iris, supernatural [ 2 ]

By maybankwalker

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[ supernatural -- seasons 9-15 ] Larissa Brewster Series: Habits Iris I DO NOT own Supernatural, any of the s... More

001. ezekiel
002. wicked witch of the west
003. dog-dean hybrid
004. reborn virgins
005. goodbye kevin
006. evil angel extraction
007. no husband or baby
008. werewolf bestie garth
010. haunted bunker
011. ghostfacers demise
012. domestic single mom life
013. curing dean
014. werewolf sisters
015. the musical
016. inheritance
017. cop retreat
018. "sounds like teenage girl dean"
019. no place like home
020. teenage dean
021. technology ghost
022. sick athena
023. burning the wrong book
024. night moves
025. lizzie borden house
026. killer costumes
027. imaginary friend
028. going to visit the cage
029. not uncle cas
030. homemade chicken
031. valentine's day
032. back in time
033. dying husband and god
034. god's plan
035. dean's sacrifice
036. torture
037. bedridden
038. breaking point
039. funeral crasher
040. rock devil
041. single mom
042. mother's love
043. memory loss
044. lance of michael
045. mom vs. mom
046. probation
047. betrayed
048. "i want to hate him but i can't."
049. heartbroken sam
050. birth of a nephilim
051. "you say goodbye."
052. toddler ptsd
053. "i'm always right."
054. old west
055. possible evil twin
056. wayward sisters
057. the butterfly
058. helpless
059. reconcile
060. "donatello's a biter."
061. blood of a saint
062. scooby gang
063. sticky notes
064. gabriel's out
065. "whole team's together"
066. archangel grace
067. master plan
068. lucifer's end
069. self destructive couple
070. finding dean
071. alternate kaia
072. hatchet man
073. super charged monsters
074. losing kids
075. christmastime
076. ma'lak box
077. dinner with the parents
078. medusa
079. different wife
080. monster in the woods
081. nick's plan
082. three months early
083. grieving and manipulating
084. the end
085. ghostpocalypse
086. final plan
087. anything for kids
088. hungover
089. lost hope
090. normal life
091. pool
092. saving kaia
093. alternate brothers
094. mrs. butters
095. chat with amara
096. old friend
097. final fight
098. dean's last words
099. epilogue
Thank You

009. lunch ladies

690 32 27
By maybankwalker

It's been a few days since they've been back at the bunker. Larissa is sleeping in a spare room, the mattress extremely uncomfortable for some reason. She isn't sure if it's actually the mattress, her missing Sam, her guilt, or her nightmares that prevent her from sleeping much.

Larissa gets up and goes to Athena's room, having the plan to give her breakfast. But when she goes in, she finds the room empty.

"Thena?" Larissa calls. She looks around before quickly going to Sam's room, also finding it empty. Larissa walks through the halls until she gets to the kitchen. She stops in the doorway when she sees Sam cleaning up Athena's high chair. Athena is sitting in the high chair and drinking some milk.

"Hey." Larissa softly greets.

"Hey." Sam barely spares a glance.

"Um... wha-- what are you doing?" Larissa asks, walking over. She softly runs her hand over Athena's head, the baby smiling around her sippy cup. Larissa softly smiles at her.

"I got her breakfast." Sam says.

"I told you I was okay with-- with doing that last night. That I planned to do it." Larissa says.

"Yeah, well, I was up." Sam shrugs. He doesn't at all look at her when he talks. Larissa watches him clean the mess up, her gaze drifting to his left ring finger.

"You're not wearing your ring."

"Yeah. Yeah, well, you know, it's... it's a hassle. Gets in the way." Sam says. "C'mon, baby girl. Let's get you cleaned up and changed." He picks Athena up.

"I can--" Larissa starts to offer.

"I got it." Sam dismisses her and he walks out.

Larissa looks down at her wedding ring, twisting it back and forth.


"Hey." Sam walks into the kitchen where Dean is. 

"Hey." Dean greets.

"You go to bed last night?" Sam asks, noticing Dean's tired look.

"What? Uh, no. No, "Rudy" was on. "Unforgiven," and then I was too jacked to sleep, so... research." Dean says.

"Gadreel?" Sam asks, getting more coffee.

