Movie Theater

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(I try not to make any actor stories but this idea popped into my head and really wanted to write it so here it is. also SLIGHT SPOILERS FOR MOM. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED)

Rikki: "come on Lizzie"

Lizzie: "I told you, baby. I don't want to go"

Rikki: "come on, it's your first move since Endgame and that was 3 years ago"

Lizzie: "I went to the premiere"

Rikki: "but you didn't watch the movie"

Lizzie: "I have work and aren't you going to see it with your friends"

Rikki: "about that, that was a lie. I bought two tickets so we can see it. You're coming and you have no choice. And also because AMC won't refund me my tickets"

Lizzie: "fine but I swear if someone recognizes me I am blaming you and never doing this again"

Rikki: "okay okay"

At the movie theater

Rikki:" want to get some popcorn before we head into the theater?"

Lizzie: "sure. I'm craving some right now"

They walk over to the concession stand and wait inline

Lizzie: "look. They have themed popcorn buckets for the movie"

Rikki: "that looks cool, we should get it"

Cashier: "next, please"

They walk over to the cashier

Cashier: "hi. What can I get you?"

Rikki: "can we get one fruit punch and one coke. And 2 of the multiverse of madness popcorn buckets if you have them"

Cashier: "let me check in the back. Give me a sec"

He walks away

Lizzie: "thank god for these face masks. So far no one has recognized us"

Rikki chuckles

The cashier walks back with the two buckets in hand

Cashier; "you both are lucky. These are the last two. Let me fill them up for you"

He walks over to the popcorn machine

As Rikki and Lizzie wait, they talk

Cashier: "here you go. You're two drinks and popcorn buckets. That will be 70.45"

Rikki nods and takes her wallet out

As Rikki is paying Lizzie looks around and hears something from the cashier next to them

Cashier: "I'm sorry but we're all out of the multiverse of madness popcorn buckets"

??: "really"

Cashier: "I'm sorry. Is there anything else I can get for you"

??: "I really wanted to get it... can I get a small cherry slush and nachos instead"

Cashier: "of course"

??: "can this day get any worse. My friends all [itched me and I can't even get something I've been wanting for a while"

Lizzie: "baby"

She pulls on Rikki's hoodie

Rikki: "what's wrong love?"

Lizzie: "that girl over there wasn't able to get one of teh popcorn buckets and seems really upset. We should give her one of ours. We don't need two"

Rikki: "okay love"

Lizzie: "can you ask if they have a sharpie or something"

Rikki: "for what?"

Lizzie: "please can you just ask"

Rikki: "I'm so sorry for asking but do you have a sharpie or something"

Cashier: "here"

Rikki: "thank you"

She hands the sharpie to Lizzie and Lizzie takes one of the popcorn buckets. she walks over to the girl

Lizzie: "hey. I heard you trying to get one of these but my wife and I bought the last two. I wanted to give it to you. We only need one"

??: "y-you're Elizabeth Olsen"

Lizzie nods

??: "oh my god"

Lizzie: "what's your name?"

??: "Julika"

Lizzie: "well Julika, here. To brighten up your day but before"

Lizzie opens the sharpie and signs one of the sides of the popcorn box, she then hands it to Julika

Julika: "oh my god, thank you. Thank you"

Lizzie: "no problem"

Rikki: "ready to go"

Lizzie: "hold on. What theater are you in?"

Julika: "4, seat H13"

Rikki: "hey, that's right next to us"

Julika: "this is the best day ever"

After the movie back at home

Rikki: "that was a great movie. The effects were awesome and most importantly my wife looked great during the whole thing"

Lizzie: "even when I was murdering people"

Rikki: "mhm"

Lizzie laughs and Rikki kisses her

Lizzie: "I'm glad you dragged me to see the movie. It was amazing to see how it turned out great and I got to meet a fan today"

A couple of days later

Interviewer: "the last time we saw you I had asked you to see if you've seen Multiverse of Madness and you had said no. Has that changed at all?"

Lizzie: "yes I have. I have now seen the movie"

The audience cheers

Interview: "really. What was the change in thought?"

Lizzie: "I happen to have a very persuasive wife who happened to drag me to the theater not taking no for an answer"

Everyone laughs

(I've literally gone to three different AMC theaters looking for the doctor strange MoM popcorn. I really want it but don't. want to spend 100+ dollars because that's how much they are going for on the secondary market. anyways, I hope you enjoyed this first oneshot)

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