, no, you don't have to apologize. I know it-it was a lot of pressure and... it's okay. You don't owe me anything." Sam says, squeezing her knee in a comforting manner. "I'm sorry I didn't kiss you. Before you left."

"Well... you can kiss me now." Larissa smiles. Sam smiles and leans over, but Larissa puts her head back, cutting her lips off from Sam.

"Wh--" Larissa back at him with a small smile. "Okay, deserved that. But can I kiss you for real now?"

"Mm, maybe." Larissa shrugs, turning her head when he tries again.

"All right. Now you're just being mean." Sam pouts.

"Hey, you were mean for months, Sam Winchester." Larissa reminds.

"And you forgave me."

"True... but I can still have a little fun."

"Yeah, don't think so." Sam grabs her face and kisses her while she giggles. Her laughs soon get him to laugh as he continues to try to kiss her.

"Daddy!" They're broken away when the two year old crashes into Sam's side.

"Oh! Oh, look at that. My favorite baby!" Sam grabs Athena and tickles her making her shriek and giggle. He stops, keeping her on his lap as she catches her breath. "You have fun at Jody's?"

"Uh-huh. Claie is fun." Athena says.

"Oh, really? Not gonna lie, didn't expect her and fun to be put together." Sam says.

"It took a little breaking down, but she got to a "tolerate the baby" stage." Larissa says.

"Ah." Sam nods. "You ready to go home?" He asks Athena.

"Uh-huh." She nods. Sam blows a raspberry on her cheek making her laugh more. Larissa softly smiles at the two of them.


It's nighttime and raining as Dean drives the Impala. It's been a couple of weeks and Sam found a possible case, the three hunters on their way. They left Athena with Cas who is still healing. It took some convincing on Larissa's part, but hopefully neither of them die or get injured.

Both Sam and Larissa are in the front seat and Sam's arm is around Larissa as she cuddles into his side. The past two weeks, they have been back to their usual -- as Dean puts it -- lovey dovey selves.

"All right, let's hear it. What do you got?" Dean asks.

"Okay, uh, Quaker Valley, Oregon, town outside of Eugene. Dwayne Markham, the local sheriff, was found in the woods a couple days ago. His body was mauled, so they chalked it up to an animal attack, but I'm thinking--"

"Werewolf." Dean says.

"Yeah, maybe." Sam says.

"Yeah, you're right. That is thin." Dean says.

"Yeah. Probably nothing, right?" Sam asks.

"Probably not. Oregon, here we come." Dean says.

Sam takes his arm away from his wife to reach back and grab a smoothie out of the cooler. He holds it in his other hand, wrapping his arm around Larissa again, slurping his smoothie.

"What is that?" Dean asks.

"It's a smoothie." Sam says.

"Where's the beer?" Dean asks.

"Under the smoothies."

"Where's the rest of the beer?" Dean asks as Sam's phone starts to ring.

"Ooh, it's Cas. We gotta-- we gotta--"


"I gotta get this." Sam answers the phone, putting it on speaker. "Hey, Cas. Everything all right?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I was just reading up about the other cases in the area that you're headed to. I haven't found anything yet that matches." Cas says.

"Cas, you've got one job to do and that's to heal. Well, and take care of Athena, so two jobs. You understand?" Dean says.

"I can help." Cas says.

"Yeah, of course you can, Cas, but right now is the time for you to focus on getting better. This is just a milk run. We got it. So... try and relax." Sam says.

"All right." Cas sighs.

"Read a book, play with Athena, watch some Netflix." Sam says.

"What's a Netflix?" Cas asks.

"Go to my room, turn on the TV. You'll figure it out." Sam says.

"All right. Just call if you need anything." Cas says.

"Got it, Cas. Thanks." Dean says and Sam hangs up

"You think he's gonna be okay?" Sam asks.

"He just needs some time, you know? We all do." Dean says.


Dean pulls up to a bar.

"Are you serious? Dean, it's late. I'm exhausted and-and-- starving. And this place... I mean, even Swayze wouldn't come to this roadhouse." Sam says.

"Okay, first of all, never use Swayze's name in vain. Okay? Ever. Second, you don't remember this place? You don't remember Heather? The hunter that we worked a wendigo case a couple years ago?"

"Oh, yeah."

"Yeah, exactly."

"What, she's here tonight?"

"I texted her. She's working a rugaru case in Texas. Actually, she never texted me back. That's not the point. The point is, is that we have a ton of driving left to do just to go to a town where there's probably not a case. but in there... good times. And time heals all wounds, Sam, especially good times. What do you say?"

"I say I need food." Larissa tiredly states.

"I say, knock yourself out. I'm gonna find a diner, get her food, dig into the lore like Cas did, see if anything's ever happened where we're headed." Sam says.

"Oh, man, you really gotta learn to have fun. Seriously, it's pathetic." Dean gets out.


The next morning, Dean gets back in the Impala.

"Mistakes were made. Mm-hmm." He tells himself.

