Lock the door

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Max: "hey, I'm sorry that I took a while. I was held up at work"

May: "hey, it's okay. You're here now and that all that matters"

They both kiss

Max: "are you nervous about telling Peter?"

May: "a bit. I don't know how he's going to react. I haven't been with anyone since Ben died and you're the first woman I've dated"

Max: "I feel so honored"

They both laugh

May: "I see you picked up the pizza already"

Max: "there's a good pizza place not far from my work"

May: "well it smells amazing"

Max kisses May's cheek as she sets the pizza down on the kitchen table

May: "I'll get plates, can you get Peter please"

Max: "yeah, is he in his room?"

May: "he is. I think he is doing homework"

Max nods

She walks over to Peter's room and knocks on the door

Max: "hey Peter, I'm here. I brought some pizza. Peter?"

She opens the door to see Peter in his Spider-Man suit with his mask in his hand

Peter: "Max! this isn't what is looks like. I-"

Max:"really because I see-"

Peter flings his webs, shutting the door and webbing MAx's hand to the door knob

Peter: "you can't tell aunt May about any of this. Please. If she finds out about this, she's going to freak out, then I'm going to freak out, and everyone is going to freak out"

Max: "no need to worry. I understand, I'm not going to tell May. Get changed so you can have pizza"

Peter: "okay, I'll be right there"

Max pulls her hand out of the webs and

Max: "oh and Peter"

Peter: "yeah?"

Max: "lock your door next time"

Peter: "I will"

Max walks out, shutting the door behind her

She walks to the kitchen where May is

May: "what's wrong?"

Max: "I walked in on Peter in his spider suit"

May: "that kid never learns. He still thinks I don't know"

Max chuckles

Max: "it was cute seeing him freak. It's not like I've know his secret identity for a year"

May: "I still can't believe you didn't tell me"

Max: "it's called a secret identity love"

May: "well you told me you where Phaser"

Max: "because I felt comfortable in our relationship and that I could trust you with that huge secret"

May: "I still can't believe he hasn't figured it out. Peter is a genius but he's so blind at time"

Max: "about me being Phazer or our relationship?"

May: "both. what do you want to drink?"

Max: "do you have any soda?"

May: "sprite and coke, which one?"

Max walks over and wraps her arms around Mays waist from behind

Max: "I'll take a sprite"

She kisses Mays cheek

They hear Peters bedroom door open and they pull apart from each other

Peter: "it smells amazing in here. What kind of pizza did you get?"

Max: "just a pepperoni pizza. What do you want to drink?"

Peter: "can I get a coke?"

Max nods and grabs both a can of coke and sprite

Max: "here you go Pete"

She tosses him the can and he catches it

Peter: "thanks Max"

May: "okay now that we're all here. Let's get eat"

They all walk to the dining table

30 minutes pass by and everyone has finished eating

May:" Peter"

Peter: "yeah?"

May: "I need to talk to you about something"

Peter: "am I I trouble?"

May: "no you're not"

Max chuckles

May: "Max"

Max: "oh you want me to say it, okay I guess. I'm, we're dating"

Peter: "wait you're dating?"

Max and may look at each other and nod

Peter: "I'm so happy for you both"

He gets up and hugs May and Max

Peter: "so how long has this been going on for?"

Max: "two years"

Peter: "two years!"

May: "mhm"

Max: "we weren't sure when to tell you"

Peter: "I always knew something was going on between you two!"

May: "how so?"

Peter: "you two were always...touchy"

May: "touchy?"

Peter: "like sometimes i would walk in and you're holding hands or Max's hand is on your leg"

Max: "glad you noticed that instead of locking your door"

Peter: "Max!"

They all laugh and continue to have dinner together

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