Forgive and Forget | Harry Po...

By xxgenwritesxx

145K 2.8K 175

Amelia Black, daughter of Isabella Black. Starting her third year at Hogwarts, things begin to change. Previo... More



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By xxgenwritesxx



Tuesday had seemed to drag, most likely due to the classes they had had that day: Potions, Transfiguration, Herbology and Ancient runes.

They hadn't done anything special and in Potions Amelia had to sit next to one of the people she hated the most in the world, Harry Potter.

This made the lesson ten times worst. Though the pair never spoke to one another during theory lessons they did have to when they got to actually making the potion.

Luckily for her the day was now Wednesday which meant one thing: Quidditch tryouts. Amelia loved quidditch ever since she was a young child.

She always thought the enjoyment for the sport ran through her blood, Narcissa Black, now Malfoy, had played for Slytherin as a seeker.

When she left her uncle, Regulus, then took over as a seeker. Sirius had also played as a chaser for Gryffindor.

At breakfast she met with all her friends. It was a rare occasion for them, each one of them were there in the Great Hall.

They'd also all be there at the tryouts (even if they weren't trying out for the team) to support one another.

"Have you decided what position your going to try out as?" Draco asked his cousin.

Amelia had thought hard about this. Since Draco told her she would be a good seeker she did consider it but in the end she decided to keep as a chaser, it was her favourite position to play after all and she didn't have a ton of pressure on her all the time.

"I'm going to stick with Chaser. You should definitely tryout as seeker again though." She encouraged.

"I think I will. What about you Theo?"

"Beater. Are you doing chaser again Blaise?"

Blaise nodded not paying much attention to their conversation.

"Right. You lot better get going. We'll be in the stands in ten minutes." Pansy told them.

Daphne stood up with Pansy. "Yeah. I need to head back to the dorm quickly before grabbing Blake."

"Does the girl have to watch." Draco complained.

Amelia rolled her eyes, hitting him in the ribs. "She's my best friend, of course she has to watch."

Draco put his hands up in surrender.

"See you guys soon." Amelia said to her friends, watching as they walked out the Great Hall.

Soon after the girls had left the group of four headed towards the Quidditch pitch. Slytherin was the first house to host their tryouts this year, the other houses having theirs in the upcoming week or so.

"My parents bought me the new model this year." Boasted Draco as they picked up their broomsticks from the broom closet.

Theo and Amelia looked at each other at his comment, raising an eyebrow and almost laughing.

"That's nice." Said Blaise.

Nobody else had said anything about Draco's comment instead they were distracted by Slytherins Captain, Marcus Flint heading in their direction,

"Good luck today. You already have a high chance on getting on the team just don't mess up." He told the group.

"Thanks mate." Theo said doing some handshake thing with him.

The rest of them also gave their 'thank you' and appreciation to him and then he had walked off to the pitch.

"Are we finally found to the pitch now?" Asked Draco, he was radiating with excitement.

The excitement of quidditch was contagious, spreading to the friend group and other people around them.

Amelia was quick to reply trying to calm him down slightly, a hyper Draco was an annoying Draco. "Yeah, let's go."

By the time they reached the quidditch pitch their was already a crowd of people there. Some in the stands, either cheering on their friends or just simply watching, and then there were the people who were trying out.

Majority of them were trying out for the team.

To get everyone to quieten down Flint had shouted at them all. Once there were no voices that could be heard he began dishing out his instructions.

"Right. To warm up do two laps around the outside of the pitch." Flint instructed, when he saw nobody had moved an inch he then shouted again. "Go!"

That got them all moving. Amelia and Theo were one of the first in the air and quickly took the lead. Behind them was Draco and Blaise.

This came to no surprise to her, considering the amount of time and effort she had spent over the summer perfecting the way she played Quidditch.

The wind blew Amelia's hair all over the place making her curse quietly under her breath for not tying it up before they had started.

Quickly she made a mental note to do it before they began with the drills, not wanting it to affect the way she played.

Halfway through the first lap Theo had made the mistake of looking back to see who was behind him.

This allowed Draco and some fourth year to speed right ahead of him, taking third and second.

For the rest of the lap Amelia had remained in first place whereas Blaise had fallen behind some sixth year and fifth year.

Theo had also fallen behind but not by much and he almost immediately became second once again.

The wind grew stronger on the second lap causing Amelia to jolt backwards and ultimately fall behind a chunk of people.

Annoyed at herself she recovered as quick as she could and forced her broom to go at top speed as it could.

Somehow she had landed back on the floor second - one of the sixth years being first.

Although she didn't win out of everyone she was still proud of herself for beating everyone in her friend group and she heard Blake and Daphne loudly cheering her on.

Even if they weren't right there in front of her at least she knew she had their support. Giving them a quick smile to show her appreciation she lined up with the others.

"Good work. Now quickly as possible get into groups. Beaters go over there." Flint pointed in one direction. "Chasers there" he pointed again, this time next to the beaters. "Then seekers, there. Keepers there."

With his instructions all those who were trying out rushed into the places they were meant to go. The chaser team being one of the biggest and the keeper group being the smallest out of them all.

Despite the chaser group having the most people in it, Amelia was not worried. She had confidence in herself and was so sure that her hard work would pay off.

He started assessing those who wanted to be beaters first. Then keepers, seeker and lastly chasers. Once Flint had decided he was satisfied enough he sent them into a game. Trying to see who worked well with who.

"Over here!" Blaise shouted to Amelia.

Noticing he was free see through the quaffle into his arms and then moved into some more free space.

He threw to another girl, who was on their team, she then threw to Amelia who had managed to throw it into the goal and score a point.

As she flew past Theo they both high-five one another.

More games had past and it had seemed Flint was finally happy with a team. He had got them to stand and await his announcement.

"Thank you all for coming but I have finally decided the Slytherin team. This year the beaters will be, Crabbe and Nott!" Everyone clapped for the two as they walked to one side of Flint. The noise had turned into silence and he began again. "Keeper will be Bletchley." Another round of applause went around. "Seeker is Draco Malfoy. And finally chasers are Adrian Pucey and Amelia Black alongside me of course!"

Amelia had smiled when she heard her name. She had also grinned when she saw Blake and Daphne running towards her cheering her name.

"On the quidditch team again! Third year in a row!" Blake chanted.

Amelia engulfed each of them in a hug, not noticing Regulus Black and Sirius Black walking on the pitch, back to the castle.

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