Marvel Women Oneshots

By Winter_Widow__

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Marvel Women Oneshots I will be taking requests for this if anyone has any This is a book I've created with m... More

Quick Note
Close with the Power Broker
Close with the Power Broker 2
Assassinating the Assasin
The Other Barton
You Won't Like the Movie
Our Family
8 Month Mission
Meeting the Family
Just Another Day at the Base...Right?
Movie Theater
I'm Not Who You Think I AM
That One Night
Got A Secret
Press Tour
Who Are You?
We Finally Found You
Is It Really You
I Will Always Be With You
The Woods Brought Us Together
The Switch
The Switch 2
Eight Years Later
Road Trip
A Simple Spell Can't Fix Everything
Multiversal Confusion
Pumpkin Carving
Lock the door
Always Pulled Apart
Mission Gone Wrong
Siblings from Talokan


293 1 0
By Winter_Widow__

Wynter: "Astrid, can you take these to the infirmary in the west wing"

Astrid: "of course"

Wynter hands Astrid a basket filled with towels and other supplies

Wynter: "please get that to the infirmary within the next 10 minutes"

Astrid: "of course"

She starts to walk away and down the halls

As she is walking down the hall, she gets grabbed and dragged into a room. Astrid drops the basket on the ground, the content in it falls everywhere

Astrid: "what in Odin's name!"

Hela: "Astrid, 'tis me"

Astrid: "Hela, what is the meaning of this!"

Hela: "I just missed you"

Astrid: "I was only gone for a few days with the queen"

Hela: "I know but I still missed you, I missed your presence"

Astrid: "oh no"

Hela: "what is wrong?"

Astrid: "I need to get this to infirmary right away. They are expecting it. I do not want to get in trouble"

Hela: "here let me help you clean it all up"

She helps Astrid clean up

Hela: "here you go darling"

She puts the final objects in the basket

The black haired woman hands the brunette woman the basket

Astrid: "thank you"

Hela: "will you come see me tonight, once you are finished with your work"

Astrid: "of course i will"

Hela: "I love you"

Astrid: "I love you too"

They both kiss

Astrid: i must go now

Hela: of course but before you go

She kisses Astrid one last time

Astrid: "I will see you in a few hours, no need to worry"

Later that night

Hela: "where is she, where is she?"

She hears a knock on her window

Looking up, she sees Astrid

Hela rushes over and opens the window

Hela: "I thought you forgot"

Astrid: "how could I forget"

They both kiss

Astrid: "I am sorry that it took a bit longer than unusual. I worked later than usual"

Hela: "I do not care. I am glad that you are now here"

Astrid smiles and they both kiss again

Hela: "shall I run a bath before we head to bed?"

Astrid: "of course"

Hela smiles down at her lover

Hela: "while I get that together, can you get our sleepwear from the closet"

Astrid: "I will"

She walks to the closet and grabs Hela's night gown

Astrid lays the gown on the bed and walks back over to the closet, digging towards the back

She finds her nightgown and lays it on the bed next to Hela's

Hela: "my love, the bath is ready"

Astrid: "coming"

The next morning

Hela wakes up, her arms wrapped around Astrid

Hela: "my love, it's time to wake up...the others in the palace will be up soon"

Astrid yawns and she opens her eyes

Hela: "did you sleep well?"

Astrid: "I did"

She yawns again and Kathryn chuckles

Hela: "come on"

She kisses Astrid's forehead

Hela gets out of bed, Astrid getting out of bed right after

Hela: "I forgot to inform you last night, I am leaving today with my mother. We are visiting another planet"

Astrid: "how long will you be gone?"

Hela: "I'm not too sure, it will be more than a day"

Astrid sighs

Hela: "Hey, look at me. I will be back before you know it and I promise you I will make it up to you"

Astrid: "I know but I will miss you"

Hela: "so will "I

They both kiss

Hela: "you should get ready, the others will be up soon"

Astrid: "right"

A few hours later

Astrid is waking through the hallway when she bumps into one of the other maids

Astrid: "Alice, I am so sorry"

Alice: "watch where you are going Astrid"

Astrid: "I'm sorry, I am"

She picks up the items that fell out of Alice's hands

Astrid: "here, I am sorry again"

Alice: "did you just come out of the princesses bedroom?"

Astrid: "I did"

Alice: "why are you always around the princess?"

Astrid: "my gods. I've told you multiple times.i was helping her- Do you know what, I do not have to explain it to you again because I've explained it enough times"

Alice: "she always asks for you out of all of us, I find that interesting"

Astrid: "I can't deal with this, I need to finish up with my tasks"

She walks away

A few days later

Astrid: "good morning may"

May: "good morning Astrid"

Astrid: "what do you need me to do?"

May: "prince Loki needs help"

Astrid: "where is he?"

May: "his bedroom"

Astrid nod and walks towards Loki's bedroom

Astrid: "your majesty"

Loki: "Astrid"

Astrid: "what do you need help with?"

Loki: "could you help me get ready for my meeting with my family and the Mikealson family"

Astrid: "of course"

30 minutes later

Astrid: "here you are"

She helps Loki put his jacket on

Loki: "thank you for helping me Astrid"

Astrid: "of course, do you need anything else your majesty"

Loki: "that is all Astrid"

Astrid nods

Loki: "Astrid what is wrong?"

Astrid: "I haven't seen Hela in days and I miss her"

Loki: "I'm sure you will see her soon"

Astrid: "may I ask you something"

Loki: "what is it?"

Astrid: "when you found out about Hela and I, why did you not tell the king?"

