I'm Not Who You Think I AM

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The year 2000

Maria: "hey, morning"

Carol: "morning Maria, is Monica is still asleep?"

Maria: "yeah she is. Anyways now that you are staying here for a bit I want you to meet one of my neighbors. she is a really good friend of mine"

Carol: "where does she live?"

Maria: "her house is that one over there"

She points to a farmhouse in the distance

Carol: "want to walk over there?"

Maria: "I guess, it's not that far"

They walk over to the house talking and laughing

Once they get to the house maria knocks on the door

Maria: "Cal"

No response

Maria: "Cal, Cal. Weird she's usually here and her truck is outside"

Maria pulls out a key from her pocket and starts to unlock the door

Carol: "you have a key to her house?"

Maria: "she always watches Monica so she gave me a key just in case they were doing something and I need to get in"

The door unlocks and Maria opens it

Maria: "Stay here while I go check upstairs"

She walks upstairs to calliope's bedroom

She opens the door

Maria: "Cal you in here?"

Calliope: "Maria, don't open the door!"

Maria opens the door completely before she hears what Calliope says

Maria doesn't see her friend but instead sees a blue skin purple-eyed person standing a few feet in front of her

Calliope: "Maria this isn't what it looks like"

Maria: "what the hell?!"

Calliope: "Maria"

Maria takes off running downstairs, Calliope chasing after her

Calliope: "Maria wait!"

Maria: "you're one of those Kree things from a couple of years ago, one of those aliens!"

Calliope: "Maria let me explain, please"

Carol: "C-Calliope"

Calliope looks over at carol

Calliope: "V-Vers"

Carol runs over to calliope and hugs her

Calliope hugs her back.

Carol: "y-you're here. Where did you go all those years ago, why did you leave?"

Calliope: "I'll answer all your questions, I promise you just not at the moment"

She holds Carol close to her

Maria: "what the hell is going on, I thought you hated Kree, they almost killed us 5 years ago"

Carol: "I know but she's the only one I trust"

Calliope: "Vers, you know Maria?"

Carol nods

Carol: "I do, I've known her for a while and Vers isn't my real name"

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