Meeting the Family

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(In honor of one of my most liked stories Soulmates being released a little over a year ago now. I meant to put this out a week ago but I wasn't able to finish it in time)

Alexei: "I don't want to go"

Nat: "I know but we have to. We haven't seen them in years. Even before you were born"

Alexei: "why not?"

Avery: "because it's been hard"

Alexei: "but I don't want to go"

Nat: "you'll like them. Do you want to know something"

Alexei: "what?"

Nat: "you are named after your grandpa"

Alexei: "why?"

Avery: "because we liked the name"

Nat: "and because he means a lot to me"

Avery: "if you don't want to stay long, we don't have to"

Alexei: "promise"

Nat: "we promise"

Alexei: "mommy"

Nat: "yes Alexei?"

Alexei: "can we take Liho?"

Nat: "no we can't"

Alexei: "but mommy"

Nat: "I'm sorry Alexei"

Alexei: "momma"

Avery: "you heard mommy, we can't bring Liho as much as you want to"

Alexei pouts

Avery: "you can spend time with her when we get back"

Nat: "We have to head out now if we want to be there in time"

Avery: "come on Alexei"

Avery picks up the 5-year-old and walks to the car. She buckles up Alexei and walks to the passenger side of the car. Avery gets in and Natasha gets into the driver's side

Nat: "we're good to go?"

Avery: "Yeah we are"

An hour and a half later

Natasha opens the car door

Nat: "come on Alexei"

Alexei: "but mommy"

Nat: "it will be fun, I promise you"

Alexei: "no!"

Avery shuts the trunk and walks over to Natasha

Avery: "does he not want to get out?"

Nat: "yup... he's really stubborn"

Avery: "wonder where he gets it from"

Nat: "why are you so mean to me?"

Avery chuckles

Avery: "here"

She tosses Natasha a bag

Nat: "ow, that hurt"

Avery: "sorry"

She chuckles

Avey walks over to Alexei and crouches in front of him

Avery: "come on Alexei. I know you don't want to be here but the quicker we say him, the quicker we can get home and spend time with Liho. come on"

She unbuckles Alexei and picks him up

Nat: "of course, you're momma's boy"

Avery chuckles and kisses Alexei's cheek

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