"Shit." Larissa whispers as she lies on top of Sam, both half naked.

"Uh... lay down." He whispers. They manage to move around, Larissa lying face down on the seat, making sure her boobs are hidden.

"Uh, yeah, Dean." Sam sits up, leaning over the back of the seat.

"What's going on-- oh." Dean immediately turns to the front. "Okay. Guess you do know how to have fun."

"Dean, could you just-- could you give us a minute?" Sam asks.

"Yeah. Yeah, no, I'm-- I'm not here. You kids take your time." Dean says, getting out of the car.

Larissa smacks Sam over the head.


"I told you we should've gotten dressed last night." She hisses.

~ ~ ~

Both of them are dressed and sitting in the front seat with Dean. Sam is finishing buttoning up his flannel.

"Dean, we can explain--"

"No, no, no. No. I know what was going. Trying for baby number two, huh?" Dean chuckles, turning the volume on the radio up.

"Don't Night Moves me." Sam says.

"Shh. Just let it wash over you." Dean says.

"Let--" Sam starts.

"Dean--" Larissa warns.

"Just take it in." Dean says.

Larissa groans as she sinks in the seat, shaking her head.

Dean lip syncs along to the song.

"This is ridiculous." Sam says.

"One of the greatest rock writers of all time, Samuel." Dean says.

"It's Sam." He corrects.

"Samuel." Larissa gently grabs his jaw and shakes his head. Sam laughs a little, but doesn't correct her.

"Out in the backseat of my brother's '67 Chevy." Sam sings along.

"Oh, God." Larissa mumbles.

"Yeah, you started this. You started this." Sam points at his brother.

"Here we go. Come on now." Dean says. Both brothers start to sing along as Larissa rolls her eyes.

Sam loudly sings in Larissa's face making her push him away. He laughs and grabs her, pulling her to his chest. Larissa covers her ears and keeps her head down.

"Workin' on our night moves." The brothers sing along.

Sam kisses the back of Larissa's head and scratches her scalp.


It's nighttime and Larissa is asleep with her head on Sam's shoulder and his arm is around her.

"Digging into the lore. Is that what the kids are calling it these days?" Dean asks.

"Shut up." Sam smiles as he plays with the ends of Larissa's hair.

"And hey, look at that, you're finally not a virgin anymore. But you know what? I think it was time. I respect the fact that you, uh, you know, you wanted to stay true and pure and waited."

"Yeah, you know what? You-- you're an idiot. And we already lost our virginities when we made up." Sam says.

"Even put a blanket down. Buddy, classy and thoughtful as always. Can see why she married you." Dean says. "I'll stick with my one night wonders. Heather. Mm. Shoot, lucky I still get that at all."

"Really? You don't... ever want something more?" Sam asks.

"I'm sorry, have you met us? Or me? I'm batting a whopping zero in domestic life, man. Goose eggs. You got some domestic, but you're still hunting." Dean says.

"Well, yeah, you don't ever think about something? Not marriage or whatever, but... something? You know, with a hunter? Somebody who understands the life?"

"Have you not a single word Bob's been singing about? You're tired. I can tell. You're exhausted. Well, I'm still wired, so I'm gonna pull over, get some gas. You and your wife hop in the back, get some Z's cause, buddy, you earned 'em."


Sam and Larissa get back in the Impala.

"Hey." Sam says.

"The coroner showed me the sheriff's body. And, uh, it was mauled all right. And get this -- heart missing, body completely drained of blood." Dean says.

"So, what? We're looking at a-a werewolf vampire hybrid?" Sam asks.

"Say it with me. A were-pyre. Huh?" Dean smiles.

"No." Sam and Larissa shake their heads.

"Come on." Dean encourages.

"I'm not saying that." Sam says.

"Me neither." Larissa says.

"Whatever. I called Cas, told him to look into the lore. What do you got?" Dean asks.

"Right, well, uh, the sheriff's replacement -- Deputy Donnelly -- he's not the brightest bulb, but we got a copy of his report. Maybe he missed something." Sam says.

"Agents." Donnelly approaches the car.

"Deputy." Dean says.

"This must be your partner. Agent Walsh, right? Pleasure to meet you. I just want to thank you all for stoppin' by. We really appreciate your due diligence." Deputy Donnelly says.

"Oh. Actually, uh, do you know a motel where we can crash for the night?" Dean asks.

"You're stayin'?" Donnelly asks.

"Yeah, just wanna kick all the tires." Sam says.

"Well, uh, there's a motel on Downey that'll give you a good price. And if you're looking for a decent meal, you can't beat Aunt Mel's, down by the train station. Parking is a bitch, but it's the best damn steak in the whole state."

"You had me at "steak."" Dean says.


"Ohh, all right. Now we're cookin' with gas." Dean says, pulling up to Aunt Mel's. "Valet? You-- what?"

"Dean, people valet park all the time. Come on, live a little." Sam says.

