A Simple Spell Can't Fix Everything

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The Avengers had been fighting a villain for hours. Everything was going according to plan until Cassandra, was hurt badly.

Wanda: "Cassi!"

Wanda runs over to Cassi who is laying on the floor, blood spilling from her wound.

Wanda: "baby, baby look at it. It's going to be okay. It's going to be okay. I'm going to get help"

She stands up but Cassandra grab's one of her hands, pulling Wanda back down

Cassi: "it's too late, love, I'm not going to make it"

Wanda kneels next to Cassi again

Wanda: "don't say that, please don't say that"

Cassi: "i-i love you. Remember that, please"

Tears start rolling down Wanda's cheeks as she holds onto her dying girlfriend

Wanda: "I can't lose you, I've lost everyone I've ever cared about"

Cassi: "I know and I'm sorry"

Wanda leans down and kisses Cassandra

Cassi: "you'll always be my little witch"

Wanda: "and you'll always be my little speed demon"

She smiles at Cassandra but continues to cry

Cassi: "I love y-"

Before she could finish, Cassi's heart stops beating and her pulse is lost meaning she is dead. Wanda lays her head on Cassi's forehead and cries. Natasha, Wanda's best friend runs over and sees Wanda crying, clinging onto Cassi's body

Wanda: "why!"

Wanda screams out and her red magic bursts around her

Nat: "Wanda"

Wanda: "she's dead Nat, she's dead"

Natasha covers her mouth with one of her hands and holds her stomach with the other. Cassandra had always been like a sister to her. Hearing that she is dead felt like a stake through her heart

It has been two months since Cassandra had died in Wanda's arms

To cope with her sadness, Wanda created a fake reality in a small town called Westview in new Jersey. Everything was going well until it wasn't. In order to let those she trapped in the town free, she had to take down the hex but with it, she lost Cassandra again. Just like that, she was alone again with no one in the world

A year has past and Wanda has been busy

Wanda stands in an empty room, chanting some words in Latin and Sokoviana. Her red magic leaving her fingertips and circling around her. A few seconds later, portal opens up in front of her

She looks behind her and then looks back at the portal

Wanda: "I'm coming"

She sighs and walks through the portal

The portal reveals two boys sitting on a couch playing and eating snacks. Wanda recognized those boys. When she was in Westview, she created them with her magic just as she did with Cassandra

Wanda: "billy, Tommy?"

As soon as the boys see her, they start screaming in fear

Billy: "mom, mamma!"

Tommy: "help!"

They jump up from the couch and run upstairs where they are met by their two worried moms. The two women see Wanda standing there

838 Wanda: "boys, go upstairs, go into your bedroom and lock yourselves in there"

The boys run upstairs and to their bedroom

838 Cassi: "Wands get behind me"

838 Wanda: "I can handle myself"

838 Cassi: "I don't care, i can't lose you"

838 wanda: "I will be fine"

Outraged by what she is seeing, Wanda acts without thinking. She uses her magic to slide the couch to the side

Wanda: get away from her

She uses her magic again to throw 838 Wanda across the wooden railings and onto the dining table

838 Cassi: "Wanda! get the hell out of here. You don't belong here. You've caused enough chaos"

Her eyes start to darken to a red color, something that is not normal for a regular person but Cassandra is not normal nor is her variant. She looks over to see her Wanda on the ground, in pain. Instead of fighting the unknown Wanda, 838 Cassandra uses her super speed and rushes over to her Wanda, helping her

838 Cassi: "are you okay, are you hurt?"

She cups 838 Wanda's face

838 Wanda: "I'm okay, I'm okay"

838 Cassi: "you're bleeding, I can smell the blood. Where are you bleeding?"

838 Wanda: "I'll be fine, I'll be fine"

Wanda falls to the ground, crying and in pain seeing how much the variant Cassandra cares for her Wanda. Just like her Cassandra, this Cassandra was caring, always making sure that she was okay

838 Wanda sees 616 Wanda crying so she gets up from the floor

838 Cassi: "Love don't, I don't trust her"

838 Wanda: "it's okay"

She gets up and walks over to 616 Wanda

Wanda: "I lost my Cassi, she-she died in my arms... I just want her back"

838 Wanda places a hand on 616's Wanda's cheek

838 Wanda: "she will always be protected and loved, just like yours. I can't fix what happened to her but she wouldn't agree with what you're doing"

More tears run down Wanda's cheeks

Wanda: "she wouldn't"

Everything around Wanda starts to fade and she is back in the room where she casted the spell to open the portal

Wanda gets up from the floor, wiping her tears away. Looking back, she sees a photo of her and Cassi. Walking over, she picks up the photo

wanda: "what was I thinking...you would be so mad at me for doing something like that. I miss you but it's no excuse for what I did"

More tears run down Wanda's face as she is talking

Wanda: "I've been lost since you've been gone... you always helped to guide me but without you, I can't seem to do anything right. I miss you...Love you"

She sets down the photo and walks away

Cassi: "i miss you too and would do anything to be back with you my little witch"

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