"And Metatron and the Mark of Cain and..." Dean realizes Sam isn't paying attention. "Crickets. I did find us a case, though."

"Oh, yeah?"

"Yeah, was a strange death in Stillwater, Minnesota. A competitive eater died after a hot dog eating contest."

"So, what? Death by tube steak?"

"If only. He got attacked in his car, but, uh, get this -- he shrunk from 300 pounds to 90 pounds."


"Or a heavy duty laxative. You game?"


"Good. Looks like it's a whore's bath for me. I'll be ready in five."

"We can drop Athena off at Jody's on the way. She agreed to babysit whenever we need." Sam says.

"Or Larissa could stay back with her. Or at the motel or whatever." Dean says.

"No. No, Jody's good." Sam says.

"Okay, I-I get that you hate her right now, but you don't have to keep her away from her kid." Dean says.

"She's my kid, too." Sam says.

"All right. Did Larissa bring Athena on our mission to find Gadreel? Yes. Was it the smartest thing to do? No. Does Larissa hate herself for it? Yes. And it's not like she took her into the house where Gadreel was. The baby wasn't around Gadreel until we had him -- slash you -- chained up to that chair... where you couldn't hurt Athena or anybody else... aside from you, I guess. And Athena's safe, so... no real harm done. It's not like she saw or heard anything."

"You can be mad Larissa, but don't fuck up Athy's life in the process. She needs both of you."

"She's staying with Jody." Sam states. Dean sighs and gets up, starting to leave. "You sure you're okay, Dean?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" Dean asks.

"Cause-- I don't know, you... this isn't about what I said the other day, is it?" Sam asks.

"Oh, about that we're not supposed to be brothers? No, don't flatter yourself. I don't break that easy." Dean says.

"Oh, good, cause I was just being honest." Sam says.

"Oh, yeah. No, I got that loud and clear." Dean says.


The three are at the police station.

"Thanks for your patience, agents. Coroner's report finally came in." Sheriff Donna Hanscum walks up to them.

"All right, thank you." Sam says, taking the file. "All right, let's see. Did Wayne McNut really weigh 300 pounds just moments before time of death?"

"316 to be exact." Donna says.

"And the official cause of death?" Sam asks.

"Cardiac arrest. But between you and me, that's just a guess. The vic suffered massive organ damage." Donna says. "Here you go, Jenny." She hands a woman at a desk a file. "Ruptured spleen, pierced liver, collapsed lung. Looked like everything was just sucked right out of him."

"Like he'd been hoovered?" Dean asks.

"Yeah. Yeah, you know, I got to be honest, fellas, miss." Donna takes a powdered donut and offers them one. Dean and Larissa both walk over. "We're stumped. This type of thing just doesn't happen in Stillwater." 

Donna takes a big bite out of her donut, getting powder on her mouth and tie.

"Now, did Wayne have any enemies?" Sam asks.

"Hmm. More like an unfriendly rivalry." Donna says. Larissa takes a bite out of her donut, white powder getting on her mouth and the tip of her nose. Dean eats his donut, powder covering his face and mouth as well.

"A guy named "Slim Jim" Morgan. Like Wayne, he was pretty well known in the competitive eatin' circuit." Donna says.

Sam looks up, noticing the powder on Dean and Larissa's faces. He tries to subtly motion for them to wipe their faces. Dean wipes the side of his mouth, not getting any of the powder off.

Larissa isn't even paying attention to him, taking another bite of her donut, only getting more powder on her face.

Sam slightly hates how his heart melts at the powder covering Larissa's face. He wants to smile, but bites the inside of his cheek to prevent doing so.

"Competitive eating circuit?" Sam returns his attention to the case. "Is that a big thing out here?"

"Oh, yeah. You betcha. Folks take it real seriously -- train for months. Eat all sorts of wackadoo stuff, you know, like, uh... baked beans, buff wings, butter."

"Butter?" Dean asks.

"Yeah. Sometimes deep fried." Donna says and Dean hums, taking another bite of his donut, getting more powder on him.

"This year alone, Wayne won the Butter Bowl, the Wing Ding, and Shrimptasia. Anyhoo, point being, Wayne McNut was the only one Slim Jim couldn't beat in the whole Great Lakes region." Donna explains.

