Mission Gone Wrong

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Darcy: "hey babe, the papers arrived"

Gretchen: "really, already?"

Darcy: "mhm. This is a large packet"

Darcy places the huge packet of papers onto the wooden desk

Darcy: "I can't believe we are doing this"

Gretchen: "neither can I. I'm excited, we will have a mini us running around the house within the next year or two"

as the two women talk, they hear the doorbell ring

Gretchen: "why does Monica always have to be early. I'm going to finish getting ready, I'll be right back"

darcy: "Okay"

Gretchen walks out and Darcy opens the front door

darcy: "I was not expecting you here so early"

Monica: "well the faster we get there and finish this mission, the faster we come home"

darcy: "true"

Gretchen: "Rambeau"

Monica: "morning Norris"

Gretchen: "I will be home soon. After we can finish looking and filling out the information the doctor needs"

Darcy: "can't believe this is actually happening"

Gretchen: "Neither can I"

Gretchen pulls her wife into a kiss

Darcy: "please, be safe"

Gretchen: "I will, I'll be back before you know it"

A few hours later, Monica and Gretchen arrive at the destination. They get out of the van and walk over to a man leaning against a truck

hart: "Faisal Ahmed, may I introduce agents Rambeau and Norris. Faisal is with Bahraini national security"

Gretchen: "have your agents been tracking her?"

Ahmed: "yes, we followed miss belyakov to a building. This is a very dangerous area. Black market importers, thieves . Not a place for tourist"

Monica: "she could be meeting someone"

Ahmed: "whatever she wants is not good. Unless she leaves with you, our military will take her"

Hart: "this is our window. Fury will have our asses if an index candidate ends up in government hands"

Gretchen: "Rambeau"

Monica: "let's get this mission started"

They walk towards one of the SHIELD vans and climb inside. a few minutes later, both women as well as a few other agents watching and listening to what is happening

Monica: "what have we found about the building?"

hart: "the warehouse connects directly to the market place. We blocked off both exits, the alley and the market entrance"

Gretchen: "rambeau, we scanned everyone in there and ID them. all the people that are in there are local militia, street gang, and criminals. That is their base"

monica nods

gretchen: "should i call agent O'Brien to see if they will negotiate with us?"

Monica: "good idea"

Gretchen touches her earpiece

Gretchen: "O'Brien, is that you? Are you okay?"

O'Brie: "leave us alone"

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