iris, supernatural [ 2 ]

By maybankwalker

56.1K 2.3K 1K

[ supernatural -- seasons 9-15 ] Larissa Brewster Series: Habits Iris I DO NOT own Supernatural, any of the s... More

001. ezekiel
002. wicked witch of the west
003. dog-dean hybrid
004. reborn virgins
005. goodbye kevin
006. evil angel extraction
007. no husband or baby
008. werewolf bestie garth
009. lunch ladies
010. haunted bunker
011. ghostfacers demise
012. domestic single mom life
013. curing dean
014. werewolf sisters
015. the musical
016. inheritance
017. cop retreat
018. "sounds like teenage girl dean"
019. no place like home
020. teenage dean
022. sick athena
023. burning the wrong book
024. night moves
025. lizzie borden house
026. killer costumes
027. imaginary friend
028. going to visit the cage
029. not uncle cas
030. homemade chicken
031. valentine's day
032. back in time
033. dying husband and god
034. god's plan
035. dean's sacrifice
036. torture
037. bedridden
038. breaking point
039. funeral crasher
040. rock devil
041. single mom
042. mother's love
043. memory loss
044. lance of michael
045. mom vs. mom
046. probation
047. betrayed
048. "i want to hate him but i can't."
049. heartbroken sam
050. birth of a nephilim
051. "you say goodbye."
052. toddler ptsd
053. "i'm always right."
054. old west
055. possible evil twin
056. wayward sisters
057. the butterfly
058. helpless
059. reconcile
060. "donatello's a biter."
061. blood of a saint
062. scooby gang
063. sticky notes
064. gabriel's out
065. "whole team's together"
066. archangel grace
067. master plan
068. lucifer's end
069. self destructive couple
070. finding dean
071. alternate kaia
072. hatchet man
073. super charged monsters
074. losing kids
075. christmastime
076. ma'lak box
077. dinner with the parents
078. medusa
079. different wife
080. monster in the woods
081. nick's plan
082. three months early
083. grieving and manipulating
084. the end
085. ghostpocalypse
086. final plan
087. anything for kids
088. hungover
089. lost hope
090. normal life
091. pool
092. saving kaia
093. alternate brothers
094. mrs. butters
095. chat with amara
096. old friend
097. final fight
098. dean's last words
099. epilogue
Thank You

021. technology ghost

653 33 15
By maybankwalker

Dean found a case at a college and they get there, walking through campus, looking for the victim's girlfriend.

"Sorry I ever made you leave." Dean says, looking at all the college girls as they get out of the car. Larissa smacks his arm. "Sorry."

They get inside, still looking for the girlfriend.

"God, they're everywhere." Dean says.

"Yeah, and young enough to be your daughters." Larissa says.

"Uh, which one of you is Janet Novoselic?" Dean asks two girls.

"I am." Janet says.

"Agents Grohl, Channing, and Cobain." Sam says, the three showing their badges.

"Bye." The other girl tells Janet, walking off.

"I already talked to the police, like, nine times." Janet says.

"Yeah, no, this is, uh-- it's, uh, just a follow up." Dean says.

"Yeah." Sam nods.

"I have finals tomorrow." Janet says.

"Then we'll make it fast. I promise." Sam says.

~ ~ ~

"It's like I told the detectives. I was drunk, but I wasn't hallucinating. The truck had a mind of its own." Janet says.

"How so?" Dean asks.

"Like the air went full blast even though it wasn't on and the radio went crazy and so did Trini." Janet says.

"And Trini is?" Dean asks.

"Uh, you have to excuse me partner. When it comes to technology, he's a little behind. Uh... he just learned how to poke on Facebook." Sam says.

"Uh, um, Trini is the nav app we were using. It-- it's like a talking map. You're Gen X. Right." Janet says.

"Okay, so Trini and everything else in the truck went all Christine." Dean says.

"Who's Christine?" Janet says.

"It's a Gen X thing." Dean says.

"Look, I don't expect you to believe me. But I swear that truck was hellbent on killing Billy." Janet says.