"So is he a suspect?" Dean asks.

"We checked him out, but Slim Jim was in the Hot Doggery at the time of Wayne's death, and we got 15 witnesses to prove it." Donna says.



The three bite into their donuts.


They're at Slim Jim's house and in the kitchen as he eats a giant bowl of lettuce.

"Training. When I gear up for a competition, I eat lettuce -- stretches the stomach." Slim Jim says. 

"Yet another reason to stay away from salads." Dean says.

"How well did you know Wayne McNut?" Sam asks.

"Well, well enough to know he was a weasel and a cheat. I hate to say it, but, uh, karma's a bitch." Slim Jim says.

"This is interesting." Dean says, looking at the shelf of spell jars and funny shaped boxes.

"Mala's good luck charms." Slim Jim says.

"And Mala is...?" Dean asks.

"My old lady." Slim Jim says.

"Is your old lady superstitious?" Dean asks.

"Yah. She's Romanichal."


"Gypsy." Sam says.

"But don't call her that. She says it's reductive. But I think it's a compliment. I mean, gypsies are all the rage on TV. My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding, Gypsy Sisters... Keeping up with the Kardashians.

"Um... you mind if I use your bathroom?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, go ahead. But use the one upstairs at the back. Mala's taking a shower in ours." Slim Jim says.

"Right." Sam walks out.

"Did you really lose the Wiener Wiener by one dog?" Dean asks.

"Yeah." Slim Jim nods.

"And what are we talkin'? Six inches? Foot long?" Dean asks.

"Look, agent. Am I suspect or what? Cause unless you got a warrant--"

"You, uh, ready to go?" Sam walks back in.

"Yeah. Uh, Mr. Morgan, thank you for your time. If you remember anything else, this is our number and where we're staying locally." Dean gives him a card and they leave.


"All right, so we got what appears to be Wayne McNut's hair and... a bag full of weird." Dean says, looking through the hex bag.

"In Romanichal culture, the pouch is called a putsi bag. It's used for hexes." Sam says.

"Okay, so, what? Mala's putting hexes on hubby's competition?" Dean asks and Sam shrugs. "I mean, what do we got ourselves? A "thinner" sitch here?"

"Slim Jim might not even know." Sam says and Dean hums.

There's a knock on the door, the three exchanging looks. Dean gets up, getting his gun out, and he looks through the peephole. He shrugs and opens the door.

"Hi." Dean greets.

"I believe you have something of mine." Mala says.

~ ~ ~

"Kill Wayne? I loved him." Mala says as Dean gives her a glass of water. Dean sits on the same bed as Larissa, Sam sitting on the end of the other bed.

"So... you were..." Sam says.

"Yes. Okay? We were having an affair -- for years, actually." Mala says.

"I don't mean to be rude, uh... but how is it that Wayne McNut is your type? I mean, you're married to a man who's barely a buck -- wet." Dean says.

"What can I say? Sometimes it's nice to feel a little give..." Mala says.

"Oh. Yeah, I get that. A little extra cushion for the, uh--" Sam gives his brother a glare making him stop.

"Help me understand something. If you loved Wayne, why did you put a curse on him?" Sam asks.

"It wasn't a curse. Putsi bags are also used for blessings. I wanted Wayne to win. Plan was, take the prize money, get a quickie divorce, and then tie the knot inn Orlando. Wayne used to call me his Princess Jasmine."


"Any idea what the vic weighed beforehand?" Sam asks as they're at the recent crime scene.

"165." The officer says.

"So... 180. Known fact -- all women lie about their weight and age." Dean says.

"Wait, you told that waitress the other day you were 29." Sam says.

"Mm-hmm." Dean nods.

"Yeah, douchebags do it too." Larissa smiles and Dean shoots her an annoyed look.

"Need anything else, agents?" The officer asks.

"Yeah, is Sheriff Hanscum around?" Sam asks.

"Sorry. She's out for the rest of the week. Hell of a time to take a vacation, right?" The office asks, walking away.

"Okay, so, we have two victims, with seemingly nothing in common except, uh--"

"A love for eclairs." Dean says. "Check this out." They kneel next to the body and Dean pulls the shirt up a little, a large, circular red mark on the skin. "What is that? A birthmark?"

