Got A Secret

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It was late at night and Sara aka Mystify had just gotten back from fighting a villain not far away. Fighting villains was not uncommon for her considering she is an avenger. A quite powerful one. She has the power of replication meaning she can replicate herself, others, magic, objects, etc. usually she can fight people with ease but this time she was all alone, her teammates were off-handling other missions so she had to deal with this person alone. As she was fighting, she was hurt badly so once she took care of the person, she rushed home to take care of her injuries. Sara slides open the window and climbs into the room, falling to the floor, still weal from the fight

Sara: "shit"

She tries to get up but can't due to her open wound

Sara: "everything hurts"

She pulls off her mask and tosses it to a corner in the room, still trying to catch her breath

??: "Sara? Is that you?"

Sara: "shit"

She tries to get up again but can't

The door to the office opens and a redhaired woman walks in

??: "Sara?"

Sara: "Christine, this isn't- fuck!"

She clutches her side with her hand which is now covered in blood

Christine: "you're bleeding"

She rushes over to Sara

Christine: "why are you dressed like Mysti-never mind, we can talk about this after. I'm going to grab some stuff"

She gets up from the ground and runs out of the room

Sara: "I should have never done that alone"

A few minutes later, Christine rushes back in with medical supplies

Christine: "pull off the top part of your suit, I need to see your wound"

Sara pulls off the top part of the suit and tosses it in the same direction as her mask

Christine:" what happened?"

She digs through her medical bag

Sara: "I was fighting someone"

Christine pulls out the surgical thread, needle driver, tissue forceps, scissors, and a needle

Sara: "I didn't see him so he got me with his knife"

Christine: "well he got you good, the cut is deep. I'm surprised you made it home"

Sara: "my vision was fading in and out as I was making my way back home"

Christine: "I'm going to start stitching your wound"

Sara: "okay"

Christine: "what else happened?"

Sara: "I was-mother fucker!"

Christine: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry"

Sara: "fuck, that hurts"

Christine: "I know, I'm sorry. I'm almost done"

Sara: "is it supposed to hurt this much?"

Christine: "yeah it is"

Christine finishes stitching up Sara's wound

Using the scissors, she cuts the extra surgical thread

Christine: "there, I'm done"

Sara: "thanks...can you get me a shirt"

Christine: "yes I can"

Christine gets up from the floor and walks into the bedroom, grabbing a shirt for Sara

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