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A/n: this is one shot that ties into my story Freya Odinsdottir 

Valkyrie: "King Freya"

Freya: "Valkyrie, you are back"

She hugs her friend

Freya: "how was your journey to Midgard and what have I told you about calling me that"

Valkyrie: "it was amazing and I will never stop"

They both laugh

Valkyrie: "where is the little one?"

Freya: "he is asleep. He is still little so he sleeps half of the day"

Valkyrie: "I can not believe he is already 4"

Freya: "I know, my little one is growing up. I am going to check up on him if you would like to join"

Valkyrie: "why wouldn't I, he is my nephew"

Freya chuckles and they walk down the palace halls to Rune's room

Freya opens teh door and the two women see Rune sitting on the floor playing with some toys

Freya: "you are awake, that is surprising"

Rune: "mamma!"

He gets up and runs over to Freya who kisses her son's forehead

Freya: "look who is here. 'Tis aunt Valkyrie. Say hi to her"

Rune runs over and wraps his arms around Valkyrie's legs

Rune: "I missed you"

Valkyrie: "I missed you too my little warrior"

She messes with Rune's dark black hair

Freya: "what are you doing?"

Rune: "playing with these!"

He holds up his action figures

Rune: "do you want to play with me mamma, aunty?"

Valkyrie: "I do not see why not"

Valkyrie and Freya sit down next to the four-year-old. They play with the young prince. As they are playing, the door to Rune's door flys open with multiple guards standing at the doorway

Freya: "what is the meaning of this?"

She stands up, angered by the guards

Guard: "My king, something has happened"

Freya: "what do you mean?"

Guard: "'tis about the queen"

Freya: "what about her?"

Guard: "she has returned from battle and is in the infirmary"

Freya: "what, why?"

She looks down at Valkyrie who is just as shocked

Freya: "Val, watch Rune"

Valkyrie: "of course"

Freya takes off running down the halls to the infirmary, the guards close behind

When she arrives, she throws the king metal doors open and sees Sif lying on one of the beds with multiple people surrounding her

Freya: "James, what is wrong. Is Sif alright?"

James: "the queen is just fine, your majesty. We have stopped the bleeding"

Freya can see the discomfort written all over Sif's face

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