"Huh. So the weight had to come off somehow, right? What if it's a suction mark?" Sam asks.

"A suction mark? Okay. Uh, changeling?" Dean asks.

"Yeah, but changelings only take over kids. Neither of the vics had any." Sam says.

"And we don't know if Wayne McNut had a suction mark." Dean says.

"Unless we missed it." Sam says.

"Yeah. Well, we should, uh, split up. One of us should hit the morgue. The other should stay here and question the staff." Dean says, staring at a young woman talking to an office.

"I'll stay." Sam says.

"Ain't gonna happen." Dean says.


"Because you're weird around girls. Even with a wife."

"What does that mean, weird?"

"You're awkward. You know, weird -- Sam Weird. Sorry, man. I'm just... being honest." Dean walks away.


"Hey." Sam and Larissa walk into the motel where Dean is.

"Find anything at the morgue?" Dean asks.

"More tension." Larissa mumbles.

"Yeah. Uh, so, Wayne was banged up pretty bad. But on the back of his neck, just below his hairline... suction mark -- identical to Carol's."

"Okay, so, they both had marks, just like the hot trainer at Rollz." Dean says.

"But she was skinny... and alive." Sam says.

"And just recently lost a ton of weight. When I asked her about the mark, she, uh-- she clammed up, got all embarrassed. So, uh, I did some checking. And it turns out that she took a couple of "me" days last month and went here."

Dean shows his laptop to them, a website that's for a day spa.

"Canyon Valley?" The two ask.

"Yeah." They watch the promo video.

"How far away is that place?" Sam asks.

"Couple of hours." Dean says.


"We were really, really moved by the online testimonials." Sam tells Larry and Maritza as the five are in an office.

"Oh, yeah. That was some powerful stuff." Dean says, Larissa nodding in agreement.

"And you three are both certified personal trainers?" Maritza asks.

"Yeah. Yeah, personal training brothers and, uh, wife/sister-in-law. Kind of like Hans and Franz, but, uh, less German. Plus, you know, her."

"And you're certified in..." Larry trails off in question.

"Makin' people sweat! Yeah. Kickin' ass and takin' names!" Dean slaps his hand on the table. "That's how we do!"

"Uh... uh, to clarify, uh, what my brother's trying to say is, we all have a passion for fitness and helping people." Sam says.

"Oh, us too. In fact, that's how we first met." Maritza says.

"I was Maritza's first client back in Peru. I was on a student visa -- homesick, stressed, eating my troubles away." Larry says.

"Oh, he was the size of a casa." Maritza says.

"Oh, it's true! I was one empanada away from a heart attack. But then this... gorgeous godsend made me the lean, mean, fighting machine I am today." Larry does a bunch of kung fu fighting techniques.

"Ho! Oh..." Dean mumbles.

"Wow." Larissa whispers.

"But I digress. Now, the good news is, we are hiring. The bad news is, there's only one trainer position available." Larry looks between Dean and Larissa. "How do you feel about working in another department?"

"Huh?" Dean asks.


Dean and Larissa are standing behind the counter, both wearing hairnets. 

"This is stupid." Larissa grumbles.

"You're telling me." Dean scoffs. Sam walks up, wearing a tank top and workout shorts. If they weren't fighting, Larissa would love to have sex with him right now.

"Nice shorts." Dean smirks.

"Nice hairnet." Sam fires back.

"Yeah, why do I got to be the lunch lady?" Dean asks.

"Since when have you ever complained about being around food?" Sam asks.

"Okay, this is not food." Dean says. Another worker walks out.

"Hey, new guy and new girl. Quit flirtin' with the trainer and keep scoopin', huh?" Alonso tells Larissa and Dean. Dean glares at him.

"It's all right. My, uh... Ashtanga yoga class starts in five minutes." Sam says.

"Ashtanga?" Larissa whispers.

"How the hell do you know anything about yoga?" Dean asks.

"You're not the only one who's ever dated someone bendy." Sam smirks and walks off. Dean looks at Larissa.

"I'm not yoga bendy." Larissa mumbles.

"Okay, that one was definitely a bit too cold, then." Dean mutters.