"Welcome to Aunt Mel's, home of the--"

"Yeah, listen, uh, Jessie, not a scratch, okay?" Dean says, reluctantly letting her have the keys. Larissa and Sam have to practically drag Dean inside as he stares back at the car.

~ ~ ~

They're waiting outside and Jessie drives up in the Impala.

"Strong work, Jessie. Strong work." Dean says.

"Thanks." Jessie says as they get inside.

"So what's next?" Dean asks.

"I want to, uh, talk to the sheriff's widow. Lily Markham. Maybe she knows something about why her husband was out in the woods in the first place." Sam says.

"All right, well, I'll drop you guys off. I wanna go back to the woods where they found the body. Something wasn't right about those crime scene photos." Dean says.


Sam calls Dean.

"Dean, we got jumped." Sam informs.

"You guys okay?" Dean asks.

"I think... for now." Sam says. "Pretty sure we're dealing with a pack here. Uh, two of these things were attacking Ms. Markham when we arrived. We-we filled them with silver, but it only slowed them down."

"Yeah, well, Deputy Dumbass is one of them as well. He's, uh, he's in two pieces and still alive. Where you at now?"

"Ms. Markham was knocked out. We carried her to the house nearby. Here, I'll text you the address now."

"All right, sit tight. I'm on my way." Dean hangs up.


They're in the Impala and Ms. Markham is unconscious in the backseat.

"Door was open when we got to the house. By the time we searched through it, they'd already beaten her unconscious." Sam says.

"Maybe she knew something or something about what happened to her husband." Dean says.

"So what, they tried to take her out while the deputy went back to the scene?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, he went to fix it up. Found me." Dean says as the phone rings. "Hey, Cas, tell me you got something that doesn't involve chicks in prison."

"Bet you never thought you'd say that out loud." Sam says.

"It's a Nachzehrer." Cas says.

"Come again?" Sam asks.

"A ghoul and a vampire like creature." Cas says.

"A ghoul-pyre! Right?" Dean grins.

"Some breeds feed on the flesh of the dead. Others feed on the blood and hearts of the living. They run in small packs, but they usually keep an extremely low profile." Cas says.

"Great. So how do we kill 'em?" Dean asks.

"Well, they're already dead. So in a manner of speaking, they just need to be reminded that they're dead. You need a Charon's obol." Cas says.

"Of course. Yeah, in ancient Greece, uh, when a person died, some people believed you had put an obol or a-a coin in their mouth so they can use it as currency to be taken across the river to the underworld."

"Right, you place a coin in a Nachzehrer's mouth, then sever their head, and that will kill them. And according to the lore, if you kill the pack's alpha, everyone they've turned will revert back to human form."

"Awesome. All right, where do we find an obol?" Dean asks.

"Well, according to the Men of Letters' records, you're gonna need a copper coin. They used to use pennies, so you'll need one of those." Cas says.

"Yeah, but one minted pre-1982." Sam says, seeing Dean's confused look. "So before 1982, pennies were 95% copper. Since then, they're only copper plated zinc."

"Wow. Your nerdiness knows no bounds." Dean says.

"You're welcome." Sam says.

"All right, well, thanks, Cas. Good work. Way to come off the bench." Dean says.

"What bench?" Cas asks.

"Just get back to getting better, okay? Hey, hey, how's Thena doing?" Sam asks.

"She's, uh, she's napping. I gave her ice cream and she went crazy for a few hours before passing out." Cas says. Sam looks at Larissa.

"Long as she ain't dead." Larissa shrugs.

"Okay." Sam says, hanging up. "Got nothing."

"Well, yeah, who carries pennies these days anyways?" Dean asks.

"I'll be right back." Sam says, him and Larissa getting out and going into the gas station.

"Uh... Sam?" Larissa says, seeing Ms. Markham drive off with Dean unconscious.

"Hey. Hey, hey!" Sam runs outside, trying to chase the car down, but it's too fast.


Dean pulls up to where the others are and Ms. Markham rushes to her kids.

"Probably nothing, right?" Dean remarks. "Everybody all right back there?"

"Uh, yeah. They all changed back. So it was Deputy Dumbass, huh?" Sam asks.

"Mm. Yeah, Deputy Dumbass. You know, he was trying to build an army." Dean says as they all get in the front seat.

"Yeah, I know, to fight the Darkness. Dean, even the monsters are scared." Sam says.

"Well, let 'em be. We're gonna end this thing now." Dean states.

"Now?" Larissa winces.

"Would you mind starting tomorrow?" Sam asks.

"Deal." Dean says.

"Deal." Sam says.

"We'll get Cas to fix you guys up." Dean says.

"Only if he fixes you up too." Sam says.

"Okay, mom. Let's go home."

"You know what? We are home." Larissa sinks down in the seat and wraps Sam's around her, cuddling into his side. Sam keeps his arm around her, playing with the ends of her hair.

"Come on. Come on." Dean mutters as the engine fails. He turns it again, the Impala roaring to life. "There's my girl."

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