"Did Billy have any enemies? Anybody who might have had a beef with him?" Sam asks.

"Maybe his brother Joey. They fought all the time. It's so sad. They never got to set it right." Janet says.

"Because Billy died." Dean says.

"No. Joey did. In Afghanistan." Janet says.

"Do you know where he's buried?" Sam asks.

"He's not. Poor guy never came home. I.E.D." Janet says.

"Did Billy happen to have anything of his brother's on him when he died? Uh, dog tags, a hat, something?" Dean asks.

"Just his pickup." Janet says.

"So the truck belonged to Joey?" Sam asks.

"Yeah. It was his pride and joy. Billy got it when he died and, you know, it's a thing." Janet says.

"Yeah." Dean nods as Janet's phone rings.

"Excuse me a sec." She gets up, walking away.

"So-- so what's a thing?" Sam asks.

"You know, the truck thing." Dean says and Sam cluelessly shakes his head. "You honor the deceased by driving their truck. Sam, they wrote a whole country song about it."

"Why in the hell would you think I listen to country music?" Larissa asks.

"Why don't you guys Google it?" Dean smiles.


Last night, the brothers burned the truck, but another girl still died while alone in her dorm room.

They're walking to the dorm when Dean gets distracted by two college girls walking by.

"Hey." Sam calls.

"I'm not gonna make it." Dean says.

"Focus." Sam says.

The detective leads them into the dorm.

"Delilah Marian, the roommate, found her this morning after an all nighter at the library." The detective informs.

"Strangulation?" Sam asks.

"Sicko used the power cord from the computer." The detective says.

"Suspects?" Dean asks.

"None yet. The odd thing was the door was locked." The detective says.

"Hmm. Have you talked to any of the other girls who live here?" Sam asks.

"Well, most of them have already left for spring break. But the roommate was really helpful. She gave us all of Julie's passwords. And nowadays, the only way to find out anything about teenagers is through social media. Trust me, I got two of them. Excuse me, agents." She walks out of the dorm.

"Vengeful spirit much?" Dean asks, taking his EMF meter out.

"Yeah, but is it Joey's or another ghost?" Sam asks.

"I don't know." Dean says, watching the EMF meter light up. "So first it possesses a truck and then it possesses a computer? Both machine related kills."

"So, what? You think we're dealing with a "Ghost in the Machine"?" Sam asks.

"Maybe. But if it is the same ghost, I mean, they usually anchor themselves to a place or a thing. How is this one jumping from one machine to the next?" Dean asks as Sam takes the laptop.


"We really appreciate your help, Delilah. We know this can't possibly be easy. Did Julie, by chance, know a student named Billy Bass?" Sam asks.

"Everyone knew Billy. He was the president of Sigma Theta Delta." Delilah says.

"STD?" Dean and Larissa question.

"Yeah. It's the biggest frat on campus." Delilah says.

"Did, uh-- Julie know Billy's brother, Joey, the-the soldier?" Dean asks.

"I don't think so. I didn't even know Billy had a brother." Delilah says.

"Did she have any enemies? Any reason why someone might want to hurt her?" Sam asks.

"No. Julie was really popular, super sweet. I can't imagine anyone wanting to hurt her." Delilah says.

"You know we're federal agents, right? Lying to us is a big time offense." Dean says.

"I'm not lying, agent. There's just... nothing else to tell." Delilah says.


Sam and Larissa are sitting at a table in the cafeteria.

"All right." Dean sits down with a tray of a bunch of food. "And a cafe au lait for the lady." He gives Sam coffee. "Some fruit, a cookie, and apple juice for the baby. And some pasta and soda for the baby mama. For me..."

"A heart attack?" Sam asks.

"This is unreal. Look at this. I got Italian. I got Chinese. Serve yourself froyo. College is better than Vegas. What do you got?" Dean asks.

"Unfortunately, a lot of nada. I-I--" Sam looks at Dean who has noodles hanging out of his mouth. "I hit up Julie's Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Instachat, Snapchat, A.I.M., nothing but posts on rush and Fifty Shades of Grey -- the movie, not the book."

