Sweet and Sour Hearts (Sun Wu...

Bởi Wolfytoons31x

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Before the events of MK's journey, reader moves into the city, and works at a cafe as the baker. She keeps he... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1: We finally meet
Chapter 2: Turmoil
Chapter 3: Apologies
Chapter 4: A hero's beginning
Chapter 5: Be my sensei
Chapter 6: The master and his students
Chapter 7: The copy monkey
Chapter 8: Betrayal
Chapter 9: Part of the team
Chapter 10: The invasion of spiders
Chapter 11: To the rescue
Chapter 12: The shadow
Chapter 13: When tragedy struck
Chapter 14: Drowning
Chapter 15: Talk
Chapter 16: Love Monkey
Chapter 18: The Lantern Festival
Chapter 19: The Ritual
Chapter 20: Walk Out
Chapter 21: The Plan
Chapter 22: The King's Love
Chapter 23: The End of Lady Bone Demon
Chapter 24: A New Beginning
Chapter 25: Surprise!
Chapter 26: The Guest
Chapter 27: A Brawl for the Heart
Chapter 28: Half-Truths
Chapter 29: Confession
Chapter 30: Lament
Chapter 31: I love you
Chapter 32: Desire
Chapter 33: Reflection
Chapter 34: Bad News
Chapter 35: The Trial
Chapter 36: Ai
Chapter 37: Reunion
Chapter 38: Peace
Chapter 39: Happily Ever After
Chapter 40: Normalcy?
Chapter 41: Azure
Chapter 42: Tang
Chapter 43: Pigsy
Chapter 44: The Past
Chapter 45: Love Hurts
Chapter 46: Training
Chapter 47: The Final Showdown [Finale]

Chapter 17: Alone at last

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Bởi Wolfytoons31x

(A/N): Incoming fluff and lime ahead

"What? You and Monkey King are a couple?" MK rejoiced. "My ship has been realized. Dreams do come true." At some point through the drive, the team was reunited along with one of the Samadhi rings. A gold ring was once an accessory of the Demon Bull King. It's hard to believe you are one step closer to ending the Lady Bone Demon.

"It's about time too." Pigsy started. "It was stressful watching both of you chase your tails."

"Was it that obvious?" You nervously chuckled.

In unison, they shout, "yes!"

"I may or may not have told them also," Mk admitted, shyly twiddling his fingers.

You sigh heavily, drained by all the attention. The Monkey King is absent to help lighten the load while in meditation. Luckily, the conversation died as MK told the story of how he came into possession of the ring. In the midst, you notice Mei pensively staring at the item. You take a seat next to her and smile softly. It eases her for the moment. "Are you ok?" Mei had expected to be interrogated, and yet doesn't know how to answer. She opens and closes her mouth prompted to tell still no syllable sounds. "You don't have to say anything if you don't want to."

"No. I just don't know what I'm feeling." She said. "I get these terrifying visions, and I can't tell what it is. I do know it started when we met my great, great, great, great-"

"Your uncle." You interjected.

She nods. "It happened again when Red Son and I made contact. It was brief. I think he saw what I did?" The Bull family. You've forgotten about them. They're an unusual bunch that is capable of triggering unwanted visions. You wonder if it's purely a coincidence.

"What did you see?" You prodded.

She pauses, recollecting glimpses of every image. "I saw myself on fire and the rings." You follow her gaze comprehending her fixation. The way her voice drops doesn't sound appealing. "Has the Monkey King told you any more details about the ring?" She looks at you pleadingly. The only addition is there is an extra ring Sun forgot to mention. He has yet to speak up about it. Perhaps when the time came he is willing.

"Sorry." That is all you said. Mei leans her head back in disappointment. You wallow in remorse for having lied to a dear friend.

'All of these secrets are going to kill me.'

Another night, another campsite is set on a vantage point under a clear sky. Each individual uses their time to kick back and relax. Sandy being the driver, chose to grab some shuteye in the van. Tang focused on updating his journal and polishing the ring while MK reviewed the map leaving you and Mei to watch TV with Pigsy. A cooking show he recommended to you before if you ever wanted to expand your recipes. You never got around to binge watch it with so much on your plate.

"I like her cheerful attitude." You complimented.

"She's so much younger than I expected," Mei added.

"She's clever with how she uses her ingredients and what to do with the leftovers afterward." Pigsy's love for Change and passion for cooking are admirable. You're used to him constantly bickering. "You should take notes. I think today is about moon cakes."

"Oh, I definitely want to learn how to make those." You chirped. "Let me fetch my satchel." You excuse yourself from the group and quietly enter the Van. As soon as you grab your bag, Sun awakens. "Welcome back, sunshine." You kiss his cheek.

