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Wynter: "Astrid, can you take these to the infirmary in the west wing"

Astrid: "of course"

Wynter hands Astrid a basket filled with towels and other supplies

Wynter: "please get that to the infirmary within the next 10 minutes"

Astrid: "of course"

She starts to walk away and down the halls

As she is walking down the hall, she gets grabbed and dragged into a room. Astrid drops the basket on the ground, the content in it falls everywhere

Astrid: "what in Odin's name!"

Hela: "Astrid, 'tis me"

Astrid: "Hela, what is the meaning of this!"

Hela: "I just missed you"

Astrid: "I was only gone for a few days with the queen"

Hela: "I know but I still missed you, I missed your presence"

Astrid: "oh no"

Hela: "what is wrong?"

Astrid: "I need to get this to infirmary right away. They are expecting it. I do not want to get in trouble"

Hela: "here let me help you clean it all up"

She helps Astrid clean up

Hela: "here you go darling"

She puts the final objects in the basket

The black haired woman hands the brunette woman the basket

Astrid: "thank you"

Hela: "will you come see me tonight, once you are finished with your work"

Astrid: "of course i will"

Hela: "I love you"

Astrid: "I love you too"

They both kiss

Astrid: i must go now

Hela: of course but before you go

She kisses Astrid one last time

Astrid: "I will see you in a few hours, no need to worry"

Later that night

Hela: "where is she, where is she?"

She hears a knock on her window

Looking up, she sees Astrid

Hela rushes over and opens the window

Hela: "I thought you forgot"

Astrid: "how could I forget"

They both kiss

Astrid: "I am sorry that it took a bit longer than unusual. I worked later than usual"

Hela: "I do not care. I am glad that you are now here"

Astrid smiles and they both kiss again

Hela: "shall I run a bath before we head to bed?"

Astrid: "of course"

Hela smiles down at her lover

Hela: "while I get that together, can you get our sleepwear from the closet"

Astrid: "I will"

She walks to the closet and grabs Hela's night gown

Astrid lays the gown on the bed and walks back over to the closet, digging towards the back

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