By agestoages

457 251 12

"Once you cross that line, there's no turning back" Saxlim said in a cold voice. Hellen and June looked at he... More



47 25 0
By agestoages

"I've got to go now, it's getting late. And by this time tomorrow her body will have floated, and it will be easier for us to recover her corpse"
The last diver told Catherina as he wanted to go home. Catherina who has been crying all through ever since her friend drowned in the river earlier in the afternoon.
Looked at the diver with her swollen face and teary eyes.

"Please! don't let her sleep in the river, she's not dead yet, try once more, you will find her" she told him with a crying voice.
The last diver looked at her surprised, doubting her sanity. He wondered how possible is it for someone who have drowned in the river since afternoon and yet to be found, to still be alive till the evening like she claimed.

Finally; he concluded that Catherina was seriously losing touch with reality and needed help. He looked at her with compassion and observed that her entire body was shaking from the trauma. The diver put himself in her shoes and felt the pains of a friend that had gone to the river to swim with her friend and she drowned.

He drew Catherina closer to his body. Consoled her and finally promised her that he will be in the river as early as possible the following morning to continue the search for her friend. As he talked to Catherina, he pointed at the sun which was gradually going down. Catherina having realized that the diver was very earnest with her, then; agreed to go home and return tomorrow for the search. And they both left the river.

It was already dark before Catherina could get to the bus station. She jumped into the next available bus going to Retawnus. Retawnus is a mega city, super developed and the biggest commercial hub. Supernova University is located in Retawnus and that is where Catherina and her friends were schooling. Few minutes later, the bus got filled and left for Retawnus.

Catherina settled on her seat looking blankly in the air as she leaned her back on the seat's support. She chose a seat at the window side and the window was fully opened; cool breeze flew in and caressed her soft skin as the bus sped on the road.

Her mind had been racing through everywhere. She was so confused and did not know what to do. A part of her thoughts adviced her to report the incident to the police and another part of her thought tried to fight the idea, but no better idea came forth to determine what her next line of action should be. So, she became solidly convinced that the best thing to do was to report to the police station to make entry.

She closed her eyes; flashes of memories of how Saxlim drowned and how she tried in vain with other local divers to recover her body. She heaved a great sigh.
"Are you okay?"
asked her neighbor in the bus. She nodded and managed to reply with a faint voice,
"I'm good" forcing a dry smile. Her neighbor reciprocated with a warmer smile. He looked the same age with Catherina, 20 or 21, tall, slim and dark in complexion.
"Am Nathan" he said as he offered his hand.
"Catherina" she said coldly, received his hand in the air in hand shake.

Before Nathan could open his mouth to say a word, Catherina snapped;
"Please am not in the mood for conversation, all that I required of you right now is silence, could you please keep your mouth shut?"
"Okay, alright" replied Nathan, nervously.
"Thank you" Catherina said wearing a fake smiling face.

The radiant smile on Nathan's face dried up. He tried to mind his business by focusing on his iPad; but every now and then he stole a look at Catherina. Catherina had both her belongings and that of Saxlim in her hand bag. They normally go swimming in one big hand bag that can contain all their belongings. Either of them would volunteer to provide hers. But in this occasion it was Catherina that provided her hand bag. And they had all their swimming items stuffed in it. Suddenly; she started looking for something in her bag, searching every corners of her bag with intense anxiety.

"It's like you misplaced something?" Nathan asked
"Leave me alone" screamed Catherina , everybody in the bus turned their attention towards their direction. Having seen that the entire bus occupants were now looking at them; they both maintained a long silence.
"Am sorry, I shouldn't have shouted at you" Catherina whispered.
"It's okay, I noticed you had a terrible day" Nathan replied.
" I will stop at the next bus stop" Catherina said to him.
"Just like that?" Nathan asked
"Yes" replied Catherina.
"If that's the case, then; I will stop where you stops" Nathan
"You must be crazy" Catherina said looking surprised.
"You are the one who drove me crazy" Nathan teased her.

Catherina chuckled, and that was the only sincere laughter or smile she had ever exhibited since her friend Saxlim drowned. When they got to the bus station. As Catherina jumped down Nathan followed her.
"What, why following me?" Catherina asked confused.
"Something in me told me that you might need my help tonight, you don't look okay to me at all" Nathan replied.
Catherina paused and looked at him for a while perplexed.

"Okay, since you wanted to know, am going to the police station to report about my friend that drowned in the river today" Catherina explained to him in a sad low tone.
"Drowned?" Nathan asked looking lost in thought.
"Yes, she drowned this afternoon, we looked for her body but could not find her" she replied.

Her phone beeped in her hang bag, And there came the first text message that had entered after the incident. She decided to check the message. She brought the phone from her hand bag, swiped the screen open, typed in her password and clicked on the message icon on the screen of her phone. Behold it was Saxlim whom she was going to the police station to report about how she drowned, that sent the message, Catherina griped with fear and confusion.
"What a hell!" She screamed at the top of her voices; her fingers trembled and the phone fell off from her hand.

Nathan swiftly sliced his hand through the air under Catherina's arm and catched the phone and read the message out loud.
"Where have you been Catherina, we are worried about you.....and you have not been picking your calls"
Catherina stood looking at Nathan flabbergasted having heard him read out the message contents.

Tiny beads of sweat formed on her face, in the middle of well ventilated cool Atmosphere. gradually; she began to lose her breath and dizziness erude her, she collapsed. Nathan threw his arm and entire body towards her, and held her tight.

Before Nathan laid her down, he sat on the bare floor first and laid Catherina's head on his laps. He checked her pulse, she was still breathing.

He whispered her name into her ears softly. "Catherina, Catherina.... Please wake up, Catherina" she heaved a heavy breath and inhaled a big gulp of oxygen as someone who was chocking. She opened her eyes and saw Nathan looking at her passionately and waiting for her to wake up- someone she just mate tonight.

"What's going on Catherina" Nathan asked. Catherina tried to get up, Nathan held her tighter and helped her up from his laps and she sat beside him.

Catherina quickly rushed her hand bag, turned it up-side-down and emptied all the items on the ground. She began to look for Saxlim belongings both phones and cloths, but non of them were in the hand bag. She remembered watching Saxlim put those items in her bag while they were dressing up for swimming.

"Her phone and cloths are not here" Catherina soliloquized.
"Whose cloths and phone?" Nathan inquired.
"Saxlim; my drowned friend; her belongings are not in my bag again"
"There must be a mixed up somewhere" Nathan opined.
"Am going crazy; just tell me that I'm dreaming" Catherina said as she snatched her phone from Nathan, and went straight into her contacts and dialed June's phone number. She picked at once.
"Where have you been, and why have you not been picking your calls?" June asked.

She waited for a while, June kept on saying hello, and Catherina asked,
"Is Saxlim there?"
"Yes, she has been here since afternoon and we both have been calling your line" June replied.

"She is a ghost, she drowned in the river this afternoon, you and Hellen should live that room immediately" Catherina said to June shivering.
"My phone is on the speak out, both Hellen and Saxlim are here, they have been following our conversation" June said. Then; Saxlim voice pierced in,

"who is a ghost and who drowned in the river?" Having heard Saxlim's voice Catherina threw the phone on Nathan, who skillfully grabbed it in the air and cut the call as Catherina shivered in great shock.

Hope you enjoyed it.

English is not my first language, bear with me in case you see any grammatical errors.

You can point them out for immediate corrections.

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