"I gotta be away more often." He smirked

"You're always gone." You whispered, backtracking out of the vehicle. Sun follows in tow.

"Yeah, sorry. It comes with the job, ya know?" You turn to face him bemused. "What? I'm kidding."

"I don't need jokes, Sun. I need reassurance and trust." He frowns as you sigh in defeat. You clasp his hand. "You and I are in a good place right now, but that doesn't mean our issues are fixed. We haven't set boundaries or truly known one another. You have your secrets and I have mine. I won't hound you about them, but if it affects everyone you need to let us know. Let me know." You squeeze his hand concerned about the end of the mission. "Trust is a two-way street."

Sun's features contort from annoyance to conviction. "I know. I just want you to trust me, give me time. I'm not trying to deceive anyone." He rubs his thumb over your knuckles. "I want you to know that no matter what happens, don't resent me." His words echo, uncanny to Macaque's quote. He begged you to do the same for him.

You sweetly kiss the tip of his nose. "I won't resent you." You cooed. He smiles fondly, grateful to have you believe in him every step of the way. He presses his head against yours and hums content. Your auras tangling into one. Since the day you touched his hand, you're rejuvenated by his light. It was home to you. The tender moment is ruined by your friend's "awes" in the background.

"You guys are so cute." MK squeaked.

"Ugh, calm down, bud," Sun grunted half embarrassed by the audience. "We were just talk'n."

Tang wiggles his brows and says, "sure it was."

"Alright, why don't you take a seat and get something to eat." You nudge Sun to a chair and show him how to roast marshmallows. He starts to drool at the scent. Once it's a brown color, you feed him. "Now you try." You hand over the reins to join Pigsy by the T.V.

Unfortunately, MK's complaints were voiced over the program. Pigsy inevitably shushes the brunette. Not a minute passes when MK takes a closer inspection at Change's kitchen. He gasps dramatically recognizing an ornament as the Samadhi ring. "Guys look there, it's the ring."

"The second ring of Samadhi is in Change's kitchen?" Pigsy scratches his head quizzically.

Tang geeks out knowing their next destination to be somewhere exciting. "You know what this means? We are going to-"

"The celestial realm!" MK exclaimed.

"No MK. The ring is in space." You corrected.

"In space? We're really going in space this time?" The brunette dances in his stance, unable to contain himself.

Pigsy frantically gathers his belongings for the mission just as siked. "I can't believe it. We're going to Change's kitchen. To the moon."

Mei steps forward asking the real question on everyone's mind. "Hey MK, now that you're smarty boy how exactly are we supposed to get to the moon?"

Before MK can answer, Sun responds, "In a rocket."

"well, that's obvious, but how?" You pried.

"Just build a rocket with the van and we'll fly up there." Sun uses a potato chip to portray a ship landing on the moon.

"Are you drunk?" Your question goes unanswered proceeding with the spaceship plan.

"Oh you mean the powers I don't have anymore?" MK sarcastically said.

Sun groans, irritated at his pessimistic son. "Believe in yourself, bud. The way I believe in you." His words sound hollow as he lectured the lad, yet continues, "you got your gold vision back cause you needed to save your friends. Now you need to get to the moon. So chop! Chop! Don't think just feel it."

"Wise words from an old man out of touch." You remarked earning a shrug from the monkey. "He's right about your powers. You just have to believe. It's all about mentality, MK." You cheered.

Encouraged, he puts his powers to use by levitating the van. You can see it takes an abundance of energy to move it. It's enthralling to watch. Alas, he has yet to rejuvenate his powers only shrinking the vehicle in his endeavor. Tang's unnecessary narration shames Mk even further.

"Don't worry about it, bud. I still believe in you. Maybe you need a stronger motivator. Here, lemme handle this one." Sun consulted and with a wave of his hand, the van reshapes into a rocket. All of his meditation was not in vain after all. MK perks up, marveling at the ship. Exiting the ship is a shrunken Sandy.

"Hey, you guys feel a little lightheaded?" He rubs his eyes unaware. "I think the van's a little huge." He gapes at the size of everyone. It took a second for Tang to explain what had happened during his nap.

In the meantime, the group used the rock paper scissors method to decide who gets to go. In the end, it didn't matter. MK and Sun being important figures set out to the moon with the exception of Pigsy meeting his idol. Mei and Tang sulk about wanting to go. You and Sun step aside and say your goodbyes. You kiss his cheek and stare into his eyes.

"Be careful. I know you have most of your powers, but that doesn't mean you're not capable of attracting danger." You started.

"Don't worry. I can handle myself, hun." He assured.

Your heart flutters at the new nickname. "I'm talking about MK. He hasn't regained his abilities. Be gentle with him. Some people take time."