"Yeah. I didn't get half of that." Dean says.

"It doesn't matter. Now I'm going through her deleted files." Sam says.

"You can do that?" Dean asks.

"Yeah." Sam nods and Dean hums. "I mean, nothing ever really gets deleted from the internet. You knew that, right?"

"Yeah." Dean nods, obviously having not known.

"All right. Here we go. This might be something. It's a, uh... it's a deleted Instachat from last night around time of death." Sam says.

"With who?" Dean asks.

"With PrincessElsa8. Look at this." Sam says, showing Dean the messages.

"Liar. I know. You'll pay. Well, this Princess Elsa's a bitch. What's 810?" Dean asks.

"810?" Sam asks, taking the laptop back.


"Uh, it's a... I don't know. Maybe it's a date."

"Maybe it's a time of day. Or an area code."

"Uh, area code is for southeast Michigan. You know what?" Sam types something. "Here we go. There are three addresses in Spencer that have 810 in them."

"I'll see if I can get this to go." Dean says.


They pull up to an 810 address.

"Yeah. You got it. Thank you, Detective Petranzyk. We will keep in touch." Sam hangs up. "So PrincessElsa8 is not some crazed cyber killer. She is a third grader from Lake Nebagamon, Wisconsin, who is obsessed with Frozen. And she was fast asleep when the Instachat occurred."

"So, a hack job." Dean says.

"That's what I'm thinking." Sam says.

They watch a woman come out of the 810 house and she has a garbage bag. She walks down the block and they get out of the car, Larissa getting Athena. They walk to where the woman is putting flowers in the trash bag.

"Excuse me, ma'am." Sam calls. She looks up, seeing them and their badges. "May we, uh, ask what you're doing?"

"Um, throwing away dead flowers. Is that a crime?" Corey asks.

"Well, it's not a crime, just a little strange, uh, seeing as how they aren't dead." Dean says.

"It's not so strange when it feels like they're taunting you. My husband was killed in a car accident here nine months ago." Corey says.

"I'm sorry to hear that." Sam says.

"Our condolences." Dean says, Larissa nodding in agreement.

"Thank you. We were newlyweds. Never even made it to our first anniversary. And to have to be reminded of that every time I look out my window or leave the house..."

"Understandable." Dean says.

"Forgive me, but did you notice anything... weird after your husband's death? Any strange disturbances or...?" Sam asks.

"I'm not sure what you mean." Corey says.

"It's nothing. Nevermind." Sam says.

"Any idea who's leaving the flowers?" Dean asks.

"Some teenage girl. I think she goes to the college cause she's always in Greek letters." Corey says.

"Do you know her name?" Sam asks.

"No. uh, she has long red hair." Corey says.


"This is Agent Grohl again. Listen, I know I told you to call at your earliest convenience, but scratch that. Call ASAP." Dean hangs his phone up. He sits down, returning to his food.

"Look at this. Uh, Andrew Silver, 29 year old Spencer High School teacher killed in fatal accident. Uh, car burst into flames. Silver's body was burned beyond recognition. And he is believed to have been killed upon impact." Sam says.

"Okay. So, Andy the angry ghost -- he dies at 810 Downs Drive. And then he torments Julie with 810 on her computer. So, what's his beef with her?" Dean asks.

"Yeah, and what's his connection to Billy?" Sam asks.

"Does it say where he's buried?" Dean asks.

"He wasn't. He was cremated."

"So, no bones, and he's not tethered to any object that we know of."

"Yeah. How is Andrew haunting his victims?" Sam asks. "Are you gonna eat all that?"

"Yeah. You want some?"


"Are you okay?" Sam asks Delilah.

"Not really." She answers as Dean walks in.

"Hey. What do you got?" Sam asks.

"Death be decibel." Dean says.

"What?" Sam asks.

"Kyle's brains were jellied by his speakers. Oh, and get this. The, uh-- the clock on his stereo stopped at 8:10." Dean says.

"8:10?" Sam asks.

