Moonlight's Guidance

By MehFuckIt

243K 6.3K 7.3K

To be quite frank, it was tiring. The dream, then Lothric, then whatever the fuck was happening in The Lands... More

Prologue: Moonlight Doesn't Lie
Prologue: Blue Grace
Prologue: God Giveth, I Taketh
BIO: Enter Y/n L/n
CH1: Ah Shit, Here We Go Again
CH2: It Was Just a Prank
CH3: An Aspiring Gangstar
CH4: Dark Nights, Bright Lights
CH5: Mamaimmacrimidal
CH6: An Ugly Duckling
CH7: Flightless Birds
CH8: A Mother's Strength
CH9: Racial Catalyst
CH10: The Training Arc
CH11: A Wake Up Call
CH12: Learning to Fly
CH13: Unmasked
CH14: The L O R E
Slight Update
CH15: Two Edge Lords, an Ice Cream, and a Mexican Walk Into a Bar
CH17: The Burning Maiden
CH18: Confidence's Consequence
BIO: Enter Adam Taurus
Just a quick explanation
BIO: Enter Cardin Winchester
CH19: Color Heist
CH20: The Cliffside Tower
CH21: M I D
CH22: Wait a Minute, You're Underage
CH23: Plenty of Space in Space
CH24: Is That a Dagger in Your Sleeve, Or Are You Just Happy to See Me?
CH25: Preamble to a Dick Flattening
CH26: Where We Dropping
CH27: White Snow and Red Roses
CH28: Visitors, or Lack Thereof
CH29: The Gang's All Here
CH30: The Ruins
Christmas Special
CH31: RWBY, JNPR, and... What?
CH32: Because Mental Stability Was Never an Option
CH33: The Schedule for Gifted Murder Machines
CH34: A Patch in Reality
CH35: What Makes a Huntsman?
CH36: RWBY's Dysfunctionality
CH37: When a Bull See's Red
CH38: Coffee?
CH39: Forever Fall
CH40: Favoritism
CH41: Perry? No, Parry
CH42: Ice, Ice Baby
CH2001: It Was Asked of Me, I Must Deliver
CH43: How Many Torches Can a Torchwick Wick?
CH44: Ze Dock
CH45: Dropping Dusty Depot
CH46: Red vs Blue
CH47: Black Ribbon
CH48: Unrelenting Hatred
CH49: Over the Top
CH50: Aftermath
CH51: Recovery
CH52: Catching Up
CH53: Moonlit Dance
CH54: The Chapter with the Drunk Guy
CH55: Iron Fist
Proof of Humanity - Lies of P

CH16: To Forge a God-Slaying Armament

3.2K 95 102
By MehFuckIt

Cardin and his newfound acquaintance were now on a bullhead heading for Patch Island. He assumed that crafting such a weapon would require weeks of preparation and resource gathering. Wether it be fortunate or misfortunate, Ruby told Cardin that the part making was unnecessary. All she needed was metal, dust, and his trust. Which was already quite thin after her serious tone when he asked if the weapon could defeat God.

Nevertheless, the rose has given Cardin her word that no harm will befall on him during their time together. That somewhat comforted him, but in all honesty, he was rather frustrated by the fact that he actually was comforted by the reassurance of a 16 year old. With nothing keeping Cardin occupied but the hum of the bullheads engine, he decided that making conversation would be best with his terrifying smithy.

Cardin: So you're a signal student?

The girl looked up from her scroll and removed her headphones. Just as last time, heavy metal covers were blasting through the device.

Ruby: Yup, I'm on my second year there and I'll be shooting for Beacon once I graduate.

Cardin: That explains your experience with weapons.

Ruby: Oh, that's just been a thing for me, It didn't come with being a Signal student. I've always just liked weapons in general. They're just so... Cool!

Cardin: Don't all second years forge their own weapons? What's yours?

She grinned confidently and put her items in the seat next to her. She reached behind her hip and pulled out a red rectangle shape. Cardin found it confusing at first, then remembered the concept of trick weapons. He always used classics like swords, a few spears... And maces...

She clicked a button on the shape and tossed it in the air. It shifted into a red mechanical great scythe with a pike at the end, and upon further inspection, it too followed the rule of Remnant. It had a gun barrel, thus, it was also a fucking gun.

Ruby: *clears throat* This is my baby, Crescent Rose! She's a beautiful mechanical steel war scythe thats hollowed out and outfitted with a 50. Caliber sniper rifle that's dust augmented.

Cardin: I'm not a gun guy, but that looks like it would blast you back in your ass.

Ruby: Oh it does! But I've learned to use the recoil as a dash attack.

Cardin walked forward and held his hand out.

Cardin: May I?

Ruby considered it for a moment, but reluctantly forked up her child.

Ruby: Damage her and I'll decorate my locker with your entrails.

Cardin: Duly noted.

He held the great scythe in his hand and admitted that he had no clue how you use it. Scythes were evolved from farming tools and required an unholy amount of training. The bright side of learning it though, is that you become a walking guillotine if you know your way around it.

Cardin got in a stiff great sword stance and cleaved at the air in front of him. Ruby chortled and held her hand over her mouth, before losing control and ugly laughing at him.