"I forget, are you the mentor or am I?" He teased. You send him a deadly look causing him to regret his words. "I was kidding, geez. I'll take care of the kid. I promise."

"Good." You said.

"We'll be back before ya know it, ok?" Sun kisses your forehead then boards the rocket.

You stand by as the ship blasts off into space. Mei eventually ceases crying claiming she is over it. In time so was Tang. All that remained is to wait patiently. You had a different way of using your time. Rather than mindlessly watch TV, you gathered some items and sought a tranquil spot to train. In the woods, you found a pond with a miniature waterfall. Flowers bloom around the edges accompanied by fireflies. The illumination of the moon made the area majestic. A perfect landscape to capture on canvas.

You unfold the blanket onto the grass and toss the cushions on top. You pose before the pond, close your eyes and begin meditation. Your soul appears first. Three colorful orbs come into play along the path. You envision the map. You recognize the energy. They belong to your friends. You spot a few more coming from living creatures. You understand why you can sense their auras.

In the distance more and more lights traverse the road you've envisioned. In time, you can sense the entire world. The city, however, is silent. No sound, no cries just the cold and then a demonic scream from Bone Demon. You retreat, shaken by the small fright. "She didn't see you." You tell yourself, afraid you may have compromised the team. "You severed the connection as quickly as she came."

You fix your composure and try again. This time you check in on Sun and Macaque. Sun's butterball is radiating, it's flames dancing. You touch the ball to read his status. He's head over heels about something you can't see. You can guess it's not you. Out of jealousy you send remind him of the mission. The orb calms, sheepish to be caught in an act. You roll your eyes and move to Macaque's soul.

It's fluctuating, rattled and impatient. Whatever L.B.D. is making him do, it's torture to the monkey. You carefully caress the sphere and soothe him. Like a heartbeat, it pulses, resonating with your wavelength. "There, there. You're ok. I have you." You cooed. "We haven't spoken in a while. I wonder if you're well. I hope when we meet again, you're open-minded and inclined to join our operation. More allies mean bigger success. Please...stay alive. We're not done talking." You chuckled, melancholy about the message. It's weird how you once despised Macaque for deceiving you, but his soft side tarnishes his cunning front. You and he were not so different. The same could be said with either monkey.

You let out a heavy sigh and flop on your back—a clear view of the brilliant array of stars above for you to gaze into eternity. Your woes subside losing yourself to the ambiance. When Lady Bone Demon is put to rest, what will become of you? Your life hasn't been the same ever since you joined forces with MK's team. You couldn't live an everyday life any more than you wanted, especially with Sun. How would you even begin to start a new knowing you're dating a celestial sage? There is so much to consider.

"Gah! Why is dating a mystic monkey so stressful?" You cursed.

"Well, that's not hurtful at all." You sit up to the sound of Sun's voice. "What are you doing out here?" He takes a seat beside you with a box of cinnamon rolls.

"I was meditating." You bashfully said. "You got here fast."

"It wasn't much of a hassle as you think. We basically went to visit someone's home and asked for the ring." He informed.

"Ah, that's good. You were going awol up there. Mind telling me what it was?" You cross your arms half expecting him to lie.

"There was this cute bunny mech guarding the moon. I wanted to take it with me." He doted.

"Whoa, you went crazy over that? That's so unlike you. I'm kind of jealous of that rabbit. I couldn't even get you to do that."

Sun sets the box aside and pulls you close. "Dawe, you're not cute." You glare at the simian saving himself from being smacked upside the head. "You're a beauty and there is no one else who can make my heart flips the way you do." He boops your nose.

"Smooth. I'll give you that one." You said.

"I take it you were spying on me with your powers?" He raises a brow as though judging you.

"I wasn't trying to. I really was meditating." You recall the cold screams of L.B.D. "I got frightened so I reached out to your soul."

Sun furrows his brows perplexingly. "Soul?" He prodded. It occurred to you that you haven't talked about your progression in your abilities.

"When I meditate I can see the souls of every living creature. I know what they feel and their auras. Lately, I can read yours so clearly. It might be due to my soul connected to yours." You surmised.

"My soul is attached to you?" You nod in confirmation. "Interesting. It wasn't like that before, right?"

"No." You said. "I think it started when Spider Queen invaded. My body was mimicking your pain. I could feel those shockwaves. It's only happened one time."

Sun hums in thought, deliberating a diagnosis. In his past journey, he hasn't encountered anything similar to your case. What he does know is you're no ordinary human. "Your powers are emotional, a powerful trait. It may not be physical but you're capable of bending one's mind at will. Emotions are not just a form of expression, they come from the mind itself." He lectured. "It's as you told MK. His inability to believe in himself is what keeps him from reigniting his powers." He stares deep into the pond as he recites his theories. "At the same time, everything has an origin. If you want to know where your strength comes from, we're going to have to interrogate your parents."