"Yeah." Dean nods.


"Mm-hmm." Dean turns to Delilah. "Look, we know you're the one leaving the flowers. So, why don't you just tell us what happened the night of Andrew Silver's accident?"

"Uh..." Delilah mumbles.

"Delilah, please. This is the third death in five days. Who knows who's gonna be next." Sam says.

"I am. The car accident... wasn't exactly an accident." Delilah says before explaining what happened. "I shouldn't have let them talk me out of it. It was wrong. And now we're being punished. Seriously, what are the changes that three out of the four of us die in one week? It can't be a coincidence." She says as Sam sprinkles a circle of salt around the chair Delilah's in and Dean salts the door and Larissa salts the two windows.

"It's not a coincidence. It's a ghost." Sam says.

"It's the vengeful spirit of Andrew Silver." Dean says.

"A ghost?" Delilah asks.

"Yeah, they're real." Sam says.

"Yeah, it's sort of what we do." Dean says.

"So, you're like... Ghostbusters?" Delilah asks.

"Sure. First things first, though. You need to stay inside the salt circle while we take care of him, okay?" Dean says.

"How do you take care of him?" Delilah asks and the three share a look. "Please tell me you know how to take care of him."

"Usually a ghost is tied to a place or an object. You get rid of the object, you get rid of the ghost. But with Andrew, it's, uh... it's different." Sam says.

"What's he tied to?" Delilah asks.

"We're working on it." Dean says.

"But, if we can figure out how he's traveling, we can figure out how to stop him." Sam says.

"You know, this might be a Shocker situation. The paper said that he died from a collision, but Delilah says that he died from electrocution. So maybe that's how he's surfing. He's using the power lines as a conduit."

"I mean, that would make sense with the computer and stereo kills, but not the pickup. I mean, the truck runs on gas." Sam says.

"All right, it's got to be something else then." Dean says.

"All right, Lissy and I will go back to the accident site, check it out. Stay here with her." Sam tells Dean, the two leaving.


They're at the accident site and Larissa is holding Athena who is now asleep. Sam calls Dean, putting it on speaker.

"Hey, what do you got?" Dean asks.

"Dean, Andrew's not using power lines to move. He's using Wi-Fi." Sam says.

"Come again?" Dean asks.

"The-- the wires that electrocuted Andrew, they-they feed directly into a Wi-Fi tower right across the street." Sam says.

"So even ghosts are online?" Dean asks.

"Apparently. I mean, it would explain the truck kill. Billy's cell must have been using the local Wi-Fi signal so, uh, Andrew's ghost must have just hopped on to Trini, that-that nav app."

"And then Julie's death by computer, Kyle's death by stereo with the wireless speakers."

"I mean, it makes sense, Dean. We're all just a bunch of electrical impulses, right? So whenever Andrew died, his impulses just transferred to another current. You got to get Delilah somewhere safe. Turn off all the routers in that sorority."

"Oh, yeah. Sure, Sammy. We'll just kill the internet. Wait, can we?"

"Uh, no. No, not really."

"All right, so then how the hell are we gonna deal with the lawnmower man?"

"You know what? I have an idea. Do what I said. Stay safe, I'll call you back." Sam hangs up. "Come on." Sam drags Larissa to Corey's house. He knocks on the door and she opens it after a moment.

"Hey." Sam greets.

"Hey." Corey says.

"Uh, I'm so sorry to bother you, Ms. Silver, but we have an emergency and we really need your help. Now, this is gonna sound strange--"

"It's my husband, isn't it?" She asks. Sam and Larissa share a look. "Come in."

~ ~ ~

"It wasn't too long after the accident that Andrew started contacting me." Corey says.

"Contacting you how?" Sam asks.

"Online. At first I thought it was a joke, that someone was playing a cruel joke on a grieving widow. But Andrew knew things, things that only he and I would know. Inside jokes, the code to our alarm, my obsession with Lifetime movies. It was then that I knew I had my husband back, even if it was just online."

"Did you never think to ask him what he was?" Sam asks.