Cardin: Oh shut up.

Ruby: No, *laugh* it's just that *snort* you look like one of those *wheeze* British soldiers waving flags around!

Cardin rolled his eyes and looked down. He was rather stiff and this was a nimble weapon. Maybe if he...

Cardin loosened his stance and gathered his focus. Ruby stopped laughing, humoring Cardin by giving him the benefit of the doubt. He swung the scythe at the air and tried to twirl it. Unfortunately, he lacked the main character energy and dropped the scythe right above his head. Gravity did it's job and Cardin saw his rather pathetic life flash before his eyes as he was about to be offed in the worst way possible. Guillotine.

Briefly, he saw a flash of red dart above him. Crescent Rose had been taken away with the flash. Amazed that his plot armor was still active, Cardin looked at where Ruby was originally. She was gone. The only thing left as evidence were rose petals scattered across the floor.


Cardin turned and saw a very, very, and I mean very, pissed off Ruby.


The baby dropper was still a but confused on how Ruby seemingly teleported and saved his life simultaneously. He was also curious about the rose petals, but it wasn't a big deal at the moment.

Cardin: Was that your semblance?

She grinned confidently.

Ruby: Yeah, I can convert aura into bursts of speed.

Cardin: That was a bit more than a burst of speed.

Ruby: Was it? I don't really think about how fast I go. I just kinda... Go?

Cardin: You basically flash stepped while grabbing a falling object, that's pretty damn fast.

Ruby looked down at her scythe for a moment, wondering how quickly she had managed to go brrr with her speed. She ran her fingers along the finely sanded blade when suddenly she felt an inconsistency. Inspecting the blade, she saw the slightest scratch on the metal's surface. Cardin took notice of her sudden silence and glanced at the weapon himself.

Then he saw it.

Cardin began slowly backing away from the now ticking time bomb that is Ruby Rose. She slowly looked up and gave him an unsettlingly cheery smile.

Ruby: Hey Cardin, whatcha doing?

Cardin continued to step away, but was halted by the wall of the bullhead. He looked around and realized that he had backed himself into a corner, defenseless, maidenless, and most of all, hopeless.

Cardin: I'm uhhh... Just wondering what a great time we'll have making the sword!

'She loves weapons, that'll work!'

Ruby's lips curled up into a sinister grin.

Ruby: Oh, we'll have a great time!

She readied her scythe.

Ruby: A... great... time...

Ruby raised her scythe and prepared to get a fresh batch of offerings, but the floor rumbled. She was knocked off balance and fell forward. As she did, it seemed as if time had slowed down. All she could see was the floor slowly getting closer to her.

'I can save her, but should I...?'

Cardin debated wether or not saving the crimson gemstone was a wise decision.

'Isn't this the part where he catches me?'

Before both could contemplate their situations, time was returned to normal and Ruby fell flat on her face, leaving a stunned and possibly afraid Cardin standing next to her. The door of the bullhead retracted and Cardin saw the pearly white sidewalk of Signal Academy. This was it. This was his chance to escape the demon!

And just as quickly as it had came, his hope vanished as he felt a brush of wing breeze by his side. Standing in front of him was Ruby, who was clutching her scythe like it was the world's greatest stress ball.

Ruby: How are we gonna do this?

Cardin: Can we just go make the sword...?

Ruby: Like I said, we will!

She converted the scythe back into box form and stashed it away at her hips behind the cloak. Cardin took this as a sign of peace and lowered his guard. However, that was all according to Aizen's plan. Ruby dashed forward at Cardin once more, this time halting right behind him.

Ruby: But for now, let's go make us an illegal sword!

She put her headphones back on and began skipping towards the school with death metal blasting into her ears. Cardin was rather annoyed by the fact that he was being bitched by someone who's first name is a gem and last name is a flower. Seriously, can you even get more unoriginal?


'I'll just get my sword, then she'll be out of my hair. Not to be rude, but she's a bit too much.'


Ruby: And this is the forge!

She guided Cardin through a large room with a massive furnace in the middle of the room. The walls were lined with tools, weapons, and safety equipment. The room was lined with desks and shelves, likely used by the students when deciding their preference of killing. In the back was a massive board filled to the brim with notes, blueprints, and tips for smithing.

Cardin: Holy shit...

Ruby: I know right?

He walked to the massive furnace and immediately stuck his hand near it. His make instincts were telling him to touch the burning light. Ruby's eyes widened in panic was she saw Cardin reach out to touch the big burning di- furnace. She dashed forward and slapped his hand. However, the rose petals had landed in the furnace and they lit ablaze, slightly charring the rose's cape.

Cardin: Crap, sorry!

She pat down the side of her cape and gave him a nervous smile.

Ruby: It's okay, I did the same thing. Intrusive thoughts?

Cardin: Girls get that too?

Ruby: Everyone does.

Cardin shrugged and walked over to one of the desks. In his bag, he had the schematics for his absolute thundercock of a weapon. He laid the schematics out on the desk while Ruby peeked from behind him.

Cardin: I've thought about it, and sixty pounds is too light.