Your stomach drops at the sound of your parents. Your defect briefly sparks. The last thing you want to confront is your parents. In the midst of your panic, you tuned out Sun's voice. He nudges you back to reality, concerned by your silence. "Sorry." You whispered. "I think my parents can wait. We should focus on Lady Bone Demon."

"Touchy subject?" He commented. You avoid his gaze and nod. "I thought we were supposed to be honest."

"Having some secrets is an exception."

"Is that how that works." He scoffed. " The rules change to benefit you?"

"No!" You argued. "I'll... I'll tell you in time. I just don't want to be a priority when the world is at stake." You specified. "I don't want to argue. I don't want us to be at each other's throats whenever we find something wrong. So let's talk and figure out what we want."

He holds your hand in his and softens. "You're right. This is the first time we've been alone." He rubs his thumb over your knuckles as he thinks about his demands. "When things go wrong I don't want you to run away. I want you to come to me whenever you need something. You're constantly straying or avoiding the truth. I know that I'm no different but we have to try." He tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear. "It seems whenever I hurt you, you leave me in the dark and I'm the one person you can't face."

Your chest squeezes filled with guilt for mirroring his tactics. "Ok." You take a deep breath. "I want the same thing. I want you to tell me about your past so I can help you when you're in a bind. You don't need to shelter me. If we're going to be together, I want you to have faith in me as I do you. Trust goes both ways, Sun. Should we need space that's fine too, but try not to take forever." You chuckled.

"Deal." He acknowledged.

You lean on him resting your head on his shoulder and hand on his chest. "This is nice. We finally have some alone time. I'm not sure when we'll have another moment like this. We better make the most of it." You cooed.

Sun's cheeks begin to heat up at the notion. "O-oh...you wanna um...do the deed right now?"

It's your turn to be confused. Then it hits you, "oh n-no! Not that. That's way too soon." You squeaked.

"Is it? I'm used to the old days. Surviving is all that matters. Some didn't get a chance to live longer than their twenties. People took risks." He explained.

You gawk at the moonlit water. "That sounds poetic. Did you ever?" You pried.

"Nah, I was too focused on my journey to care about any of that stuff." He admitted. "Since I'm retired, anything is possible."

You smile in awe. "It doesn't matter if we might be on the verge of death, we're not technically "alone"." You insinuated.

"Ah, if that's the case." He plucks strands of his hair to manifest a tent with furnishings. There were a lot more pillows and blankets decorated with dim lighting. "Is this better?" He smirked.

You're dazzled by the effort. He lays back, propped on his arm. He taps the open spot next to him. You nervously oblige to lie down. "When did you become the romantic type?"

"What? I've always been suave." He defended. "If I had to be honest, it would be since the day we met." Your heart flutters at his cheekiness.

You cup his cheek and lean in for a kiss. What was supposed to be a simple kiss turns into passion. Sun kisses back, allowing himself to be consumed by your pheromones. A hand lightly rubs your sides igniting your heat. You break the kiss to nibble his ear. His tail twitches in response as if aroused. "Oh~ not so shy anymore are we, peaches?" He teased. You ignore him and proceed to nip his neck. Your fingers comb through his hair and hold the back of his head. Your teeth sink into his neck. He growls.

Sun's hand unbuttons your flannel and exposed your bust covered by your top. Those voluptuous mounds begging to be groped. Alas, you force him to turn away as you kiss up his neck to his cheek and lips. This time he reciprocates with a hard, deep kiss. He pins you down as he looks over you. His hips grind against you causing a shiver down your spine. You buck your hips in response wanting more of him.

He whispers your name as he delves into your neck returning the favor. You wince. Lust's fog dissipates realizing what you were getting into. You're about to make love with your boyfriend in a tent. While the moment is right, the time was not. You weren't ready to take him just yet. "Baby." You panted. "Wait, Sun." Upon hearing his name he looks at you worried.

"What's wrong? Did I hurt you?"

"No, you didn't. We're moving too fast." You said. "I love you, but I'm not ready." You confessed. You cup his cheek apologetically.

He lets out a disappointed sigh. "That's ok, peaches. I understand." He kisses your forehead then peppers your face. You start to giggle, tickled by his fur. He flops beside you and moves his arms under his head. "What do you want to do?"

You rest your head on his chest and stare at the stars above. "Star gaze." He wraps an arm around you and gawks at the sky. Although nothing happened, you were content with the decision you made. All you want to do is enjoy life with Sun Wukong at your side.

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