"Come on, agent. I've read books. I've seen the movies. I knew he was a ghost or something, but... I didn't care. He was my husband. And... it was great. Romantic, even. He'd send me love notes. We'd stay up all night reminiscing. But then, he started acting strange."

"What do you mean, strange?" Larissa asks.

"I don't know. He'd just disappear, radio silence. And then, out of nowhere, he'd start emailing again. But he was different, focused." Corey says.

"He was focused on what?" Sam asks.

"Revenge." Corey says. "When the kids at the college started dying, I thought it might be Andrew. But what was I supposed to do? Call the cops and tell them the ghost of my dead husband was picking off co-eds? But mostly, I just didn't want to face the truth. Because I knew it was revenge that brought him back, and if I tried to stop him, that he might go away. And I didn't want to lose my husband again."

~ ~ ~

They managed to call a phone and Delilah answered the video call before showing Andrew who was choking Dean.

"Andrew? It's Corey. Please listen to me. You have to stop this. Revenge -- it's hollow. And it's pointless. It won't bring you back." She says as Andrew looks at her. "I should have said this earlier. But I couldn't let go. But it's time... for me to let go and for you to do the same."

"Please. I'm begging you." Corey cries. Andrew lets go of Dean. "Do this for me. Do it for us. Goodbye." Andrew disappears.


Dean pulls up to Corey's house.

"You sure you want to do this?" Dean asks.

"Yeah. I should have done it a long time ago." Delilah gets out of the car, walking up to the house. She knocks on the door and Corey opens the door. They talk for a moment before Corey lets her in.

"Looks like Andrew wasn't the only one who chose peace." Sam says.

"Yeah. Looks like. I think I'm gonna follow his lead too." Dean says.

"What do you mean?" Sam asks.

"My peace is helping people. Working cases. That's all I want to do."

"Is this about the Mark?"

"I'm done trying to find a cure, Sammy."

"Dean, Cas is so close."

"To what? We don't even know if there is a cure. So far, we've got nothing. We have found nothing at the Men of Letters library. Metatron may or may not know something. And maybe Cas is on to something with Cain."

"Maybe. Yeah, maybe. Nothing is guaranteed, Dean. So what? We can't just stop fighting."

"Yes, we can."

"So, this is it? You're just gonna-- you're just gonna give up."

"No. No, I'm not just gonna give up. I appreciate the effort, okay? I do. But the answer is not out there. It's with me. I need to be the one calling the shots here, okay? I can't keep waking up every morning with this false hope. I got to know where I stand. Otherwise, I'm gonna lose my fucking mind. So I'm gonna fight till I can't fight it anymore. And when all is said and done... I'll go down swinging."


Larissa walks into Sam's room where he's unpacking and she softly knocks on the open door.

"Hey." She quietly greets.

"Hey. Thena fall asleep okay?" Sam asks.

"Yeah. Yeah, she's good. Out like a light -- as usual." Larissa says.

"Good." Sam says.

"You okay? With... with Dean and everything?" Larissa asks.

"Yeah. Yeah, you know, I-I'm good, I guess." Sam shrugs, keeping his back to her as he's at his dresser. "I'll... I'll figure something out. Try to talk him back into it, I guess."

"Right." Larissa mumbles.

"We, um... we should probably both get some sleep, though. Long couple of days, you know?" Sam says.

"Yeah. Right." Larissa nods.

Larissa walks over to him and grabs his arm, turning him around. Sam barely has the chance to look at her before she's pulling him down by the back of his neck and connecting her lips with his.

Sam's hands fall to her waist as their lips move in sync. Larissa pulls back after a moment, but stays in Sam's hold.

"What, uh... what was that for?" Sam quietly asks.

"I'm tired of walking on egg shells." Larissa whispers.

"You are?" Sam asks.

"Look, Corey lost Andrew when-when they were newlyweds. And-- and no, we're not newlyweds, but I don't wanna risk losing you while we're playing this stupid cat and mouse type game or-or whatever it is we're doing. I wanna be with you again and-- I mean, I never really stopped. I just hurt you, so you stopped wanting to be with me. And then you hurt me, so I did kind of want to stop being with you."