'He's either crazy, stupid, or Yang, and I don't know which of those are worse.'

Cardin: Let's up the weight limit to one hundred pounds.

'Oh boy, he's all three.'

Cardin: Can we do that?


Cardin: Ruby?

The girl snapped out of her thoughts.

Ruby: What? Oh, yeah, we can. It'll take a while to forge though.

Cardin: How long?

Ruby: A day if we get it first try.

Cardin: So a month then?

Ruby: Well that's just the forging. You asked for a sword that can kill Jesus right? It'll take me another month for the gathering, sacrificing, offering, imbuing, and the binding.

Cardin: Dead God...

Ruby: Yeah, might as well ask him now while you have a chance.

Cardin: Okay, let's just start with the forging.

Ruby: Deal. So what do you want this made out of?

Cardin: Heaviest stuff you can use.

Ruby's face shifted into a devilish smile. She turned to Cardin with that certain gleam in her eyes.

Ruby: Alright, do me a favor and look around. I'm gonna go grab some equipment from the science room.

Cardin: Okay...?

She walked out of the room, leaving Cardin alone with his thoughts and his concerns for his safety. Seriously, he's made a deal with the devil...

He took a seat and leaned back.


Ruby: (From the distance) CARDIN!

Cardin jolted up from his seat and heard the loud sounds of Ruby approaching from the halls. The footsteps continued to get closer until they suddenly halted at the door.


The door was kicked open by Ruby, who was holding two hazmat suits. She yeeted the large one at Cardin, who panicked and fell out of his chair. He quickly got up and dusted his pants.

Ruby: Take off your clothes.

Cardin: WHAT?

Ruby: You can't wear a jacket under a hazmat, so take it off.

Cardin: Oh... You meant... Nevermind.

Cardin took off all unnecessary clothing and put on the large white rad suit. It was surprisingly roomy once you got over the tugging on your balls. Either that, or Cardin just had massive balls. The world will probably know in about 40 or so chapters.

Moving on, Cardin and Ruby had changed into their baggy science drip and Cardin was rather confused.

Cardin: Why are we wearing hazmat suits?

Ruby: You asked for the heaviest alloys we have. Well the first one is poisonous and the second one increases your chance of cancer.


Ruby: Stop being such a baby. Your aura will take most of the damage, the suits are just for safety.

Ruby guided him to the back of the forge. A large door labeled storage was placed there. Cardin was actually wondering how he didn't notice the large piece of metal himself. Ruby clicked a button on the side and it slip open. Inside the door were multiple metals in glass casings with labels and information.

Ruby: Alright, we need three ounces of iridium and and four ounces of plutonium.

Cardin stepped forward and took in the sight of hundreds of alloys, each with their own set of toxins, dangers, and apparently, cancers.

Cardin: Where...?

She pointed down the hall.

Ruby: Iridium is that way, I'll get the plutonium.

She skipped away, still blasting death metal in her ears.

'How did she manage to sneak headphones into a hazmat suit?'

Cardin walked down the hall, admiring the metals and their obscene weight. He was also exited for his new weapon, even though it would take apparently the whole summer. He hoped that Ruby was joking, or else he might have to attend Beacon with hardly any training with the weapon.

He found a tube labeled Iridium and snatched it.

'Perfect, now I just have to make sure it doesn't give me cancer.'

He walked back into the forge, where he saw Ruby already preparing the materials needed to forge the blade.

Cardin: Got the cancer.

He tossed her the vile of metal. Ruby reached out to catch it, but fumbled and dropped it. She used her semblance to dash town and hit it back up, but now she couldn't grab it because she was on the ground. She frog leaped back up and cought it in her mouth, pause. Wait, isn't she 16-

Ruby: Mph phm pff!

Cardin: Great, now bite down.

She rolled her eyes, took the vile, and blew him a raspberry.

Ruby: Alright, time do some forging!

Cardin: So about the whole sacrificing thing-

Ruby: I haven't forgiven you for scratching Crescent Rose.


Oh yeah, really quickly, does anybody have reasons on why Obamacare was a bad thing? I have a debate case to write and googles done fuck all to help.

Alright thanks.

My apologies for not clarifying last chapter, but the Cardin ship will not be happening until far far down the line. It would be pretty dumb for him to be silently racist then go fuck the bunny woman. He still has a whole character arc to go through.

Anywho, should I add any modifications to Dragonslayer? Or rather, the Guts Sword. In case you haven't noticed, Ruby being a satanist in now a plot point because God damn do I have a backstory coming up for her. Not to brag, but I've got her abridged character down to a T.

So, anything from giving it Dragonslayer's ability to shank ghosts or maybe summon Guts himself as a stand.

Okay seriously though, have limits. I love Car(Guts)din, but don't make him a planetary character just cuz of how powerful the sword is.


I've realized that this book isn't exactly a male reader anymore. Yes, it's a self insert, but Y/n only shows up in half of the scenes, so he's more of a main cast than a reader book.

Should I center Y/n a bit more? I don't want my male reader rating to go down because of false advertising.

Two polls, that's all.

(And please dude this case is fucking me PLEASE)


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