"Hey, you have any oatmeal?" A person asks them.

"Yeah, I wish." Dean says, chuckling. "No, but we have, uh, something that's tofu over there. I-- what is that? It's a pancake. It's tofu."


Dean and Larissa are in the kitchen and leaning against one of the counters, both on their phones.

"Flojo. You got time to lean, you got time to clean, huh?" Alonso says.

"I'm starving. What do we get to eat?" Dean asks, him and Larissa wiping the counter.

"Same as the clients." Alonso says.

"They expect us to eat this rabbit food?" Dean asks.

"It's not rabbit food. It's super food." Alonso says.

"Super rabbit food." Larissa mutters.

"I'm not eating it." Dean mumbles.

Alonso sets a pot of orange pudding next to them with a bunch of empty bowls.

"At Canyon Valley, we're supposed to lead by example." Alonso says.

"This is leading by example?" Dean asks.

"It's not for us, stupido. It's for the clients. They're allowed to have pudding on their spa day. It's like a-- like a last hurrah before the real work starts. Get to work." Alonso leaves.

"He's annoying." Larissa says and Dean nods in agreement. Larissa continues to wipe the counter while Dean fills the bowls up with pudding.

Dean looks around for any onlookers.

"What are you doing?" Larissa asks and Dean shushes her. He takes a small taste of the pudding.

"Mm. What do you know?" Dean mumbles.

"What? It tastes good?" Larissa asks.

"Yeah." Dean holds some pudding out to her and she tastes it.

"Oh. Wow." She says.

"Uh-huh. Looks like it's our spa day, too." Dean grins, the two high fiving. He slips a bowl of pudding into his apron before giving one to Larissa and she does the same.


Dean and Larissa are hiding out in a pantry and finish their pudding.

"Okay." Dean sighs. "Back to the health shit." He stands up, but sways.

"Dean?" Larissa asks. She stands up, but wobbles, holding onto Dean for support. "Oh, shit." She looks around, her vision blurry. Dean falls to the floor, unconscious. "Oh, God, it's a couple of college nights all over again." She mumbles before passing out.

~ ~ ~

"Sammy?" Dean slurs, his phone on speaker. Larissa is still unconscious next to him, their legs all tangled.

"Dean? What's wrong with you?" Sam asks.

"I need your help. We need help." Dean says.

"Where are you? Dean?!" Sam asks.

"Sweet potatoes! Sw..." Dean passes out again, his phone falling to the floor.

"Dean!" He hears Sam's voice.

"Sammy." Dean calls.

Sam bursts in, seeing his brother and wife both half unconscious on the floor. He runs over, shaking Larissa and slapping Dean's shoulder.

"Dean! Rissa! Hey! Hey! Wake up!"

"Get off. I said no." Larissa whines. Sam looks at her confused, but quickly remembers her past, and retracts his hand like he got burned.

"What took you so long?" Dean asks.

"What the hell happened?" Sam asks.

"We were drugged." Dean says.

"Dru-- what?" Sam asks.

"Pudding. It was supposed to be for the clients, but we couldn't resist." Dean says.

"So hungry." Larissa mumbles. Sam sniffs one of the empty bowls and smells it.

"Salted caramel?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, man. The best of both worlds -- salty and sweet." Dean says.

"I didn't really like it." Larissa slurs.

"Right. Uh... all right, you two stay here." Sam says.

"No, no, I'm gonna come with you." Dean tries to get up and follow Sam, but falls back. "Go ahead, man. I'll catch up!"

~ ~ ~

Dean and Larissa are sitting up. Dean is sitting on the potatoes and Larissa is sitting on the floor, leaning against the potatoes.

"What kind of supplements?" Dean asks.

"Here. Hey." Sam hands Dean an energy drink. He holds one out to Larissa, but her eyes are shut. "Hey." He softly calls, gently hitting her arm with the can. She opens her eyes and looks at the can. Sam opens it for her and gives it to her.

"To boost metabolism, per Larry and Maritza." Sam says, holding up the bottle of supplements. Dean takes the bottle and looks in.

"These aren't supplements, they're roofies." Dean says.

"What? How you know what roofies look like?" Sam asks.