Loki: "because it is hard to please my sister but when you came along, you did. I have never seen her that happy before you came"

Astrid smiles

Guard: "your majesty, you father is calling for you"

Loki: "I will be down right now"

Guard: "of course"

The guard walks out

Loki: "Well I must get going. If you need anything, we can talk when I return"

Astrid: 'thank you"

A few hours later, Astrid tidying up a room, humming to herself and not paying attention to what's happening around her

Hela: "Astrid"

Astrid screams as Hela grabs her from behind

Astrid: "my gods, Hela! you cannot keep on doing this. Someone will see us!

Hela: "let them"

She tries to kiss Astrid but Astrid leans away

Astrid: "you know we cannot do that, we cannot risk anyone seeing us"

The princess of Asgard sighs

Hela: "I know but I just want to be around you. I miss you"

Astrid cups Hela's face

Astrid: "I know but sneaking around like this is better than not being able to see each other at all"

Hela: "I suppose"

She sighs

Astrid: "hey, look at me"

Hela looks down at her lover

Astrid: "one day, we will be together where we do not have to hide our true selves"

Hela nods and kisses Astrid

As they are kissing, Alice passes by. She sees the two woman kissing and takes off running down the halls into the throne room

Alice: "my king!"

Odin: "what is it that you need?"

Alice: "there is something important that you should know, your majesty"

Odin: "what is it?"

Alice: "Astrid and princess Hela have been sneaking behind your back"

Odin: "how so?"

Alice: "They are in a romantic relationship. I caught them kissing while I was passing one of the halls"

Odin: "what?"

Alice: "my ki-"

Odin: "leave me at once"

Alice: "of course"

She rushes out of the room

Odin turns to the guards in the room

Odin: "find Hela and Astrid at once. Bring them here"

Guards: "of course"

5 minutes later

Hela: "father, you called for me"

Astrid: "your majesty"

Odin: "follow me"

Astrid: "of course, your majesty"

Hela: "yes father"

Both women share a look as they walk with the king of Asgard to the building at the end of the bifrost

Odin: "I am disappointed in you both. Both of you broke my trust and i gave you everything"

Hela: "father I do not understand"

Odin: "you my child will. I gave you everything you have ever wanted and you"

He turns to Astrid

Odin: "how dare you do that to my daughter, how dare you both. Kissing one another. Someone like you does not deserve to live here"

Hela: "father, please calm down"

Odin: "I took you in when you were alone, crying on the streets when you were nothing but a little poor girl. You are a disgusting servant. You do not deserve to serve myself or the royal family"

Hela: "do not speak to her like that!"

Odin: "silence!"

Hela, frightened by her father, does not say anything

Odin: "Astrid Miriamdottir. You have betrayed me. You have betrayed me like the ones locked away in Asgard's cells"

Astrid: "your majesty-"

Odin: "silence!"

Astrid fights back tears

Odin: "You are unworthy of living amongst myself and the rest of Asgard. You are unworthy of the ones you betrayed, myself included. I've done so much for you throughout your life only for you to repay me like this. I, Odin Allfather, cast you out"

Hela: "Father no!"

Odin raises his staff and blasts Astrid, sending her flying back into the bifrost

Hela: "Astrid!"

The bifrost gate shuts before Hela could reach it

Odin: "I am very disappointed in you Hela. I raised you to be a proper woman so that one day, you will take my place as the queen of Asgard. You have disappointed me my child"

Hela: "I rather be a disappointment then hiding my true self"

Odin: "I have had enough of this"

He walks out, making his way back to the palace

Hela sees Heimdall walking to the center, removing his sword from the center

Hela: "Heimdall"

She runs up to the keeper of the Bifrost

Hela: "Heimdall, take me to her, please!"

Heimdall: "you know that I cannot do that princess Hela"

Hela: 'Heimdall please, I beg you. I need her"

Heimdall: "and I cannot go against the king's orders. I am deeply sorry"

Tears start to run down Hela's cheek. Many emotions start to flood. Anger, sadness, and even guilt. Hela takes off running back to the palace

Instead of running back into the palace, she runs into the garden, collapsing to the ground, crying

Sif: "Hela? What is wrong?"

She rushes over to her friend and kneels next to the princess

Hela: "my father, h-he found out about Astor and I. He sent her away and I am unable to go to her"

Sif: "Hela"

She pulls her friend into a hug

Hela: "I do not know what to do without her. I need her Sif, I need Astrid

Sif: "we will find a way to bring her back to Asgard"

Loki: "Hela"

He runs over to hela

Loki: "sister, i head what happened"

Hela: "I-I don't know what to do"

Loki: "we will find a way to get her back"

10 years later

Astrid crouches down, running her fingers through the grass. Flowers blooming

She smiles at what she created. As she is admiring what she created, something starts to form behind her. A green portal starts to open and out steps Hela

Astrid: "Hela?"

Hela: "hello my love"

Astrid runs over and jumps into the goddesses arms, both kissing

Astrid: "I missed you so much"

Hela: "so did I"

Astrid: "How, how are you here? It would be against the orders of the allfather for you to be here"

Hela: "that man is dead"

Astrid: "Good, that man deserves it. When did you become the ruler of Asgard?"

Hela: "a week ago today, I was crowned King of Asgard after my father joined our ancestors"

Astrid: "what?"

Hela: "With him gone and me being the ruler of Asgard, I am allowed to be here. You can come home with me. We can finally be together after so I promised you all those years ago. Come home with me, please. My brothers miss you, Sif, everyone. Please"

Astrid: "why wouldn't I?"

Hela hugs Astrid tightly and kisses her once more

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