Eight Years Later

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Valkyrie: "I was thinking that since we don't have anything to do after our meetings today, we can go to dinner. Just the two of us"

Sigrid: "you mean a date?"

Valkyrie: "I forget that's what they call it here on Midgard

Sigrid chuckles and kisses Valkyrie's cheek

Valkyrie: "how did i get so lucky with you?"

Sigrid: "I don't know but you better cherish every moment"

Valkyrie laughs and kisses Sigrid

A few hours pass and all of their meeting had finished for the day

Valkyrie: "are you ready to go?"

Sigrid: "I am king Valkyrie"

They both laugh then kiss

Valkyrie takes Sigrid's right hand in her left hand

They are about to walk out of the town hall when multiple guards burst into the room

Valkyrie: "what is the meaning of this?"

Guard: "your highness, we are very sorry to interrupt you both but something has happened"

Valkyrie: "what?"

Guard: "Mjölnir, it was taken"

Sigrid and valkyrie: "what?!"

Both partners look at each other

Valkyrie: "well what are you standing around here for, go. We will meet you"

The guards nod and rush out

Valkyrie: "so much for our dinner"

Sigrid: "we can do it another day"

Valkyrie: "I know, I know"

They both grab their swords and walk out of the town hall to where Mjölnir is supposed to lay

Valkyrie: "so what happened?"

Guard: a woman was looking at Mjölnir at all of a sudden, thunder and lightning started to appear. Next thing we knew, she was gone with it"

Valkyrie: "I want all available guards looking for Mjölnir, now"

She starts to walk away, Sigrid walking besides her

Sigrid: "what are we going to do?"

Valkyrie: "I do not know but we have to find it"

Sigrid nods

As they are walking away, a blonde figure lands in front of them

Valkyrie & Sigrid: "bloody hell!"

??: "sorry, I was told that I should find you both since you're the rulers of Asgard

Sigrid: "this one here, king Valkyrie. I am Sigrid but the one you  are looking for is King Valkyrie

She pushes valkyrie forward

Valkyrie: "I hate you"

Sigrid chuckles

Valkyrie: "who, who are you?"

??: "doctor Jane foster"

The helmet on her head disappears

Sigrid: "Thor's girl?"

Valkyrie: "bloody hell it is"

She notices Mjölnir in her hand

Valkyrie: "my gods"

Sigrid notices Mjölnir in Jane's right hand

Sigrid: "we should discuss this at home"

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