"How do you know? You think I want to end up in a hotel bathtub with my kidney carved out? In Cechyna?" Dean asks.

"Lemme see." Larissa takes the bottle and looks in. "Oh, yeah. Definitely roofies."

"Let me guess. You know for the same reason?" Sam asks, lightly rolling his eyes.

"No. I know because I've been roofied." Larissa says. Sam's shoulders deflate and he feels his heart crack, sadly watching her take a drink of the energy drink.

"Did you find anything out in the yoga?" Dean asks with a groan.

"Yeah. Yeah. "Invasion of the Body Snatchers." Every single person in class had one of those freaky ass suction marks." Sam says.

"What the hell's going on here?" Dean asks.


"You know, I didn't mean to bail on your fellas, but I've been waiting over six months to get into Canyon Valley. And let me tell ya, it was worth it. I already lost 10 pounds!" Donna says as the four sit in her room.

"In-- in one day?" Sam asks.

"No offense, Sheriff -- cause you look great -- um, but aren't you the least bit curious as to how you dropped 10 in a day?" Dean asks.

"Well, to tell you the truth, agent, I don't really give a flyin' fudge." Donna chuckles. "My husband, Doug, left me last year cause he said I loved cookie dough milkshakes more than him."

"Sorry to hear that." Sam says.

"Yeah, Doug's a dick. You deserve better." Dean says.

"You should love cookie dough milkshakes more than him. He doesn't deserve any of your love." Larissa states.

"Thanks." Donna smiles. "But he was right. That was a dark time for me. Whoever said you eat your pain? Not me. I guzzled it." She laughs. "Anyho... I guess I just wanted to feel pretty again. And Canyon Valley did that. Only question is... what are you doing here?"

"We're, uh, uh... we're undercover." Dean says.

"Yeah. Sort of got that." Donna says.

"We think that there's a connection between Canyon Valley and the murders in town." Dean says.

"What kind of connection?" Donna asks.

"Suction marks." Sam says.

"You mean like this?" Donna pulls the back of her shirt up a bit to reveal a suction mark.

"Yeah. Where did that come from?" Sam asks.

"My spa treatment. Cupping." Donna says.

"Cupping?" Dean asks.

"Yeah. You know, I thought it was gonna hurt, but honestly, I snoozed through the whole thing. By the time I woke up, I was down two dress sized." Donna says.

"Before the cupping, did you eat any pudding?" Dean asks.

"Darn tootin'. Licked the bowl clean." Donna says.

"Donna, do you remember who did this treatment?" Sam asks.

"Oh, yah. You betcha." She nods. After telling them, the three get up to leave.

"Oh, and Donna... don't listen to your ex. Nobody should ever tell you anything about your weight or what you love. You're beautiful. Don't let some dick make you think otherwise." Larissa says.

"Thanks, darling." Donna smiles.


"I brought Alonso here from Peru to show him a better way, a more civilized way." Maritza says, crying. "One where we weren't monsters. That the secret to coexisting with humans was just... eating enough to get by."

"Let me guess. Alonso wasn't a big fan of portion control, was he?" Sam asks.

"No. During a routine treatment, he almost killed a client. He sucked out too much fat. I demoted him to kitchen duty -- no human contact, just fat from a jar. But he said the more I deprived him, the hungrier he got. And now three people are dead." She sobs. "My husband..."

"Where's Alonso right now?" Sam asks.

"The-- the basement? That's-- that's where he spends most of his time now." Maritza says.

"What about her?" Sam asks Dean and Larissa.

"Well, till we figure out which side she's on, she stays put." Dean says.

"I am on your side." Maritza says.

"Rissa, stay and watch her. Just in case." Dean says.

"What?" She asks.

"Just do it, please." Dean says.

"Fine. But only cause I'm still a little tired." Larissa sits down.

"Okay. Then how do we kill him?" Sam asks.


"We'll let you know if we find any other information. Thanks for everything. Appreciate it." An officer tells the hunters. They walk away and Sam walks over to Maritza who is sitting alone.

After a moment, Dean walks over and returns to Larissa with Sam.

"Once this place clears out, we're gonna make this a family affair." Dean says, nodding towards Maritza.

"Wait, Dean. We're not gonna kill Maritza." Sam says.