"But-- but I never wanted an-an unofficial, not legal divorce or anything. And I'm tired of pretending that I don't love you. God, I already pretended that for five fucking years and it was the hardest five years of my life, and--"

Sam cuts her off by kissing her again, one hand cupping her jaw. The kiss quickly becomes more heated, both backing up to the bed.

"Door." Larissa mumbles against his lips. Sam quickly goes over to the open door, shutting and locking it. He returns, kissing Larissa again who took her shirt off while he was shutting the door.

Sam cradles her face, fingers tangled in her hair. Larissa does her quickest to get the buttons undone on his flannel, pushing it off of him. She yanks his t-shirt up and he breaks away from her and pulls it over his head.

Larissa's eyes immediately fall onto his chest where the necklace with their wedding rings set. She feels her heart warm and a small smile comes to her face.

"You never took it off." She softly notes, looking up at him and his shy expression.

"Not technically, no." Sam answers. Larissa smiles, feeling herself fall in love all over again.

She grabs the necklace and pulls him closer by it, reconnecting their lips.

"Are you-- are you okay? Comfortable? Ever since--" Sam tries to ask.

"I'm okay." Larissa whispers.

"Are you sure? Because I don't wanna push anything, and you know it's just three taps and--"

"Sam. Shut up and kiss me." Larissa orders.

Sam smiles and kisses her, both falling onto the bed. Sam lays on his back while Larissa straddles him, their lips still connected.

"You're positive on this?" Sam asks, not wanting to hurt her.

"Three taps, Sammy, I know. I haven't tapped you three times. So let's just do this, shall we?" Larissa says.

"Oh, wow. You're a real romantic." Sam remarks making Larissa giggle. He rolls them over, hovering over her as they resume kissing.

~ ~ ~

Larissa and Sam lie under the sheets, it being the only thing covering them.

"You sure you're okay? No-- no trauma or-or uncomfortableness or anything? I didn't push you." Sam asks.

"You worry a little too much sometimes, you know?" Larissa says with a small smile. Sam weakly smiles, still wanting an answer so he knows she's okay. She softly smiles at him, pushing some of his hair back. "I'm perfect." She tells him, resting her hand on his chest and playing with the necklace.

"Me, too." Sam whispers. He leans over, pecking her on the lips. He wraps his arm around her, Larissa resting her head on his chest.

"Though, um... sorry if I wasn't as bendy as one of your past exes." Larissa comments.

"Okay, that-- that one was a little too low." Sam winces.

"Yeah, you think?" Larissa retorts.

"I'm sorry, baby." Sam kisses her on the head. "For that and all the other ones."

"I know." She mumbles, wrapping her arm around him. "But you ever talk to me like that again, I will shoot you in the dick, and if we make up again, we're just gonna be adopting kids or getting a surrogate."

"Noted." Sam taps her nose making it scrunch.

They lay in silence for a few minutes as Larissa starts to play with the wedding rings again.

"So, what do you say? Keep Winchester or go back to Brewster?" Sam asks.

"What do you think?" Larissa asks, looking up at him.

"I think... will you marry me again? Even though we're technically, legally still married?" Sam asks.

"I would love to." Larissa grins, softly kissing him on the lips. Sam smiles and gently moves her away and she lays down. He lifts his head, taking the necklace off and unclasps it.

Sam slides her ring off of the chain and gently grabs her left hand.

"Mrs. Larissa Winchester." He says as he gently slips the ring back onto her finger. Larissa giggles and she grabs the necklace, taking Sam's ring off it.

"And Mr. Sam Winchester." She puts the ring on his finger. She interlocks their fingers, smiling down at him with the softest expression. "I love you."

"I love you, too." Sam whispers, kissing. "God, it felt so good to say that to your face again." He says making her laugh. She kisses him again, the two continuing to do so.

"Mm. Round two?" Sam asks against her lips.

"I'm not against it." Larissa mumbles making Sam smirk.

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