"She's a monster." Dean says.

"Yeah, who saved our asses." Sam says.

"You said that you wanted to keep things strictly business. Well, last I checked, we were in the business of killing monsters."

"I wanted to keep things strictly business between us. But I still have a heart. What if I had crossed paths with a hunter back when I was possessed by Gadreel? I could've ended up dead, too. Would I have deserved that? Would I have deserved to die?"

"So, one way ticket to Peru?" Dean asks.


Larissa is in Athena's room in the bunker. After getting her back from Jody, they returned to the bunker. It's a little bit past Athena's bedtime and she's being fussy due to being tired, but refuses to go to sleep.

"Come on, baby girl. I know you wanna let those sweet, innocent dreams in." Larissa says, rocking her daughter. "Come on, baby." She starts to softly sing "Baby Mine" from Dumbo.

After a few minutes, Athena's cries slowly come to a stop. Larissa continues to quietly sing and rock her, not wanting to risk stopping too soon.

Athena slowly falls asleep in her mother's arms, Larissa able to tell she's completely asleep when she becomes a little heavier due to the dead weight. Larissa lifts Athena's arm and then lets it, it flopping back onto her chest.

"Okay." Larissa says. She carefully puts Athena in her crib, careful to not wake her up again. "There we go, baby. Yeah." Larissa stares down at her peaceful sleeping daughter. She smiles softly, hoping she'll be able to protect Athena from any of the pain that she's had to go through.

She never notices Sam peeking into the room, staying behind the half shut door.

~ ~ ~

Larissa is walking to the kitchen, somewhat slowing down when she hears Sam.

"I'll give you this much. You are certainly willing to do the sacrificing as long as you're not the one being hurt." Sam says.

"All right, you want to be honest? If the situation were reversed and I was dying, you'd do the same thing." Dean says as Larissa steps into the kitchen.

"No, Dean. I wouldn't." Sam softly argues. "Same circumstances... I wouldn't." He notices Larissa. "I'm gonna get to bed." Sam walks out.

Dean glances at Larissa who sadly smiles.

"Wanna start a "Sam hates us" club?" Larissa asks, trying to somewhat lighten the mode.

"How 'bout just a "Sam hates us" drink?" Dean says, not wanting to risk eye contact.

"Okay." Larissa nods, sitting across from him. Dean gets a second glass and pours both of them some scotch. They clink their glasses, each taking a sip.

"So, what happened?" Dean asks.

"What do you mean?" Larissa asks.

"Come on, Rissa. The-- the eyebags. I hear you wake up most nights. You're fidgety." Dean says.

"how many times do I have to tell people I'm fine?" Larissa asks.

"Until you're actually fine." Dean says.

"Dean, it's nothing."

"Come on, Rissy... you can tell me."

"Well, um... you know, uh... you know how I mentioned my college boyfriend one time? Gave a vague explanation of what he did. How he wouldn't take "no" for an answer... ever." Larissa says.

"Yeah." Dean nods. Larissa stares at him until he gets it. "Oh." Dean's eyes sadden and his shoulders deflate.

"Yeah." Larissa mumbles.

"Was it him?"

"No. No, just some douche at a bar. Didn't get his dick in me, thankfully."

"I'm sorry, Rissy." Dean softly tells her.

"Yeah, I know." She whispers, weakly smiling at him.

"You do anything?" Dean asks.

"I shot him in the dick... after I beat him up and threatened him." Larissa says.

"Is it a bad time to congratulate you for that?" Dean asks making Larissa weakly smile in amusement,

"I guess not." She says.

"Then that's my girl." Dean high fives her. "You gonna be okay?"

"Eventually. I made it through one guy doing that shit, right? I can get through this." 

"I'm guessing Sam ignoring you isn't really helping?" Dean asks.

"Not exactly." Larissa mumbles. "I should probably go try to get some sleep. Maybe it'll happen tonight." She says, though she knows it won't.

"Yeah. Yeah, me too." Dean says. "Just, uh... come get me if you need somebody to stay awake with or something. Or I can come sleep on your floor if you want."

"I'll consider it. Thanks, Dean." Larissa softly smiles.

"Yeah." Dean nods. He gets up and gently kisses her on the cheek before leaving.

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